Xinghua Alley, Shanxi Alley.

"Turn left to the third house ahead."

Wang Jin sat on the shaft of the car, grabbed the edge of the car with one hand, stretched his neck and gestured forward.

If someone else was driving, he would just sit in the carriage while the old **** was there, but Zhang Cheng was a driver who specially served the second master.

The driver of this leader is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Therefore, he had to endure the biting cold wind and sat on the shaft to show that he and Zhang Cheng shared the joys and sorrows.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't appreciate it very much. Despite Wang Jin's side beating along the way, he refused to reveal the throne of the second steward and who would get it.

However, after the carriage turned left, it soon came to the gate of a large house.


Zhang Cheng held the reins, scanned the pair of stone lions in front of the door, and asked with some uncertainty, "Really this place?"

"That's right, I came here last time."

Wang Jin didn’t wait for the carriage to be stable, and jumped out of the carriage, but he never thought of slipping under his feet. He almost put his head under the wheels, scared, he hurriedly got up, full of his ancestors, and he didn’t know what it was. Who are you scolding?

Yomo was startled by the yelling and cursing, and saw that the heavy wooden door left and right, a doorman with a small cap in Tsing Yi came out and stood on the steps and looked suspiciously at Zhang Cheng.

"we are……"

Zhang Cheng was waiting for his name to be reported, but Wang Jin had already walked around from the other side.

"It turns out that Lord Jin is here!"

When the boy saw him, he immediately changed the color, jogged forward, and smiled diligently: "My master has been thinking of you for the past few days, but you are here!"

When Wang Jin heard the word ‘Master’, he couldn’t help but curl his lips and asked, “Can Hong Jiu be at home now?”

But it turned out that this magnificent mansion was actually the new residence of the beggar's guardian Hong Jiu.

"Yes, my master is in the mansion right now-please come inside!"

While talking, the boy slanted and flattered the guests in. When he arrived at the door, he shouted inwardly, "Hurry up and report to Jiuye. The master in Master Shaoqing's mansion is here!"

I don't know who inside said yes, and then I heard the footsteps go away quickly.

Wang Jin put on the appearance of an uncle, shy and not squinting.

Zhang Cheng did a good job sweeping all around. Although this courtyard is better than Sun's Mansion and Rongguo Mansion, which was run by a few generations, it also cleaned up very neatly. The rockery, lakes and rocks, I'm afraid it would cost a lot silver.

Zhang Chengcheng frowned at the moment.

Wang Jin didn't know, but he knew what Hong Jiu's life was before, and now he has only been a beggar security chief for two years, and he has saved this promised family business!

But there is only a group of beggars under his hand, how much oil and water can they squeeze out?

Is it possible...

Thinking of the details of the "heart-cutting case" he heard about himself, Zhang Cheng secretly increased his vigilance without realizing it.

But they said that they followed the child to the living room, and not long after they sat there, they heard a rush of footsteps outside.

"Guilty, sin!"

Before the person entered the door, Hong Jiu accused him of two crimes. After crossing the threshold, he bowed to the end and said: "This snowy weather, the villain should go to see the Lord, but How can I bother you... Ah!"

Halfway through, he suddenly saw Zhang Cheng on the side, his eyes widened: "Master Zhang? are here too?!"

After stunned for a while, he hurriedly exaggeratedly exclaimed: "This is really shining, shining!"

Seeing that Wang Jin didn't mean to get up, Zhang Cheng naturally sat on the head steadily, learning the usual way of his second master, and calmly said: "Hong Baochang, your house is not a good house, right? "

It's a pity that he only learned a little bit, but he forgot to show the truth, and Hong Jiu's mind was peeped at the moment.

Hong Jiu rolled his eyes and didn't rush to speak up. Instead, he turned and greeted outside: "Come on, take two membership cards."

Upon hearing the three characters "membership card", Wang Jin and Zhang Cheng in the hall looked at each other without notice, and secretly said that in this beggar's den, why did they learn the kiln style?

Needless to say, this ‘membership card’ system was also created by Lord Zhongshun.

Speaking of it, he'invented' a lot of new things in the brothel brothel back then, which triggered some trends.

It is a pity that Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He, because these things first became popular on the Fengyue Field, and other industries were afraid of affecting their reputation, so they dared not follow up in time.

