The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 741: As cheap as grass

After this trip, there has been a lot of progress.

But whether there can be more discoveries in the follow-up, it is still not good at the moment, and we can only wait for the people below to do the water milling work.

Considering that there might not be any breakthrough in a short time, Sun Shaozong wondered whether to solve Wei Ruolan's case first on the way back to Dali Temple.

Otherwise, if the long-legged princess can't wait, and mistakenly believes that she will eat it and refuse to admit it, and have another fish to die, wouldn't it be extremely joyful and sorrowful?


Back then, I really shouldn't have gotten into this evil spirit.

But if you can really stand it, why is there so many women in Sun Shaozong's home?

How about being an upright official is difficult.

There are too many temptations in this world, and being as upright as Hai Rui is really inexhaustible-at least Sun Shaozong himself can never be selfless.

Even since the journey, this willpower has become weaker and weaker. Those who can't control the mouth on the top and the ‘legs’ on the bottom are really shameful to our party’s many years of education...

"Second Lord."

Being habitually letting go, Zhang Cheng, who was driving the car in front of him, suddenly pressed his throat to report: "The man in front seems to be the thief from Tongdetang!"

The thief of Tongdetang?

What is it?

and many more!

Could it be...

Sun Shaozong was a little inexplicable at first, and then he suddenly realized that when Xia Jingui set up the fairy dance, didn't he lied about what ‘Miss Li Jinzhi of Tongdetang’ was?

And this so-called thief man of Tongdetang, eight achievements is the dowry military man of Princess Beijing.

This servant appeared near the Dali Temple. Is it true that he was right, the long-legged princess can't wait?

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong hurriedly asked: "Where is the person? Left or right?"

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words ‘left’, Sun Shaozong hurriedly picked up the curtain and looked back—it was just in front, but the carriage ran dozens of steps further while talking, naturally leaving the Chinese character behind.

as predicted!

When I glanced over, I saw that the Chinese character that I scribbled out at the beginning was also with a loyal face, craned his neck and looked over here.

And his location is exactly the flower shop where Xia Jingui was yesterday.

Before looking closer, the carriage had already reached the crossroads. Zhang Cheng slowed down and asked in a low voice, "Second Lord, do you want to turn back?"

"No, go back to the yamen first and take care of business properly."

Only then did Zhang Cheng steer the carriage and slowly stopped outside the east corner of Dali Temple.

"Master Shaoqing!"

As soon as Sun Shaozong got off the carriage, he saw a commentator in the temple greeted him and said, "The lower official has been ordered to wait here for a long time."

As soon as he heard of the word ‘by order’, Sun Shaozong immediately thought of Wei Yi’s head—the case of Dao Yan’s master and apprentice. He refused to touch him at all; he was very concerned about the case of the Ministry of Households!

I'm afraid that this thought has already gotten into the eyes of money, right?

Sun Shaozong was slanderous, but since Wei Yi wanted to hear the progress of the case, he always had to meet up in the past—especially when he went out this time, he did find out some clues, which was not nothing to say.

So he followed the commentary and came to the vicinity of the Flower Hall where the morning meeting was usually held.

Wei Yi had been looking forward to it for a long time. Hearing people report that Sun Shaozong had finally arrived, he didn't care about the two people's usual failure to deal with, so he greeted him directly from the inside.

"Sun Shaoqing!"

I saw him asking with piercing eyes: "What clues did Nalu give advice to the case?"

"Fortunately not insulting my life."

Sun Shaozong bowed his hand slightly: "Although the real culprit has not been identified, there has been some progress."

After hearing these words, Wei Yi wanted to hear the details more and more eagerly, but Sun Shaozong stopped the conversation.

Just as Wei Yi opened his mouth to urge, he suddenly woke up and hurriedly let out his hand and invited Sun Shaozong into the flower hall.

The two were seated separately for the guest and the host, and Wei Yi filled the tea diligently. Only then did Sun Shaozong tell the clues he found today.

But Wei Yi heard that he already knew the appearance of the two culprits, and he knew that one of them had scars on his arm, so he couldn't help but become excited at the moment.

Just listen to him resolutely said: "Sun Shaoqing, this fact cannot be delayed. According to my opinion, the maritime arrest document should be issued and arrested in various places in the capital, so that the two culprits can be arrested and brought to justice quickly!"

Obviously, this fellow was the same as Chen Jingde thought, thinking that the youngest son of a mere civilian family could not be as important as the case of the Ministry of Households?

It's just that in front of him, Sun Shaozong is not good at taking hostages into account. After all, these days, although it is often said that life is a matter of life, in many cases the lives of ordinary people are as humble as grass and mustards.

He pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "If it is on weekdays, it would still make it-but now Shuntian Palace's criminal officer is in a situation, should you know about it?

"In Daxing County, there is no official staff responsible for investigating the case, and Wanping County simply lacks the backbone of the magistrate, and wants to rely on the local government to find out the whereabouts of the two culprits, I am afraid..."

Having said that, Sun Shaozong paused for a while, and when Wei Yi frowned unconsciously, he continued: "Instead of stunning the snake like this, it is better to conduct a secret investigation first-I have ordered people to go outside and stay inside. It’s the city if you can’t find out in the end, it’s not too late to list it.

Hearing what Sun Shaozong said, Wei Yi knew that he was far inferior to him in this respect, so he put out Zhang Bang’s thoughts of arresting him, but blindly told Sun Shaozong to solve the case as soon as possible, lest the lawless profiteers make trouble on the eve of the Longevity Day. .


How many suppliers of this Dali Temple weren't signed after Wei Yi took office?

The profiteers who didn't take advantage at the beginning, but now they are full of profiteers...

He said goodbye to Wei Yi disdainfully, and came out of the Flower Hall. Sun Shaozong originally wanted to send someone to investigate Wang Erhu's interpersonal relationship before his death to see if he could screen out the two gangsters.

But left and right thinking, I was afraid that it was not safe enough to give it to anyone.

Just like Huang Bin's tracing and stalking, this can only be done quietly, otherwise, once the two murderers are alerted, it will be nothing more than to stun the hostages. It is the most troublesome threat to the safety of the hostages.

Could it be...

Are you looking for foreign aid again?

But this always connects with outsiders, and it is also easy to attract criticism, and it is not conducive to Sun Shaozong taking root in Dali Temple.

Therefore, if you can select internally, it is best to select from the inside of Dali Temple first.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sun Shaozong thought of the individual—Wang Biao, the jailer of the nine-tier division.

This person came in contact with him several times, and he was quite shrewd and able to handle it, but he didn't know if he had any criminal investigation experience.


Can you give him a pre-job assessment first?

However, this assessment will definitely have to be pushed back, at least until you have dealt with Xia Jingui and Princess Long-legged, before you can settle down to test Wang Biao.

After making up his mind, Sun Shaozong first went back to the Zuosi official office and took some things that he had prepared before he hurried out of the office. ()

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