The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 301 Restarting the Alchemy of the Void

Thunder is feared by all beings.

No matter in the world of cultivation or in modern times, no creature can face it calmly. Fear is almost carved into the soul of all creatures.

This is even more so in the practice world, where thunder means heavenly tribulation, heavenly way, heavenly punishment and so on. Such things can make monks frightened by hearing the news. Almost more than half of the great supernatural beings have died in the thunder.

The higher the level of powerhouses, the more life-saving means they have and the more difficult it is to kill them. However, no matter how many life-saving means in Heavenly Tribulation, it is useless, and they can be wiped out by you if you can't save tens of millions of lives.

Therefore, there are very few people who can master thunder throughout the ages. What many people call thunder is more like electricity than sky thunder.

In the age of Immortal Dao, there was such a person who mastered Tianlei, the living immortal Li Changsheng.

The Jindan monk came from the era of immortality. He was born after the destruction of Wanfo Mountain, and died when the immortality was at its peak, at the age of a thousand. He grew up listening to Li Changsheng's deeds since he was a child, and he has been listening to Li Changsheng's legends until his death.

It will be stressful for the Thunder.

His body was stiff and he didn't dare to move, for fear that a thunderbolt would fall in the next second.

Now the fairy has become a real pipe.

At this moment, Du Can's whole body was pressed into the mud, he got up from the ground in disgrace, wiped the mud from his face, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he did many good deeds, otherwise he might be planted here today. Qi training is against Jindan, even if you give up your life, you can't beat it.

The Jindan monk landed and said with a wry smile: "Fellow Taoist has something to do with immortals, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Is there anyone in the practice world who doesn't practice Changchun Kungfu? Those who boast that they are predestined with immortals don't know how many times. Do you believe me?"

Du Can asked back, and the other party shook his head in agreement. Out of this mentality, he would still make a move if it happened again.

"How does Fellow Daoist let the immortal take action?"

"It's enough to have merit. If the immortal happens to know about it on a whim, he will naturally not be stingy."

There is no merit in saving people, but there is merit in immortals.

To use a sentence from the immortal to describe him, he is a relatively lazy person who wants to see peace in the world. Therefore, many people like monks (passing the world) are needed. As long as they help the world, I can help them all.

This can be regarded as giving good rewards to good people.

The Jindan monk asked, "What if you don't know?"

"Wait to die."

Du Can not get help every time he calls an immortal, because unless it is within the scope of the other party's spiritual consciousness, the rest can only rely on cause and effect. And cause and effect is very mysterious, and sometimes it doesn't work, unless the relationship with the immortal is very close.

For example, his master, Fairy Taiyin, Taoist Qingxuan, these three immortal disciples.

Those who have an indirect relationship like him are no different from others in karma, and his karma belongs to the master, not to the immortal.

Du Can tidied up his clothes, cleaned off the dirt with magic power, and then asked:

"Dare to ask if you know where the immortal is now?"

"Little people like me don't know where the Immortal is. I only heard that the Immortal has been in Zhoudi's capital recently. Walking all the way to the northeast, you will arrive in about a month at the speed of your Qi training period."

Monk Jindan pointed in a direction, obviously not intending to stop it.

Du Can saluted, then walked all the way to the northeast, through fields, through dense forests, and across mountains and rivers.

His cultivation base increased as he walked, and did not gradually slow down until the later stage of foundation establishment. Because if the golden core does not have enough spiritual objects and aura to support it, it will be difficult to condense it.

And it's been over a month.


Haojing, high-rise buildings, heavy traffic.

Du Can, a plainly dressed monk, is very eye-catching when walking in the modern city. Some of them take pictures of him, some come to strike up a conversation, and some check and scan his facial features.

But after all, there are very few malicious ones.

Suddenly a few people with cultivation level approached him, with pure aura, with guns and various talismans on their waists, the exercises they practiced should be from the Shangqing Palace.

The leader held a black ID in his hand and said, "Excuse me, is this Master Du Can?"