So to this day, the new underwear together with this membership card is still the patent of the brothel brothel in Beijing. As for places outside the capital, the taboo is not so heavy.

Talk less gossip.

But after a short while, a servant of Hong Mansion took two bronze cards with a circle of peonies embossed on them, and the three-digit serial number was in the middle.

Hong Jiu held it in his hand, first presented his hands in front of Wang Jin, and said with a smile: "The villain has nothing to honor, and these two membership cards also ask the two masters to laugh. It is here that the two masters are for the villain's face. Up."

Wang Jin didn't make any refusal, and then he flicked his fingers in his hand, and asked familiarly, "Is it discounted by the card, or the points system? It only counts drinks, or even the overnight fee..."


Hearing what he said was frivolous, it really discredited his family's house. Zhang Cheng's face sank and rushed to ask: "Where did this thing come from? Could it be that you have a connection with that brothel?"

Hearing the word ‘hook and lian’, Hong Jiu secretly said in his heart as expected, and then he hurriedly said with a smile: “Master Zhang misunderstood. This Peony House is my new business, but it’s not connected with others.”

Having said this, he sighed helplessly: "Master Zhang didn't know. Because of the flood in Hebei three years ago, there were a lot of girls living on the streets in Beijing. It was okay earlier. Many of them have reached the age of fourteen or fifteen, so it's not good to keep them sleeping on the streets, right?"

"Then those who know self-love, it's not a big deal for me to give them money to marry a good family."

"But now that he is a beggar, how many people can still respect and love themselves? To be honest, I don't know how many people have been confused and pregnant this year!"

"Let them marry someone. They are stunned by their noses and eyes, and they suspect that they have been in poverty-but think about it, if it were not for poor people, who would be happy to marry a beggar as a mother-in-law?"

"Recently, there are some delicious lazy idiots, just for a few mouthfuls of good food and good food, they have opened their bags, whether it is the nearby people or the beggars who come together, they will not refuse."

"I thought, it won’t be a problem if this continues. I simply gritted my teeth and opened the kiln, letting them sell it at a clear price! This way, I can save some troubles, no matter how much I will be good in the future, or I will be alone. A reliance."

However, after Hong Jiu's analysis, Zhang Cheng's expression has also eased a lot. When he finished speaking, he nodded slowly and said, "If this is the case, you still have some kindness."

However, he immediately threatened with sensuality: "But if you dare to do some prostitution behind the scenes, the second master will definitely not forgive you!"

"Look at what you said!"

Seeing his stern remarks, Hong Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and exaggeratedly said: "The villain just doesn't open his eyes anymore, and he also knows that Lord Sun established this beggar protection system in order to prevent crimes of **** and crime-how old is the villain? Dare to hit the blade of Master Sun?"

Having said that, I said some deeds of "leading people to goodness", and there were some strange things from time to time, and the atmosphere naturally became more and more harmonious.

Seeing that the show was almost done, Hong Jiu turned his head and asked cautiously: "The two masters are coming together, I guess what's the order?"

Zhang Cheng and Wang Jin looked at each other. Wang Jin was rather unhappy, but after all he got up and went outside to guard himself.

This was also specifically explained by Sun Shaozong. Wang Jin was still competent as a concierge, but he couldn't control his mouth.

But he said that after Wang went in and out, Zhang Cheng said solemnly: "Second Lord praised you. There is an important errand to be handled. If you do well, you can't get a serious background."

When Hong Jiu heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Although he is now happy and free, even more comfortable than ordinary merchants, after all, he is under the name of a beggar, but when he interacts with people, he is always a little shorter.

Therefore, he is a hundred times more enthusiastic about this serious ‘birth’ than ordinary people.

So busy asking what happened.

"There are two people involved in a serious case..."

It turned out that Zhang Cheng and Wang came in here to give Hong Jiu the task of tracing the network of Wang Erhu's life.

After all, Hong Jiu was in white body, so naturally it was not a transfer of personnel from other yamen.

He has always been shrewd, not to mention, and once helped the local government to track down pickpocket gangs, human trafficking groups, etc., which can also be called a little experience.

Moreover, Hong Jiu's hands are not beggars walking down the streets, or rogues in the market, even if they are noticed, they are not easy to associate with officials.

