The fairy father

Chapter 126 Take a break in the mountains before starting the journey again

Li Ping'an's first priority when he returned to the mountain was naturally to visit Mu Ningning and arrange for Mu Ningning's aunt Lin Fei to be accommodated.

It sounds like Li Ping'an is a little helpless.

After Teacher Yun Zhongzi used his body to preach, Li Ping'an's position in the sect was very embarrassing.

Wan Yunzong is indeed his strong backing now. As long as he opens his mouth, thousands of immortals in the sect will support him without the blessing of his father's aura of prestige.

There are many immortals who would sacrifice their lives for him.

But the negative effects are also obvious. Now, as long as he shows up at the door, a group of old immortals will rush to him in a moment and ask him for advice on spiritual practice.

How can he give guidance on the cultivation of true immortals and heavenly immortals?

At most, he could only give some advice to a certain golden immortal to refine weapons. ——Rely on the heavenly work plan.

Therefore, Li Ping'an chose to put on some disguise and turn himself into an inconspicuous butler. With his current disguise skills, others would not be able to recognize him...


A wisp of sound came with the wind and penetrated into Li Ping'an's ears.

Li Ping'an was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the colorful cloud peaks beside Yun Tou, and saw Mu Ningning, who was wearing a light blue disciple's skirt and standing under the tree with her hands behind her hands.

Although they hadn't seen each other for just a little while, both of them felt a sense of the changes in the world.

Li Ping'an looked at Mu Ningning and saw her graceful figure, her bright eyes full of eyes, and the smile that couldn't be suppressed at the corner of her mouth.

Ning Ning seems a little different today.

This difference does not come from her body shape and appearance, she is still the same, her skin is as translucent as jade, and her black hair is as dyed as a waterfall. Her slender figure shows the beauty of a woman's youth in the most perfect proportions, with the full moon and slender waist that touches the willow. That ordinary disciple's skirt adds a bit of gracefulness.

Li Ping'an was slightly in a trance, as if he saw the woman who had guarded the Spring of Immortality for 70,000 years in Ning Ning.

But this trance only lasted for a moment. In Mu Ningning's peach blossom eyes, Li Ping'an found the innocence and enthusiasm that only belonged to his junior sister.

Then, Li Ping'an turned sideways and pointed to the side.

Mu Ningning turned her head slightly and saw...


Mu Ningning cheered and jumped up, like a crane spreading its wings.

Lin Fei turned around when he heard the call. After seeing Mu Ningning, thinking about what he had experienced in the past few days, he couldn't help but burst into tears and stepped forward to hold Mu Ningning's hands.

"Good Ningning, I finally see you!"

Mu Ningning nodded repeatedly: "I have seen everything here in my dream. As long as you are well, aunt, just be well. My mother went to Yaochi and told me in her dream."

Lin Fei sighed, pulling Mu Ningning to tears.

On the side, Qing Su asked in a low voice: "Apprentice, didn't Ning Ning see fellow Taoist Lin Fei just now?"

Li Ping'an hurriedly said: "Master, please don't call me disciple directly. Ning Ning is not... just practicing, a little dazed."

Mu Ningning blushed, raised her head and winked at her senior brother. Li Ping'an made a gesture, and then used the transformation technique to turn into a little bee and burrowed straight into Qing Su's cuffs.

Ahead, the master of Caiyun Peak came to greet him with a large number of immortals.

Li Dazhi smiled broadly and had already thought about how to build momentum for 'Li Mu's Daughter' in the door.

This is a great event that brings glory to the family, how can we not take care of it?

Not to mention that Lin Fei was placed on Caiyun Peak to practice in the sect;

It doesn't mean that the two deputy heads took senior Xu Sheng to a fairy banquet and treated him well.

Let’s talk about it, when a big banner was hung on Caiyun Peak and special activities were actively carried out to [Learn the Spirit of Limu God General] and [Create a ‘Three Perfect’ Practice Environment for the Daughters of Limu];

However, Mu Ningning secretly left Caiyun Peak and went to the cave in Weiming Peak with her sword.

The cave formation has been activated.

Mu Ningning took out a jade talisman, entered the formation without any hindrance, pushed open the ajar door, and slid in with his sword.

Qing Su is in Caiyun Peak, and Wen Ling'er is still looking after the house in the courtyard by the East China Sea. There should be only...


