His name is Jiyu, and his common name has been abandoned for decades. He was originally an ordinary migrant worker with a college degree and an annual salary of less than 100,000. He was engaged in the catering industry. A traffic accident destroyed his family, his wife and children all left him. And his family is a single family for several generations, his parents died early, and he became a lonely family in the blink of an eye.

He thought about being persuaded by a master after committing suicide by jumping off a building, so he converted to Buddhism and became an ascetic monk.

There are 3 million registered monks in Florida, of which 1 million are ascetics, accounting for 1% of the total population. Ordinary monks have their own temples and temples, basically the incense is at its peak, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing. Ascetic monks eat and sleep in the open, and rely on alms for food and clothing, that is, donations from others.

Ascetic monks have three things not to ask for alms, don’t want money, don’t want meat, and don’t ask for it.

And the master who avoids entering Buddhism belongs to the Buddhist sect of the Central Plains, and hard work is not self-harm. Their ascetic practice is relative to worldly well-being, abandoning worldly desires such as good clothes, three meals, and too much sleep, practicing selflessness, restraining desires and self-denial, and practicing asceticism for renunciation and dhutanga.

It's just that in the modern context, monks who practice asceticism are called ascetic monks. But in fact they come from various denominations, each with different ideas.

But now, due to the emergence of Chaofan, the Buddhist sect from the practice world is in charge, and the Buddhist sect in the Central Plains, which is similar to it, has become orthodox. Other sects have been moving closer to Buddhism over the years, and their ideas have also been modified due to extraordinary power.

There is no other reason, Buddhist scriptures can really become a Buddha.

Now he is not called jealous, but overcomes the disability, overcomes the disability of the world.


Du Can stood up slowly from the ground. As soon as he got up, an aunt who looked like a believer came over holding some white steamed buns.

"Master, are you hungry?"

"The poor monk is indeed a little hungry, but I can't take it." Du Can glanced at the steamed buns like snow. At this time, he still hadn't fully absorbed all the memories, but only looked at them from the perspective of the cultivation world.

This is the refined noodles that only rich and noble families can afford. He can accept some coarse grains, but he cannot eat this kind of refined noodles.

"Master why?"

The expression on Big Mom's face immediately became tense and dignified. The believers at her age are the most sincere and blind. For monks, it is almost regarded as the spokesperson of Buddha, while ascetic monks are often covered with mystery because of their behavior.

"Whether I have sinful karma, you must tell me, me."

Before she finished speaking, the aunt saw that the ascetic monk who had half-closed his eyes opened his eyes slightly, and a light flashed in the depths of his cloudy eyes, as if he could see through his internal organs in an instant.

"This benefactor, the one who is innocent is the strongest. If you are guilty, the Buddha will not save you."

The voice of the Buddha was faint, and when it fell into the ears of the aunt, the other party's knees softened immediately, and then she opened her mouth halfway and let out a terrified cry.


Although it is not the center of the city, it has attracted a large number of believers and tourists due to the gathering of ascetic monks. The aunt suddenly knelt down in front of a monk and yelled loudly. Such a sight instantly caught Zhou Chao's attention.

Within a few breaths, tourists and believers with a radius of hundreds of meters all looked over, and the ascetic monks who hadn't responded no matter how noisy the outside world was, also opened their eyes.

Some of them are still inexperienced, while others are aware of unusual auras.

The aunt ignored the gazes of the people around her, climbed up to the monk on her knees, hugged the other's leg, and cried, "Master, save me, I'm guilty, I'm guilty. As long as you can help me get rid of my sins, I will give you any money." .”

"Amitabha, even if you have mountains of gold and silver, you can't eliminate your sins. If you can use them for good things, you have accumulated a merit, but if you come to ask poor monks, you will fall into the lower vehicle."

Du Can looked at this woman, without the slightest compassion of a monk in his eyes, and his withered face was not angry and majestic.

