The fairy is fierce

Chapter 42: Life is short

The setting sun fell into the mountains, and the stars appeared on the sky again.

Shangguan Lingye was wearing the clothes of a peasant girl, standing under the eaves, holding dumplings and feeding rice grains, looking up to the sky, in a daze.

Ordinary people often say that life is short, and they imagine that they will live forever, and every year will last forever.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Shangguan Lingye once thought that ordinary people were dissatisfied with the short life span, so he sighed like this.

But after living in the secular world for a few days, I realized that what ordinary people are reluctant to give up is not their life span, but the people and things they have experienced - they are afraid of losing their youthful physique, they are afraid that their beauty will grow old, they are afraid of being separated from their loved ones, and they are afraid that the current comfortable time will never come back. .

If a mortal carries an old body, all his close relatives are separated by life and death, and he is left with only loneliness for the rest of his life, then living for one more day will be tiring, and how can anyone expect to live forever and live forever.

Shangguan Lingye stayed in this unknown place, and was forced to put down everything he had. Without his cultivation of the gods, without the heavy affairs of the Demon Hunting Department, without the aura of a noble daughter of the Immortal Family, he was left alone. , and a companion who depends on each other.

Eighty years ago, Shangguan Lingye would not have dared to imagine such a thing. When encountering a similar situation, his only thought would be to "get out of the sea of ​​suffering."

But now I don't know why, Shangguan Lingye doesn't resent such days.

Cooking during the day, keeping watch at night, and chatting a few flirtatious words with men, the day passed without thinking about anything.

And after leaving here, you have to go back to your old days, with countless trivial things burdening you. You also have to take care of your spiritual practice, find opportunities to find your true destiny, protect ordinary people, and resist the invasion of evil spirits and heretics. As long as you live, you will not stop. One day, just thinking about it makes people feel breathless.

In comparison, Shangguan Lingye naturally felt that such a simple life was more comfortable.

But it is a pity that fairies who fall into the mortal world are also fairies. They do not belong to this world and will always return one day.

While Shangguan Lingye was staring at the starry sky in a daze, there was a sudden commotion on the distant city wall, and several shouts came:

"Look over there..."

"It's the Qingjia Army, please inform the boss quickly..."


The gong rang, and suddenly there was a lot of noise outside.

On the side of the small courtyard, Zuo Lingquan, who was chopping firewood, glanced at the city wall with his sword in hand: "It seems something happened... I'll go over and have a look." With that, he jumped out of the courtyard wall.

Shangguan Lingye and Zuo Lingquan had only been here for two days and had not discovered the whereabouts of the Nether Ancestor. However, the Qingjia Army who was a hundred miles away suddenly came over. They knew there was a problem at the first thought. She thought for a moment, went back to the house to get her belongings, and followed her out...


Tata Tower——

There were heavy footsteps in the dilapidated county town. The remaining people had already seen the bad reputation of the Qingjia Army. They fled when they heard the gongs and hid in secluded places in the city.

There are only three hundred rebels in the city, and their quality varies greatly. Not to mention strong bodies, there are only about two hundred people with sound limbs. Except for a dozen leaders who have some skills, the others are farmers, and their weapons are only kitchen knives and hoes. .

The city wall in Macheng County is just an earthen wall with a height of two people. There are not enough defenders and there are no bows and crossbows. There are many soldiers in green armor. If you really want to attack the city, you don't even need to set up a ladder. If you are good at it, you can climb it with your bare hands. Come up, there is no way to defend.

Jiang Heng is good at inspiring people. The rebels haven't fled yet, but the situation is not far off. Cao Xin looked at the densely packed torches outside the county town, her face was ashen, she patted her thigh and said:

"Let me tell you, it would have been nice to have gone there a long time ago. Now people are coming. There are at least two thousand people at the moment. They are probably here to massacre the city and establish their prestige..."

Zhu Ba was the most mature, but he was also panicked at this time:

"How about breaking out? Run from the south into the mountains and hide for a few days..."

"There are people from the south, and the escape route is blocked!"

Jiang Heng turned to look at the mountains to the south of the county town, and sure enough he found a torch swaying over there. To the east of the county town was the sea, and there were no boats to escape from, so he was already covered in dumplings.

"Boss, hurry up and open the city gate and go out to sue for peace. It will be too late when they start to attack the city before you go out..."

Jiang Heng shook his head and said: "Zhu Wu is so ruthless and puts so much effort into making dumplings. It's definitely not because of our small manpower. He is probably here to 'train troops'. There is no way to survive if he surrenders."

The Qingjia Army's training method is to kill people to train the new recruits' courage. Its reputation is well known in the surrounding area. The county rebels have no chance of winning, and they are looking ashen now.

