The fairy is fierce

Chapter 41 Peach Blossom Lord


The sun was rising, and the chirping of birds and the crackling sound of burning firewood came from the window.

Zuo Lingquan opened his eyes and relaxed for a while before he finally woke up.

After changing shifts with the Dowager Empress last night, nothing worth talking about happened. He was really tired, and he felt like it was dawn when he closed and opened his eyes.

Zuo Lingquan stood up and stretched, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that the room had been tidied up neatly, with several wooden boards engraved with characters leaning against the wall, but Shangguan Lingye was nowhere to be seen.

Zuo Lingquan walked out of the room and followed the sound to the kitchen on the side of the yard. He saw Tuanzi standing on the window sill, waving his wings and saying "chirp, chirp, chirp..." fiercely. He looked similar to the one who ordered him to cook yesterday. He just listened. His tone was like, 'Why are you so clumsy? ’.

Zuo Lingquan leaned towards the window and looked in. Grandma Toffee in simple clothes was standing next to the stove, holding a spatula in her hand. On the plate next to her, there were sliced ​​meat and vegetables she found from nowhere. , the knife skills are pretty good, but I don’t know how to put the pot in first, so he pointed to the plate and said:

"This one first?"



Seeing Zuo Lingquan peering out of the window, Shangguan Lingye's expression returned to his usual "having everything in mind" and he was cooking seriously, looking like a good wife and loving mother.

"How about I do it."

"You don't know how to cook, so what are you doing here? Go about your own business. I'll call you when I'm eating."

Zuo Lingquan's cooking skills were almost non-existent, so he didn't go in to join in the fun. After washing up a little, he took a few wooden boards from the house and left the yard.

The people of Macheng County gathered nearby. There were quite a lot of people in the streets and alleys. Men wearing red headscarves walked back and forth to maintain order. Several women held up big pots. People in ragged clothes lined up to come forward to receive the porridge. soup.

Zuo Lingquan had figured out the way last night and went directly to a tea shop under the city wall.

The four leaders of the rebel army were in the courtyard outside the tea shop, gesturing with each other with their swords. They seemed to be doing morning exercises. The people had gathered, and Lu Chen didn't run around alone. He leaned aside and watched.

"Lu Chen, you said that the three of us combined can't defeat that great hero Zuo. Is that true or false?"

The one who spoke was Zhu Ba, who also used a sword. He could use the sword to open and close, and his kung fu skills were the best among several people. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his words.

Lu Chen had seen Zuo Lingquan's sword-drawing stance before and said disdainfully:

"Shan Wai Qing Shan Lou Wai Lou, if you don't believe it, just go there and try it yourself... Hey, it won't come here."

Jiang Heng turned around when he heard the sound and saw Zuo Lingquan coming over. He put away the red tassel gun and said hello:

"Master Zuo got up very early. How did you and your wife rest last night?"

"It's very good. Thank you for the hospitality from Chief Jiang."

Zuo Lingquan came to the tea shop and put down the wooden board:

"We have nothing to thank you for. We wrote something overnight yesterday. I hope Brother Jiang can use it in the future."

When several people heard this, they all gathered around and looked at the wooden board.

It's just that everyone present has a rough background, and they are considered educated people if they can recognize their own names. Faced with the dense small characters and graphics, their expressions become awkward.

Su Ziyu, dressed as a scholar, had attended a private school for a year when she was a child. At this time, she stood in front of several people with her hands behind her hands and read carefully:

"When marching and fighting, morale is more important than swords, guns, and armor. Soldiers have aspirations, and no matter how weak they are, they still have courage that no man can match. Leaders are disloyal, and soldiers who have fought hundreds of battles are just a mob..."

In order for them to understand, Shangguan Lingye's words were very down-to-earth and his description was extremely detailed. It was equivalent to a step-by-step instruction. Anyone with a little brain can understand it. Whether you can apply what you learned depends on your own ability.

Jiang Heng listened for a moment and said unexpectedly: "Is this the art of war?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to march and fight, but what Shangguan Lingye wrote was definitely not fabricated. He nodded and said:

"That's right. It's not just the art of using soldiers, but also other things. They are all experiences summed up by predecessors. Brother Jiang took note of them carefully, and they will definitely be of great use."

