When Liu heard Sun Shaozong's question about his son, when his face suddenly changed, he wanted to cover it up, but even Chen Jingde saw a flaw.

Right now, he was blowing his beard and staring beside him, so as to be intimidated and lured.

Not to mention, Liu's and other women who had little knowledge, just ate this set, and immediately confessed the facts with tears and noses.

But it turned out that on the day of the crime, seeing that the sky was a little gloomy, Liu planned to call back the children who were running wild outside, and then cleaned the stove to prepare dinner.

Whoever imagined that as soon as he arrived at the door, he ran into two men and kept saying that it was a new restaurant called "Miaoxiangge", and wanted to invite Wang Erhu to take the lead.

Because of Lu Mingsi's case, Qinghong Tower failed to open on July or 8th, and it is estimated that it may not be able to continue to operate in the future.

Wang Erhu didn't worry much, but Liu was anxious. When he heard that a new restaurant was going to hire a husband, he smiled with joy and led the two in without much thought.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived in the hall, when Wang Erhu saw these two people, it was like a mouse meeting a cat. He turned around and got into the room. He wanted to jump out of the window, and then walked over the wall.

But as soon as he opened the window, one of the guests rushed up, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled Wang Erhu back like a little chicken.

[Hearing this, Chen Jingde subconsciously wanted to ask a question, but Sun Shaozong stopped him and motioned Liu to finish speaking. 】

However, Liu didn't really know what happened after that-she was taken to the kitchen by another person to be detained, and she was molested by a man.

Later, when she was taken to the hall again, Wang Erhu's fat body was already suspended from the beam, and there was a square stool on the ground.

Then, the two sang white faces and the other red faces, threatening her to falsely claim that Wang Erhu had hanged himself.

Speaking of this, the Liu family couldn’t help but put aside: “The local women were thinking about it at the time, and they pretended to agree to them first, and they would report to the officials as soon as they left, but who would have thought that they would tell the little women before they left. People, my son... my son has been taken away by their accomplices!"

"I hurried out to look for it, but I saw a two-and-a-half-year-old girl waiting in the backstreet, saying that my brother had gone with the sugar pincher and would come back with maltose in a while..."

At this point, she couldn't help sobbing again.

"Don't be too busy crying."

Sun Shaozong winked, and Huang Bin handed over a towel in time.

After the woman wiped her face indiscriminately, Sun Shaozong continued to ask, "If you really want to save your son, please explain the looks and behavior of the two gangsters carefully!"

After a pause, he added another sentence: "Listening to your narrative, Wang Erhu should recognize them. Don't you have any impression before?"

It is basically certain that Wang Erhu and the two people know each other—he even guessed the two people's intentions, otherwise he would not want to run away as soon as they met.

Liu's face was taken aback when he heard the words, but when everyone was eagerly waiting, she said with a bitter face: "Listening to what the adults said, my thief really recognizes them! He had never heard of it before, and he still knew such a terrible strongman!"

Sun Shaozong was slightly disappointed, but since the two sides know each other, they should also leave clues. In the future, sending people to follow this line to continue the investigation may gain something.

As for the moment, naturally, I can only press this matter first, and first ask the two people's appearance and behavior.

"The two are burly and lean; the burly one is the Chinese character face, and the lean one is the long face."

"The lean one seems to be the leader, but it was the burly one who killed my second tiger."

"Be more careful... that's right! The lean one has a short beard, and the burly one is only a two-faced moustache under the nose."

"Also, there is a scar on the thin man's left arm, about two or three inches above his wrist!"

"Skin? It seems to be quite dark, but it doesn't look like it's sunburned. I guess it's dark when it's long."

"Yes, yes, that skinny tiger has calluses on his mouth, just like our second tiger!"

"Taste? I don't have any smell on my body, unlike my second tiger, who is always full of oily fume."

"Listen to the accent, you should be from Beijing."

"What about the material of the clothes... I'm not sure, it's not as glamorous as the rich, but it's not ordinary material."

"They don't seem to be wearing anything, neither sachets nor jade pendants..."

Sun Shaozong didn't know the details, and after careful questioning for a long time, he confirmed that Liu really couldn't think of anything new, and finally gave up.

"grown ups!"

Seeing that the matter was over, Chen Jingde immediately set out to ask for instructions: "Would you like to follow this woman's description and Zhang Bang wanted these two gangsters?"

Sun Shaozong glanced sideways at him and asked angrily: "Are you trying to force those gangsters to tear up their tickets?"

"Don't dare to be a humble job!"

Chen Jingde shrank his neck, but couldn't help but slander. He was just a kid of a mischievous family. He died when he died. How could it matter to find out the big case of the Ministry of Households?

Sun Shaozong groaned for a while, let the Liu retreat for a while, and then confessed: "Huang Bin, wait for you to bring a few shrewd people, and secretly **** Liu back to her family to see if anyone is stalking along the way-remember~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if nothing can be found, no one will be aware of your existence!"

Since it was Liu's son and threatened her to be an accomplice, it stands to reason that he would always pay attention to her situation.

Of course, the other party may not necessarily be stalking, or the other party's actions are so clever that it is difficult to detect.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong only confessed to Huang Bin, he would rather do nothing.

As for withholding Liu in advance, she was afraid that she would hear someone following behind, and she looked abnormal after looking forward and backward.

If Huang Bin can follow the vines, it would be best to find the two culprits.

But if it can't be found, at least the other party who won't be irritating directly tears the ticket.

However, this is just a matter of obedience to the destiny, and whether the child can survive in the end, I am afraid it depends on whether the two culprits are conscienceless.


Sun Shaozong turned his head and ordered Chen Jingde again: "The few officials you have been investigating before, give me another screening."

"My lord means..."

As soon as Chen Jingde's eyes rolled, he said with joy, "My lord, don't worry, as long as the two culprits are lurking in them, they will be arrested and brought to justice by the humble position!"

"Do not!"

Seeing that the servant had returned the wrong meaning, Sun Shaozong explained hurriedly: "You only need to do the same as before. Don't deliberately search for the two culprits."

The two thieves did not face masks when they killed Wang Erhu, and they still left the Liu family alive, which shows that they are not within the scope of the government's screening, otherwise, how can they dare to act so recklessly?

So Sun Shaozong asked Chen Jingde to continue the screening, only to use him as a pretense to paralyze the opponent.

What is really important is that Huangbian is here to see if anyone is stalking Liu's family; the other is to send someone else to secretly track down Wang Erhu's network of connections during his lifetime. ()

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