Jiang Heng knew that there was no difference between holding on and giving away for nothing. He wanted to order his men to disperse and fend for themselves. When he saw Zuo Lingquan running up with a sword, he said:

"How about we all disperse and find a way to break out of the encirclement. Leave the old man behind and let us take more young people out. Zuo Jianxia, ​​you are very skilled in martial arts. Please lend a helping hand and take a few children out. If all the children are dead, , it became extinct in Macheng County.”

Zuo Lingquan quickly came to the top of the city and glanced at the number of enemy troops. There were about three thousand people. The main force of the Qingjia Army had arrived except for the thousand people left to defend the city.

However, this battle did not scare Zuo Lingquan. He raised his hand to signal everyone not to panic and asked:

"We don't have many people. As long as we disperse, we won't be able to resist. Don't panic. Let's see what they are here for."

Jiang Heng and others were just ordinary people, waiting here to die. How could they listen to this? They immediately stopped paying attention to Zuo Lingquan and began to order his men to find opportunities to break out.

The county town is a mess, but outside it is orderly.

Two thousand bandit troops came from the south, led by more than 500 people, all wearing armor and carrying standard swords and guns. Behind them were archers and crossbowmen, holding a banner with the word "zhu", which looked murderous.

In the middle of the bandit army was a large chair carried by eight people. On it sat a tall man with a beard wearing a python robe, carrying two tiger-head swords on his back, facing Zhu Wu, the leader of the Qingjia Army, who was as fierce as Yama.

The bandits stopped a stone's throw away, and Zhu Wu shouted from afar:

"Jiang Heng, you are also considered a good player in Ninghe. I will give you a chance to bring out a few brothers around you and join the Qingjia Army as junior generals. The others will be of great use to me, so don't be nagging me."

On top of the city, Jiang Heng and others had different expressions when they heard this.

Cao Xin wanted to agree, but he also knew what would happen to the rest of the brothers if he agreed. After all, the people in the Jianghu took it upon themselves to be righteous and had no choice but to speak.

Jiang Heng originally despised Zhu Wu, and it was even more impossible for him to send nearly a thousand brothers who relied on him into the tiger's mouth to find a life for himself. He immediately responded:

"King Zhu, we have no intention of going against you. I have been thinking about going over to seek refuge these days. People have gathered. Before I could leave, you came here first. Several hundred of my brothers are also good at fighting. If you want to Why don’t we call you the king from now on and join your party today?”

Zhu Wu leaned on the big chair carried by eight people and raised his hand simply:

"Okay, I'll give you a favor and ask your men to drop all their weapons and lead the people out."

You don't need to think about it to know that this is a lie. If they really lost their weapons and left the city, the next thing they would be greeted by was a butcher's knife.

Jiang Heng knew that Zhu Wu was determined to kill, his face darkened, he tilted his head and said:

"Let's delay for a while and let others lead the people to run away from the sea. How many can swim out?"

Su Ziyu, a scholar with no fighting ability at all, ran down and escaped secretly with others.

Jiang Heng was about to continue talking nonsense and delay the attack on the city, but he saw Shangguan Lingye walking up with a bamboo hat. He ignored them at all. After glancing under the city wall a few times, he said:

"To capture the thief, capture the king first. You go and kill that guy. The method is more cruel. You will peel off the skin and cramp in front of them. Don't kill too many others. You can keep it for your own use."

? ?

Jiang Heng and his brothers were puzzled. They were wondering if the woman was frightened, when they saw Zuo Lingquan next to him nodded slightly, then turned over and jumped off the city wall.

"Eh?! Master Zuo, you..."

"Rope, pull the person up quickly..."

Jiang Heng and others had seen Zuo Lingquan's strong martial arts, but there were more than two thousand people outside, armed with crossbows and armor. No matter how advanced his martial arts skills were, it would lead to death. They all thought Zuo Lingquan was crazy and hurriedly tried to pull him back. .

But Zuo Lingquan landed firmly on the loess and did not look back.

The night wind whistled, and the cold moon was like a blade, carving out the light and shadow of the sword on the ruined land.

The firelight reflected from the crossbow arrows was like fangs pointing towards the old city wall in the distance in the night.

Under the city wall, a swordsman in black robes, with his hair tied up with a hairband, strode under the moonlight and night wind. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of his robes.

In front of you is an armored army, and behind you is a dilapidated and dangerous city.

The scene looked as if death was at home, and it was like hitting a stone with an egg. There was no chance of winning, and it even made the opponent laugh:

"Look, someone jumped down..."

"I'm here to surrender..."

But the torch-bearing Qingjia Army soon stopped laughing.

Zhu Wu, who was sitting on the big chair, frowned and winked at the people below.

A sharp archer standing behind the elite army saw this and fired his bow and arrow until the figure in black strode forward.

call out--

The arrows were like cold stars, making a buzzing sound in the air.

