The fairy father

Chapter 130: Exploring the Dark Shop, Ping An is considered a witch

'That's it? ’

‘Is Huangu’s tracking skills of this level? ’

The little bee Li Pingan turned into lay on a spiritual flower, watching the wisp of green smoke heading east.

Senior Xu Sheng said, "Ping An, she has left and gone to the East China Sea."

"Well, it's quite thrilling."

Li Ping'an responded, lying in the spiritual flower for a while, then fluttered his wings and flew to the courtyard not far away.

On the way back, Li Ping'an changed a few more outfits, which delayed him for a while, but it was safe and secure.

Another half hour later.

Elder Yan Sheng, Deacon Wei Yanzi, and Senior Xu Sheng gathered in front of Li Ping'an again. Xu Sheng and Yan Sheng took their seats in front of the desk, while Wei Yanzi could only stand behind with his arms folded.

Li Pingan briefly talked about the news he had heard;

Senior Xu Sheng will not take the initiative to reveal how Li Ping'an interacts with the Happy Valley Witch.

The fairy power barrier on the side cracked open, Qing Su put her hands behind her hands and stood quietly against the bookcase, her beautiful face shining brightly.

She also wanted to help her apprentice with advice.

Elder Yan Sheng said: "It seems that the news of Huo Gunsha's appearance must be true."

"I heard what Sun Yingying meant. She seems to be very dissatisfied with the deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace," Xu Sheng said with a smile, "This is a good thing."

Qingsu felt a little regretful: "I should have gone and watched."

Li Ping'an secretly said it was a fluke.

Fortunately, the master had not gone there before, otherwise the moment Sun Yingying took off his mask, the master would most likely have taken action directly, instead of taking a stab at the situation like Senior Xu Sheng did.

Wei Yanzi asked in a low voice: "Then let's summon the experts in the sect immediately?"

“I’m afraid the Wanyun Sect alone is not enough!”

Xu Sheng said seriously:

"Since the other party is deploying troops and generals, they will definitely launch a big surprise attack on us. Why don't we invite all our friends to ambush them!"

Li Ping'an shook his head: "It would be okay if only one or two sects are affected. For example, if Wei Yuan Sect joins forces with our Wan Yun Sect, we can ensure that the news will not leak out. But as long as more sects and masters are involved, it will be easy. Just leak the news and let the other party wait for work."

Everyone nodded.

Xu Sheng stroked his beard and said: "I have underestimated Happy Valley before. This Happy Valley specializes in news trading and has a wide range of interests."

Li Ping'an said in a deep voice: "Happy Valley has always been a group of demon cultivators. The people within it have perverse temperaments and their behavior is very different from our Immortal Sect."

Senior Xu Sheng suddenly smiled and narrowed his eyes, but didn't say much.

Yan Sheng asked: "Well, Ping An, are we still going to deliver food and drinks to the ASEAN soldiers and generals?"

"We won't send you away for now, but don't start a fight here. Everyone is drunk over there."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"Prepare it in advance for celebration later.

“What we need to do now is to mobilize experts from the sect to come here, but we can’t mobilize too many and try our best to protect Dong’an City.

“Besides, we need to find out how many monsters there are in the dark workshop in the sea.

"The ASEAN Immortal Soldiers are happy to eliminate the demons. This is the only way for them to gain merit. We only need to find the traces of the demons and leave the rest to the ASEAN Immortal Soldiers."

Qingsu asked: "Are three thousand immortal soldiers enough? There are still two thousand of them that are preliminary immortal soldiers who have not yet become immortals."

Li Ping'an thought carefully and said slowly: "As long as the opponent does not have Golden Fairy Realm monsters, it is enough. The problem now is that it is not appropriate for us to mobilize our troops too frequently."

Xu Sheng smiled and said, "How about I go explore the East China Sea?"

Yan Sheng took a hard sip of dry smoke and said hurriedly: "Senior, you are a golden immortal and a master of weapon refining in Dongzhou. How can you do such a thing as a horse exploration? Just go ahead."

