The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 193: Hao Jing is not bad

Zhao Si took a deep breath, and suddenly came back to his senses, and found that his back was already wet with sweat. The vehicle also deviated seriously because of his panic, but fortunately, with his monk quality, he turned the steering wheel back on track in an instant.

"Look at the road."

Li Yiyi looked down at the book just like before, the rabbit on his lap stared slightly and then fell asleep again.

"Try not to use the thunder method I taught you unless necessary. You can't control the power, and you will hurt others and yourself."

Although the thunder method he taught Zhao Si is a weakened version of Xiao Wu's thunder formation, after various deletions, the prototype is still the supernatural power to attack the number one in the world. Its power is still a top-level offensive technique, and it is a method that only true disciples can learn in the big sect.

"I've been working in the company for a year, and I'm like a child." Zhao Si protested dissatisfied, "I'm sure not as experienced as Lao Lu, but at least I have blood on my hands."

"In terms of cultivation, you are indeed a child, and the fourth child is far from enough."

Li Yi flipped a page of the book with his fingertips, with a quiet and elegant demeanor, like an ancient gentleman who has read a lot of poetry and books.

For some reason, Zhao Si felt that Li Yi had changed, and this change was inexplicable. His expression and demeanor were still as calm as before, but it gave him a human touch, inexplicably more gentle.

More like a person.

"Brother Yi, you must have more experience than me, but I didn't do nothing this year. I participated in 31 operations and even killed a monster with my own hands."

The most obvious change is that now Zhao Si has more confidence in facing Li Yi, and he no longer cringes and thinks twice before speaking. In the past, even if he knew that the other party would not care about such trivial details, he still did not dare to be presumptuous.

Now Zhao Si blurted out naturally.

"Isn't that enough?"

"Not enough, you lack a bit of vigor and a bit of anger."

Zhao Si is a mature and smooth adult in mortal society, but it is far from enough to be a practitioner. When he just woke up, facing the company's encirclement and suppression of him, Zhao Si's thinking was still under the rule of law, so Li Yi warned him not to be blinded by power, and at the same time said: If you don't kill yourself, you will hurt yourself.

Now that he has seen the blood, he has the decisiveness of a monk, but he lacks the vigor that a young man should have. It may be the influence brought about by one's own protection and system, or it may be the influence of the modern society ruled by law.

If Zhao Si remains in this state, it may be difficult for him to form alchemy.

"Spirit? Am I not vicious enough?"

Zhao Simian was pensive. Although he was a little unconvinced, he never questioned Li Yi in terms of practice. People living in the world say that they have problems, so there must be problems in themselves.

Li Yi said very bluntly: "You have lived in a society ruled by law for so many years, and your life has been too comfortable and smooth, so you have lost a bit of energy. Seeing that you are so stupid, I will clearly say that you care too much about the law and your heart is restrained. And be constrained."

"Ah?" Zhao Si slightly widened his eyes, showing a little bewilderment.

In his cognition, law-abiding is the benchmark of orthodox monks, and those who trample on the law are basically evil cultivators, and it is these people that the company has to deal with. It is not uncommon to kill people and destroy families, swallow souls and practice kung fu. It is these monks that Zhao Si hates the most.

Now that the company has undergone several restructurings, it can be said that monks are extremely lenient, as long as they don't kill anyone, everything is fine. Once a person dies, unless the other party has a great background and strength, it is basically a life for a life.

The punishment for monks killing people is generally heavier than that of ordinary people, and the company even has independent execution power.

This is also proposed by the Shangqing Palace. In troubled times, heavy punishments should be used, and monks should be given the greatest preferential treatment and the most severe punishment.

Abiding by the law is very simple for monks, and the government does not force them to do corvee. If you are willing to register a record file, there is even a monthly subsidy of several thousand yuan.

Brother Ke Yi doesn't seem to like the rule of law very much. Does obeying the law really affect his practice?

"Brother Yi, I don't think there's anything wrong with this. If all practitioners obeyed the law, there wouldn't be so many people dying."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Si unconsciously exerted force on the steering wheel, and his heart beat slightly faster.

Li Yi looked up at him slightly, and continued: "That's why I said that you are not mature enough. Not being bound by the law does not mean that you will commit murder. In the same way, righteous monks are not equal to the law."

"Everyone with great supernatural powers has the heart of the sun. Our strong heart is stronger than strength, and our will is as firm as a rock. It is bound by virtue and law. Righteous monks are a kind of praise in the practice world, not a category. whoever is right."

He slowed down his voice and slightly raised his head to look out the car window. The original field scenery is shrouded in gray, with endless high-rise buildings, magnificent and magnificent metropolitan area, and cold and cruel steel forest.