Jiang Heng and others shouted "Be careful!", but saw that Zuo Lingquan did not dodge. He just raised his left hand slightly and blocked the flying arrow with his scabbard.


The arrow fell diagonally to the ground, failing to hinder its progress.

"Good work!"

Zhu Wu was also a practitioner. When he saw this scene, he sat up a little straighter, propped his elbows on his knees, and raised his chin:

"Fire the arrow!"

Boo hoo hoo——

More than a hundred archers received the order, and in an instant there was a loud sound of crossbows, and hundreds of cold lights shot through the air until they reached the swordsman in black who was halfway through the journey.

Jiang Heng and others looked ashen, thinking that Zuo Lingquan would turn into a hedgehog soon, but the next moment, their jaws dropped.

Zuo Lingquan was seen walking faster and faster in the night wind. This time he didn't even bother to hide. He walked straight through the arrow rain and let the powerful arrows fall on him.


The cold iron arrows pierced the robes, but stopped abruptly when they touched the flesh. Some were broken, and some bounced to the side.

The fourth level of Linggu has a golden body that is impeccable and cannot be hurt by ordinary swords; if Zuo Lingquan can be shot into a hedgehog by an earthly feather arrow, his cultivation as an immortal will be in vain.

Seeing such miracles, the county rebels were so frightened that they even forgot to escape. They stared blankly at the deflected arrows, unable to understand the scene they were seeing.


"Hero Zuo seems to be invulnerable..."

The same was true for the Qingjia Army outside the city. After firing a few arrows, they froze on the spot. Some people looked at the crossbows and arrow kettles in their hands, wondering if they had picked up the wrong weapons.

Among all the people, it was the leader Zhu Wu who was the most sober.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wu first looked surprised, then turned to look left and right, as if looking for someone.

Zuo Lingquan guessed that the Nether Ancestor might be hiding in the dark, wanting to provoke a massacre between the two armies to obtain the soul. He did not give Zhu Wu a chance to ask. When he reached the front of the soldiers, he stamped his feet on the ground and flew away. And rise.


Under the gaze of thousands of people, Zuo Lingquan jumped more than three feet high and rushed over the heads of hundreds of soldiers. Like a divine soldier descending from the sky, he struck Zhu Wu on the head with his palm.

Zhu Wu met Ancestor Netherworld the day before yesterday, and had already seen the power of being "invulnerable to swords and guns, and able to break gold and iron with his fingers"; even though he had killed countless people in his life and was full of courage, when he saw Zuo Lingquan approaching in the blink of an eye, Zhu Wu was also shocked and turned pale. The sword took action and at the same time roared angrily:

"Master, save me!"

Zuo Lingquan was also on guard, but no one came to help.

Behind the Qingjia Army, the Nether Ancestor was wearing ordinary clothes and had already turned around and walked towards Ninghe City.

The Nether Ancestor originally intended to let the Qingjia Army come to massacre the city, but he did not expect Zuo Lingquan to still stay in the county seat and did not find a place to restore his strength.

The ancestor of Netherworld couldn't kill two people with his physical body alone, and three thousand ordinary people couldn't kill the cultivators. With two people here, the plan to massacre the city would definitely fail. He had no interest in fighting with the two of them and returned to Ninghe City to force the defenders. The army massacred the remaining tens of thousands of civilians in the same way. They didn't even show their faces and left without returning.


But in the blink of an eye, Zuo Lingquan, like a black eagle, slapped his palm on the crossed and raised blades.

Zhu Wu was already considered a top warrior among mortals, but when faced with Zuo Lingquan's palm, he was no different from a three-year-old child raising his hands to block. Not only did his raised swords fail to cut off his palms, but he was also directly slapped. Pressing towards the chest and abdomen.

There was only a muffled sound of 'bang -', and the back of the knife was directly smashed into the thick chest, blood burst out, and there was a muffled sound of bone cracking.

There were many pro-soldiers around, but no one could react to the sparks of calcium carbide.

Zuo Lingquan grabbed Zhu Wu's neck with his backhand, and before he could ask for mercy, the five fingers of his right hand turned into sharp claws like hooks, directly piercing the chest of the bearded man, and then yanked him out.


In full view of everyone, a curtain of blood burst out from Zhu Wu's chest, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere. A beating blood cell was forcefully pulled out of his chest, and the blood sprinkled on the face of the soldier a few feet away.


Zhu Wu's eyes were horrified, he looked down at his empty chest, screamed, and then his limbs twitched, unwilling to die.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Qingjia soldiers were so frightened that they turned pale and forgot to draw their swords. Jiang Heng and others on the city wall were shocked, and even Shangguan Lingye frowned in surprise.