Li Ping'an suddenly jumped out from the corner, and Mu Ningning was so frightened that she grabbed a hidden weapon flying needle.

"Don't throw it away, don't throw it away," Li Ping'an took off the mask made of spirit animal skin on his face and said with a smile, "It was a little playful for a while, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"


Mu Ningning shouted with a cry, jumped off the sword, and rushed straight towards Li Ping'an.

Like a baby swallow in his arms, she hid in Li Ping'an's arms, lowered her head and sobbed.

Li Ping'an knew why she was crying. He suddenly made such a joke before to make her feel happy, but now it seems that it has no effect.

Li Ping'an sighed softly, hugged Mu Ningning gently, brushed her green silk hair and silky back with his palms, and said warmly:

"Don't feel bad, my aunt is fine, and all the ancestors of the Mu family have left without regrets."


Mu Ningning kept nodding, but she couldn't help but shed tears, slowly releasing the extra emotions in her heart.

After a while, Li Pingan hugged her and sat in the rocking chair in the main hall.

Mu Ningning looked up, lifted herself up from his chest, and whispered:

"Brother, I'm fine. Can you tell me what happened before?"

Li Pingan wanted to grab her wrist and shake her away, but the current atmosphere was really not suitable for flirting.

He took a bamboo chair next to him, and when Mu Ningning sat down, he began to talk about this trip to Mu's family.

When she heard about the secret of the Fountain of Youth and that Mu Cilin was taken away by the blue luan bird, Mu Ningning couldn't help but her eyes turned red again. Her look was like a begonia after the rain, which made her look very glamorous.

The little junior sister has indeed grown up.

Li Ping'an stretched out his right hand, gently stroked her cheek with his fingers, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Mu Ningning raised her hand to cover the back of his hand and rubbed it gently.

The atmosphere is quietly changing.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Junior sister, you haven't formed a soul yet, otherwise I can help you transform your soul."

"After forming the soul, I can step into the Heaven and Earth Bridge. I am still a few small realms away. It will take a long time."

Mu Ningning's eyes were full of tenderness. She looked at Li Ping'an like this, but couldn't help but look to the side and whispered: "Brother, are you going to become an immortal soon?"

"It's still early to become an immortal," Li Ping'an said with a wry smile, "Something went wrong here. I may not be able to become an immortal for a long time, but my strength is still improving."


Mu Ningning blinked and asked in a low voice: "Then when can you become a Taoist couple..."

Li Ping'an was speechless and pinched her cheek. He felt that it was smoother than boiled egg white. He said warmly: "Your aunt is here. I asked my father to find a betrothal gift on an auspicious day."

"No, no, I still have to ask my mother about this."

"It's my fault," Li Ping'an sighed, "Why did you forget this important matter? Then let's go to Yaochi when we find time."

"We don't have to worry. I'm not going anywhere. You can find me as long as you come back."

Mu Ningning chuckled lightly and sat back in the bamboo chair, looking far away.

She whispered softly: "I don't know why, my mood suddenly changed a lot, as if I have grown up after sleeping. I just feel that I am very happy to be with you, and I am not embarrassed to say this." talk."

‘This is probably the influence of the inheritance of the daughter of Li Mu. ’

Of course, this is what a young boy who doesn’t know how to fall in love would say.

After all, Li Ping'an was a veteran here, and his feelings for his junior sister were getting stronger day by day, and he didn't mind saying some love words to make her happy.

So, Li Ping'an cleared his throat and said in a slightly deep voice: "Ning Ning?"


"You can rely on me at any time," Li Ping'an said warmly, "no matter what you do."

Mu Ningning pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes entangled with Li Pingan's. The bamboo chair and the recliner were approaching each other, and their faces became clearer in each other's eyes.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

The coughing sound of Immortal Qingxu came from the cave door.

Mu Ning stood up quickly, with his hands behind his back. Li Pingan had a book in his hands, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Outside the door, several figures hurriedly entered. They could freely enter and leave the formation, so they must have Qingsu there.

Immortal Qingxu hurriedly greeted: "Ning Ning! Why are you running here! Go back quickly, everyone at Caiyun Peak is waiting for you to give a speech. According to Master Dazhi, we must work hard to learn the fearless spirit of General Li Mu!"