Jiang Heng didn't know exactly how useful a few brands could be, but he didn't take it lightly. Together with Su Ziyu, he took a few wooden boards aside and studied them carefully.

Zhu Ba and Cao Xin are pure Jianghu people and have little interest in these things. After the two of them finished chatting, Zhu Ba stepped forward and said:

"We martial artists don't understand the matter of scholars. I heard that Zuo Daxia is very powerful in martial arts. If he can give us some pointers in martial arts, it seems to be much more useful than the art of war. Don't you think so, Zuo Daxia?" ?”

He was talking about giving advice, but Zhu Ba's intention was obviously to compete with each other.

Zuo Lingquan has a wide range of secular martial arts knowledge, and he also has a lot of experience. I am afraid that he will not be able to use it in his spiritual practice in the future. He did not hide his secrets at the moment. He took a wooden stick as a weapon and sparred with a few people. Based on the martial arts practice of a few people, Zuo Lingquan Style, point out some of your own understanding.

As for the process of sparring, there is no need to describe it in detail. It is basically equivalent to an adult fighting a three-year-old child with a wooden stick.

As the saying goes, "The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual." Several people have a foundation in kung fu, and they can remember enough of what they are taught. Whether they can understand it or not can only depend on their own understanding.

After working outside the tea shop until noon, Zuo Lingquan was able to escape and return to his small courtyard with a few new wooden boards in his arms.

It was obviously past dinner time, and the lingering fragrance of stir-fried pork still lingered in the courtyard.

When Zuo Lingquan entered the courtyard, he saw that the door of the main room was open. Shangguan Lingye was sitting at the square table, with his hands on the side of his face in a daze. There were covered plates, bowls and chopsticks in front of him. His profile looked like he was waiting. Xiaojiabiyu takes her husband home for dinner.

Tuanzi was almost going crazy with greed, rolling around on the table, and kept counting "chi chi". When Zuo Lingquan came back, he became energetic and turned over to open the covered plate himself.

Zuo Lingquan put down the wooden board and said in surprise: "Why don't you eat first? Why are you waiting for me?"

Shangguan Lingye came back to his senses and got up to the kitchen to get some rice:

"Nothing, just want to experience the feeling of a woman in the secular world. Although I can only deal with firewood, rice, oil and salt, this life feels much more leisurely than practicing Taoism."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said: "That's because we have no pressure. In the secular world, we are penniless and life is much harder than this."

Shangguan Lingye naturally understood this truth. She just wanted to say, 'It's not unacceptable to live like this after giving up immortality'. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan didn't understand what she meant, she didn't say anything more, put the rice on the table, and ate breakfast together...


The northern part of Jiuzong, Taohuatan.

Although the Nine Sects are called the ‘Nine Sects of the South’, their sphere of influence has already covered the central part of Yuyaozhou. Fulong Mountain is the central peak of Yuyaozhou. After crossing the mountain range and entering the endless desert, you will reach the Sword Emperor City of Zhongzhou. The ten thousand miles of territory on the east side of the mountain range to the coast is the jurisdiction of Taohuatan.

Taohuatan is famous for farming and weaving, and is the source of raw materials needed by the cultivators of the entire Yuyaozhou; planting and cultivating these materials requires a large-scale spiritual field, so the appearance near the sect is completely different from other places.

The endless black soil plain is divided into countless small pieces, with rivers crisscrossing in an orderly manner, and various picking and fertilizing equipment moving in it; the spiritual grass is mostly colorful, and it looks like a sea of ​​flowers when viewed from the sky.

Spiritual herbs are very delicate and need careful care for artificial cultivation. It is far from enough to rely on the disciples of the sect to maintain such a large-scale spiritual field. The secular people on the plains have long been employed by Taohuatan and have become farmers of the immortal family passed down from generation to generation. It is the place with the smallest gap between immortals and mortals in the jurisdiction of the Nine Sects.

It was summer, and the sun was scorching on the plains.

The ancestor Shangguan, wearing a golden dragon scale long skirt, floated alone across the plains and came to a canyon surrounded by mountains.