"It's me." Du Can nodded and admitted.

The company staff said: "We are from Zhoudi Company. In view of your previous behavior in Florida, you are now a yellow name in the monk rating system of the entire Shenzhou. All actions will be monitored by relevant personnel. I hope you can cooperate. If you don’t want to, please leave the city.”

Du Can is now on the list of local governments, and the reincarnated people who have their lives on their hands will be promoted to Huang Ming no matter how good or bad they are. What the government wants to maintain is the stability of the entire society, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, as long as it disrupts order, it needs to be on guard.

But law enforcement requires temperature, and Du Can was put on the yellow name in the alert level and was classified as friendly. In this way, he can freely enter and leave the city, and he will not be arrested in public.

After a month, Du Can has a general understanding of modern society and doesn't have much opinion.

"The poor monk knows."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

After the company staff finished speaking, they led the team away without any delay, leaving only a taciturn Foundation Establishment cultivator to follow him. In addition to monitoring, he also acts as a tour guide, lest this powerful senior who has just reincarnated make jokes or even cause bloodshed because of his ignorance of modern times.

This kind of thing is not the first time.

All kinds of modern cheating routines are fine against ordinary people, but if they are used against reincarnated people, it would be like breaking ground on the head of Lord Hades.

For example, the most common Pingci, if you come across a reincarnated person who slanders the other party's reputation, you will most likely be slapped to death.

Cultivators tend to be old-fashioned in thinking, and some people value fame more than fate, and they are the least likely to be framed. Plus, with a sharp blade in his body, how can he be wronged? Naturally, he will kill people with a single strike of the knife.

Du Can wandered aimlessly for a long time, and finally sat in the park.

"Immortal, where are you?"

"Wu Can?"

Suddenly a crisp voice came to my ears, with a little carelessness in it.

Du Can turned his head to look and saw a bottle floating towards him, on which lay a palm-sized villain with pure and clear breath, the spirit of heaven and earth.

The most important thing is the bottle under her body, which actually contains the Dao of Yin and Yang, and the two Qis of Yin and Yang are constantly evolving on the bottle. You don't need to look closely to know that it is an incredible treasure.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is Du Cang, what is the purpose of this fellow Taoist?"

"The fairy wants to see you, come with me."

After all, Qiong Yu turned into a ray of light and fled far away, and Du Can hurriedly got up to follow. Because he was too urgent, he didn't hide his figure at all, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye in the eyes of ordinary people.

Amidst the exclamations, the company monks sighed.

"I will be deducted points again."

Du Can quickly followed the spirit of heaven and earth, and saw that the other party was swaggeringly picking up plastic bags from a mortal shop and filling them with meat buns.

A spirit of heaven and earth actually did such a sneaky thing.

Before he could reprimand, Qiong Yu raised her hand to give the boss a spiritual energy, then slowly continued to fly towards the old community, and entered the rental house through the window.

Du Can immediately cheered up and hurriedly followed. Out of respect for the immortal and his cultivation base had not reached the point of space teleportation, he came to the door of Li Yi's house in a normal way.

Ding dong.

Ring the doorbell, and the door opens automatically.

Walking into it, I saw an ordinary young man sitting on the sofa, eating meat buns and playing with his mobile phone.

When Du Can walked into the room, he failed to attract the other party's attention, and he didn't even move his eyes halfway. This kind of calmness is a fairy.

He bent down deeply, and said sincerely: "Immortal, please save my master, he is affected by Lin Zi Jue, if he continues to practice, he will definitely go crazy like in his previous life."

In his previous life, his master was normal most of the time, but there was always a period of time when the whole person would become distracted, as if he became demented when he was old. But how can someone with supernatural powers become demented naturally? Even if they fall into the five declines of heaven and man, they will not be demented and forgetful like ordinary people.

Li Yi ate his breakfast slowly, and waited until he finished chewing the meat bun in his mouth before he said leisurely: "Since you know there is a problem, why didn't you tell me in your previous life?"