"Don't argue, I'll go," Li Ping'an said sternly, "Elder Yan Sheng will be in charge of Dong'an City, and Master and seniors will protect me secretly."

Xu Sheng laughed and scolded: "Have I become the golden fairy in your sleeve? I also have a lot of business to do!"

Li Ping'an smiled and took out the acquired spiritual treasure Cang Yuezhu.

Xu Sheng's eyes lit up. He had never used the transformation technique several times in the past 60,000 to 70,000 years, and he skillfully turned his seal into a wooden support for an orb, and floated over with a "hehehehe" laugh.

The weapon spirit boy of Cang Yuezhu shivered a few times and hid directly in Li Ping'an's Lingtai.

What a famous weapon refiner, just Senior Mutuo.

Wei Yanzi suddenly said again: "Peace, the founder of Tianyuanmen just sent a message, saying that as long as you need it, you can go to Tianyuanmen to call for help at any time, and you only need to go to Tianyuanmen to give a sermon later."

Li Ping'an:...

"How does Tianyuanmen know that I am in Dong'an City?"

"Well," Wei Yanzi said with a smile, "it's probably Master Dazhi who sent them the message."


Li Pingan shook his head:

“This Happy Valley has made me a little suspicious, their intelligence network seems to be all-pervasive.

"Over there at Tianyuanmen... write a letter to my father for me and make sure it is delivered to my father."

"Okay! Say it!"

Wei Yanzi took out the jade note-taking charm and listened attentively.

Li Pingan thought for a moment and explained three things.

The first thing to do is to ask his father to come forward and ask Tianyuan Sect to send some masters to the East China Sea to support him. Tianyuan Sect is now relying on the Second Zhuyuntang branch to earn money every day, so it is time for him to express his gratitude.

The second thing is that Wanyun Sect stores conduct disaster avoidance training.

The lives of the handyman disciples are also lives and cannot be ignored.

It is not difficult to build some shelters under various shops. If there are demons causing trouble, some people in the city can be saved.

Although Zhufang Town on the coast of the East China Sea is the most prosperous, it also has some disadvantages. In the vast East China Sea, demons and evil cultivators can be hidden everywhere. ——This is also one of the reasons why Donghai Zhufang Town is prosperous.

The third thing is to ask the sect to prepare a batch of spiritual stones and treasures, and in the name of Wanyun Sect, go to Fang Town outside Dong'an City to find Huangu for information.

Li Ping'an truly realized the great role of spiritual stones.

Now that Wan Yun Sect is relying on Zhu Yuntang to continuously amass wealth, it cannot just make money but not spend it.

Spending more spirit stones for Huangu can also give Wanyun Sect more eyes and ears.

After Wei Yanzi hurriedly left with the jade charm, Li Pingan stretched, sat in the chair and yawned.

Qing Su asked: "Are you a little tired? Why not take a rest."

"Well, if you continuously use the Spirit Slaughter Technique, you will feel a little sleepy, but it won't be a problem."

Li Pingan's eyes were a bit lazy and he said leisurely:

"What the disciple was most worried about before was actually that the Blood Demon Palace would shrink when touched.

"This world is too big, and there is a place like Xizhou that is not controlled by humans. If the Blood Demon Palace wants to hide, it will be very difficult to dig them out.

"But the good thing is that they don't hide. Not only do they not hide, they also want to find their place again.

"The deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace seemed to be a very confident master, and he had not suffered many losses himself. He rushed to Dong'an City on the second day after the Shuangsha attack, and even spread the fire to the Huangu contact point. It’s actually... it’s hard to say, and you can’t believe everything Huan Gu says.”

Qingsu asked: "What should we do next?"

Li Ping'an said: "Let's go to the barracks first and send a message to the general here, and then go to the East China Sea to explore."

Qing Su pulled off her sleeves, and Li Pingan patted his chest. After all, the master couldn't defeat the apprentice, and Li Pingan had a pendant on his chest.

Li Pingan put on a half-face mask and continued to play Mo Wenqing.

It is indeed extremely convenient to act directly as a demon cultivator.

