The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 745: Primary and secondary

Watching Yuanyang turn around and walk away, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but smack his lips. How could this little Nizi seem to be more divided after expressing his friendship?

However, it is not the time to look into this matter carefully. Xing Zhongruo is really worried about his life, it is really a troublesome matter-he is the last half of the gourd spirit, but he instructs to pour it in.

If I knew this, I should have thought of a separate way yesterday.

But now it's too late to regret, let's take a look at Xing Zhong's situation first, and then make plans.

No words all the way.

When I arrived at the Dongkua Yard, I heard the guest room yelling'Ah Yo Yo'. Sun Shaozong gave a wink at the little servant who had been found. The other party immediately stepped forward and shouted through the curtain: "Uncle Xing family, our second master came to visit. You are."

This is to let the female relatives know that there is an adult man who wants to enter the house. If there is any inconvenience, they can avoid it first.

However, the voice fell for a long time, and the one who picked up the curtain to greet him was Xing Xiuyan who should have avoided Sanshe.

Seeing her with a bow, she bowed her head and said: "Second Brother Sun family forgive me, my father is really inconvenienced to get up to welcome me."

With that said, he turned sideways to open a path and signaled Sun Shaozong to help himself.

Sun Shaozong nodded slightly and gave a gift, then quickly walked through the living room and walked into the inner room.

Although it is a guest room, it was arranged very neatly because people such as Tooqian and Sun Chengye were placed in the room.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see the horizontal screen of Splendid Ronghua, and when you go around, you will see the six-sided palace lantern of Dahongsui, hanging high above a round table.

At this time, the palace lantern was filled with blue smoke, but it was not candles and grease that burned, but the finest spices. It was frozen in this cold weather, and there were "patients" in the house. Naturally, it was not easy to keep the doors and windows open. Spices can be used to cover up the sourness of vomit.

However, if these two flavors are mixed together, it may not be good.

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong was used to appearing, and this little scene was nothing.

He just shrugged his nose slightly, and went to the bed of Babu inadvertently to visit Xing Zhong's condition.

However, Xing Zhong was lying on his side on the bed, his face was sallow, and it seemed to show some excitement.


Isn't it really a flashback?

Sun Shaozong was shocked, waiting to ask more details, then Xing Zhong had already spoken first: "Xian... Nephew..."

Just two words, but vented his breath, if it weren't for Sun Shaozong in front of him, I was afraid that he would not be able to hear the latter word at all and what it was talking about.

Is this guy really going to be cold? !

Sun Shaozong was speechless in his heart. Who could have imagined that the mere half of the gourd wine would kill a life?

Of course, this is mainly because he drank too much before!

While subconsciously dismissing the responsibility, Sun Shaozong hurriedly asked: "Uncle Xing, how do you feel about your body and bones now? Do you need me to ask a familiar doctor to come over for treatment?!"

In fact, the reason why Xing Zhong was short of breath just now was all because he called Sun Shaozong's ‘good nephew’ the first time he entrusted him—especially Sun Shaozong had not changed his official uniform at this time, so he called it even more guilty.

Who ever thought that Sun Shaozong didn't care about this title at all, but was very concerned about himself, and even asked the imperial doctor for treatment for himself.

Xing Zhong's heart was at ease right now, and he secretly said that the Sun Jia Erlang was really kind, and if he could entrust his daughter to him, he would naturally not be able to enjoy it for the rest of his life.

As for Gao Panyun...

His family and Rongguo Mansion are relatives, and his family is also relatives to Rongguo Mansion, so where would it be considered high? !

Besides, this daughter of my own family, even if it is not as good as the two or three most outstanding people around Baoyu, is still one of the most agreeable people in a hundred.

This gave himself a lot of energy, and Xing Zhong couldn't wait to start the performance.

"Cough cough cough..."

He heard him cough violently, shook his head and said, "I know my family affairs, I'm afraid it won't be done now-oh, nothing else, but under my knees..."


Before finishing speaking, Xing Xiuyan's voice suddenly came from behind Sun Shaozong: "Your knees are just abrasions, which are not in the way."

Xing Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then stared, "What are you talking about, I..."

"You are nothing but a hangover."

Xing Xiuyan grabbed the conversation again, walked to the bed along the way, helped his father pull the bedding up, turned around and apologized: "My father has nothing to do after drinking, but I disturbed the second brother of the Sun family. I will accompany him first. , Please don't be offended."


