The fairy father

Chapter 125 Dawu returns to the mountain

Wenrou is really anxious now.

It's nothing else, she knows her father's temper best.

My father has really been angered by brother Dazhi. If he doesn't let brother Dazhi suffer some hardships today, his father will definitely not let it go.

Wenrou watched all day and night, watching her father throw Brother Dazhi into three Bagua training trays. Every time Brother Dazhi entered in embarrassment and came out gracefully. Not only could he collect several treasure boxes placed by his father, but also Collect 20% to 30% of the treasures of the small world itself.

After all this, Senior Brother Dazhi not only escaped unscathed, but also gained a lot;

My father was so angry that he wanted to compete with Li Dazhi himself.

My father is the Dzogchen at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Realm. He is only half a step away from reaching the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm. A single drop of hair can make Brother Dazhi unable to eat and carry him around.

Her brother Dazhi is one of the most lucky people in the human race today. Who knows when he will soar into the sky and be cared for by the three human emperors;

Although my father is a vice-president of ASEAN, he is only a general in terms of the entire human race. If he really hurts and hurts brother Dazhi, wouldn't it be...

Wenrou came out half an hour ago and came directly here.

Wenrou had calculated that this would be the fastest way to take Li Ping'an to Tianzhi Ruins, and in Wenrou's opinion, only Li Ping'an, the wise son of the Dazhi brothers, could solve the current situation...

On the peach blossom tree, Li Pingan and Taoist Zisang stood with their hands folded.

"Master," Zi Sang said with a smile, "I see you are in a hurry. What's wrong? Where is Uncle Li?"

Wenrou lowered her head and said hurriedly: "Don't talk nonsense, follow me to ASEAN first! Be safe, your father and I are about to fight!"


Li Pingan's smile froze: "Can my father beat Senior Tianli?"

"Well, this matter is quite complicated."

Wenrou hurriedly explained briefly what happened in the training hall.

Taoist Zisang turned around, his shoulders hunched and his robe shaking.

Li Pingan was really dumbfounded.

Old Man Tianli set up training for his father, but he lost a lot of treasures. His father was unscathed and managed to defeat three or four training boards in a row.

No matter how this sounds, it is a good thing for the father.

Li Ping'an said sternly: "I have no use in the past. This is a confrontation between old man Tianli and my father. In such a matter, I'm afraid there will be a winner in the end."

Zi Sang smiled and said:

"Master, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet.

"With Brother Li's relationship and the influence of Senior Kong Ming, Master will never really embarrass Uncle Li.

"But if Brother Li passes, it will easily make it difficult for the two of them to get off the stage. One does not want to lose face in front of the juniors he values, and the other wants to maintain the dignity of a father in front of his son. That would be really troublesome."

Wenrou sighed: "I am also anxious and confused, so how can I persuade them to stop?"

Li Ping'an thought about it and was a little unsure.

It stands to reason that my father is the best at making these seniors happy, so there is no reason why he can't win over Old Man Tianli.

But then he thought about it, most of the masters of the human race did not like the way of heaven, and his father was revealed by the messenger of the Queen Mother of the West, saying that his father's great luck was originally given by the way of heaven.

Perhaps, Old Man Tianli was angry because of this incident.

From the perspective of Old Man Tianli, the ancestors of the human race fought bravely and fought bloody battles to create the current situation after many ups and downs. The order of heaven and earth should have been established by the human race, but the way of heaven intervened again...

That's understandable.

"Senior Wenrou," Li Ping'an said sternly, "Why don't I write a letter to persuade my father to be soft on old man Tianli."

Wenrou hurriedly said: "That's right!"

Suddenly there was a whisper under the tree, and Xiao Yue, who had changed into a light purple dress at some point, rose into the sky on the clouds.

Xiao Yue said with a smile: "My uncle has done nothing wrong, so why should he surrender? He doesn't have great luck for himself, and it is not given by God. What can I do?"

The corners of Li Pingan's mouth twitched slightly.


