Outrageous, really outrageous!

The noisy clamor once again broke the tranquility of the east corner of Dali Temple.

The gatekeeper was used to it a long time ago, and they didn't bother to step forward and watch. They only looked at a middle-aged official from a distance, surrounded by several government officials, and crossed the threshold of Dali Temple.

The expression seemed to say: yeah, let your special mother deduct my salary!

However, someone in the doorway grabbed his hands and hung his waist, carefully examined the man's official robes, and said with emotion: No wonder the voice was much louder than the one just now, it turned out to be a fifth-grade player.

The tone was sighing, rather than gloating and honoring.

Yellow head!

Brother Bin!

At this time, there was some movement in front of the gate, but it was much noisier than before.

However, it was Huang Bin who escorted the suspect back. The estranged one hurried forward to greet him with a ‘yellow head’; those who were close to each other on weekdays also enthusiastically called out ‘Brother Bin’.

Huang Bin has become accustomed to these kind of people.

However, there has always been some hypocrisy in the past. Today, after the official of the household department was transmitted, there was a little more truthfulness. After all, since the ‘wage arrears’ turmoil, Dali Temple has been worthless for the household department for a long time.

Huang Bin responded with a smile one by one, and raised his hand on the doorstep to say ‘please’. Several sternly ‘svenors’ filed in surrounded by other government officials.

When the last person of the team disappeared into the night, the smile on Huang Bin's face gradually subsided, and he sipped back to the ground, his face full of disgust.

When I just went to invite these ‘sven people’, they vomited out of their mouths, but they were all humiliating words.

Huang catches his head.

At this moment, the cat greeted the man in the doorway, smiled and passed the hand stove, and then lowered his voice and said: Can I take another look at that list?

When Huang Bin heard this, he was suddenly wary.

But after thinking about it, the person in front of him really didn't have any reason to confide in the culprits.

Besides, how can I get the news now even if I get the news?

Did he abandon his officialdom and flee in the middle of the night?

Isn't it purely here that there is no silver three hundred taels!

Thinking of this, Huang Bin's vigilance diminished slightly, but he became more curious: Brother Hong, I've been ‘please’ all this time, so what do you think about that list?

It turned out that the cat in the doorway was Hong Jiu who was ordered to assist in the case.

At this time, when Huang Bin asked about his purpose, Hong Jiu's face was a little bit ashamed, but he still told the truth: It's nothing, I suddenly felt that Hong Jiu's name was not on the table, so I thought about changing the auspicious word.

Don’t you happen to have a list, brother? I wondered, just borrow an official air and choose an auspicious word in it.

But when Huang Bin heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, and there is one in the list now, all of whom are bad luck, but Hong Jiu wants to borrow luck from it. Isn't this looking for bad luck?

You can't say that.

Hong Jiu sternly said: As long as the real culprit is ruled out, each of these is the lowest of the eighth rank of real power. If you and I are born, if you can have an eighth rank in the future, it is enough to be called the glory of the ancestor.

He has received a lot of stimulation today, and his mentality has also changed accordingly.

When I was an ordinary beggar, let alone talk about it.

Later, after having a family background, for fear that others would look down upon him, Hong Jiu always stood like a pine and sat like a clock wherever he went.

As for being like just now, the cat crouched in the doorway, that was an ugly attitude that he would never do. He just did it just now, and he didn't feel that it was out of order at all.

On the contrary, he also deliberately showed a vulgar appearance.

As for the reason?

As a beggar, but participating in such a grand event throughout the whole process, doesn't it make it even more obvious that his Hong Jiuye is not mundane and comparable?

And this psychological activity has further made his ambitions start to swell. Originally, he only wanted to be a public person, so as not to always be ridiculed and ridiculed.

Nowadays, he has begun to extravagantly ask for the official body of the seventh or eighth rank.

It is also true that Huang Bin's name just now as ‘brother’ is also honestly and unceremoniously accepted.

Huang Bin was vaguely aware of his changes, but for a moment he didn't know whether he should respond or not-after all, he had just become a head-catcher, and he was looking forward to the official position in a blink of an eye, which always felt unrealistic.

Fortunately, Hong Jiu didn't expect him to respond. He wanted to change his name to a resounding name so as not to become an official in the court, because this nickname would become a laughingstock.

After a few more urgings, Huang Bin couldn't wipe his affection, so he had to take out the list.

When the two were about to look under the light, they heard the thunder of their hoofs, and then a line of carts and horses hurriedly came.

Here's another one.

Hong Jiu was energetic immediately, stood on the steps and craned his neck, waiting to see what the identity of the official who got off the bus was.

He had just catted in the doorway, and he felt at ease when he saw the seven or eight ranks of anxious, but helpless look.

Occasionally, there is a fifth-grade one who smokes a lot of money.

In contrast, Huang Bin seemed to have little interest, and shaken off the list by himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and hit Hong Jiu with an elbow, urging him to watch it quickly, so as not to delay business. .

Red red

Unexpectedly, Hong Jiu suddenly jumped three feet high, and after landing, he bit his tongue, babbling for a long time, and there was only one "red" character.

Huang Bin stabbed him on the shoulder again, wondering: What's wrong with this brother?

This time it was an immediate result, and Hong Jiu said excitedly: Hong Hongpao! It's the attendant who came here!

what? !

Huang Bin was also taken aback at this time. He hurriedly raised his eyes to look at the carriage, but saw a middle-aged official walking and walking straight to the east corner gate. The red robe and jade belt were not the housekeeper's. Dress up? !


He subconsciously lowered his head, looked at the list in his hand, and said in amazement: There is no one above the fifth rank?


Hong Jiu didn't care about politeness anymore. He stretched out his hand to pull him into the shadows, and silently watched the housekeeper break in. Then he whispered: Look, it's just for trouble!

Huang Bin actually reacted at this time, but he was annoyed in his heart, stomping and complaining: Why didn't you say it earlier, you should have stopped him just now, first send someone to inform the lord!

Hearing this, Hong Jiuyi felt very reasonable.

But now that I have missed it, it is too late to find a supplement, so I have to comfort myself: You can relax, Master Sun has always been brilliant, and it must have been resolved long ago.

Before he could finish, Huang Bin had already strode across the threshold.

Ugh! Brother, what are you

I went in and took a look, and saw that Qiuyu had recognized that gangster!

Seeing Huang Bin go without looking back, Hong Jiu's expression changed a few times, and he followed after gritted his teeth-since he wanted a decent official body, how could he not take some risks?


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