After Zhang Cheng squeezed the head and tail, and explained the details of the case to Sun Shaozong, Hong Jiu immediately patted his chest to accept the matter, and personally gave the two gifts out.

Returning to the mansion, Hong Jiu was actively preparing to select elite soldiers and strong generals. When he went with him to investigate the case, he suddenly saw a young girl with bright eyes flashing down diagonally, looking at him hesitantly.

"What's the matter, girl?"

Hong Jiu smiled and said, "Could it be that the second son provoke you again?"

The girl shook her head and finally summoned the courage to say: "Nine brothers, can we not open this Peony Building? Outsiders say that you are tired of being a beggar and want to be...want to be..."

"Want to be a tortoise, right?"

Hong Jiu snorted and stretched out his hand to pat the girl's shoulder: "The mouth grows on them, where can we manage it? Isn't it possible to listen to the crickets crying and not farming?"


"That's right."

A trace of schadenfreude appeared on Hong Jiu's face, and he said proudly: "We can't control what they say, but some people can control what they do! Wait and see, if you can't live for some time, those scumbags even lost their heads. Now, when I see it, what kind of rumors are there to make trouble!"


Half an hour later, the Dali Temple Zuo Temple official office.

"...Hong Jiu still occupies a place on the wharf. Beggars who are willing to work hard to make money can go there to carry work."

Having said this, Zhang Cheng frowned his facial features, seemingly unfinished, but he didn't know what else to say below.

Sun Shaozong listened to him for a long time, how rich Hong Jiu's family was, and talked about the business that Hong Jiu was involved in. Then I don't know what he was struggling with?

Then he smiled and said, "Since he has this mind, we didn't prohibit beggars from doing business in the Great Zhou Dynasty, right? Okay, let's go down and warm up first-let's go back home later."

As he said, he couldn't help sighing: "I'm afraid there is still a crowd at home to deal with."

After dismissing Zhang Cheng, the smile on Sun Shaozong's face disappeared in no time.

Hong Jiu's case is also an abuse of power, but in the current situation, it is not too out of the ordinary.

But he was afraid of a ‘comparison’ for anything. He Hong Jiu was able to use his long-sleeved and good dance as the security chief, and in the past two years he saved up Nuoda’s family business. How could other security chiefs stay behind?

Those with brains will walk on the edge of the law like Hong Jiu; those who have no brains will take risks like Baochang Wang of Jixiangfang and do some deeds.

When Sun Shaozong set up this Baojia system, he wanted to look at the specific effects first, and then gradually improve it-who would have thought that before long, he was ordered to go to Huguang to rebel. This gradual improvement was naturally put on hold.

Now look again at The drawbacks of the Baojia system have indeed been revealed.

The powers of the security chiefs seem small, and they know that there are many joint and several responsibilities-but that small power, for many beggars, is the last way to survive.

Therefore, over time, a few beggar security chiefs are equivalent to controlling the power of life and death, and naturally they are asking and asking the beggars below.

Originally, he pointed out that local officials could supervise them, but it is not difficult to see from the Guxin case that the local subordinates have already become angry with the beggar security chief.

It seems that we must be creative, introduce third-party supervision, and also allow the position of the security chief to flow, so that a small group of people cannot control it for a long time.

It stands to reason that Sun Shaozong is now not in his position to seek political affairs.

But this thing started with him after all...

Let's find an opportunity to talk to Jia Yucun about this.

By the way, ask the stone nerd too.

When he came to call his grievances, many people saw him, and he was really going to be killed by Jia She for unknown reasons, and it would inevitably cause some criticism.

However, he said that after Sun Shaozong made up his mind, he handled some official duties in the Yamen. After Chen Jingde and Huang Bin, according to the previous agreement, sent people back to make a report, he simply left Dali Temple and drove home by car. go with.

As soon as he started, there was Liu Xianglian, who had been unable to restrain himself for a long time. He received the news at noon: Jia Baoyu had gathered people in Sun's house to organize a theatrical troupe for Jiang Yuhan.

As a well-known **** fancier in the circle, how could Liu Xianglian miss such a grand event?

But when it was under the stage of the Sun's West Crossing Academy, it was not Jiang Yuhan who babbled on it, but Jia Baoyu and Sun Zhaolin, the younger brother of the princess.

These two people...

How did they get together? (https:)

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