Florida company.

A Buddha statue was placed on the table, and the three incense sticks were half burned.

The decoration in the company is like the Buddha statue at the entrance, with a touch of Buddhist style. Half of the people I met when I walked in were monks in robes, with bald heads in my eyes, and I didn't know which temple I thought I had entered.

Due to its personnel composition, the company is greatly influenced by the local sect. Some regions will adopt non-territorial law enforcement, that is, local sects cannot enter local companies. But it doesn't work for some sects, such as the sects at the national level.

Buddhist disciples accounted for 90% of the monks in Chu, and the Great Thunder Sound Buddhist Sect accounted for half of the 90%.

In the conference room, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade who was invited walked in and saw rows of bald heads.

Sitting on the main seat was a rather fat middle-aged man with a kind face, but for some reason the aura emanating from him made people feel a little intimidated. The captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade knew that he was also a monk, but his cultivation level should not be high.

People with high cultivation levels can't feel it at all, such as the masters sitting below.

Seeing the captain of the criminal police coming in, the company executives nodded slightly and said, "Captain Song, please sit down."


Although the company does not have a formal establishment, and the police cannot be commanded by orders, the actual power army can command it.

The opponent is bigger than his immediate boss.

The captain of the criminal police sat down, and the monks who bowed their heads and meditated on the scriptures opened their eyes.

The company executive said: "Captain Song, you are an expert in chasing people. We will listen to you for this operation. Let me introduce the situation to all the masters."

The company has always attached great importance to reincarnated people, and this time they invited more than a dozen foundation-builder monks and an eminent monk of Jindan. There was no need for a golden core eminent monk, after all, the control over reincarnated people is not much looser now.

Generally speaking, if there is no way to invite the company on the spot, the investigation will not continue later.

But the reincarnated person killed someone, which caused the reincarnated person's rating to instantly turn red, which meant that he could be killed on the spot if necessary.

As for the reason behind the arrest, it needs to be considered, regardless of whether it is a bad thing or a good thing, it needs to be arrested. Just like self-defense, you will be found not guilty later but you have to go to the police station.

"Dare not dare."

The captain of the criminal police said modestly, and then inserted the USB flash drive he was carrying into the computer, and the projector projected all kinds of information in it on the big screen.

When everyone looked up, they saw a thin face, and it could be judged from the clothes that they were ascetics.

"Ran Xiangdong, male, 49 years old, became a monk 25 years ago. He is an ascetic from the Central Plains Buddhism. The relevant department inspected him two years ago, and the other party has no cultivation. Recently, he began to practice Changchun Gong .”

"But just a week ago at night, he suddenly had cultivation and killed a 50-year-old middle-aged woman. According to the video conversation taken by passers-by, the suspect said that the woman was guilty, and then slapped her to death. This It's video."

The captain of the criminal police clicked on a video. In the video, about ten meters away, a woman hugged a monk's thigh and cried bitterly. Finally, the police arrived, and the monk shot the woman to death. Several bullets were fired and she was dodged.

At the end of the video, the monks began to look at each other, trying to guess the person's roots through the video.

"Looks like an arhat's palm."

"Impossible. If it was Arhat Palm, the head of this female benefactor would be blown off, or at least flattened."

"My Buddhist sect has so many techniques, and I can't tell from the video alone."

Soon the voice subsided quickly, and no one could judge the roots of this reincarnated person.

The captain of the criminal police continued: "The suspect did not hide after the murder, but was very active. Up to now, he has raped ten minors, three adults, and even killed a rich man and two civilian."

Someone frowned and said, "Stealing children? Is he practicing some evil kung fu?"

In the past, there were a lot of reincarnations who practiced killing people. Firstly, it was because they did not understand the situation of modern society, and the government controlled all levels of society. They thought that just like in ancient times, if they killed a few people casually, no one would come to catch them.

Two, the reincarnated ones urgently need to recover their strength, and those with evil intentions will naturally use evil skills.

"No, he sent it to another family." The captain of the criminal police's answer made everyone a little confused, and the paternity tests that appeared on the big screen made them understand the reason for the love.

"These people are basically children who have been trafficked. We don't know what method that expert used? He was able to accurately find these children and send them back to their original families, even though the family moved away 10 years ago."

This is the magic of extraordinary power, always able to accomplish things that technology cannot do in an incredible way.