Nine tripods luck Gain heaven and earth.

Haojing, known as the capital of heaven by outsiders.

The center of world power, the origin of Chinese culture, power is its symbol, and expensive is its appearance.

"The book of rites says that the right way must be taught to the people, and the people will make meritorious deeds. Xiao Si, you have to learn to be a superior person, and you should have the courage to give up to me."

Li Yi closed the book and stretched slightly, and stopped preaching to Zhao Si. He could only point out many problems but could not forcefully stop them.

Practice is his own business, he just gives a relatively reasonable plan. In many cases, it takes a little rebellion to go further, and people who follow the rules will never become great supernatural beings.

The most typical example is the monk. After he leveled the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain to settle his cause and effect, he killed more Buddhists than himself. The monk thought that he was right, and thought that those who wanted to get rid of his incense slaves were demons, so he took up the butcher knife.

At that time, Buddhist sects all over the world called him Foni, and the Daleiyin Dharma he created seemed to be the most unlike Dharma in appearance. Without the slightest compassion and humility of the Buddha, it is full of madness and thunderous killing.

The Dharma of the Great Thunder Sound kills thousands of demons in the world, and only by laying down the butcher knife can one become a Buddha.

There are also negative examples, such as the rabbit in my arms. If you listen to yourself, you may not be able to beat monks and Taoist priests in martial arts, after all, it is the peak of transformation.

But Rabbit not only refused to listen, but was greedy for pleasure, and even modified his method of double cultivation.

"Wait a while and see what's delicious in the sky?"

After hearing these words, Zhao Si remained silent. Although he might be stupid in understanding, Brother Yi had already spoken very straightforwardly, and none of his words were riddles.

Am I really not sharp?

He asked himself, except that he was a little timid at the beginning, now he is the first to deal with evil cultivators. There is the beggar's version of Leifa and the induction between heaven and man. Except for the reincarnated ordinary monks, they are not their opponents.

In particular, the induction of heaven and man is like opening a hook. So far, I have not encountered an opponent who can sneak attack me. It can also play a predictive role in martial arts, relying on intuition to guess the opponent's next reaction.

The evaluation of Zhao Si in the company is very high, and many people will feel more confident when they see that they act together with him.

Should I be a little more arrogant?

Li Yi's teachings kept Zhao Si silent all the way, and many car accidents almost happened under meditation. Fortunately, there was a sense of heaven and man, and they were all prevented and no accident happened.

Li Yi watched the vehicles pass by one traffic light after another aimlessly, and couldn't help reminding: "Xiaosi, I'm glad you can hear me, but shouldn't we find a good place to live first?"

"Ah? Oh, oh, I was so engrossed that I almost forgot." Zhao Si suppressed his inner doubts, tapped the car screen with his finger, and checked the map navigation.

The destination of the navigation is set at a place called Huatian Community.

"Originally, I planned to rent you a villa near the school through some connections, but Brother Yi, you wanted to use your own money to rent a house, and finally found this old community. It is actually Lao Lu's house. You can rent it out. Take it easy."

Zhao Si was in charge of the plan for Li Yi's schooling. His idea was to get a single room in Teikyo University, and then rent a villa in the nearby villa area. In this way, Li Yi has a place to live both on and off campus, and has more choices.

The requirements of the villa are very simple, with complete appliances and no less than 5 bedrooms, so that Brother Yi will not feel embarrassed when the sisters-in-law come to visit in the future.

In the past, Zhao Si might not be able to get a villa in this location even if he squeezed his head. It is difficult to rent a villa near the Imperial Capital University even if it is rich. People who can own houses in this area are either rich or expensive, and those who can live in villas are even richer.

But Zhao Si found it through some connections, and someone was willing to rent it to him for free. However, Zhao Si didn't want to owe others favors where money could be used to solve the problem, so he rented a house at a price of 100,000 per month.

But after all this was done, Li Yi suddenly had a new request. It needs to be lively, it needs to be fireworks, the price needs to be reasonable, and it needs to be able to experience the authentic Tiandu life.

Li Yi wants to rent a house with his own money, but he doesn't care if it's a villa, can the villa have the luxury of a moon palace?

So he found this old community, Lu Haochu's house that had been waiting for decades and hadn't been demolished yet.

After half an hour, the vehicle drove out of the dense traffic group, and the surroundings were no longer high-rise buildings, but more historic buildings, densely packed with blue-gray brick houses.

After wandering around for a long time, Zhao Si finally found a parking space, parked the car, and the two walked to the community.

