[Second more]

The next morning, until Sun Shaozong went out, Jia Baoyu was still asleep in the guest room. It seemed that he couldn't wake up until noon.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong ordered his servants to prepare sober soup for him, and went straight to the yamen.

After arriving at Dali Temple, I had to go to the Flower Hall for a round table meeting. As soon as the clinker signed the drawing at the spot, the young official on duty told Sun Shaozong that not only was the morning meeting cancelled today, but also in the next few days. All were cancelled.

According to Master Ting Wei, when will the ‘drug case’ be found out, and when will the morning meeting resume?


As expected, Wei Yi was pressed into a hurry.

In fact, as far as Sun Shaozong is concerned, it is more in line with his wish to never open the morning meeting of Rao Shizi.

Modern morning meetings, although they are all clichés and nothing new to speak of, at least there are enough people to snooze secretly without being too conspicuous.

That's not bad. The three old brothers face to face every day, just like hosting a variety show, let alone dozing off secretly, even the leek on the teeth can be seen clearly with a mouth.

It's a pity that this case has a huge impact, and it will definitely arouse criticism if it drags on for a long time.

Otherwise, Sun Shaozong really wanted to delay forever.

Talk less gossip.

But he said that since the morning meeting was exempted, Sun Shaozong naturally went straight to Zuo Temple. Seeing outside the door of his official office, he saw a man greeted him with a smile on his face, but it was not Chen Jingde, who was regarded as an abandoned son yesterday, who else could it be?

Yesterday, Sun Shaozong made up his mind and wanted to use him to kill the chicken and the monkey.

But seeing his pitiful appearance right now, he suddenly changed his mind.

It’s not that I’m sorry for this guy, but that there’s really no one under his hand. Chen Jingde was just pitted by Wei Yi, and he would definitely not dare to associate with him again for a short time. He just took advantage of the situation first, and relieved the lack of people available. Urgent.

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong's expression softened a bit, and before Chen Jingde could speak, he raised his hand and let it in: "Go in and talk."

Chen Jingde hurriedly closed his mouth, gave way to the side, and waited for Sun Shaozong to walk in the front as he did his part. Then he squatted two steps behind and followed in step by step.

"Second brother."

As soon as he entered the door, another person greeted him, but Liu Xianglian, who was full of righteous indignation, listened to his angrily accusations: "Yesterday I got your order to go to Shuntian Mansion to ask for the documentary record of the black post case. Who knows that the bird has been procrastinating blindly, and when it is easy to get it back, the sky is already dark!"

This Ge Zhizhong really broke the jar!

I don't have the skills, but I hate my ex.

Even serious official dealings have to delay time arbitrarily.

That is to say, as a predecessor, it is not convenient to question him according to the rules, otherwise it is not a copy of the book, so that he can't eat it!

He slandered, but Sun Shaozong wouldn't show any traces in front of Chen Jingde. He flicked his sleeves and said: "Okay, put those files on the desk in the back, and wait for me to take a free time and look through them carefully."

As he said, Da Ma Jin Dao sat down in the middle, pointed to the chair at the lower end and said: "Vice Chen Si, sit down and talk."

Although Chen Jingde obediently obeyed, he did not dare to follow his orders. He knelt down in front of Sun Shaozong with a puff, and shouted in disregard of his face: "Humble job is foolish, and humble job is guilty! I invite you to heavy punishment!"

Generally, those who demand heavy punishments are not responsible for the slightest thought in their minds.

While he grabbed the ground with his head, Sun Shaozong silently curled his lips, but then stood up in awe: "Get up and talk. Anyway, it is also from the sixth rank, without losing the strength of being an official."

"My lord, humble job..."

Chen Jingde straightened up slightly, waiting to blame himself for a few more words, but Sun Shaozong pointed at the chair under his head again.

Seeing that this attitude seemed very determined, Chen Jingde hesitated to get up, and trembling half of his **** up.

"Vice Chen Si."

As soon as the official robe was rubbed against the chair, Sun Shaozong got a name, and he jumped up again. Although he didn't kneel down again, he arched himself like a shrimp.

Sun Shaozong is really unwilling to pay attention to this kind of stuff if he can't find a suitable candidate!

But at the moment, he can only be patient, and said in an official voice: "To be honest, it is natural for you to have resentment towards the official."


Before he could finish his words, Chen Jingde slipped out to the ground again, shouting like a sifting chaff: "I don't dare to be humble, humble..."

"Get up and listen to me!"

Sun Shaozong had to raise the volume, and after Chen Jingde stood up tremblingly, he raised his voice again: "Although this official has not been able to sort out everything because of his new arrival, he had to overwhelm the case."

"But excuse is evasive. It's really difficult for you to be investigated by a monk on your own for such a big case in the sky."

"My great name!"

Chen Jingde knelt down for the third time, but this time he was more sincere and sincere. He heard him crying and said: "The heads of the household are all masters with hands and eyes open to the sky, and a lowly rank from the sixth rank, even if there are some clues. , Dare to ask which one?"

"In order to make up for the deficit~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Mr. Pian Tingwei has been pressing again, humble position...the humble position is really useless!"

As he spoke, tears squeezed out a few drops.

"Get up and talk."

Sun Shaozong stepped forward at the right time and helped him up personally. His voice became softer and softer: "It is precisely because the officer knows that you have a cause, so I didn't care about what you did yesterday. As long as you do errands honestly in the future, this matter will be exposed."

"My lord! I am ashamed of my humble job..."

"But if you dare to shy away from it in the future and break our Zuosi errand, I will definitely not forgive you!"

Hearing Sun Shaozong's special word ‘We Zuosi’, although Chen Jingde was not smart enough, he immediately realized it.

So he hurriedly turned on his knees and vowed: "From now on, from now on the humble position, Master Shaoqing must be the only one looking forward, and I will never deceive Master perfunctory anymore!"

The status of this dog-legged person is even set.

But whether he can bear the driving force, he has to observe slowly to know.

Let's make do with the emergency.

"it is good!"

In my heart, Chen Jingde hung up a ‘probation’ sign, but Sun Shaozong yelled ‘OK’.

Turning and returning to his seat, he unquestionably ordered: "Since this is the case, the officer will not be polite to you and go to jail quickly, and transfer the two corpses that floated with the ship yesterday to the office for investigation. "

"Humble duty!"

Chen Jingde responded neatly, and suddenly he was taken aback for a while, and then cautiously asked: "My lord, the case that Lu gave Jian..."


Sun Shaozong's expression became cold: "The news that the corpse floated to Dali Temple has probably spread all over the streets. If you don't deal with it early, what kind of face do you and I have, claiming to be the top criminals in the world?!"

As he said, he waved his hand again: "Go on, remember to let you take a closer look. The officer will check it personally later."

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