The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 978: Exalted Reputation

The fighting did not last long.

The leader of the snake-man wizard, Croz, originally wanted to cast a spell to save the defeat, but as Bai Xiaowen activated the active effect of Wisdom Aura, his casting time doubled, and the instant spell was also forced to extend to 1 second, which was discarded More than half.

In the end, as Croz was run through the chest by the death knight's rifle, taking away the last life and ending.

Li Shuyi took advantage of the opportunity of the three dwarves to talk to Bai Xiaowen, and fished out the treasure chest.

Unfortunately, both the 8th-level bosses and the treasure chests dropped only have D-level scores.

"Thank you for your rescue ..." The three dwarfs approached Bai Xiaowen with some hesitation. After all, Bai Xiaowen's summoned creatures are basically undead, like a necromancer profession. For such a strong man, the dwarves have always been respectful.

"Hello, which is Mr. Geely Hawkeye?" Bai Xiaowen looked at the three of them, and he was blind to the dwarf.

"I'm ..." Standing in the middle, the short-bearded dwarf raised his hand and asked tentatively, "You ... won't be the Prophet of Carmelo?"

"I don't just belong to Carmelo," Bai Xiaowen smiled with a kind smile. "Well, the rescue mission has been completed, let's talk back to the headquarters."

"It really is a prophet!"

"Oh my god, I just heard rumors of the prophet, and finally I saw a real person today."

"It is indeed one of the four strong men who once fought against the lord. It is really powerful."

All three dwarves smiled. Although the necromancer is offensive, the necromancer standing on his side is still very reliable and reliable.

Along the way back to the headquarters, during a conversation with the three dwarves, Bai Xiaowen also figured out the upper political building of the dwarf kingdom.

The dwarven kingdom is mainly composed of three major tribes: gray beard, hawk eye, and bronze hammer. The patriarchs of these three clans formed the "three-ethnic parliament" and dealt with the major affairs of the kingdom through voting.

The Greybeard tribe, Bai Xiaowen once met Panga Greybeard, an important member, and was the representative of the Dwarven Iron Armored Fleet in the Bonus Sea. The two have dealt with each other, and the relationship is decent, and the favorability is friend level.

The Hawkeye tribe, Geely Eagleeye in front of him is the grandson of the patriarch, and naturally is also an important figure. It stands to reason that such important members will not perform such dangerous tasks as front-line investigations, but Xiao Gili took the initiative to request, and the eagle-eye chief also had to set an example, and sent the grandson out.

Little Geely's luck is mixed. The bad luck was that he happened to come across the rare leader of the spirit-like snake-man leader, and the results were revealed. The good luck was that Bai Xiaowen just came to the battlefield and found his place through an infinitely extended spiritual scan and rescued in time.

Maybe there is a life-saving grace, after a short journey to chat, Geely's favorability rose to friend level all the way.

Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised at the rate of increase in favorability. He obviously didn't chant.

But if you think about it, the growth rate of favorability seems to have something to do with the personal strength of the awakened person.

Bai Xiaowen's lord level template is already the top power of the Kuroshio plane. It is not the top four in the sword song plane, but also the leader of the big school. Such a big brother, so caring for a small elite, naturally soaring favorability.

There is also the factor of charm. If it weren't for Bai Xiaowen's "Necromancer" status deduction, maybe the favorability with Little Geely could rise to friends all the way.

As a result, the powerful awakeners are more likely to get closer to important spiritual figures, and the chances of triggering important branch tasks are undoubtedly greater.

Coalition Command.

"Thank goodness! You brought Little Geely back, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to the eagle eyes!" Enveloped in refined steel armor, shouted like a canned Panga Greybeard.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and didn't speak.

"Well, now that the reconnaissance team returns safely, we should discuss the battle plan."

Yahan rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Little Geely's encounter is not an exception. The Snake Man suddenly intensified his patrol today and sent a lot of strong men who are good at detection into the patrol team. At present, we have Little is known about snake movements in the region. "

Poingar Greybeard: "According to the serpent-man captive Halofenson's confession, we have been heavily armed in the corridor of the earth and its entrance. After all, the serpent-man is going to attack here. We can treat them with ease and give them a headache!"

Yahan shook his head: "Defensive defense is not the best policy after all ... If the Continental Alliance Forces can't find the main force of the Snakeman and take the initiative to attack, they will be restrained everywhere. You need to know that the vein corridor that Kuroshio mainland needs to defend is not just the Moya pit. As far as we know, there is one in the Gakure Plateau of the Orc Kingdom, and there will definitely be other places. If the snake people can't see it for a long time, they will be ruined if they run to other places. "

Panga Greybeard muttered without saying, from the perspective of the representative of the Dwarven Kingdom, of course he hoped that the coalition forces would always be stationed in the Moya pit.

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Don't worry, the investigation is left to me. No matter where the snake-man hides, I can find them."

Everyone in the room listened, all in vain. When looking for the trail of Little Geely before, Bai Xiaowen has demonstrated his spiritual scanning ability, which can be called a miracle. With such a pair of "sky eyes", there really is no need to send reconnaissance troops to take risks.

"I have a good entry point against the snake-man, but I still have to wait for it to work," Bai Xiaowen said with a smile. "In addition, in the temple of the pale swamp, I also found the seawater to be expelled and restored. Terrestrial methods. "

"Really?" Everyone in the room was shocked and happy ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen quickly received a series of prompts, and his reputation in the guard camp rose to the level of worship.

It is not that Bai Xiaowen has gained popularity because he said this sentence, but that Bai Xiaowen has completed the main task of the third stage-the dusty temple, and the inevitable reputation reward after reading the inscription.

"Of course it is true. But wanting to restore the land is not a simple matter. We still have to find a way to turn our attention to the lord ... Yahan, how is the sacred thing?"

Yahan said: "According to your revised prophecy, we have found 'Apollo's Whisper'. At present, no one can exert the power of this bright bow, so there is no master for the time being. In addition, 'Sylas's shelter 'The Tibetan sword and shield, the orc kingdom has been opened to the public, and some people have obtained its recognition.'

"Who is it?" Bai Xiaowen's spirit refreshed, which was good news.

"Harold, that's what you've ever seen, the head of the knights of Altoria." Yahan laughed.

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