The number of young people around has obviously begun to decrease, and most of them are elderly middle-aged people and old people. The breath of life became more and more abundant, and there were various stalls and shouts everywhere on both sides of the road. Li Yi also saw a butcher with a shirtless arm and a boning knife. The shape is very wild, and the evil spirit can scare away the kid.

Suddenly a black shadow ran over and fell directly into Zhao Si's arms.

An inexplicable sweetness came into his nostrils. Zhao Si looked down and saw a petite girl in a black sweater with a good face.

The girlish demeanor is pitiful and pitiful, making Zhao Si's heart beat uncontrollably faster.

Li Yi frowned, looking at this "boy" with interest.

The one in front of him is a cat demon, a castrated tomcat demon. There is no evil spirit on his body, and he is practicing his own Changchun Kungfu.

It is only in this era that we can see such ridiculous things. In ancient times, there were no eunuchs who were eunuchs.

"sorry Sorry."

Seeing that he was very flustered when he bumped into the man-cat demon, he quickly took two steps back and bowed his head to apologize. Zhao Si asked in a gentle voice with a very gentlemanly demeanor:

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"It's okay, I'm really sorry."

The cat demon bowed his head again to apologize, and then continued to run forward, appearing to be in a hurry.

Zhao Si turned around and looked at the back of the girl who had disappeared into the crowd, and said reluctantly, "Brother Yi, I suddenly understand you a little bit. It's better to step on a few boats?"

Li Yi blinked, it seemed that Lei Fa didn't practice enough.

"Why is your heart agitated?"


Zhao Si nodded very honestly, and said: "I prefer this kind of soft girl, and I can't bear it if she is too strong. If there is such a girl chasing me, it will be difficult for me to hold back."

Li Yi smiled and didn't wake up, and continued to walk forward on his own.

In his perception, he saw all kinds of people, including monks and spirit beasts. After all, Tiandu is not a small city like Yucheng. There are many spiritual veins nearby, and the concentration of spiritual energy alone has attracted many different people.

The current level of rich aura has allowed monsters to exist. There are many monsters in this city, among which cat monsters and dog monsters are the most. The reason is naturally not that these two species have high cultivation talents, but their large number.

The monster just now is one of them. It has built a foundation, can transform into shape, and has the means to conceal its breath. It is obviously inherited.

Suddenly Li Yi stopped and looked up in a certain direction. Zhao Si also stopped and followed his gaze.


A thunder fell in the clear sky.

Li Yi withdrew his gaze and continued to walk forward leisurely. The people around him were already frightened by the sudden thunder. They all stood where they were, looking at the sky or covering their ears, all with horror on their faces.

There was only one young man with plain facial features in a white T-shirt and slacks walking through the still crowd, looking so eye-catching.

Zhao Si suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly followed up and asked, "Brother Yi, is that thunderbolt yours?"

"Yeah." Li Yi nodded slightly, and said in a flat tone: "I saw some dirty things, clean them up."

He is not like the sword fairy who wants to create a bright world, but filth will always exist, as long as people have desires, filth is inevitable. Therefore, Li Yi generally would not take the initiative to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but he didn't mind taking action on the demons sent to him.

". Brother Yi and Hao Jing have strict requirements, and you can't make casual moves."

Zhao Si could feel that more than a dozen auras were moving towards the direction of Luo Lei at a high speed, and a commotion might be inevitable.

"Nothing, their request is useless to me."

Soon they came to an old community, the subway station was 500 meters away, a large supermarket was across the road downstairs, and the next street was a pedestrian street where residents nearby bought vegetables.

The houses in the community are basically 30 years old. At a glance, the whole building is covered with air-conditioning main units. In summer, the exhaust air of the air-conditioning main units makes a non-stop noise.

The old house that Zhao Si rented was Room 1061, which was located on the 6th floor of Building 1, the highest building was 8 floors, and there was no elevator. The entire old community has been renovated, and there are almost no shortcomings except for the criticized sound insulation.

Before coming to No. 1061, the door is a black smart metal door that looks very technological.

"The password is 5467, Brother Yi, come and record your fingerprints." Zhao Si slightly turned his body sideways, and Li Yi put his finger on the smart lock.

With a beep, the door clicked open.

The two walked into it, and the interior has also been renovated and the furniture is very new. It is very common to have two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, with a total of 90 square meters.

Li Yi commented: "It feels very new, not like a 30-year-old house."

"A few years ago, it was renovated and rented out. The monthly rent is 6,600, and the estimated value of the property is 20 million." Zhao Si introduced, regardless of whether the house is not big or a 30-year-old house.

However, it is also a house within the third ring road, with convenient transportation and convenient life. The most important thing is that it is close to Teikyo University, the location is worth the price.