"How do you know things that I can't even see?"

In his previous life, Li Changsheng didn't notice anything was wrong, and he didn't even respond to the induction between heaven and man from the beginning to the end. This shows that some kind of existence or law has shielded himself, and he has been kept in the dark for thousands of years.

The four thousand years old in the previous life could not detect it, and even the five thousand years old were in a daze. Even if he was like this, how did Du Can know?

Regarding the solution to these doubts, Li Yi just asked straight to the point. The person stands in front of him, if there is a ghost in his heart, he can slap him to death, if not, then find another way.

All mysteries can be exhausted.

Just like the police solve the case, they never rely on guesswork, but through a large number of inquiries, cameras and interviews. Like a big net, it slowly shrinks the murderer's activities.

This is essentially the unequal size of the murderer and the official.

The official can be wrong countless times, but the murderer only has one chance. The same is true for Li Yi. He can guess wrong countless times, but as long as he guesses right once, the mastermind behind the scenes will surely die.

For five thousand years, Li Changsheng has not been obsessed with making himself clever and far-sighted. On the contrary, the longer he lives, the less scheming he will be. Because he has seen too many scheming people, and too many clever people who were mistaken by cleverness.

Those with little power need tricks, and those with great power need to be infallible.

All the premise of using the weak to control the strong is that the strong make mistakes, and then the weak try their best to find the flaws and win with one blow.

Li Yi thinks he is a strong man, so what he has to do is not to make mistakes.

He looked at Du Can calmly, and the other party's expression was blank at first, then puzzled, and finally a little flustered.

When Du Can was asked such a rhetorical question, he didn't know how to answer.

Since reincarnation, I have been thinking about my master, as if I never thought about why I knew about my master's abnormality, and why didn't I report it to the immortal?

"I don't know, why didn't I think of reporting to you then?"

"You lost your memory too."

Li Yi was not surprised by this. At present, he has two guesses. One, including himself, all reincarnated people have lost part of their memory, and there is something wrong with the nine-character mantra taught by Er Tiandi.

He slightly raised his head and looked at the ceiling, his eyes passed through the floor, no longer limited to the material level, overlooking the whole world.

The environment without heaven is still so transparent and still so relaxing.

But has Heaven really disappeared?

Li Yi couldn't help but express such doubts, he let go of Dao Yun a little bit, and opened a path that had been closed by himself from the 5000 years of Taoism.

Refining virtual harmony.

If it is in the world of practice, the way of heaven will pounce on it like a rabbit is greedy for its own body. Some people think that it is difficult to get along with each other, and they will never get a chance to get along with each other in their whole life.

But ever since he left Taishang Wangqing, Li Changsheng has been facing harassment from Heaven, sending out messages like a repeating machine: Harmony, Harmony, Harmony...

Li Changsheng hated this kind of heaven without a sense of boundary.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... A full 10 minutes passed without any movement.

On the contrary, Qiong Yu jumped directly on Li Yi, clinging to Li Yi like a thigh pendant, without the slightest respect and propriety in the past.

We must know that although Qiong Yu is a bit stupid, a great supernatural being still knows how to assess the situation. She understands that immortals definitely look down on her, and since she has no gender, the most suitable position is the bottle-supporting boy.

If you have unrealistic fantasies, it is arrogance to say the least. The love of immortals is like a treasure, if you miss the opportunity and fate, it will be impossible.

Furthermore, the fierce fight between Taiyin and Sword Immortal last time scared Qiong Yu so much that she dared not make a sound, how could she join in.

Qiong Yu is purely attracted by Tao at this moment, and the closest to Tao is their heaven and earth Qingling. So in her previous life, she went down the mountain for the way of heaven, and it can even be said that she was willing to die for it.

This scene was seen by Shiraishi who had just woken up, and his face, which had been refreshed from the dream, instantly darkened.

He also said that he had no extravagant thoughts, this stealing cat!

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