Mu Ningning winked at Li Ping'an, and the two gestured to each other, agreeing to meet later.

Qing Su held her chin and looked at Mu Ningning a few times, and then at Li Ping'an.

There is no need to say more about the fact that the apprentice has been to Zuiyue Tower several times.

After all, he was there to do business.

Li Ping'an stayed in the mountains for three days and was about to return to Dong'an City.

He used the method of spiritual transformation to help his father and master complete the transformation of their souls.

What Li Ping'an thought before was correct. The stronger the soul is, the more water it needs to consume to complete the spiritual transformation, and the effect will be more obvious.

Li Dazhi was about to break through to the Immortal Realm almost immediately, but after Li Ping'an's repeated suggestions, he decided to stay stable for a few more years and consolidate the realms of True Immortal.

For Li Dazhi, his cultivation speed was indeed too fast.

For Li Ping'an, he still needs some time to deal with the Blood Evil Palace. His father's disaster was triggered in the 'Heavenly Fairy Realm'.

Qingsu also made a breakthrough and reached the realm of fourth-level immortals.

During this spiritual transformation, Li Ping'an discovered to his surprise that his master's soul had been perfectly integrated with the essence of the loess, and his master's pure Tao body and soul were transforming into the first human race in ancient times.

As long as the master is given enough time to grow, once the master steps into the realm of the Golden Immortal, he will definitely become a great master who will shock all parties.

There are also differences between golden immortals and golden immortals.

Li Ping'an thought about it and decided not to perform spiritual transformation on Xiao Yue for the time being.

Without him, Aunt Xiao Yue has not officially married, and she and her father have not completed the ceremony of Zhou Gong. And the fountain of youth in his hand, even if he collects the fountain of youth from his father, is only enough to transform five or six true immortals. .

It’s really not enough points for now.

This method of spiritual transformation can be regarded as his unique secret, and it is also the best gift he can give to 'people around him' in the future.

Who can refuse the benefit of having his soul raised to a higher level out of thin air?

According to the list in Li Ping'an's mind, the next highest priority for spiritual transformation is Elder Yan Sheng, Deacon Wei Yanzi, followed by 'Mo Wentian' Xu Xuntian, then Ning Ning who will enter the Heaven and Earth Bridge realm in the future, and Gu Qingcheng and Yu Yingshu, two brothers who have gone through life and death, and after they found enough 'auxiliary materials' to make their souls stronger, they underwent the second metamorphosis of their souls.

Calculating left and right, the fountain of youth he had on hand was barely enough.

I really want to find a chance to go to the Queen Mother of the West.

But Li Ping'an always had doubts in his heart.

Without him, the Queen Mother of the West supports the way of heaven and is still urging several human emperors to establish a new heaven as soon as possible and continue to rule the way of heaven.

Li Ping'an looked at the golden cloud at his spiritual platform and felt a little melancholy about the way of heaven.

Otherwise, follow the way of heaven?

Li Ping'an didn't know the term "Tiannu" before, and categorically rejected the temptation of Heavenly Dao, let alone now knowing the word "Tiannu".

He doesn't want to be a slave.

And the Queen Mother of the West may be the Queen Mother of Heaven in the future.

Of course it might not be.

There is no "Hongjun Hedao" in this world. In the creation of Pangu, the battle between dragons and phoenixes, the rise of hundreds of tribes, the opening of the ancient heaven, the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, the human race overthrowing the ancient heaven, etc., there was no Hongjun who stood up and said, "What should we do now?" '.

In other words, this 'variant prehistoric world' that I am in has endless possibilities for the future.

Li Pingan had a headache when he thought about this.

Good news: He seems to have a script.

The bad news: an open script.

But these are things for the future. The most important thing now is to deal with the disaster that his father is about to face.

Li Ping'an spent two days with Mu Ningning, Fenghuaxueyue, and each other.

The two of them were quite restrained. They only hugged and kissed each other at most, leaving the most important steps until after they got married.

This must also be paid attention to.

In the realm of Caiyun Peak, a group of female immortals have many ways to tell whether a disciple who has not yet become an immortal is a virgin. Mu Ningning still has to practice at Caiyun Peak, so he must not become a Taoist couple and do good things. I wonder how he will be arranged by some vicious tongues.

Li Ping'an and Mu Ningning said goodbye reluctantly, and went to Zhuyuntang with their master to visit their old father.