After putting away their luggage, Li Yi and Zhao Si found a small restaurant downstairs for dinner. During this period, Zhao Si and Li Yi shared their life experience in college. A lot of experience should not be used by the other party, it is purely used as talk at the dinner table.

The two talked to each other, in the small restaurant in the city, under the dim light, in the messy environment... finally came to Haojing.

Zhao Si got a little drunk, raised his glass and said, "Brother Yi, congratulations for being 10 years late, congratulations for being admitted to Beijing."

If there were no accidents back then, the two of them would have sat in a small restaurant to celebrate like they are now.

At this moment, the boss brought some barbecue skewers, and under the puzzled eyes of the two, the boss smiled with a greasy face: "Student, welcome to Tiandu, this is my congratulatory gift."

"I often have students from the Imperial Capital come to eat here, please join me in the future."

Li Yi took a sip of the barbecue and took another sip of his wine. The dim light shone on his face, still calm but more gentle.

He commented like this: "Hao Jing is not bad."


Haojing, Zhongshufu.

Located in the center of Tiandu, right in front of it is a lush forest park with tidy lawns and clear lake water, and many people wander here. The Zhongshufu building is just opposite the lake. Three neat white buildings stand up to form a concave character.

In the bright and spacious meeting room, six ministers sat on a soft sofa with their legs crossed, smoking special green brand cigarettes and drinking wine brewed by spirits.

The concentration of aura in the room is more than ten times that of the outside. They cannot practice, but they can enjoy the top aura environment. Ordinary people live in this environment for a long time, prolong their lives, and be free from diseases.

"That person has come to Beijing, should we express that and give him something?"

"What can we give away? There is no shortage of spiritual things at all. I heard that Sword Immortal gave all the wealth of the Jianzong family to the immortal. Even if he bleeds to give the treasure of heaven and earth, the immortal family may not be interested in it."

"It's reasonable, it's reasonable. It's good if you don't do it. There's no need to shoot yourself in the foot."

"Speaking of which, how is the progress of the public version of the practice?"

"The preparations are almost ready, and it will be announced in a unified manner in the whole of China after a while. There will definitely be many monks, the concentration of spiritual energy may decrease, and the output of spiritual veins will remain unchanged."

Thinking of the public version of the cultivation method, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

This move is beneficial to the world, beneficial to society, and even more beneficial to the government.

The government controls all the spiritual veins in the entire Shenzhou, and the output of the spiritual stones of the spiritual veins will not be affected by the decrease in the concentration of spiritual energy. Part of the spiritual energy in the world itself is emitted by the spiritual veins.

The aura of heaven and earth has declined, and the spirit veins remain unchanged, so the resources in the hands of the government will be more valuable.

At that time, let the spirit stone be linked with the currency further.

Lu Xiaonong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, suddenly said, "Daoist Qingxuan has taken away the right to compile the practice textbooks. What do you think? What is Daoist Qingxuan trying to do?"

Education is no small matter, and the Ministry of Officials plans to add practice as a subject for primary and secondary schools. Some people even proposed to become the third main subject, but considering that not everyone can practice, this proposal was rejected. The textbook was originally planned to be jointly written by the Ministry of Officials and the Shangqing Palace, but now it has been taken directly by the Taoist Qingxuan.

To be honest, as for the existence of such privileges at the township level, as long as the other party's demands are not excessive, it is difficult for even the officials to refuse the other party.

Minister of the Ministry of War Yang Lichuan replied with a strange expression: "I heard that he is going to write an autobiography."


Everyone pondered slightly, and the "Da Lei Yin Shu" sounded at the same time. Now temples all over China regard Da Lei Yin Book as the most holy Buddhist scriptures, and those monks practice and recite it day and night.

But the content is a bit of a drama, a group of monks opened their mouths and shut their mouths, it was the words of the immortals, the immortals said.

At first, the monks in Shenzhou were not used to it. The concept of immortals existed before the birth of Taoism, but it is also a Taoist thing. They opened their mouths and shut their mouths, what is the status of an immortal? Shameless?

But since a few eminent monks successfully stepped into the extraordinary, all the unaccustomed habits disappeared.

"What about Taoism, immortals are one of the ancient beliefs in China, and you Taoism just inherited it" and other such remarks have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Surrounding the title of Immortal, disciples of Buddhism and Taoism sparked a protracted scolding war on the Internet. This is not the first time that the other two religions have borrowed from each other, and this time it is only verbal abuse, and will not physically eliminate heresy like in the West.

The teaching materials written by Taoist Qingxuan should not be like the Daleiyin book, right?

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