Aunt Yue has noticed that this Wenrou Tianxian is worried about her father!

Although Li Ping'an himself felt a little emotional about why his father was so concerned about Wenrou after just one day and one night, his feeling seemed to be correct!

Aunt Yue assumed a fighting stance!

Li Ping'an cleared his throat and said sternly: "Aunt Yue, in ancient times the human race fought with the Heavenly Dao, and today the Dao is showing signs of recovery. This is why my father made several seniors unhappy. It is not a big deal, and it is reasonable. ."

"That won't work," Xiao Yue said, "Although I'm not a powerful expert, I have to be reasonable in everything! It's inconvenient for you to show up, Ping An, but I'm not afraid. At worst, I'll have a fight with Senior Tianli! "

Taoist Zisang blinked at the side and suddenly understood something.

Aunt Yue? Master uncle?

Ah, Guizong is so chaotic.

Li Ping'an pondered for a few times and was about to speak when Wenrou said: "Fellow Taoist, this matter should not be known to outsiders."

"What if I am not an outsider."

There was a bit of smile in Xiao Yuefeng's eyes, and a bit of shyness on her charming face.

Taoist Zisang and Li Ping'an on the side also chose to avoid looking.

Xiao Yue said softly: "What this Taoist friend doesn't know is that my master, Taoist Tingyun, is also the Golden Immortal of the Wan Yun Sect. Although I am a generation apart from Uncle Dazhi, we have worked together for many years. This Wan Yun Sect Zhuyun Hall was built by me and him, and we are neither separated from each other nor internally or externally."

Wenrou smiled and said, "Are you two Taoist couples?"

"It's not like he's a Taoist monk."

Xiao Yue covered her snow-white chest and sighed:

"I'm just injured now, and I'm taking care of myself in Uncle Dazhi's room. Because Uncle Dazhi is close to being a heavenly being, I don't dare to delay his cultivation."

Wenrou blinked, and her face showed a bit of surprise: "How can we live in the same room without being a Taoist couple?"

Xiao Yue said softly: "What Qi Refiners seek is freedom and ease. Where can there be so many rules and regulations? But it was me who ruined Master Uncle Dazhi's reputation."

"You can't say that. As long as two people are in love, who can make irresponsible remarks?"

Wenrou Tianxian looked at Li Ping'an and said with a smile:

"Peace, are you right?"

Li Ping'an:...

Why did the fire reach this side!

He reacted quickly, raised his hands and said seriously: "Without further delay! Let's go and save my father!"

"Huh?" Taoist Zisang turned around and asked, "Didn't you just say you couldn't go?"

Li Ping'an glared at Ye Zisang.

Things have priorities, can’t you tell?

However, is his father's lethality to the middle-aged aunt in the world of immortality so great?

How long has it been since then, why do you feel that Aunt Wenrou has already started to have a good impression of her father?

Is this great luck?

Xiao Yue smiled and said: "Then, Ping'an Zhen and I will go to ASEAN for a trip."

"Hey, it's..."

Suddenly I heard a rough, old and deep voice coming from the side: "No need."

Everyone turned around and saw a gap in the air, and Old Man Tianli stepped out.

Old Man Tianli's face was as gloomy as water one moment, but suddenly the sun shone brightly the next moment. He turned to look behind him and made a gesture of invitation:

"Little friend Dazhi, we've arrived."

Li Dazhi cupped his hands with a smile on his face, jumped out of the gap in the universe, and raised his eyebrows at Old Man Tianli: "Thank you for taking care of me, senior. Thank you for taking care of me, senior."

Old Man Tianli said with a smile: "Hey, it is a matter of course to cultivate the younger generations for our human race!"

On the peach blossom tree, Li Ping'an, Taoist Zisang, Wen Rou, and Xiao Yue couldn't help but tilt their heads at the same time.

Doesn't this mean a fight is about to begin?

Why do these two people look so, so bored now?

Old Man Tianli raised his hand to say goodbye. Li Dazhi once again cupped his hand and thanked him. He walked towards Li Pingan with a smile and winked at Li Pingan. His expression seemed to say...


