The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 300 Turning me into the sky

The realm of practice, Moon Palace.

The novice monk with a broken right eye came under the Moon Palace. The so-called Moon Palace is the most prosperous city of practice workshops in the world today, and it is also the transportation hub of Kyushu.

This place is located at the confluence of strong winds in Kyushu, and the flying magic weapon can travel thousands of miles a day with the help of strong winds, just like a ship sails with the east wind when it follows the ocean current.

In this way, there are houses all over the mountains, spaceships with their heads raised like birds, and crowds of people like waves.

Today is the Guanghan Banquet, and all the powerful people from all over the world are here.

The fairies of Guanghan Palace dragged countless silver plates down from the sky, just like the Milky Way in the night sky, spilling countless gourmet delicacies. It fell on the banquet that was placed from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, feeding hundreds of thousands of people.

Among them are the princes and nobles who came from the common world, the knights in the rivers and lakes, capable people and strangers, and pilgrims. There are also monks from various sects, famous practitioners of Megatron, or casual cultivators.

The higher one sits, the higher one's cultivation base and status will be. At the foot of the mountain are Qi Refining Foundation Establishment monks and mortals. Halfway up the mountain is Jindan Daoist, and the top of the mountain is at least Nascent Soul Daoist.

But in Guanghan Palace, only Huashen and the accompanying people can go up. Du Can was one of them, and he was taken into his seat in Guanghan Palace.

On the right are Fairy Taiyin, Daoist Qingxuan, his master, and then the three accompanying people including him. On the left are non-human strongmen from some mysterious areas, the Tiger Tiger who stretches hundreds of feet long, the nine-tailed fox with a fox face and an unusually charming body, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea with a dragon head and an emperor's robe.

It took only a few decades to cross the disabled and enter the Tao, and the cultivation base was only at the peak of the foundation. He was the one with the lowest cultivation base present and the one who had the least experience in the world.

He looked left and right, sometimes looking at the splendor of the Guanghan Palace, sometimes glancing at the monsters from outside the territory, and finally placed the Taoist in Tsing Yi on the Jade Throne.

I saw the Taoist sitting in a casual posture, with ordinary facial features, the aura on his body was like that of an ordinary person, his eyes were calm and deep, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Such an ordinary man is the host of this feast, and it is also the reason why all the powerful come here.

The living immortal Li Changsheng.

When they met for the first time, Du Can didn't know the other party's ability, and didn't know the other party's power. But now that he understands, he can't help feeling ashamed of his disrespect that day.

"Let's have a feast, everyone, don't just look at it, it's not a fairy delicacy, but the amount is definitely enough. Of course, except for Maoshan Jun, I was only half full after eating 100,000 dishes last time."

The hundred-foot-long tiger licked its paws, and couldn't help shrinking slightly when it heard being criticized by name.

He said in a dull voice: "If you use spiritual things as food, why do you need 100,000 dishes? And my name is Hu Zun, not a cat."

In a rather cheerful voice, everyone started to move their chopsticks. Suddenly, a move by Fairy Taiyin caused everyone to stop, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

I saw Fairy Taiyin slowly walked up to the jade seat, and sat next to the fairy in full view, and then poured wine and vegetables for him. Serving wine with food is tantamount to serving like a servant. It is unbelievable for a strong man who transforms himself into a god, but everyone has become accustomed to it.

Fairy Taiyin's meaning for immortals is well known to passers-by.

But for many years, the immortals didn't realize it, and many people thought it should be Luohua's intentional flow of water and ruthlessness. Such a strong Taiyin fairy has a heart of admiration for the immortal, but the immortal has never responded for so many years, obviously he does not have that heart.

But now there seems to have been an earth-shaking change. Fairy Taiyin actually sat next to the fairy, her body stuck together.


Everyone was stunned, the dish that Taoist Qingxuan had just picked up fell to the table, Dushi shook his head and sighed, Fairy Taiyin showed a victorious smile.

With that slightly raised head, his expression can be said to be disdainful.

Although it took thousands of years, she still wanted to say who else?

"Congratulations, you two are married." Nine-Tailed Fox said congratulations, but barely concealed his envious expression.

She can be regarded as one of the few opposite sexes who can get in touch with immortals, and with the nature of a fox demon, besides men of her own tribe, she has a preference for men of the human race. It's impossible to say that you don't have that kind of thinking about the immortal, but the other party really doesn't respond.

The other party doesn't have that kind of heart, so she can't stick it up, can she? Anyway, he is also a demon saint, how can he be so shameless?

The Dragon King also congratulated, and then said: "I don't know if an immortal would have the idea of ​​taking concubines. It just so happens that there are thousands of dragon girls in the Dragon Palace of my king. After being transformed, they are all graceful and charming."

"Old worm, are you looking for death!"

Fairy Taiyin stared at her immediately, she is now a majestic and majestic person who has successfully ascended to the position. She used to call her the Dragon King a few words, but now the other party is just a worm in her eyes.