The canyon is a hundred miles in radius, and it is full of peach trees that never fade in all seasons, extending to the surrounding mountains. In the center is a cold pond with clear water. When the breeze blows, the ripples of the swaying sea of ​​flowers are integrated with the wrinkles on the water surface. The scene can be described as a dream.

Shangguan Yutang did not alarm the disciples of Taohuatan. He regarded the protective formation as nothing and slowly landed beside the pond in the center of the canyon.

The cold pond of clear water is surrounded by peach trees. There is a huge ancestral tree in the pond. It is so thick that more than ten people can hug it. The umbrella-shaped canopy covers the sky and the sun. Ten thousand peach blossoms bloom. Before you get close, the rich fragrance of the flowers can make you intoxicated. It is difficult to find a way out. Therefore, no disciples dare to get close within a few miles.

Shangguan Yutang landed barefoot on the petals all over the ground. She first glanced at the ancestral tree that was older than her, and then looked under the canopy.

The huge canopy blocked the sunlight, and it was cool under the tree. There was a stone tablet near the pond. The stone tablet was engraved with the words "... planted here by hand". The first three words should be a person's name, but they were scraped off.

Under the canopy, there was a beauty couch grown by vines, and several wine jars were overturned next to it.

The delicate woman in spring clothes was lying on the beauty couch in an unsightly posture. Her proud chest was flattened by her weight, showing a tense outline from the side.

The fragrant buttocks wrapped in the spring shirt drew a perfect arc, connecting the plump and round legs. The skirt was not neat, revealing half of the calf like mutton-fat jade. She wore dark green embroidered shoes with petals on her feet, and one of them fell off.

The hands of the woman in the spring shirt were not very well behaved. One arm was placed under her cheek as a pillow, and the other arm was hanging from the beauty couch. There was a small wine jar hooked on her fingertips. In this situation, it was quite appropriate to describe it as being drunk.

As the head of the Nine Sects, Shangguan Yutang was always serious and had a colder and more majestic personality than most men. He also had steady and domineering requirements for his disciples. He looked down on this kind of monk who succumbed to desire, had no ambition and lived a life of drunkenness and dreams all day long.

Seeing that the woman didn't wake up, Shangguan Yutang's eyes showed a little coldness. He hooked his fingers lightly, and a water curtain appeared beside him. The water curtain reflected the seductive picture of the woman being drunk.

This move was not to display the unknown magical power of an immortal, but simply to broadcast live, so that the disciples of Taohuatan could see what kind of virtue their respected ancestor was like in private.

However, this method was obviously more effective than the magical power of an immortal. As soon as the water curtain was unfolded, the Peach Blossom Lord on the beauty couch raised his cheeks with drunken eyes, raised his fingers to disperse the water curtain, and looked at the woman in the golden skirt in front of him. There was a look of surprise in his beautiful eyes, and he said drunkenly:

"Hey? Yutang, why are you here? I thought you forgot about me, your sister..."

As he spoke, he stood up shakily, walked barefoot to Shangguan Yutang, opened his arms and gave him a hug like old friends.

Shangguan Yutang was slender and taller than most men, while Peach Blossom Lord was more graceful and elegant, a little shorter and unsteady. She fell down with her arms outstretched when she was still two steps away, hugging Shangguan Yutang's waist and burying her cheek between the high lapels.


Shangguan Yutang frowned and raised his hand to push away the almost drunken Peach Blossom Lord, but found that she rubbed her cheek against her lapels, and said drunkenly with disgust:

"Eh~ Is it a sandbag inside? It's quite big and not soft at all..."

? ! !

Padding? Sandbag?

Even though Shangguan Yutang had a temperamental expression of joy and anger, his eyebrows stood up at the rude words. He raised his hand and threw the crazy woman back to the beauty's bed, saying coldly:

"Old witch, do you want to die?"

"What are you doing~"

Lord Peach Blossom fell on the beauty's couch, waved his sleeves in dissatisfaction, and then searched around.

Shangguan Yutang resisted the urge to do something, walked up to him, and kicked away the shoes he had thrown aside. Unexpectedly, Lord Peach Blossom was not looking for shoes at all. He searched around for a long time and took another jar of wine from under the ancestral tree. Come out, open the seal, hold it and bring it to your lips.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yutang's face became even colder.