The Great Leiyin Buddhist Sect has spread all over the world in the practice world, and there are only a few sects that can reach into the ordinary world. Their temples are as numerous as the once prosperous Wanfo Mountain, but the difference from Wanfo Mountain is that the Daleiyin Buddhist sect does not eat incense, but only educates the world.

There may be some people who are vegetarians and profit from it, but most of the temples are dedicated to the people.

The particularity of Daleiyin Buddha's religion and its good reputation have attracted a large number of ordinary people to worship it. Naturally, there are many people who want to eliminate their sins. Therefore, there are government servants in the Daleiyin Buddhist Temple, and if there is a murderer, he will be handcuffed directly.

Many major cases in the mundane world of practice are solved by temples.

Some villains are extremely vigilant and will not tell the monks directly. However, most of the monks who educate the world have entered the ordinary experience from the practice world, and they all know a Buddhist method "He Xintong".

He has a clear mind and only reads crimes, and those who are innocent are the best.

He saw the crime of the other party, and he also saw what she thought in her heart.

She has killed people and sold children. Some of them resisted fiercely and were killed by her, and some were successfully sold by her. I have been engaged in this crime for 20 years, and I don't know how many children are trafficked in it.

However, in recent years, he has started to have frequent nightmares, suffering from minor illnesses and serious illnesses, which is because of his sinful karma.

"Your crime, the poor monk has a way to solve it."

The aunt seemed to have grasped the straw, and quickly asked: "Please help, master, please help, master!"

"Death can eliminate sin."

Du Can's voice was gentle, and the light of Buddha appeared in his eyes.

He inhaled slightly to inhale the surrounding spiritual energy into his body, the breath quickly climbed up, into the practice of Qi, first level, second level, third level.

Some of the monks around him suddenly opened their eyes and stood up, looking at Du Can in disbelief.

Due to their special status, the monks in Florida can basically get in touch with practice, but there are very few who have practiced it. Ascetic monks are the most determined among them, and the proportion of monks is much larger.

An ascetic who sat here together in the past, suddenly the aura keeps rising today, how can this not surprise people?

Could it be that the real Buddha came to the world?

The true Buddha came to the world, which is the name of reincarnation in Florida.

At this time, the commotion here had already attracted the police, and the three patrolling policemen pushed through the crowd and rushed towards the two people in the center.

Du Can ignored it, and slowly raised his hand, a golden light suddenly appeared in his palm. Sensing the threat of death, the aunt no longer hugged Du Can's thigh, turned around and wanted to run.

But in the next second, her body was fixed in place, and a voice full of Buddha's spirit came to her ears.

"Sins can be big or small. My Buddha is willing to save the sins of all living beings, but there are different ways to get rid of them. Since the donor has the heart of redemption, my Buddha also has the meaning of compassion. To die without illness is redemption."

The Buddha-nature of all living beings originally exists, and the self-nature is pure. If you don’t know it, it’s a delusion. If you can know it, you will realize it.

It would be a good deed if one could fully understand it.

Whether to redeem the wicked, this topic has been debated even in Buddhism for thousands of years. Each faction has its own opinions and interpretations. Some believe that it is a great merit to enlighten evil people, and some believe that the wrathful King Kong kills evil and eliminates evil.

Based on this, each faction has a very different approach to how to stop the wicked from doing evil.

The Great Leiyin Buddhist Sect belongs to the Chaodu Sect, which kills a demon and saves a person.

Du Can didn't know if the other party had really repented? Because people's hearts are unpredictable and people's hearts are fickle, I have not been able to become a Buddha, nor can I explore the future.

Therefore, eliminating evil is the most direct and effective method.

"Do not move!"

The police who rushed over saw this scene, and drew out their guns and aimed at Du Can.

In recent years, as the changes in the world have intensified, the public security systems in various regions have been updated. As the violent department that maintains urban order, the police are well aware of the destructive power of monks.

They had already sounded the alarm at this time, and company monks came to help soon.

Du Can naturally ignored the words of mortals, and slapped the aunt on the forehead with a palm, and the power penetrated the skin and skull and instantly smashed his head into a paste.

A ray of spirit was drawn out, and among them was the memory of buying and selling children.