Sun Shaozong looked at Xing Zhong, whose face was flushed with the quilt covering his mouth, and then at Xing Xiuyan, who was lightly clouded in front of him, he suddenly slapped haha, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then I will be relieved. ——Please also ask Uncle Xing’s family to have a good rest, if you have anything you need, even if you order the next person to do it."

After speaking, he hurried out.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard an angry shout inside: "Dead girl, do you want to suffocate dad?!"

Sun Shaozong paused for a while, and then strode out of the East Kuayuan.

But in the inner room, Xing Zhong lifted the quilt directly to the ground, jumped to the ground, a few steps to the door, but there was no shadow of Sun Shaozong outside?


When I looked back, Xing Xiuyan was already kneeling in front of him, and said blankly: "My daughter has no collision for a while, and I am willing to let my father handle it."

Xing Zhong gestured and raised his hand, but he couldn't let it go. He finally slapped his old face and stomped his feet: "What did I do to favor such a money-losing guy-this great marriage Why don’t you understand if others ask for money?!"

This slap was extremely heavy, and half of his face felt hot and painful after the slap. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover it, grinning, and the momentum naturally vented cleanly.

Seeing the appearance of his own father, Xing Xiuyan felt pitiful and sad, got up and took his arm, and shook it gently and said, "Father, this twisted melon is not sweet, let me talk about the identity of our family, wherever we dare. Gao Pan..."

"Fart's high climb!"

Xing Zhong was immediately annoyed again, stomping his feet and said: "Your aunt can marry into the Rongguo Mansion. You are ten times stronger than her character and appearance back then. How come you marry a fourth-rank official?!"

When Xing Xiuyan heard him take his aunt as an example, he could only respond with a helpless wry smile—when he was in Yangzhou, he didn’t see his father had such a high “view”. He didn’t dare to face any official of Grade 7 or 8 in person. Mess out.

But ever since he came to Beijing with Wang Ya Nei and Sun Shaozong, his heart has risen, and now he waits for idlers, and he doesn't care about his eyesight at all, and he wants to choose a golden tortoise son-in-law.

But it was a coincidence that Mrs. Xing was able to marry into the Rongguo Mansion, plus the custom of continuing to marry.

And Sun Shaozong was only in his early twenties, and he was listed as the Shaoqing of the Fourth Grade Dali Temple. It can be said that his future is limitless. How can his vision and vision be comparable to a mediocre who has been sheltered by his father and grandfather?

Besides, he is an opinionated person. If he really has some affection for himself, just like his father thought, he just asks someone to propose a relative. Where can the woman take the initiative to propose it?

It's a pity that Xing Zhong not only doesn't understand this truth, but he doesn't want to believe it...


Xing Xiuyan sighed melancholy--does it have to wait until he takes his own humiliation before he is willing to recognize reality?


But saying that Sun Shaozong had left the Dongkuayuan, he couldn't help but sighed.

This is really ‘it’s not that the family doesn’t enter the house’. Before Jia She went to the house to sell a girl, this is another master of ‘the dying guilty’.

The only difference is that Xing Xiuyan is not as obedient as Jia Yingchun, and he can never agree to Xing Zhong's random matchup.

Before Xia Jingui, he suggested that his eldest brother wanted to marry a noble girl for himself, although it was just for perfunctory shirk, it was not all a lie.

These days, we still have to talk about the right one.

Of course, if there is a woman who can make Sun Shaozong fall in love at first sight, this kind of opinion is nothing.

But until now, there hasn't been a single woman who can make him so heart-warming. Ruan Rong can only be regarded as a long-lasting love, not love at first sight.

Since the motivation for love is not enough, there are naturally many other factors to consider.

If not, Sun Shaozong would not be tempted after hearing about the benefits of marrying Lin Daiyu.

In short, unless Xing Xiuyan is willing to be a concubine, or an outside room or something, she must have nothing to do with her—seeing that she didn’t hesitate to plug her father’s mouth and stop Xing Zhong’s nonsense, she knew this. It is almost certain.

Sun Shaozong didn't want to worry about the left and right. After sighing with emotion, he just left behind and rushed to change his official uniform.

But he said that when he returned to the front yard stage, he saw the babble again on that stage, but this time the performers were replaced by Liu Xianglian and Sun Zhaolin.

Seeing that Sun Zhaolin saw him, he immediately cast a look for help, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but curled his lips secretly-Is the brother of the prince concubine too domesticated by the family?

In his capacity, as long as he makes up his mind, who would dare to force him to fail?