Half a day later.


Li Dazhi breathed out slowly, beat his waist, and strolled towards the outer hall of Zhuyuntang.

A beam of rainbow light flew from the Fanshi Palace and transformed into Wang Xinhui's figure.

"Master! Letter of safety!"


Li Dazhi suddenly became energetic and used magic to directly relieve his 'lumbar fatigue'. He took the jade talisman and looked at it for a few times, then laughed dumbly.

"Ping An's idea is good. It is indeed better to build a shelter under each store than to let the handyman disciples face the attackers. With a simple arrangement, this can be completed in a few days.

“There’s no need to say anything on the Tianyuanmen side, they are already preparing to send people to Dong’an City.

"Xinhui, who sent the jade talisman back?"

"It's Elder Cui of the outer sect, who just came back from Dong'an City!"

"Well," Li Dazhi put his hands behind his hands and lowered his head to think carefully for a while.

Wang Xinhui cleared his throat and whispered: "There is another news that came back from Dong'an City. Someone spread the news in Xizhou, saying that... our Ping'an is the illegitimate son of His Majesty Huangdi Xuanyuan and was raised in the Li family. How."

"What the hell?"

Li Dazhi glared and cursed: "Where did this rumor come from? My son was born with my own eyes! Who has a bad conscience and spreads such a rumor!"

Wang Xinhui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said hurriedly: "Master, this matter is mainly spread in Xizhou. We got the news from Huangu."

"Xizhou," Li Dazhi murmured, "could it be possible that the people who spread rumors last time about Linzhengxian Dynasty's Xuanyuan bloodline are the same group? What are they trying to do? Are they deliberately targeting my Wan Yun Sect?"

Wang Xinhui reminded from the side: "Master, most of the monsters in Xizhou were driven away by His Majesty the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. What they hate most is the three words Xuanyuan. I think some people deliberately spread that Ping'an is the illegitimate son of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor. In order to set fire to our Wan Yun Sect."

Li Dazhi paced with his hands behind his hands and asked again: "Tell me, is it Guanhaimen who is deliberately causing trouble?"

"It's very possible, but how did Guanhaimen release the news in Xizhou? Could it be that they have demons who have joined forces?"

"That's all," Li Dazhi shook his head, "There's nothing we can do against Guanhai Sect now, and Guanhai Sect is not all bad. Most of its disciples are good people. The bad ones are those with ulterior motives. and their older generations.”

Wang Xinhui muttered: "Then it's rotten at the root."

"I write a letter to help bring peace to me."

Li Dazhi turned around and hurried back to his 'office', not forgetting to say:

"My Ping An people are warm-hearted and kind-hearted, but don't let them really plot against you. If not, just go back to the mountains and live there. It's very tiring to run around outside."

Are people warm and kind?

The corner of Wang Xinhui's mouth twitched, and a line of complaints from the seniors of Yaochen Peak's Celestial Immortals about being forced to refine the magic pill flashed through his heart.

Okay, people are warm-hearted and kind-hearted.


The hairtail that Li Pingan transformed into flicked its tail, spitting out a series of bubbles from its mouth, and slowly sank toward the deep trench below.

If it weren't for the limitations of the method of transformation, he actually wanted to turn into a grain of sand and 'accidentally slip down' from both sides of the trench. This would be the safest way.

Senior Mu Tuo, cough, senior Xu Sheng said: "The secret chamber is three hundred feet under the trench. You can see a horizontal gap. Inside is the ancient cave. My golden immortal consciousness was also blocked by the formation. , there should be no Golden Immortal Dao Yun here."

Li Ping'an whispered: "You still can't be careless. Let's just explore the area. Senior, please watch me."

"Don't worry, something is wrong. Run first and then fight."

Xu Sheng said helplessly:

"You have warned me all the way, don't worry, I haven't been fooling around all these years in vain!

"Back then, when we attacked hundreds of clans, we also contributed on the frontal battlefield!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Senior, you are very powerful and have superb Taoism. Don't worry, this junior has not yet become an immortal."