When the time comes, I will blow the pillow wind to the fairy head and kill you to death!

Li Changsheng was quite helpless, and declined their offers one by one.

Although he was touched by a rabbit, he was not a womanizer, and his lust was already beyond his youth. If the mortal stage may really agree, after all, the dragon girl and the fox demon are always people's daydreams.

But now he is powerless and unintentional. It is definitely not true to say that he cannot cope with the large number of people, but he is simply displeased.

Du Can was shocked when he saw the two Huashen Da Neng tie the knot. He didn't come back to his senses until the banquet was over and the plates piled up like a hill.

Because it was a regular program of the Guanghan Banquet, and it was also one of the reasons why the strong came here one after another.

At the beginning, the immortal will give everyone a red envelope, which is not a treasure, but a copper coin. Later, I saw that everyone didn’t like it, or was not very interested, so I changed it to preaching to solve doubts.

However, in order for everyone to understand, the basic method is generally taught.

People call it three times and one question, three times is three times to mention Taoism, and one question is to ask the immortal one question.

Most of the questions are why practice, how to live forever, and how to transcend?

Miao Mu, acting head of the Moon Palace, stood in the sky, sending New Year greetings under the full moon.

"...For those who want to solve the puzzle, use spells to volley in the air, and the immortal will randomly select three questions."

In an instant, countless streamers flew high from the ground, and the Taoist sitting on the jade throne swept his eyes, and all the questions about the non-basic methods turned into fireworks and exploded in mid-air.

Bright flames illuminate the night sky, and colorful fireworks bloom in the void.

Then Li Changsheng picked up three questions written in gold and jade, and explained them one by one. The gentle and gentle voice spread throughout the world, causing the avenue to vibrate. Ordinary people can hear a little magic, and powerful monks can also gain insights from it.

"Finally, it's the annual fixed stage again, why practice? You don't need to ask this question, I will repeat it directly."

Li Changsheng looked at the new batch of boys and girls sitting on the seats under the moon palace. Looking up at the sky, their immature faces are full of longing, and their pure eyes carry infinite hope for the future.

Why is there this question every year, because there are teenagers every year.

A soft and gentle voice came from the sky, and an ordinary Taoist appeared in everyone's heart.

"The elders of your sect should have told you that practice is for detachment, but it is so illusory. I personally think that practice is for a better life. Eat less and not be hungry, eat too much and not get fat, warm in winter and cool in summer, free from disease Pain, let you be born beautiful and beautiful."

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as the joy of intercourse, can all benefit from practice."

The fairy's answer made people stunned, and the boys and girls were stunned. This was a little different from the living real fairy they imagined. The elders, on the other hand, laughed out loud, as they were used to it.

Someone joked: "Cultivation is for the sake of singing every night, and having sex more often."

Although living immortals are expensive as immortals, they are very lively people.

"Then the next question is to draw lots."

Li Changsheng scattered the stars all over the sky with a wave of his hand, and countless people reached out to catch them. If they caught the real stars, they would have the opportunity to ask questions.

Du Can also stretched out his hand to grab a handful, feeling the touch in his palm, and opened his hand to see that it was a spirit stone formed by condensed spiritual energy.

Is it a draw? !

"Wu Can, right? What's your question?"

With a gentle voice in his ears, Du Can slowly stood up and took a deep breath.

He bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Dare to ask the immortals, there are so many handicapped people in the world, can there be a solution?"

The practice of Daleiyin Buddhist sect emphasizes entering the world and then reborn. The disciples who have just started generally need to walk in the mundane world for decades before they can be born. This year happened to be the time when he was born, but the lofty ambitions before entering the world have not been completed.

On the contrary, he saw more helplessness in the world of mortals.

Born in the suffering of poverty, born in the pain of incompleteness, the sadness of not being able to get what one asks, and so on, all kinds of sentient beings are used to hone his Buddha heart. The more he understands the difficulties of crossing people, the more he proves that he has achieved success in practicing the act of crossing people.

But he was also confused, and Li Changsheng could see the confusion of this young man at a glance.

He said with a smile: "You little guy has given me a problem. The moon has its ups and downs, and people have their joys and sorrows. This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times. Even I have shortcomings, let alone people in the world?"

"As far as our palace is concerned, there are scum from both schools of Buddhism and Taoism, let alone the whole world."

Du Can's eyes dimmed slightly, he had expected this answer, but he still had such unrealistic delusions about his ancestors.

"Amitabha, this little monk is lying."

"Of course there is a solution."

As soon as Li Changsheng's voice changed, his body leaned forward slightly, as if the sky and the earth were falling forward.

"Come and beg me. I don't want to fight in my life. I like to kill and do good. Killing the wicked is the biggest and most convenient kind of good deed. Helping others is the most tiring thing. I can relax when there are more people like you."

"In all the difficulties in the world, one point belongs to heaven, and nine points belong to me."

Immortals have no solution to the suffering of sentient beings, but they can often solve the problems raised. This is why so many people come to the moon palace every year and cannot afford to kneel down. If it is difficult and difficult, there is a solution.