Zuo Lingquan wanted to capture the king and suppress the bandit army, so as not to cause a large number of casualties and benefit the Nether Ancestor, so he naturally had to be ruthless to the end; he carried the limp corpse with one hand, turned to look at the densely packed bandit army around him, and shouted angrily road:

"Kneel down, everyone!"

The sound is like thunder, traveling for miles at night.

Dozens of surrounding soldiers were so shocked that they sat down on the ground, and the rest all stepped back. Looking at the man in black standing on the big chair with the corpse in his hand, it was like looking at a demon god who had inexplicably appeared in the world.

Zuo Lingquan held his heart in his hand and looked fiercely at the group of ants at his feet, fully displaying his aura as a 'butcher of the world'.

This feeling was very domineering and invincible, but after seeing the horror and fear in everyone's eyes, Zuo Lingquan's heart moved, and he suddenly figured out one thing:

Without any restrictions, the immortals are so crushing and invincible when facing mortals; they do not give any chance, do not make any sense, good and evil are all up to themselves, and mortals have no right to resist or choose.

Zuo Lingquan came from the mountains, and to the people of this world, he was a true god; even if he didn't think so, mortals were like ants in front of him, and he could do whatever he wanted to do with his heart.

The same is true for the Nether Ancestor. As long as the Nether Ancestor is willing, it will be effortless to kill everyone in the world. The people of this world have no right to resist at all.

If there is a larger world above Jiuzhou, the 'true immortals' above may treat ordinary people like Zuo Lingquan the same way.

Whether those 'immortals' are good or evil has no meaning to Zuo Lingquan, because good and evil are determined by the immortals and have nothing to do with him.

Zuo Lingquan was a little puzzled at first when he heard from the Four Elephants Divine Marquis that there were ancestors who had cut off everyone's path to immortality, but now he suddenly understood what those ancestors did.

If you can go up, you can come down. If the one who comes down is Shangguan Lingye, it will naturally be a saint descending from heaven to Jiuzhou; but if the one who comes down is the Nether Ancestor, it will be the catastrophe of annihilation for the people.

The reason why those ancestors in ancient times cut off the road may be because they have experienced too much and would rather take their lives into their own hands than to gamble anymore.


Zuo Lingquan's angry eyes frightened the bandit army. Just as he was secretly realizing the truth, a streak of thunder flashed across the far south.

Zuo Lingquan came back to his senses in an instant. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the thunder was purple, and it seemed to tear a gap in the sky. It was an unparalleled sight that could appear in this world.

The Nether Ancestor, who had walked out for half a mile, saw the scene and his face changed suddenly, and then he became ecstatic and ran towards the southeast. It looked like a black sword under the moonlight, which was extremely eye-catching.

Shangguan Lingye also came to his senses instantly. He knew that there was an opportunity to escape in the south, but he did not leave. He turned around and said urgently:

"You will leave the city quickly, collect the bandits outside in the name of 'helping men and gods', and then find someone to pretend to be a ghost, and immediately go and occupy Ninghe City; be sure to keep what I teach you in mind, and it will work. From now on, do not commit evil crimes, be kind to the people, and restore peace to the people of this place."

After saying that, Shangguan Lingye grabbed an iron rod from the hands of the righteous army, leaped toward the city wall, and chased after the Netherworld Ancestor.

Jiang Heng was stunned by the scene of the celestial being descending to the world, but his mind was not slow. He knew that this was the biggest opportunity in his life. After he came to his senses, he jumped down the city wall and ran with a few brothers behind Shangguan Lingye, saying loudly:

"I, Jiang Heng, have the help of gods and men. I am invulnerable to swords and spears, and I am invulnerable to arrows. You should surrender quickly to avoid death."

The Qingjia Army outside the city saw with their own eyes that Zuo Lingquan was invulnerable to swords and spears, and Zhu Wu's body was still in his hands. They were already scared; seeing another group of people rushing out of the county town, they no longer had the will to fight, and began to abandon their weapons and retreat one after another.

Zuo Lingquan discovered the whereabouts of the Netherworld Ancestor and knew that he could not delay. He threw Zhu Wu's body directly in front of the chaotic army, drew his sword and chopped two bandits who wanted to escape, and shouted angrily:

"Kneel down for me!"

This time most people came back to their senses, and the effect was outstanding. Hundreds of people knelt on the ground on the spot, trembling with their heads on the ground, and the others no longer had the courage to try to stop the chariot.

Shangguan Lingye's figure was like a flying swallow, crossing through the bandit army, holding an iron rod and beating the few remaining small leaders who wanted to escape to death, and then joined Zuo Lingquan and chased to the south together.

Jiang Heng and others ran behind him, probably guessing that the two gods would never come back, and wanted to say goodbye to them with gratitude, but the situation was imminent and they could not afford to be polite. Jiang Heng could only stop and salute from a distance, and then turned around to scare the frightened Qingjia Army...

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