"Can a first-grade Yuanxian defeat you?"

Li Ping'an sighed: "That's not even comparable to Yuan Xian, it's still too weak."

Qing Su said: "That's true."

Li Ping'an only felt that his heart was stabbed lightly.

Slight pain.

The little hairtail fish he transformed into had quietly approached the rock formation gap that was more than ten feet high and nearly thirty feet wide, thinking about whether and how to get in.

There seems to be magma surging in this gap. With a rough feel, you can find more than ten formations of light walls and fairy power barriers.

The so-called dark shop, in layman's terms, is the black market.

Things that are inconvenient to trade in Fang Town can be bought and sold here at will. It is also a place frequented by demon cultivators, evil cultivators, and demon masters.

ASEAN's attitude towards dark shops is just like their attitude towards magic cultivators. It is generally ambiguous and they will punish them if something goes wrong.

At this moment, a small fish the size of a knuckle swam slowly by not far away.

Li Ping'an could tell at a glance that this little fish was not a living thing, but... the secret technique of Wei Yuanzong's puppet?

The water pressure here is quite strong. This kind of 'species' that looks like a small freshwater fish should not appear here.

"Senior, look at that little fish over there."

"Huh? Why does it smell like the secret method of my Wei Yuan Sect? It seems that this is the technique of alien puppets, and it should be used for exploration."

"Maybe Brother Xu gave it to Huangu."

After Li Ping'an said this, Senior Xu Sheng stopped mentioning anything more.

The little fish swam not far away, and the deep-sea spirit fish transformed by Li Ping'an followed quietly, tracking the little puppet fish along the top of the entrance to the dark workshop.

A moment later, in a seabed depression more than ten miles away from the entrance to the dark workshop, Li Ping'an found a slightly familiar Taoist rhyme.

Sun Yingying?

This Dao Yun is much stronger than Sun Yingying's Dao Yun. The two are just from the same source... That's not right. Sun Yingying had hidden most of her cultivation in Zuiyue Tower.

The spirit fish he transformed into swam for a long time, and under the guidance of Senior Xu Sheng, it went around Sun Yingying's hiding place.

——If Xu Sheng hadn't been here, it would have been difficult for Li Ping'an to find Sun Yingying.

Li Pingan saw that slim figure lying on the sand bed of the seabed.

She is not too tall, only two or three inches taller than Wen Ling'er. Her body is generally thin and weak. Her slim legs are straight and round. The only flaw in her figure is that she is not sinful.

Qing Su asked: "Did you kill him?"

"No killing, Master, this is Huangu's contact person," Li Ping'an whispered, "We just used her to enter the dark room to investigate."

Xu Sheng muttered: "She is just hiding outside to explore, and you still expect her to take you in?"

Qing Su also said: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, we cannot use the method of controlling other people's spirits. We are immortal qi refiners."

"Okay, master, don't worry, this disciple won't use such a method. You and your senior can hide it."

After saying that, Li Ping'an took a deep breath, and the small hairtail fish he transformed into slowly fell towards Sun Yingying.

Sun Yingying was quite alert. She turned to look at Hairtail, put away the jade talisman in her hand, and held a dagger.

Li Ping'an removed the transformation technique and immediately crawled toward the bottom of the sea.

There were two tiny fish scales in his sleeves, and the fish scales turned into wooden supports and pendants and returned to Li Ping'an's arms.

Sun Yingying's almond-shaped eyes widened, her ghost mask almost fell off, and she shouted happily: "Brother Qingqing! How did you find me?"

Li Ping'an curled his lips slightly, pointed at a few small puppet fish swimming in Sun Yingying's hand, then took out a puppet sheep that had never been shown to anyone before, and waved it in front of Sun Yingying.

Sun Yingying suddenly took action and grabbed the fist-sized wooden sheep out of thin air.

"Did you give it to me? I like it so much!"


Li Ping'an felt the charm of Sun Yingying's expression at this moment, and instantly lost his temper.

Deep down in his heart, he began to think about how to fool this 'hundred-year-old beautiful girl' in front of him.

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