Although Du Can couldn't get an answer, he felt at ease.


On the way back to Zongmen, the white clouds were narrow and the sky was clear.

Du Shi and Du Can's master and apprentice rode Baolian and followed the wind towards Buddhism.

Du Can asked: "Master, there is still such a way for the immortal to have... and such interest. Master, do you think the immortal will have children with the Taiyin Fairy? I don't know what kind of talent the two descendants of Huashen are. "


Du Can found that his master didn't answer him. He saw the master sitting cross-legged at the front, his eyes a little dazed, and he bowed his head and muttered something.

Listening closely, the voice is nothingness, without the slightest Buddha-nature.

"To those who come, where tomorrow and earth are, to understand the origin of all things, the meaning of the three talents."

"Where tomorrow is, understand the originality of all things... where tomorrow is, understand the originality of all things..."

"Tomorrow and earth, understand all things, and turn me into heaven."

Accompanied by Dushi's emotionless voice, the laws of heaven and earth surged, and nasturtiums bloomed like a sea in the void.

Du Canxiu is still young, thinking that his master has enlightened, he dare not say more.


Du Can was silent for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

"To make a final decision, I need to speak to the immortal first."

The Jindan monk couldn't help but frowned slightly, and doubts arose in his heart: Logically speaking, as the disciple of Master Dushi, the other party shouldn't have any hesitation. If you want to see a fairy, you should also see the master first, so it is in accordance with the etiquette.

And what is Linzijue? Is it some Buddhist secret? What does it have to do with immortals?

But the immortal is not as good as the present, and he promised the master first.

Not long ago, before the government invited me out of the mountain, our ruler, Master Du Shi, told me the location of Du Can and asked him to find the Buddhist gate.

Originally, helping the government was just a way, he didn't know that the monk who robbed the child was Du Can. After all, I just took a look at it through the video. If the other party has not recovered the appearance of the previous life, even the gods will not be able to recognize it.

I had doubts, but I was still not sure, and I was sure after meeting her breath.

Du Can finally shook his head slightly, and repeated again: "The poor monk still has things to do."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but the Jindan monk stepped in front of him, his breath locked on him slightly.

"Don't make things difficult for the poor monk. Is there anything more important than the master's order?"

Although Master Toshi did not say that he would be taken away forcibly, the retreating posture of the other party indicated that there was something wrong. If a suitable reason cannot be given, the Jindan monk does not rule out the use of coercive means to take the other party away.

What's more, the government has also issued a statement that Du Can has a bad social impact and must be arrested and brought to justice first. In his capacity, nothing will happen in the end. There is a high probability that he will go in and do some symbolic work, and then come out.

It's no wonder that the first offender is the government's greatest tolerance.

As long as they are not engaging in massacres or practicing evil kung fu, the lives of a few people are actually negligible. This is the gap between ideals and reality, and the intolerance that the government speaks of is probably only Hao Jing can do it.

Few people dare to be presumptuous at the feet of immortals.

"Rescue the suffering." Du Can replied, "Helping people to the end, sending the Buddha to the west, this is the mercy of my Buddha."

"How to help? Can the same sect reverse the flow of time? It has already happened, just do your best to help."

Monk Jindan shook his head. He didn't think there was anything else he could do to help after he got the child back.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework, and those children who have just been lost for a long time are fine. But for young people who have been away from their families and relatives for a long time, even if they have great skills, they can't help them.

"Immortals can help."

Du Can's answer was not approved by the other party, and the Jindan monk asked again: "You are begging the immortal because of these hundreds of people? What is your relationship with the immortal? How can he help you?"

He approves of helping these mortals, but he doesn't approve of disturbing immortals for these mortals.

"There are so many injustices in the world, can immortals take care of them?"

"What the poor monk can't handle, the immortal can handle."

Du Can took a step forward, and the Buddha's light suddenly appeared on the Jindan monk, and the auras of the two collided together. Du Can's cultivation at the peak of Qi training was instantly suppressed, and he couldn't move for a long time.

Du Can took a bite of blood essence, his breath suddenly rose, and he was caught off guard and broke free from the shackles of the golden core monk in an instant, and his figure ran wildly into the distance.

With such a huge gap in cultivation, he was naturally overtaken by the Golden Core monk in an instant.

"Don't resist like this, or the poor monk will get serious."

The aura of Jindan's late stage exploded in an all-round way, and the surging spiritual energy caused a strong wind here, and the golden Buddha's palm descended from the sky to Du Can who was running wildly.

This is not to put him to death, but at least to suffer a serious injury.

A strong man with higher Taoism than himself ran away desperately. If he didn't use all his strength, he might really let the other party run away.

"excuse me."

With a bang, the Buddha's palm made the ground tremble.

Du Can shouted: "I beg the immortal to help me!"


There was a thunderclap in the clear sky.

The Jindan monk instantly withdrew all his strength and dared not make any more moves.

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