The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 976: Death knight

In the chaotic quarry, gravel and gravel can be seen everywhere on the ground, and a pile of stones in the east and west forms an irregular gravel hill.

There are more than a dozen mines like Moya in the Dwarven Kingdom. Once the largest mineral base in the Dwarf Kingdom, mining operations have been suspended. Because this large pit has become the frontier battlefield of the coalition forces and the snake-man.

In the mine, the three dwarves are staggering and running. Fortunately, their center of gravity is relatively low and it is not easy to fall.

Behind, shouts could be heard faintly across several gravel hills.

"Don't let them run away!"

"Master Sheen's order, catch it!"

Hearing these shouts and kills, the three dwarves' little legs jumped up more often.

Unfortunately, they still ca n’t run each other. Originally, they were familiar with the terrain of the mine and were able to deal with each other. However, the number of snake-man had an absolute advantage.

In addition, there are obviously mentally special legal professions in the snake people, and the mental scan has always targeted three dwarves, making them unable to escape at all.

As the snakes detoured from all sides, the siege net has rapidly taken shape.

The three dwarves quickly discovered that snake-man hunters appeared in front and behind, and they had no way to escape.

"Geely, it seems that the **** of forging took a nap today," said a dwarf gasping, "we can't run away, and we're here to fight with these long tail monsters."

The dwarf named "Geely" looks younger. His beard has only just begun to grow, which is much shorter than the other two dwarves. His face was a little white, he clenched the short axe in his hands, and murmured like encouraging himself and his companions, "Yes, we are warriors of the Hawkeye tribe. Hawkeye never fears anything. enemy!"

"Uhhh ..." One leader snake man came out, one after the other.

The leader of the snake man in front of him was thin and long, holding a staff in his hand, and vomiting a snake letter, he showed an ugly smile: "Hey ... you three can't run away, and it's not likely to be our opponents ... it's better to put down the weapon Surrender, maybe get a chance to be our kind. "

"Well, even if my Geely Eagle Eye is dead, it won't be like your ugly long tails!"

The snake-man leader behind was sturdy and snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense with them, come on! If you can't catch them alive, then kill them directly, in short, you can't let them return to the coalition command!"

A dozen snake men, together with twenty or thirty slave fighters, plucked up their weapons and rushed forward.

The three dwarves stood back-to-back with despair in their eyes—they were only elite templates. Not to mention the crowd, even if the two snake-man bosses couldn't handle it, the chase had no chance at all.

However, before the two sides engaged in a war, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then both sides saw a huge corpse with a large body, his robe and crown flashing green, and in his hand he also held a thick, cruel scepter.

There was a second of hesitation on both sides.

This fat corpse monster ... on which side?

Soon, the corpse monster gave the answer with his own actions. After rounding his hands, he made a home run, squinting the mouth of a snake-man elite warrior, and several sharp snake teeth flew out.

"It's the enemy! Watch out for the Summoner hiding, Croz!" The leader of the stout snakeman yelled.

Crozi the leader of the slim snake man promised: "I'll kick him out right away!" The mental scan opened instantly and swept across the battlefield!

However, Croz's face changed, no matter how finely he searched, he could not find the trace of the summoner! He could only connect the spiritual tentacles to the giant corpse monster and try to follow the other person's spiritual connection to find the owner of the corpse monster.

This is very dangerous, it is equal to a direct mental contest! If you win, you can find the position of the opponent, but if you are not as good as your opponent ...


Croz's eyes were dark, and the tentacles of spiritual power pierced into a deep ocean like a small boat. He hurriedly recovered, but the magnificent ocean of spiritual power was furious, and the "boat" was instantly overturned and completely destroyed!

Croze's tiny nostrils shed two lines of blood, which not only caused nearly half of his mental energy loss, but also suffered from mental backwash!

"What man!" Exclaimed the stout snake-man leader, annoyed when Croz was suffering.

However, the mine was quiet and there was no response.

"He ... he hasn't arrived yet!" Kroz finally recovered from the dizziness and hurriedly called, "the other party is at least two kilometers away from us. He is remotely manipulating this corpse to fight us!" "

Speaking of which, Croze showed an incredible expression, he was a little unbelievable himself!

The Summoner's manipulation of summoned creatures is limited in distance, not only linked to mental power, but also related to personal talent.

Summon corpses over a distance of two kilometers, and be able to refine the operation ... Oh my god, what kind of summoner is this?

"Kill this corpse monster together, and make a quick decision!" Other elite snake men and slave fighters swarmed.

With a buzz, a mass of purple-black poisonous mist erupted on the surface of the corpse monster, like a purple swamp, which caused all nearby snakemen to slow down and be poisoned.

The melee attack was cut on the body surface of the corpse monster, and it did not hurt at all.

Dora Dora ...

White lights flashed, and several summoned creatures appeared. A skeleton warrior with a big sword, a dementor banshee holding a spear, a Valkyrie, and a uniform skeleton sword shield ...

At the forefront of this undead army, there was a knight emanating black mist, as if walking out of hell. The skeleton war horse and the riding rifle in his hands all burned the fire of hell, and every step of the war horse left a black mark on the ground!

Death knight!

The powerful psionic particle wave makes the snake people quickly realize that the death knight in front of them is a powerful leader.


Without any nonsense, the death knight flat-ended rifle directly launched the charge! The undead creatures behind them also screamed and rushed up.

The powerful impact brought terrible kinetic energy ~ ~ The first elite snake-man on the charge path was stabbed through the heart by a rifle and picked up.

The death knight slammed the lance, and a **** arc was drawn. The spiked elite snake-man was thrown directly into the crowd, and the powerful power made the bunch of slave soldiers turn into gourd.

"I'll deal with him!" The leader of the stout snake man swims forward.

However, with it came a horror of fear, the action of the snake-man leader suddenly stiff! Not only him, but also the surrounding snake men and slave warriors, were also in a state of rigidity.

Not far away, the two giant wolves ran back and forth, each holding a person, and quickly killed the battlefield!

"Finally arrived!" Li Shuyi, who was sitting on the back of the mother of the wolf, cheered and jumped from the wolf's back.

Sitting on the back of the angry claws was Bai Xiaowen. He looked at the situation on the battlefield and said with a smile: "Well, it seems that the actual performance of the death knight is not bad ... 3000 soul essence, and the flower is worth it."

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