"Leaving now?"

Li Dazhi stared at Li Ping'an who turned into a little bee, frowned and asked:

"Why are you in a hurry to go back? Dong'an City is now stable, and the shops on the East China Sea are back on track. Elder Yan Sheng is still very capable."

"Go to the Blood Demon Palace."

Li Ping'an recovered his true form and said seriously:

"Dad, I'm at odds with the Blood Demon Palace. I won't be able to sleep or eat well until the Blood Demon Palace is solved."

"No," Li Dazhi said with a frown, "You didn't have such a great sense of collective honor in the past. The Blood Demon Palace is an old problem. You can't defeat it by yourself, let alone the Blood Demon Palace and the East. The big sects on Zhoubai Road must still be related, and the Jinxian in Guanhaimen might be hiding some deputy palace master."

"So I'm going to investigate."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

“Searching Guanhaimen from the Blood Demon Palace is the most ideal result.

"Dad, don't worry. I will never stand in front of others. I will act as a demon cultivator, investigate secretly and collect evidence carefully. In the end, it will only be ASEAN!

"Where old man Tianli is, dad still needs to obey him more. I also want to mobilize troops there."

"Okay," Li Dazhi laughed sarcastically, "I didn't do anything, but he obviously insisted on giving me the treasure... Senior Xu Sheng is going too? Didn't I see that Senior Xu Sheng also came to your place this morning?" Yes, he is the founder of the Wei Yuan Sect and the most famous weapon refiner in Dongzhou, or... Ping An, what are you doing with your orb? Why is there an extra wooden support on the orb?"

Li Dazhi paused and stared at the wooden support.

Mu Tuo let out a chuckle, Xu Sheng's face appeared on it, and he cupped his hands towards Li Dazhi.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I have great ambitions and a good nephew, I enjoy it, hehe."

Li Ping'an looked up at the sky, Qing Su raised her hand to rest her forehead.

A three-inch-tall young man's shadow popped out of the Cangyue Pearl on the wooden support, and he yelled at the wooden support:

"Stay away from me! Don't touch me!"


Xu Sheng's old face surrounded by beard was full of satisfaction.

‘This is, the aura of that teacher’s forged treasure is tens of thousands times stronger than my forged treasure. This aura, this spiritual quality, this spiritual thought, this is the ultimate secret of the weapon refining avenue...’

Li Ping'an calmly put away Cang Yuezhu and the wooden holder of Cang Yuezhu.

"Well, that's it... Dad doesn't have to worry about my safety. Senior Jinxian is keeping an eye on me."

"Okay, hahaha."

Li Dazhi laughed twice, opened the drawer on his right side, and took out two jade charms.

He said: "This is what I have been thinking about on weekdays, how to deal with the Blood Demon Palace. I know you have a good brain, but sometimes you don't see everything comprehensively. Let's see if I can help you."

Li Pingan put the jade talisman into his arms.

"Also," Li Dazhi said seriously, "I heard Elder Yan Sheng say before that you have fallen in love with a beautiful girl from Zuiyue Tower."

"Ah?" Li Ping'an was a little confused.

Li Dazhi continued: "Of course, we have to abide by the rules of this world. Three wives and four concubines is not a big deal, but you have to be safe. Ning Ning is now the daughter of Li Mu. As you A regular wife is more than enough, so don’t do anything stupid. There are rules for common wives, side wives, and concubines... Oh, why are you running away! Qingsu Immortal, please watch him!"

"Master, let's go! My dad is going crazy thinking about his grandson!"

Qing Su pursed her lips and chuckled, then turned into a fairy light and rushed towards the mountain gate.

Li Dazhi chased after him for two steps, and then stood in front of the window with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Why does Ping An insist on killing the Blood Evil Palace? If one Blood Evil Palace is killed, seven or eight Blood Evil Palaces will appear."

Li Dazhi murmured to himself. Although he didn't quite understand, he felt that it was necessary to help his son ease the difficulty.

It's time to bring it out, the strategy of great ambition.

"Uncle Master, can you help me take off my clothes? My injury occurred suddenly and I can't use my magic power."

A gentle call suddenly came from the next room.

Li Dazhi was full of energy, cleared his throat, held his head high and hurried off with his hands behind his back.

Think about it later, don't rush it now.

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