Both of them are lords and female cultivators. It stands to reason that the relationship should be good if they get together in private, but in fact this is not the case.

If there is only one female cultivator among the eight masters, and she is very powerful, the other seven male cultivators will obey the orders of face, and they will be the same as each other, and there will not be too many conflicts.

But it is different when there are two female cultivators. Lord Peach Blossom is also a female cultivator, and she is very 'feminine' - to put it simply, she likes to care about trivial matters - I always feel that 'they are both women, and they are all talkers of the Nine Sects. Why should you be big and I should be small? Why should I listen to you? ’, no matter what happens, I have to discuss it with Shangguan Yutang.

Shangguan Yutang treats men and women equally, so naturally he will not accommodate Lord Peach Blossom. As the third elder of the Nine Sects, he used his absolute strength to prove to Lord Peach Blossom, "Why should I be the big one and you be the small one?"

The result was good, Lord Peach Blossom felt that she couldn't speak up and took action. She was a shrew who bullied others based on her seniority. In a fit of anger, she retreated into seclusion in the mountains and never showed her face. She was very ready to withdraw from the Nine Sects Alliance.

However, the relationship between the nine major sects is intricate, and the absence of any one of them will have a huge impact. If they really choose to go it alone, Taohuatan itself will definitely be the first to collapse. In the end, Lord Fulong acted as a peacemaker and persuaded Lord Peach Blossom to calm down. He came down, but he and Shangguan Yutang were still in a cold war. He made a symbolic appearance during the attack on Huangshan last time, but didn't say a word to Shangguan Yutang.

At this time, they met in private. Lord Peach Blossom was drunk and acting crazy, obviously not wanting to talk to her. Shangguan Yutang saw that it was useless to talk nicely, so he walked up to him, grabbed the wine jar, and said coldly:

"Old witch, if you keep pretending to be crazy, don't blame me for not showing mercy to you."

Lord Peach Blossom raised his hand to grab it, but before he could get it back, he fell on the beauty's couch again. Looking at the woman in the gold skirt with cold eyes, he said drunkenly:

"You are also a woman, what can...what can you do to me? Hiccup~...If you were a man, I would be afraid that you would take me back...become a furnace, give birth to's a pity that you can't do that, at most you are just like a shrew Give me a beating, what's there to be afraid of..."

After saying that, he also made a position to lie down, opened his arms and said:

"Yutang, could it be that you have practiced so much...that you have really transformed yourself into a man?... If that's the case, I would like to see what you are capable of... Can you make me cry for father and mother? Come on... …”

? !

Shangguan Yutang looked coldly at the drunken Lord Peach Blossom. He wanted to ask for help, but he couldn't beat him up. There was really nothing he could do at the moment. She took a breath, sat down on the beauty's couch, and said seriously:

"I have business with you. The day before yesterday, my apprentice was on the East China Sea to eliminate the remnants of the alien race. He disappeared inexplicably and was not caused by human intervention. Please help me find out his whereabouts."

Lord Peach Blossom lazily stood up and sat behind Shangguan Yutang. He looked at the side of her face with eyes that seemed drunk but not drunk. He leaned closer and hummed:

"The person... didn't disappear in my Peach Blossom Pond... Why should I help you? There is no such clause in the Nine Sect Covenant."

The mellow smell of wine hit his face, Shangguan Yutang lost his patience a little, turned around and said:

"I only want to talk to you properly to save your face. I can ask it myself. Then don't cry and say that I stole your opportunity."

Lord Peach Blossom looked indifferent and lay back again, looking for a wine jar under the beauty's bed:

"You can do whatever you want... Who among the nine sects doesn't know how powerful you are? I am a lonely female cultivator and I can't beat you, a great elder. Alas..."

Shangguan Yutang has always been direct in his behavior. Seeing that his good words and persuasion were of no use, he stood up and came to the ancestral tree. He raised his hands and made a hand gesture to launch the Nine Palace Formation.

