The fairy father

Chapter 131 Complete record of Huo Sha’s capture

Qingsu is somewhat confused now.

She really didn't know when the 'Mo Wenqing' played by her apprentice became so familiar with the Happy Valley Witch Sun Yingying.

Didn't she just go to Zuiyue Tower once?

Qingsu didn't even know why her apprentice wanted to go into the dark room to inquire, but when he spoke to the Happy Valley Witch, he said something...

"I don't dare to go in. The level is too low. It's easy to go in but hard to come out."

Then, Sun Yingying, who had been hiding here and not exploring further, started to actively invite her apprentice to take a look in the dark room.

What else did the witch say...

"Brother Qingqing, don't worry. The dark workshop is also a town, and the people in charge here also abide by the rules. As long as you have the identity of the devil and can pass the interrogation here, you can come out of this place.

"Brother Qingqing wants to go in, I can just take you!

"It's just a little troublesome when we come out. Someone might want to follow us. The people here are thinking about killing people and grabbing treasures every day!"

Qing Su could certainly tell that something wasn't right about the way Sun Yingying looked at her disciple.

But Qingsu couldn't quite understand why Sun Yingying looked like this at Mo Wenqing, who had only met him two or three times.

In this regard, Qing Su could only secretly tell her apprentice:

"The character of a demon cultivator is uncertain, so be careful when proceeding."

"Master, don't worry," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "This disciple will not be deceived by Sun Yingying. She is testing the disciple."

Qingsu felt relieved.

Outside Li Ping'an's black robe, Sun Yingying smiled again and said: "Brother Qingqing, do you want to dress up in disguise? Wear a ghost mask like mine, and then put on these clothes, it will be perfect!"

Sun Yingying wears a mask on her left hand and a black gauze skirt on her right hand. Her almond-shaped eyes behind the mask are full of expectation.

"Stop doing this to me!"

Li Ping'an said harshly and snatched the ghost mask away.

His spiritual sense penetrated into the ghost mask. Turing from the Tiangong Wanxiang Diagram had determined that this thing was harmless and only had the effect of masking the breath, so he turned around and took off the half-visor and put it on his face.

Sun Yingying pouted her lower lip, spread her short skirt over her body, made gestures, and muttered:

"This is our best fairy clothes!"

The less you wear, the higher your defense.

Li Ping'an said: "Although I am not as good as my elder brother, as long as there are enough materials, it is easy to refine the fairy treasure. There is no need to show off your clothes."

"I'm not showing off," Sun Yingying blinked, "How about wearing it underneath? It's very protective!"

Li Ping'an had cross tendons popping out of his forehead.

He just couldn't figure out how this witch had so many strange habits, and she also liked to see men wearing short skirts.

"Do your business! Otherwise, I will investigate on my own, without bothering you, Hall Master Sun!"

"Hey, it's just a joke. Brother Qingqing is following me, and he will be my follower from now on. Remember, our identities are the elders and deacons of the 31st ranked Demon Cultivator, Huan Tian Demon Sha, and I, the Heavenly Immortal Eighth grade, you, ninth grade Yuanxian, are here to look for some poisonous weeds! If they want to search you, you can just be more aggressive and scold them back. In this place, whoever is aggressive is justified, but if you don't have the strength to be aggressive, you will soon be You will be swallowed up by the evil demon!"

Sun Yingying used her clear voice to warn.

It is also because of the boldness of a skilled person, perhaps because Li Ping'an's merciless identity has no flaws;

Sun Yingying took the initiative to swim in front, and a deliberately muddy fairy power surrounded Li Ping'an, and quietly slipped towards the entrance of the dark room.

Li Pingan summarized it briefly.

It seemed that he didn't need to fool him. Sun Yingying took the initiative to join in at the slightest sign of weakness.

There is a sense of déjà vu that says, "This sea is dangerous, but my big sister can protect you."

He cheered up and no longer thought about all these things. The golden immortal in his sleeves and the heavenly immortal in his arms were fully prepared to deal with them, ready to attack at any time.

Dark shops, black markets.

The pure dark side of the spiritual world is just ahead.

Zeng Yimu, the ‘Fire Rolling Evil’, has always had two faces.

Whenever he takes off the mask of the 'Fire Rolling Evil', he is a famous cultivator in the True Immortal Realm in the middle of Dongzhou, with a gentle temper and kindness to others.

But when he took off his green robe, wrapped himself in black clothes, and put the dragon-shaped ring representing the identity of the Fire Demon of the Blood Demon Palace on the little finger of his right hand, he became the Eighteen Blood Demons who committed all kinds of evil and killed many people.

Zeng Yimu was actually tired of the beatings and killings in the Blood Demon Palace.

I don't know when he started to become reluctant to go out. He just wanted to make friends with songs and stay with the Tao in the manor he built.

In the past few hundred years, Zeng Yimu no longer took the initiative to accept orders from the messenger elders, but only occasionally gave advice to the Blood Fiend Palace.