At the same time, the bullet had already been fired, and Du Can had no choice but to react, dodging the bullet with a sense of crisis. The bullets eventually hit the riverside guardrail or fell into the river.

At this moment, the onlookers finally realized the danger and fled in all directions with screams.

The policeman looked at the fallen body, sweating slightly on his forehead, and kept urging into the walkie-talkie: "There are casualties, there are casualties, please send the monks quickly."

Du Can looked at the gun in the policeman's hand, searched his memory a bit, and said, "Gun? A mortal thing can exert such power. Amitabha, the two poor monks from the government are killing evil and not beheading people. Killing is to save people. Why don't you kill people?" Misunderstood."

He stood up with his fingers and chanted the dharma name in a low voice, matching his Buddhist intentions, he looked like a master of Buddhism.

In this way, the police could not make up their minds and could not continue to shoot. Instead, they communicated: "Master, killing people is against the law, and even wicked people cannot be killed casually. Please don't make unnecessary resistance, come with us and accept the investigation. "


Du Can began to rummage through his memory again, and then his face suddenly revealed: "I am reckless, but poor monks are not restricted by the government."

The laws of modern society are perfect, and even practitioners cannot kill people at will. In the ordinary world of practice, although monks can't kill people at will, they can do it as long as they have a reason, and the government will not pursue their responsibility.

Du Can doesn't think he needs to be restrained by the government, and according to the law, it is very difficult for this person to be punished by death. Even if the death penalty is finally sentenced, it will take several years to go through the process.

He looked down at the corpse on the ground, bent slightly, and said, "Amitabha, since the donor has eliminated the sins, the poor monk will forgive your sins."

After saying that, Du Can turned and left, and disappeared into the night river.

A few minutes later, a foundation cultivator descended from the sky, and only a corpse and a few policemen were seen.

After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, the monk immediately reported to the higher authorities.

The murderer is most likely a new reincarnation.


Three days later, in a village in a certain mountain in Florida.

There are continuous terraced fields, and farmers wearing bamboo hats are plowing in spring, and suddenly the sound of "stolen children" resounds throughout the village.

Countless farmers followed the sound with sticks and chased after a monk. The monk ran wildly with a half-grown boy in his arms, and the boy struggled crazily.

The monk was thin and thin but walked like flying. Even the villagers on motorcycles could not catch up with him. He disappeared from the eyes of the villagers in the blink of an eye, leaving only a couple hugging each other and crying.

A villager called the police. Half an hour later, the police car entered the village to understand the situation. After learning about the monk's appearance, it aroused great attention.

A piece of news about a monk robbing a child has been trending for several hours.


A certain unit building, an ordinary family.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

The doorbell rang continuously, and the slovenly middle-aged man struggled to get up from the sofa. The table was full of empty wine bottles and cigarette butts.

"Who is it?"

He glanced outside the door through the cat's eyes, only to see a monk in yellow standing outside the door. The monk has a high status in Florida, and the man opened the door without thinking much.

"Master, you may have to wait for a while if you want to eat fast, I just now"

The middle-aged man was halfway through speaking, and then he set his sights on the young man next to the monk. For some reason, there was a sense of familiarity, reminding her of her son who had been lost for many years.

Du Can pushed the young man forward and said, "Amitabha, benefactor, is this your child?"

"Child?" The man froze for a moment, then grabbed the boy like a madman, and saw the birthmark on the back of his neck amidst the other's yelling.

"Son. It's my son! Hahahaha wife! The child is back! Our child is back."

"My wife! Why don't you speak, my child, the child we miss so much."

Du Can looked up and saw a jar of ashes and black and white photos in the living room of the house.

He remembered a question he asked his master, whether killing evil people would lose the compassion of monks, wouldn't it be more in line with my Buddha to teach them?

At that time, the master replied like this: Killing is indeed a loss of my Buddha's mercy, but when the poor monk sees the victim, he thinks it is okay to kill.

"Amitabha, killing people is killing karma, killing evil is saving people."

He turned and left, heading to the next location.

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