Although it has been known for a long time, Jia Baoyu borrowed his own venue and invited a group of princes and grandsons to participate in the grand event.

But Sun Shaozong really didn't expect that Sun Zhaolin, the younger brother of the princess, would also participate.

The last time his cousin married King Xinyang, she had already offended the prince, but this time she made the same mistake again...

Could it be that he was determined to add to his brother-in-law?

Sun Shaozong felt puzzled. On the stage, Sun Zhaolin flicked his sleeves, turned his back, and happened to see him face up.

When Jia Baoyu, who was overjoyed and ignorant of the side, was still "pinching the orchid and sobbing", he pulled out his legs and became a negative person, and rushed to Sun Shaozong to bow his hand.

Seeing his slightly embarrassed posture, Sun Shaozong felt that things were different, so he asked in haha, "In the past, I only heard that Si Cheng [another name for sacrificial wine] is a strict tutor. I never thought that Zhaolin also has this kind of leisure and fun. —But I don’t know who is so face-saving today that he called you too?"

Sun Zhaolin showed some embarrassment, but he answered honestly: "I was really obsessed with the younger brother a few years ago, but later he had to deal with the imperial examination, so he gradually let go."

He turned his head and swept Jia Baoyu and others with his side light, and then continued: "It was just a coincidence. The little brother came to the mansion to post a post to his elder brother. He didn't want to run into Master Jia, so..."

As he said, some wry smiles appeared on his face.

It turned out that Jia Baoyu temporarily pulled a strong man and suffered a disaster.

However, this is also to blame for his youthful face, if he moved from a different place, Sun Shaozong would definitely refuse—after all, his family had long been tied to the prince’s chariot, and it was impossible for him to follow the Sun Shaozong brothers.

It is estimated that after he gets home, he will go to the Prince's Mansion to sit on a cold bench.

In addition to sympathy in his heart, Sun Shaozong’s focus fell on the word'xiatie', and said in amazement: "You said you are here to make an invitation? But I don't know whether the uncle is going to entertain me alone, or... "

"This is a family banquet. Naturally, only the elder brother was invited."

As Sun Zhaolin said, he couldn't help but cast a slanted look at Jia Baoyu, then he said, "My father has some housework, so I have to share with my elder brother."


I'm afraid it's the prince's housework!

Since Jia Yuanchun was pregnant, the prince has been uncharacteristically quiet.

Sun Shaozong would not think that after listening to his persuasion, he completely solved the knot, so he came to calm down.

On the contrary, most of the A Dou, who cannot be supported, is still in self-defeating and abandoning himself--if it weren't for this, he would not provoke the Lao Zhangren to come forward and ask Sun Shaozong to discuss housework.

Speaking of it, although the two families have joined the clan, Sun Shaozong has never seen this ‘clan uncle’. He has only heard that he is a very upright person. He has served as a priest for more than four years, and he is prestigious in Shilin.


The Master Jijiu, the Imperial Prisoner, seemed to be unfriendly to Takeo—or he was contemptuous of his heart.

The wrong prince tried his best to facilitate this, and Sun Shaozu deliberately lowered his posture at the beginning, and the two families may not be able to get together.

Now he let his son take the initiative to come to the door to invite him, but it is rare to lower his posture.

It seems that Master Si Cheng is not as square as it seems-at least in the matter of supporting his son-in-law to become the emperor, he is willing to work around.

I can't say, I went to the banquet this time, and I can also get some face for my elder brother by the way-because the cheap eldest brother had a bad reputation, when the two families were connected, they secretly received a lot of cold reception.

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong sullenly smiled and said: "Since your uncle invited me, I am a junior and I am willing to obey my fate - but I don't know when this banquet is scheduled?"

"Three days later at noon, when the time comes..."

Sun Zhaolin was still waiting to elaborate. Jia Baoyu picked up the flower hanging on the headpiece and rushed up from behind. He laughed and said: "We are singing this song, but Liang Zhu, why did Brother Zhaolin learn from Chen Shimei?"

At the beginning of him, Feng Ziying, Xue Pan and others all came over to meet him.

In addition to these familiar ones, there are also a few stubborn masters who are also famous in the capital-of course, in front of Jia Baoyu and Feng Ziying, they are still slightly shorter.

And the last one to come forward to see the salute was Sun Shaozong's cheap disciple Li Xian.

Seeing the half-eldest child bowed to the end, respecting his ‘mentor’, Sun Shaozong was surprised and said: "Why are you here?"

As he said, he stared at Jia Baoyu again: "How can you call him out in such weather?"

Li Xian's father, Li Sheng, was paralyzed in bed for more than two years, and now he is just lingering.

The heavy snowfall this day was a hurdle for him. Sun Shaozong sent some good-quality charcoal and two hanging old ginseng to the past.

It stands to reason that Li Xian should always be by his father's side, but how could he come here to accompany Jia Baoyu and others to join in the fun?

"The teacher misunderstood."

Li Xian hurriedly distinguished: "The student came to thank his teacher face to face by the order of his father-if the teacher hadn't taken care of it all these years, the student was afraid..."

Speaking of I couldn't help but choked up a bit, but in front of these many people, but refused to lose the manners, so I suppressed my emotions.

Sun Shaozong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said indifferently: "After I accepted you as a disciple, I went to the southern side to quell the rebellion. It's a misunderstanding. These Xu's care is only a slight compensation. What is it worth?"

After speaking, he took out his pocket watch and took a glance, and then continued: "It's all this time, don't rush away, I will let the kitchen cook more nourishing and nourishing qi, wait for dinner, and then you will take care of it. It's not too late to go back."

Li Xian did not refuse, but silently bowed in response.

In the past two years, because his father Li Sheng was paralyzed in bed, his family had almost no income. The fault was not due to the meticulous care of the Sun family. Not to mention that he could not read books. I am afraid that even Li Sheng’s daily medicine may not be able to extend the appointment. From.

Not to mention, although Sun Shaozong did not teach by precepts, he specially invited Yu Qian, who was a rich learner, to teach on his behalf...

Such kindness, how can it be repaid with a few cheap words?


Because there are quite a few unfamiliar ones in the inside, it took a lot of time to exchange greetings with each other and self-reporting the family.

When Sun Shaozong finally got free and ready to go back to the backyard to change into casual clothes, he got the gift of mandarin ducks. It was said that Uncle Xing in the Dongkua courtyard wailed and asked Sun Shaozong to go over and give a few wills.

After hearing this, Sun Shaozong felt a little bit dumbfounded: "Let's not say that his sister-in-law and him are serious relatives. Baoyu is now in our house. Why should he ask me to explain his last words?"

Some contempt flashed on the mandarin duck's face, but in an instant, it turned into pity and regret, but in the end it just left a sentence: "Second Lord, go over and see in person, and Yomo will understand."


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