His more than twenty capable generals were also lent to the evil Hunsha who ranked first among the eighteen blood evil spirits.

But this time, the foster father found him personally.

His adoptive father was the existence that changed his life. Zeng Yimu was willing to dedicate everything to his adoptive father.

Zeng Yimu will never forget that rainy night.

At that time, he was at the end of his rope, being hunted by his enemies and abandoned by his relatives. The only fairy sword in his hand had been completely shattered in the battle;

More than a dozen enemies set up a dragnet, and even invited several demon cultivators to help, and surrounded him in a dense forest.

After a fierce battle, Zeng Yimu was restrained by the opponent. He was holding a sword hilt in his hand. What he saw before him was the ferocious face of his enemy.

Then the foster father showed up.

The foster father waved a palm casually, and the spirits of the twenty Yuanxian Realm casual cultivators and demon cultivators in the forest were shattered at the same time.

Zeng Yimu will always remember the way his adoptive father looked down at him.

So disdainful and full of pity.

‘It doesn’t matter who you are. You don’t need to tell me. Are you willing to be the blade in my hand? ’

Zeng Yimu didn't hesitate, knelt down beside his adoptive father's legs and kept choking, becoming his adoptive father's sixteenth adopted son.

The six strongest Blood Demons in the Blood Demon Palace are all the sons of their adoptive father.

Zeng Yimu, a fire-rolling evil spirit, happens to be ranked sixth.

In the Blood Demon Palace, Zeng Yimu was not the strongest person. On the surface, his strength was only in the True Immortal realm, and when he used magic skills, he could only reach the sixth level of Heavenly Immortal.

But Zeng Yimu's strength has never been in fighting skills.

He is good at planning and controlling the situation. He once commanded hundreds of demon cultivators and more than a hundred big monsters to secretly massacre several immortal sects. Until now, no one has found out that this was the work of the Blood Demon Palace.

Zeng Yimu had some vague guesses about the identity of his adoptive father.

After all, he did a lot of dirty work, and the final beneficiary was a sect that ranked among the top ten immortals.

But as smart as he is, he won't ask a single word more.

But this time, Zeng Yimu expressed his understanding but also some concern about his adoptive father's order.

Hung Jue Sha was the fifth blood evil spirit and the adoptive father's adopted son, but he died in Dong'an City on the coast of the East China Sea, which made the adoptive father very angry.

Zeng Yimu's worries also stem from this.

An irrational adoptive father can easily make wrong decisions, which can lead to the death of a hard-working man like him.

The order given by the adoptive father in person was very simple:

‘Break Dong’an City, slaughter Wan Yunxian, and then escape quickly. ’

Going to attack Dachengfang Town actually violates ASEAN's taboos, but the adoptive father doesn't care too much about it. The current adoptive father just wants to make Dong'an City a river of blood and cause Wan Yunxian to suffer heavy casualties.

Zeng Yimu was speechless about this, but he could only follow the orders of his adoptive father.

Zeng Yimu originally thought that although this matter was a bit dangerous, it would not be difficult to accomplish.

But when he arrived near Dong'an City and made a secret investigation, his heart was greatly shocked.

ASEAN Immortal Soldiers.

ASEAN actually dispatched three thousand immortal soldiers to station near Dong'an City!

Zeng Yimu thought hard, but in the end he could only decide on a strategy to attack the east and the west, and asked the messenger elder of the Blood Fiend Palace to mobilize a large number of monsters who obeyed the orders of the Blood Fiend Palace.

Most of these monsters are in the realm of Yuanxian, and there are more than a hundred of them gathered at the moment.

Just cannon fodder.

'not enough. ’

Zeng Yimu's plan required at least three hundred demon clans to lure away the ASEAN immortal soldiers outside Dong'an City, and then the Blood Demon Palace could launch a surprise attack on Dong'an City.

According to Zeng Yimu's calculation, there should be at least three groups of blood evil spirits lurking near Dong'an City.

As soon as he starts taking action here and mobilizes the ASEAN immortal soldiers, these three groups of blood demons will attack the city and kill all the disciples of Wan Yun Sect.

This is the revenge from the adoptive father.


Zeng Yimu let out a long sigh.

He actually wanted to advise his adoptive father not to have a head-on confrontation with ASEAN, and not to allow a killer organization like the Blood Demon Palace to compete head-on with ASEAN's immortal soldiers.

But he didn't dare to say this at all.

The number of blood demons who died in the hands of his adoptive father far exceeded the number of blood demons that had been broken recently.

'well! Just send out these monsters later, and when the ASEAN immortal soldiers move, Pindao can escape far away. ’

Zeng Yimu stood at the highest point of this undersea secret shop with his hands behind his back, overlooking the dark and gloomy bartering place below.

He was also quite helpless.

His generals had all been lent to the evil spirits before, but this time he came out temporarily. What he can command now are the monsters hiding in the shadows of the dark workshop.

Let these monsters who are prone to spring be on guard?

It would be better to kill him directly!