Li Ping'an was quite puzzled by this.

Old Man Tianli smiled and said, "My daughter, Zisang, has gone back."

Wenrou leaned forward and said, "Yes, father."

Taoist Zisang smiled and said, "Master, can I go play with Brother Li for a few days?"

Old man Tianli's forehead was tense with cross tendons. He seemed to be smiling, but in fact he was gritting his teeth and said: "No, go back!"

"Hey, yes."

Seeing that something was wrong, Taoist Zisang hurriedly lowered his head and hurried back, and together with Old Man Tianli and Master Wenrou, entered the gap between the universe.

The expressions of the three grandfathers and grandsons before leaving were also different.

When old man Tianli turned around, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot; Taoist Zisang was as silent as a chill after seeing his master's expression.

Wenrou Tianxian turned to look at Li Dazhi, bowed and saluted, and said with a smile: "If you have the opportunity, please come to ASEAN more often."

Li Dazhi smiled and cupped his hands: "Definitely, definitely."

Then Wenrou Tianxian stepped into the gap between heaven and earth, and the gap disappeared, leaving only layers of spiritual power ripples, and a little breeze swayed throughout the peach blossom forest.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Dazhi suddenly held his waist and laughed: "Quick! Call Senior Xu Sheng and leave! Hahahaha! That old guy suffered a big loss and was scolded by his boss! Hahahaha! Let's go! Xinhui! Get a flying boat!" "

Wang Xinhui flew over with a smile, and the deacon of Wanyun Sect was really relieved.

So, everyone took Aunt Lin Fei and called Qing Su, who was reluctant to leave the Daohuayu, and together they left Mujia Village for the time being. Under the escort of senior Xu Sheng, they rushed straight to the gate of Wanyun Sect.

——The ASEAN immortals have come to station in Mujia Village. There is no need for Wan Yunzong to worry about the subsequent settlement.

On the way, Li Pingan hurriedly asked what happened before.

Li Dazhi sighed and briefly talked about picking up treasures in the training plate, and then mentioned the key person who suppressed the old man Tianli.

"I had just finished the fourth training board. The monsters in it were almost in the golden fairyland, but there were really many treasures."

Li Dazhi took out two storage rings from his sleeves and stuffed them into Li Pingan's hands:

"It's all given by Senior Tianli. Remember to thank Senior Tianli next time we meet."

Li Ping'an glanced at the dazzling array of treasures in the ring, and there were a few black lines hanging on his forehead.

"Father, are you sure that Senior Tianli won't vomit blood after I thank him?"

"How come," Li Dazhi said with a smile, "I picked out these, which may be useful to you. I have returned 70% to 80% of the remaining treasures to Senior Tianli."

Xu Sheng smiled and said: "Let me see, what is Senior Tianli's treasure?"

Li Pingan handed over the ring.

Xu Sheng looked at it carefully and clicked his tongue softly: "Only a few spiritual roots are very precious, but other immortal treasures are nothing more than that."

Qing Su asked: "Didn't they start fighting?"

"How could there really be a fight?" Li Dazhi said with a smile, "Old man Tianli is deliberately giving benefits to Ping An!"

Qing Su nodded, but she really believed it.

Lin Fei sat in the corner of Feizhou, unable to hear what was happening.

Li Pingan smiled and said: "Where is the senior who saved you?"

Li Dazhi sighed:

"At that time, I was pulled out of the training tray by Senior Tianli, and I heard a chuckle. I turned around and saw an expert with a face that looked like a mortal in his fifties.

"This is really a tall man. He is nearly two meters tall. His clothes are also of ancient style, that is, a long coat without sleeves. He also wears a wreath on his head. His beard and eyebrows are very strong, but he gives people an elegant and elegant look. A very elegant feeling.

"Old man Tianli and several other ASEAN deputy allies who were watching the fun quickly saluted when they saw this man.

"Then someone introduced me to me, this is... Feng Hou."

