The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 717: It's just hypocritical

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This question...

Sun Shaozong was taken aback for a moment, and then calmly sat down to the top, tapped on the coffee table with his fingers, and asked instead: "Why, are you trying to kill your relatives righteously?"

"Do not!"

Jia Baoyu hurriedly shook his hand, and then entangled in his face: "I'm just...just...just..."

With a few ‘just’ in a row, he really couldn’t find the right words to describe the entanglement in his heart at the moment.

At this moment, a young man came in with a cup of tea, and Jia Baoyu hurriedly closed his mouth, searching his belly.

But he was still in distress until the young man replaced Cancha and exited the door silently.

"Let's talk about it, something rare happened in your house." Sun Shaozong leaned back lazily when he saw this, putting on a posture of listening.

Jia Baoyu has always had a strong faith in Sun Erge. Besides, it was only when Sun Shaozong reminded him that he realized that his attitude towards slaves might not be so clean.

Therefore, when Sun Shaozong asked what was going on, he just hesitated for a moment, and then said nonchalantly: "Speaking of which, the second brother also recognizes this man."

The fact that Ping'er and Xiaohong stayed with Sun Shaozong for the night had long been spread throughout the Rongguo Mansion, and Jia Baoyu naturally knew about it.

So when he said this, he couldn't help taking a peek at Sun Shaozong, and then continued: "It is Xiaohong who had served in our hospital-she was beaten to death by Sister Feng this morning. "


Hearing that Lin Hongyu was killed by Wang Xifeng by mistake, Sun Shaozong couldn't help being taken aback. He shrugged forward, waiting to ask why.

Suddenly remembering what Jia Lian had mentioned, he suddenly realized something.

The matter was revealed to Ping'er by himself, and at the same time it was indirectly revealed to Wang Xifeng - and with Wang Xifeng's temper, he naturally refused to give up after learning that Jia Lian actually intended to ‘borrow his son to undertake the business’.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that he had killed Lin Hongyu!

However, when I revealed the news, I only hoped that Wang Xifeng would come forward and disturb the trouble, but I never thought that she would be so cruel and directly killed Lin Hongyu.


Sure enough, people are not as good as heaven.

Although he had already inferred most of it in his mind, Sun Shaozong didn't show any signs on his face. He was still puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know exactly what happened."

Jia Baoyu said helplessly: "But judging from the scratches on the back of Sister Feng's right hand, about what Sister Feng did to punish Xiaohong, Xiaohong tried to resist but was tortured. In the chaos, she was accidentally mistaken by Sister Feng. Killed by the hand."

Just by looking at the two adjectives "inadvertently" and "wrong hand", you can tell that he is still biased towards Wang Xifeng in his heart.

But in that case, what is there to entangle?

Could it be that Xiaohong had served in his courtyard before, so the two of them have some lingering feelings...

"No no no!"

Jia Baoyu listened to Sun Shaozong's tactfully, but obviously rushed to the next three roads. Busily tried his best to distinguish: "I and her are innocent, there is nothing to tear!"

Then he explained: "When I checked the deficit, few of the staff in the house were innocent. Only this little red old man, Lin Zhixiao, was clearly in charge of the bank account room, but he had never been greedy for ink. It’s a duty to be a human being on weekdays."

"This is the best since Xiaohong, who was only an inferior maid in our courtyard back then, is evident."

"Because of this, in the past two or three years, the mansion has placed a lot of trust in him. He has been ordered to take care of many things, and the official Lin's family has not lived up to this trust, and has taken care of the housework in an orderly manner."

"According to what I said, he can be regarded as a hard work in the past two years."

"But now Sister Feng, she just killed his daughter..."

It turned out that I felt ashamed of the Lin family, no wonder he was biased towards Wang Xifeng and put on a tangled appearance.

In other words...

Sun Shaozong didn't know until today that Lin Hongyu was also a master with roots!

Lin Zhixiao, now the second steward of the Rongguo Mansion, is second only to being promoted in terms of position, replacing Lai Da's Zhou Rui, and talking about the affection of his ancestors.

His daughter, even if she doesn't win over, should have a higher look than others. How can Jia Lian dare to use it like this?

Isn't it afraid that Lin Zhixiao is holding a grudge in his heart, secretly learning that Lai Da, with his hands emptying Jia's house?

"Second brother."

Jia Baoyu finished talking about the matter and couldn't help but return to the old question: "If you encounter such a thing, what should you do?"


Sun Shaozong scanned Jia Baoyu up and down, leaned back on the cushion, and shook his head: "Don't say whether you have the ability to deal with it. Even if you have enough ability, you won't be able to deal with this matter."

After a short pause, he added: "Unless you are going to the government to kill your relatives righteously!"

Having said that, his eyes sharpened involuntarily.


Jia Baoyu was so uncomfortable that he looked at him, so he staggered his eyes awkwardly, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Sister Feng did not do it on purpose. How good is it... I will go to court."

Although he felt ashamed of the Lin family in his heart, he really wanted to let him be fair to Lin Hongyu, but he didn't dare and didn't want to.

This belly is so soft, in fact, it's just two words: hypocrisy!

Sun Shaozong sighed, stood up, and greeted the outside: "Come here, put some wine and food, I want to have a few drinks with Uncle Jia!"

Baoyu also stood up subconsciously and hesitated: "Second brother, this..."

"What is this, since I can't think of a reason, I will simply accompany you to get rid of your sorrows. When you wake up, it is estimated that this matter will have been suppressed-the Lin shouldn't Will there be only such a daughter?"

"There is also a son and a daughter."

"Then drink it first!"

Seeing that the servants moved the tables and chairs to the center, and brought in the spirits they had prepared long ago, Sun Shaozong pressed Jia Baoyu on the table, patted the mud seals, carried the wine jar and poured two large bowls, and then Raise your head and do it first.

Jia Baoyu also deliberately used wine to pour his sorrows first, but couldn't save face, so he had to grit his teeth to accompany him.

After going back and forth, it took about a quarter of an hour for the dishes to be served, and Jia Baoyu had already slipped under the table.

Sun Shaozong waved his hand and ordered a soft and delicious dessert wine to come up, and he was ready to feast on the food-strange to say, after the journey, others have a soft spot for high-quality liquor, but he prefers this sweet and sour wine. wine.

Seeing that he was 70% full, Sun Shaozong hadtily retired his troops and summoned Wang Jin, the concierge, and said, "Go, let someone pass a message to the mandarin ducks. Tomorrow, I will give two hundred taels of silver to the Lin steward of the Rongguo Mansion. instrument."

Although Sun Shaozong didn't have a lot of affection for Lin Hongyu, who was scheming with Panglong and Fengfeng, after all, he had a romantic relationship.

This time, she had a relationship with Sun Shaozong, so she had to spend some money to buy a peace of mind.

As for justice for Lin Hongyu...

This year, the most serious of the master's failure to kill the slave was the sin of exile for hundreds of miles-and with the current momentum of the Rongguo Mansion, this is almost impossible to achieve a heavy sentence.

Therefore, even if Sun Shaozong is willing to risk offending the future prince and make a first report, it is estimated that it will only be a situation of three glasses of fine wine in the end.

The gap between input and output is so large that people can't afford the desire for justice. ()

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