Therefore, Zeng Yimu could only act as the commander and sentry by himself at the moment, relying on the intuition he had developed over the years to sense whether there was a strong enemy invading this place.


Zeng Yimu's twinkling little eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the two masked men wandering in front of various stalls.

‘Fairy? ’

Zeng Yimu took half a step back, completely hiding in the shadows, staring closely at the man and woman like a poisonous snake.

He investigated carefully and found that these two people were also demon cultivators.

Especially the slender woman, whose magic power cannot deceive anyone; the man is much weaker and does not seem to be doing much harm.

Zeng Yimu's figure fell from the tall building, stuck in the shadow, and followed slowly.

Getting closer, Zeng Yimu heard the other party's conversation.

The man asked: "Elder, do you have the herbs you need?"

The woman replied: "No, it seems that I still need to go to Beizhou. The herbs here are either not toxic enough or have insufficient medicinal properties. It is difficult to neutralize the toxicity and medicinal properties."

"Then let's take a look again? It's not easy to come here."

"Well, okay, let's take a walk. I really like walking around with you like this."

The two of them continued walking towards other stalls.

Zeng Yimu curled his lips slightly, these two were actually concubines?

‘Judging from the frequency of their conversations, they are transmitting voices. Such conversations should be deliberately intended for the people around them to hear. ’

Afterwards, Zeng Yimu took a few glances at the demon cultivators on these stalls.

These demonic cultivators are all ruthless characters. At this moment, they felt the strength of the female immortal. They all smiled and did not dare to speak boldly.

Zeng Yimu quietly followed the two men for a few steps, and more doubts arose in his heart.

Without him, wherever these two people passed, there were monsters that he had placed to hide before. These two people just walked around in one circle, and they had already explored the whereabouts of more than a hundred monsters in this place.

Zeng Yimu's mouth turned into a sneer.

In this case, we can't let these two people go.

At this time, the female fairy smiled and said: "Okay, let's go back, this dark workshop is still too small."

"Elder, should we go to the nearby town to have a look?"

"It's difficult to buy suitable spiritual herbs in Fang Town, and it's not convenient for us to show up directly."

The two of them rushed towards the only entrance and exit here while chatting and laughing.

Zeng Yimu didn't have to do this. He quietly hurried back to the high-rise building, took the secret passage he had dug before, and reached the deep sea trench first.

The man and woman had just left the dark room, and Zeng Yimu was already lying on the edge of the trench. He had a long bow stained with evil spirit in his hand, and took out two very precious poisonous arrows that could hurt the gods.

‘If Pindao’s generals are here, why should Pindao take action himself? ’

Zeng Yimu calmly looked down at the couple, and some celestial knowledge emerged from the dark room, staring at the backs of the couple.

Suddenly, the male cultivator turned around and grabbed the female cultivator's arm.

The latter seemed to be a little uncomfortable, but still did not dodge. The male cultivator directly grabbed his arm and threw him to the side of the steep stone wall.

Zeng Yimu frowned slightly... What are they going to do? Found him?

Soon, Zeng Yimu was laughing secretly.

The female nun was a little shy and restless, leaning against the stone wall with her hands behind her back.

The male cultivator stretched out his right hand and put it on the female cultivator's shoulder and next to the mask, and the two began to look at each other at close range.

Of course, Zeng Yimu didn't notice at this moment that the male cultivator's left hand, which was hidden behind his back, shook out a faint golden thread.

Zeng Yimu thought to himself: "These two are indeed mistresses."

The female cultivator suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed the male cultivator away, and flew towards the bottom of the trench; the male cultivator shook her head, chased after her, and then... suddenly looked up and looked at Zeng Yimu from a distance.

Zeng Yimudao felt a warning sign!

He was about to use his magic power to escape, but an extremely powerful pressure enveloped his back, and a powerful celestial consciousness condensed into a fist, hitting his soul at close range.

Zeng Yimu was dizzy and unable to speak. A big hand pressed his neck, sealing his soul in an instant.

Before being restrained, Zeng Yimu had three thoughts in his heart at the same time.

‘Golden Immortal! ’

‘Oh no, poor Taoist is the fish that’s been caught! ’

‘Alas, my adoptive father’s move is indeed unwise. ’

Above the trench, Mr. Xu Sheng lifted the middle-aged Taoist to have a look, then casually took a bag containing spiritual pets and threw it in.

"This guy is so weak, he shouldn't be a big fish."

Xu Sheng murmured like this, and then thought that if he, a powerful golden immortal, came to do such a sneak attack, it would really be...

Quite comfortable.

Ping An is right, sneak attack is the correct way to exert one's own strength and suppress the enemy as quickly as possible.

However, the sacrifice of peace is too great.

Xu Sheng hid his whereabouts and quietly pursued the front.

In order to cover his attack and avoid the sight of the Happy Valley Demonic Cultivator, Ping An had no choice but to use means to disturb the witch.

He should watch carefully, lest Ping An really feeds the devil with his body.

Three updates, make up for it.

I'm going home and slowly getting back into shape, and I'll work hard to update more next time!

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