The recovery rate for trafficked children is only 6%, and this rate will become increasingly difficult over time. Many of the abducted and trafficked children recovered by that unknown expert were more than three years old, and some even more than ten years ago.

Many monks were stunned for a moment, and then their malice towards Du Can was reduced by half.

It seems that this is a Buddhist expert, he should be wanted because he doesn't understand the rules of modern society. As far as he retrieved the abducted child, it was enough for the government to treat him with courtesy.

For such kind-hearted reincarnators, the government has always adhered to the principle of not committing evil.

Jin Dan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "He has a clear mind, a kind of karma Buddhism in Buddhism. He can see through sin karma and know cause and effect, and the price is to eliminate karma."

"What is karma elimination?" asked the company executive.

He is one of the few non-Buddhist disciples. Because of his higher talent in Taoist exercises, he was sent to Shangqing Palace as an exchange student. The success of spiritual practice sometimes depends on the choice, and choosing the right path is half the success.

It is not uncommon in the practice world to send talented people to suitable places, and they usually choose sects with better relationships. In this way, if the other party succeeds in cultivation, he can also get the kindness of a strong man.

In China, exchange students usually return to their own country.

The Jindan monk replied: "Elimination of sins is a kind of karma. Karma-like methods are usually accompanied by various costs. If they are not completed, they will be severely punished by heaven. Don't make it difficult."

At the beginning, he was not sure whether to protect the other party, and not all Buddhists are good people. At least from the perspective of the age of immortality, Buddhas and demons in ancient times were born from the same root, as can be seen from the Buddhist teachings in the Bodhi world.

His xintong was created by Master Du Shi, and it is said that he came from the comprehension of the supernatural powers of the immortals, so he must protect the other party.

"I need to ask my superiors for instructions."

The company executives walked out, and about three minutes later, they walked back.

"The higher-ups agree to lower the rank, but I would like to ask you to stop the other party's behavior as soon as possible, at least not to make such a big show. Although it is a good thing to do, the blatant killing has already caused very bad effects."

A few human lives plus bad social impact are simply not counted, this is the weight of the Jindan period. As long as it doesn't touch the red line of Jindan Daoist, the government will basically be satisfied.

"Amitabha, the poor monk will find this fellow as soon as possible."

Jindan Gaoren got up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He appeared high above the sky, with high-rise buildings under his feet, made some calculations with his fingers, and then rushed towards a certain direction.


Du Can carried a young man on his shoulders on a country road, regardless of the other party's wishes, and walked straight towards the countryside.

This was the last child he could find, and most of the rest had died.

"Let me go! Let me go! This bald donkey let me go, so I don't want to see my so-called biological parents."

Although Du Can will not seek the consent of the abducted child, let alone ask the other party's current parents, but he will inform himself of the situation. For example, he was abducted, and he was to be taken to meet his biological parents.

And most people's reaction is to resist, except for a small number of people who have been trafficked not long ago. Among them, adults are the most resistant and panicked. No one will believe that they are suddenly told that they are abducted.

The young man already believed it when he was told, or he was already convinced that he was not his own.

Du Can looked sideways slightly, staring at the young man with slightly cloudy eyes, seeing through what the other was thinking.

"Since the benefactor knows that he is not his own, why should he resist?"

The young man was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Being kind is worse than raising kindness. I am living a very good life now, and I don't want to break my current life."

He doesn't have much affection for his biological parents, whom he has never met, so he naturally resists meeting them. This is a common resistance in finding kidnapped and trafficked children, but Du Can, a monk from the practice world, doesn't know it.

But the great supernatural powers of Buddhism have been to the world of mortals for experience, and most of them are wise men.

"Amitabha, it's not a great kindness to take it by force." Du Can said: "don't worry, the benefactor, the poor monk just took you to meet them, and didn't restrict your whereabouts. This meeting may affect you, but you The biological father and biological mother should meet once."

"...Maybe they all forgot about me, so what if they met, does it make sense?"

"Amitabha, great compassion without tears, great enlightenment without words, great laughter without sound, great love without selflessness."

The two of them stopped talking for the rest of the way, and the young man seemed to give up his heart. Although he no longer struggled, the resistance in his heart entered Du Can's eyes.

