The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 977: Black Soul Stone Enhancement Atlas Level 7

Time before a slant.

From the city of Camelot, Bai Xiaowen took the teleportation array and arrived at the coalition headquarters of the Moya pit in advance.

In the headquarters, Bai Xiaowen learned that a dwarf was investigating Xing and lost contact on the way back. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Bai Xiaowen then started a mental scan, and quickly extended to find the location of the investigation Xing.

Later Bai Xiaowen heard that the captain of this dwarf apricot, named Geely Eagle Eye, was an important member of the Eagle Eye tribe, one of the three tribes of the dwarven kingdom. He immediately asked for help and went to the battlefield to support the apricot. With his prestige, this support task was easily taken over.

On the way, Bai Xiaowen also upgraded the Black Soul Stone, which is now level 7 and has a length of 39010000.

The seventh layer of the enhanced map is as follows:

Enhance Yang 1: Make your Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Blade Shield Hand) quantity +4, all attributes +6. Needs 1500 soul essence.

Enhance Yang 2: Increase your number of horror knights by +2 and all attributes by +6. Needs 1500 soul essence.

Enhance Yang 3: Increase your Cataclysm Spider Demon number +2, all attributes +6. Needs 1500 soul essence.

Strengthen Yang 4: Make your Skeleton Giant all attributes +10, and gain a special skill: Skeleton Split. Needs 1500 soul essence.

Enhancement Yang 5: Added the Bone Clan Summoner 'Death Knight' 1. The death knight has a boss template and requires 3,000 soul essence.

Enhancement Yang 6: Added blood race summoned creature ‘Vampire King’ 1 ↑ The blood lord has a leader template and needs 3000 soul essence.

Enhancement Yang 7: Added the Bone Clan Summoner ‘The Lich’ 1 The Lich has a leader template, which requires 3000 soul essence.

Consistent with Bai Xiaowen's expectations, the seventh layer of enhanced maps finally appeared as a leader-level summoned creature! Of course, the leader-level summoning creatures are very expensive, only 3,000 soul essences can be lit, which is three times the dementor banshee!

This newly appeared death knight is Bai Xiaowen's first Yang in the seventh layer of enhanced maps. He also made considerations for making this ulcer. At present, the team lacks a soldier-type high-power summoner, whether it is Bai Xiaowen's personal summoner team or the entire White Phoenix team. In comparison, the agile vampire lord and mage-type lich are less critical.

It is necessary to add a leader-level death knight, just three thousand soul essence, a little bit of pain.

Death Knight Chief 8)

Race: Undead Bone Race

Attributes: Strength 76, Dexterity 38, Constitution 52, Spirit 23 have calculated psychic master bonus and spiritual power bonus)

Skill 1: Legion Charge: Slightly)

Skill 2: Blood Strike: Slightly)

Skill 3: Profanity: Slightly)

Skill 4: Wither Coil: omitted) Note 1)

Four combat skills, the Legion charged 7 points of priority over the whole body, and when allied cavalry charged together, they also obtained the overcharged body and doubled the charge damage; the blood strike can also return blood to itself while inflicting damage; blasphemy is A large-scale continuous aoe spell; Withering can not only cause damage to the living body, but also can be used to return blood to the undead unit, which can be said to have both offense and defense. None of the four skills are obsolete.

In terms of attributes, the death knight's main strength and secondary constitution, while having violent output, also take into account the survivability. Although the agility is slightly weaker, as a cavalry, he moves fast and is not afraid of being kite.

Therefore, the reason why the death knight is expensive is that it is worth the fare by just dropping an elite snake-man in one hit and the terrorist power demonstrated later. Compared to the butcher, the death knight has the potential to become the leader of Bai Xiaowen's undead army.

Of course, it should be noted that the attributes of the death knight now seen are under the state of Bai Xiaowen's 127 mental power bonus. Without the 40 bonus spirit given by Mara's Gift, the death knight's full stats would drop by 4.

If compared with the death knight that Aaron faced in the world before, and the death knight encountered in the Great Mausoleum of the Northern Border Monastery, Bai Xiaowen's summoned creature death knight is weaker, after all, Kyle in the Great Mausoleum is already a leader.

What really caused Bai Xiaowen's headache was the length of the next stage, which actually doubled from 5,000 to 10,000 points. I want to unlock the eighth layer of the enhanced map, I really do not know it is going to be the year of the monkey.

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen also intends to consume it and use the current remaining 1320 points of soul essence to light up the former Yang.

There are currently several Yangs under consideration, such as strengthening the number and quality of Skeleton Sword Shield hands, strengthening the seventh layer to strengthen Yang 1), unlocking the elite level of the scary knight, strengthening the fifth layer to strengthen Yang 4), and the number and Quality Enhancement The seventh layer strengthens Yang 2) and so on.

The priority of the latter two items is basically the highest. If they are lit, you can get 3 elite-level horror knights. The most important thing is that they will be covered by the domineering effect of the death knight "Legion Charge". The effect of 1 is greater than 2.

Just to light these two items, you need to be close to 2000 points of soul essence. Bai Xiaowen still has one for now, and he can make a decision when he encounters specific actual combat situations.

In addition to this battle, after Bai Xiaowen's strong invasion into the war bill, the spiritual power of the lord level was dispersed, and the whole minister was shocked!

The three dwarves are okay. As an elite, it is difficult to feel the difference between the idle leader and the lord, but they feel that Bai Xiaowen's breath is not morning.

But the two snake-man leaders changed color at the same time!

"A strong man of the same rank as Lord Sheehan!"

"E = e = e = e = e = ┌ (;  ̄ ̄) ┘ !!!"

I thought of running, but the reality was cruel. Together with those two leaders, all the snake people were controlled by the deterrence effect, either stiff or directly dizzy ~ ~ couldn't move at all.

In terms of Bai Xiaowen's mental power of 127 at this time, enemies below mental power 42 will be stunned directly. Not to mention that he was temporarily upgraded to the lord template, and the deterrent lv7 special effect "spiritual force field" can already have an effect on enemies with the leader-level template level not higher than Bai Xiaowen)!

The lord level template directly turns the special effect of "spiritual field" into a magic skill.

Not to mention the aggressiveness of the three dwarves, Li Shuyi and the summoned creature have entered the crazy killing mode. While maintaining the mental force field, Bai Xiaowen was named with Mara ’s wand of wisdom—the light of wisdom originally cast in 1 second was reduced to 05 seconds under the aura of wisdom. * There is no 15 second cooling time. Bai Xiaowen ’s The speed of reading the bar is faster than Li Shuyi's general attack speed.

The light of wisdom falls on the Serpent-man or the Slave Warrior, which directly turns into a fire special effect, because the weakness of these post-monsters is the fire resistance.

Not to mention, Bai Xiaowen still has a terrifying spirit of close to 130 points, and the true damage of bloodstones originally refers to who is pregnant.

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