Lord Peach Blossom was just drunk, not really stupid. Seeing that Shangguan Yutang was in a hurry, he was probably capable of doing anything, so he sobered up a bit and changed his words:

"That's all. Seeing that they are all women and it's not easy for you, I'll help you. But we agreed in advance that this year the Iron Clan Mansion will raise half the price of the materials. This year's harvest will not be good, and all the disciples and grandsons will eat it. I can’t afford to eat, but I’m not like you who make your own fairy money and spend it as much as you want.”

The Tie Clan Mansion controls the Xian family's coinage, but the raw material for the coinage is real spiritual energy, and they only earn a meager manual fee. There is no way to spend as much money as they want to print.

Shangguan Yutang didn't want to be owed a favor, so he didn't refuse. He stopped moving and gave a signal with his eyes.


Lord Peach Blossom, still looking drunk, stood up, staggered to the old peach blossom tree, clasped his hands together, and made a gesture of offering sacrifice to the gods.


The breeze blows across the thousands of miles of peach blossom sea, and the scenery of thousands of flowers blooming remains unchanged, but there seems to be something more on the ancestral tree.

This ancestral tree in Peach Blossom Pond once received enlightenment from Shenjun Mengzhang. Shenjun Mengzhang is the green dragon among the five beasts of heaven. He is on the same level as Suzaku. He is in charge of the east of heaven and earth and the five elements of trees. His divine status is second only to Taiyin. and the sun.

Whether it is the Eight Great Lords or the Youying alien race, they are just creatures of heaven and earth that thrive on the bodies of gods. They do not belong to the same plane. To Shangguan Yutang, Shenjun Mengzhang is also a true god, so her expression is naturally a bit solemn.

Lord Peach Blossom stood in front of the ancestral tree, closed his eyes and prayed for a long time. The peach blossom tree responded and dropped a mist, which fell on the pool below.

Shangguan Yutang turned around and saw that the cold pool of green water turned into a bottomless well.

At the other end of the deep well is a folk house with a square table inside; a young man and a woman in folk women's skirts sit across from each other at the table, with a plate of stir-fried pork and a pot of rice in front of them. The scene is like a farmhouse in the world. young couple; and a white bird standing on the table, burying its head in the bowl and gobbling.

Lord Peach Blossom opened his eyes and looked drunk again. He staggered forward, put his arm on Shangguan Yutang's shoulder, and unexpectedly said:

"Lingye girl has found a Taoist companion? She's really handsome and suits my taste..."

Shangguan Yutang felt a little more relaxed and did not answer the question, but asked:

"Where did they go?"

"It must have been a great opportunity. Anyway, those who get a second look from the gods will benefit a lot. They will probably come out soon...

"Oh~ This guy also knows how to pick up food for women, and he's quite good at caring for her. He's not like the silly goose from your Tie Yong Mansion...

"Hey~ Look, the look in Lingye's girl's eyes and her snickering are very feminine, but not like the apprentice you taught..."

"Old witch, you only pay attention to these things?"

"Otherwise, what are you paying attention to? ...But that's right. Ascetic monks like you who only focus on cultivation and have never experienced the love between men and women, it's normal to not be interested in these things. It's really pitiful."

"Have you experienced it?"

"I'm different from you. I haven't met my destined Taoist companion. It's more interesting for two people to get drunk together than to drink alone."

Shangguan Yutang has always been straightforward and responded:

"Human beings are not grass and trees. Who can be ruthless? I just haven't encountered them."

This was originally a heartfelt answer, but after hearing it, Lord Peach Blossom actually burst out laughing, his branches trembling with laughter, and he was holding his stomach.

Shangguan Yutang's eyes sank slightly and he looked at the old witch next to him:

"why are you laughing?"

Lord Peach Blossom suppressed his smile and responded:

"You laugh at your lack of self-awareness. You haven't met me yet. You can't meet me. You are so clever. If a man becomes a Taoist couple with you, he will get a small beating in three days and a big beating in five days. Find it for yourself. Unbearable sin?

"Look at the monks in Yuyaozhou, who has thought about you? You will definitely die alone in this life, so don't imagine that you can meet a Taoist companion. If you take the initiative to pursue it, others may not want you... Ha ha……"

The words are not ordinary, and only Lord Peach Blossom from the Nine Sects dares to talk to Shangguan Yutang like this.

Shangguan Yutang is also a well-educated person, looking at the water calmly, lifeless...

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