Soon they arrived at the destination, paved with cement roads, lighting everyone up with electricity and the Internet, and building small buildings in the countryside.

The rural areas of China are not backward, but lack medical and educational resources.

They came to an older red brick house, chickens were raised in the yard, and the old woman bent over and kept spreading the grain.

Du Can put the young man down, pointed to the old woman in the courtyard and said, "She is your biological mother."

The young man looked at the woman, who was wearing an old flowered dress with slightly rolled up sleeves, her skin was sunburned red and dark, her face was full of wrinkles, her hair was black with white. I don't know if it's because I have bent over too much and kept bowing, as if I never lifted it up.

It is a world of difference from my mother who is bright and beautiful and wears a mink fur coat.

She is ugly, like a sweet potato in the dirt.

The youth wants to turn around and run away, the thought of living in this kind of place, with such parents makes him want to run away.

"Master, if I was born into this kind of family, I would rather die."

Hearing this, Du Can just murmured Amitabha in a low voice, poverty is not a kind of disability.

At this time, the old woman noticed the two of them, and said in Mandarin with a slight accent: "What's the matter, Ni? We don't have any extra food in our family."

She thought Du Can was here for alms.

"Amitabha, the poor monk, the female benefactor, is not here for alms, but for cause and effect."

Du Can turned slightly sideways to let the old woman see the young man. The moment he saw the young man's face, the expression on the other party's face froze instantly, and he stared blankly with slightly wide-eyed eyes.

She doesn't know what her child will look like when she grows up, but she remembers what her husband looked like when he was young, and she knows what she looks like. The young man in front of him was so similar, so much like his husband when he was young, it was almost carved out of the same mold.

"Son, how old are you?"

Du Can seemed to see what she was thinking, and said: "Benefactor, he is your son."

The old woman opened her mouth slightly, and the wrinkles on her face deepened, like ravines that could not be filled. Tears were swirling in those cloudy and tired eyes.

After confirming that the other party was his son, he didn't pounce on him, but just stood there and cried without knowing what was wrong.

Silent crying is more unbearable than hysteria.

"Hello, my name is Dong Qijie. I'm doing well now. I don't want you to bother me." For some reason, the young man had already prepared the words, but when he was about to spit them out, his throat stuck.

He clenched his fist slightly, not daring to look at the old woman, and finally he could only lower his head and say: "Although you may be my biological parents, please don't disturb my life, I will give you money for retirement."

After speaking, his whole body relaxed, and the young man looked up, thinking that the old woman was heartbroken, or might be angry, scold him, and beat him.

But none of these things, the old woman had tears of joy in her eyes, and said vaguely: "It's good to live well, and it's better to live well."


As if a knife had been pierced into his heart, the young man felt even more uncomfortable. He turned his head and looked around and said, "The other one, I'll leave after I see it."

Du Can replied: "Your father is dead. He was hit by a car while distributing leaflets in the city and died. You can leave."

The young man's face froze slightly, then he turned and left. And her old mother, who was as cheap as a sweet potato, bowed her waist and followed behind, reaching out her hand many times to pull, but finally retracted.


The young man stopped, turned his head and said, "I won't stay here, how much do you want?"

"Wait a minute, wait here a moment." The old woman begged with an almost humble expression on her face, and the young man softened his heart and nodded in agreement.

Watching the other party run back home, leaving only him and Du Can.

After a while, the old woman came out of the house and handed something wrapped in cloth to the young man.

When I opened it, there were old, neatly folded banknotes inside. Don't count carefully, just feel the thickness and you will know that it is not as much pocket money as your parents give you for a month.

But this is already all the money in this family.

The young man almost ran away, and the voice behind him was like a spell to him.

"When it's cold, remember to wear clothes, don't eat too hot food, and drink plenty of hot water when you're sick."

There is no force to stay, but it is better than force to stay.

Du Can sighed silently, there are many disabilities in the world, but he can't make up for one ten-thousandth of them. He thought of the fairy's words again, it was hard to move people's hearts.

He turned around to leave, when suddenly a monk in yellow robe appeared a hundred steps away from him.

In the later period of Jindan period, he was cultivated, with the breath of Buddhism.

The yellow-robed monk said: "Amitabha, this fellow disciple, please come with me."

"The poor monk still has something to do."

"Master Du Shi wants to see you, about Lin Zi Jue."

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