Li Pingan's eyes lit up.

Xu Sheng's silver-white beard trembled a few times, and he glared: "The appearance of the Yellow Emperor? Queen of the Wind? Real or fake!"

"Well, it's this great human being."

Li Dazhi smiled proudly and continued:

"Fenghou is the son of the Fuxi clan. He assisted the Yellow Emperor in defeating Chi You. Now he is also an important minister in the human race. He can directly interfere in many affairs of the human race."

Li Pingan nodded slowly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

He actually wanted to experience the Tao Yun of such a top human race power and see if he could gain some insights.

Li Dazhi added: "Feng Hou came here to ask about the affairs of the Mu family, and asked me about the affairs of the Mu family. I explained in detail, and Feng Hou was filled with emotion. She asked me to take good care of Li Mu's daughter. There must be no Half a point difference.”

"What did Dad say?"

"Then I'm sure of it, patting my chest," Li Dazhi said with a chuckle, "I said, if there's even the slightest difference between Limu's daughter and my son's childhood sweetheart, I, Wan Yun Sect, will have their heads shaved to see her."

Li Pingan sighed with a smile: "I used to take care of Ningning, but now it's better. Ningning's status in ASEAN is much higher than mine."

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Yue smiled and said: "It's too much to say such a thing if you raise your head to see me."

Li Dazhi touched his shiny bald head: "I'm talking about shaving my head, shaving my head to see him."

Everyone had several black lines hanging on their foreheads.

Li Dazhi actually dared to joke like this in front of such a powerful human being as Feng Hou...

"Hehehehe," Li Dazhi stretched, "Ping An, next time you are short of treasures, just tell me, I will go find Old Man Tianli to purchase them."

Li Ping'an was too lazy to answer.

Good guy, my father is really at odds with Senior Tianli.

at the same time.

In a certain hall at the ASEAN headquarters.

"Li Dazhi! I'm fighting with you!"

Old Man Tianli's beard and hair spread out, he raised his head and roared silently, and the powerful Taoist rhymes spread out, making the two teams of immortal soldiers patrolling outside the hall tremble.

In the corner, Wen Rou and Zi Sang were helplessly sitting cross-legged in meditation.

"Master, why don't you give me some advice?"

"What are you trying to persuade him to do?" Wenrou snorted, as if she was in a bad mood, "It's obvious that he did something wrong, yet he still blames others, huh."

Taoist Zisang didn't know why.

What happened to Master?

It’s been hundreds of years since I’ve seen Master show such an angry expression.

Within Wanyun Sect.

Mu Ningning just woke up an hour ago, and there are some vague and distant memories in her heart, and there is a slight mark between her eyebrows.

She pursed her lips and sighed softly, and there were some complicated and indescribable emotions in her heart, which seemed like sadness, joy, confusion, and helplessness. All these emotions gradually gathered together and transformed into the young Taoist.

‘Treat me well. ’

Mu Ningning leaned against the window, looking at the sunset on the horizon, and felt a faint ripple in her heart.

She didn't notice it herself, she just slept for a long time and had a distant dream. She felt a little bit otherworldly, like a fairy floating down from the vast land in ancient times, landing here. In a generally peaceful world.

A slender finger was lightly scratched by the window. The word "peace" was written on it, and the word "peace" was written on it was a heart.

Suddenly, the mountain guard formation at the mountain gate flashed with light, and a flying boat rushed into the formation, and then put it away instantly.

The middle-aged Taoist priest with a bald head and loose robes laughed loudly:

"Hahahaha! This hall master is back!"

Mu Ningning couldn't help but purse her lips and chuckle, hesitating whether to go see this uncle, but her thoughts moved slightly, and she moved her eyes to the back, saw the familiar Uncle Qingsu, and saw Uncle Qingsu standing next to him. The 'strange' male cultivator.


Her breathing was slightly disordered, and she ran to the side stairs barefoot, holding up her skirt.

But this group is already riding on the clouds towards Caiyun Peak.

There will be another update later, two updates in a row!

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