As a distinguished nobleman in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but he didn't even understand the principle of "self-centeredness". This is really...

and many more!

As he slandered, Sun Shaozong's heart suddenly brightened, and he couldn't help but slapped his forehead.

As for others, I have just been messed up recently, and for a little bit of sweetness, I danced to the rhythm of Xia Jingui.

It is true that placing the dignified princess under the crotch is really refreshing both physically and mentally.

However, there were more and more handles held by Xia Jingui.

Rather than sinking into it step by step, it is better to take the initiative to attack each other, so that the two of her will have a rift, but will not make Wei continue to hate herself...

"Second brother, what are we going to eat today? You should prepare more of the spicy food last time. Since you have eaten that stuff, you always feel that you are not enough to eat cornel!"

Xue Pan's consistent loud voice disrupted Sun Shaozong's thoughts, but he had already made a decision, and he greeted him with a big smile: "If you like it, I will send a few catties to your house. "


That night,

Beijing Palace.

Princess Wei was lying on her back on the bed, a pair of Jianshui pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, changing in the night, with loss, guilt and loss.

In fact, not long ago, her heart was more worried and uneasy--because she always felt that her body was different from before, and she was even more afraid that this difference would be detected by the king of Beijing Shui Rong.

At least it cannot be detected now!

When Langer was successfully exonerated, he was worthy of death.

However, it may have been too long, and the water-soluble body bones were not as good as before. After only a few rounds, I didn't notice anything wrong.

This originally gave Wei a sigh of relief.

But when it was late at night, listening to her husband's familiar and unfamiliar snoring, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He treats himself...

After all, I didn't care about it when I first got married.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to bow his head this time, and said that because the trial was approaching, he could not sleep well day and night, maybe he might not be willing to appear here, right?

Think of the ‘hurried’ and ‘perfunctory’ just now.

Wei couldn't help feeling sore, but she didn't expect that this was actually the result of comparison.

In fact, the water-soluble combat power has been slowly declining since the Jinbei incident.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Shi misses that ‘day’ scene.

In fact, every time she thought of everything that happened on the boat that day, she felt a wave of regret and shame in her heart.

Especially when she learned that Sun Shaozong knew the taste of the marrow, she was still thinking about having a private meeting with herself, she was even more bitterly hated.

Thinking of some of these details, I even had the urge to retching.

Retching? !

The long-legged princess sat up straight, panicking silently in the night.

Wei only heard that women would vomit after pregnancy, but didn't know when they started vomiting-but it wouldn't be because of the ‘perfunctory’ just now, right?

Could it be that……

She almost stayed up all night, until after Xia Jingui confirmed that it could not be morning sickness, she was a little relieved.

Sitting paralyzed on the collapse, I listened to Xia Jingui's envious words: "The prince looked thin, but he was unimaginable, but he was also a dragon horse spirit-look at my sister's dark I'm afraid it didn't stop all night. Right?"

one night?

Subconsciously, Wei wanted to distinguish, but he was unwilling to discuss the shortcomings of water solubility in front of outsiders, so he had to change the subject and said: "When shall we leave for the Dragon King Temple?"

"Sister, don't worry."

Xia Jingui smiled narrowly, and stretched out his hands to gesture on Wei's eyebrows: "Well, I also pack up, otherwise Master Sun will know the truth, I'm afraid I will be jealous."

What qualifications does he have to be jealous? !

As soon as Wei's eyebrows were erected, he waited to sneer at the moment, but thinking that today, he would not be able to escape the end of being ravaged by Sun Shaozong, and suddenly felt that he was unlovable, and there was no interest in quarreling with Xia Jingui. You Xia Jingui applied some cream powder on her face.

But seeing the neatness, Wei sitting in front of the dressing table, but he did not want to get up for a long time.


Xia Jingui tried to persuade her for a long time to no avail, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward and took her arm, half-forced pulling: "It is a blessing or a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided. Now there is no other way but to be wronged..."

"Niang Niang, Niang Niang!"

As I was persuading, I heard someone shouting and rushing over.

Wei Shi and Xia Jingui were both taken aback. Geyin had already given an order to not allow anyone to disturb without authorization. How could this be...

While being suspicious, I heard the man shout again: "Manny! The trial is on, the trial is on, Mother!"


Wei grabbed it with a stride, grabbed the woman who reported the letter, and asked, "What did you say is the trial?!"

"Uncle's case... the case is on trial!"

Hearing this, Wei couldn't help but look back at Xia Jingui, only to see her in disbelief. (https:)

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