The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 770: Lip gun tongue sword

"Master Tang, if you do this, you are going to cause a big mess!"

The courtyard outside the yamen of Dali Temple is very large, with a dozen flaming torches that still cannot illuminate every corner.

But the swaying flames reflected the faces of more than a dozen household officials in a particularly hideous manner.

And Wu Nong's soft words with a **** manic appearance, coupled with that water, showed some joy inexplicably.

But Tang Weishan, who was in it, didn't think so at 8 o'clock. In fact, he only felt that his head was as big as a fight now.

Fortunately, these household officials are all new recruits. Most of them are ranked seven or eight. Even if they are two members, they are half a rank lower than his Zheng Wupin Temple Cheng. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to deal with it. . ..


To say that this is really what I am afraid of, Tang Weishan just had a rejoicing thought in his mind. Suddenly someone cleared his throat at the entrance of the courtyard and shouted: "Who is in charge here?!"

Tang Weishan followed the prestige, and his heart suddenly chuckled—it was not someone else who came here, it was Zhou Chang, the servant of Hubuyou.

And just by looking at Zhou Chang's gloomy face, you know that he is a bad person!

Tang Weishan took two steps forward subconsciously, but he took a random step and then arched his hands in place: "My servant waiter, the next official will ask Sun Shaoqing to come out and answer."

It was not ironclad that the watch was late in the middle of the night. Tang Weishan originally did not approve of summoning more than a dozen household officials at once.

Now that the backstage of the suffering master came to the door, he was naturally unwilling to continue to thunder, so let Sun Shaozong, the initiator, deal with it.

With such thoughts in mind, Tang Weishan immediately turned around and lifted the hem of his shirt, and hurriedly entered the inner office lobby.

At the same time, the inner yahoutang.

Sun Shaozong took two steps backwards, looking up and down at a dark and burly man in front of him, smacked his lips in dissatisfaction for a while, and then leaned in to smear some blood with a brush, and smeared the opponent's face indiscriminately.

When I watched it again, I was still dissatisfied.

However, I have to paint again, and I am worried that it will be too late.

"Fine, let's do that first."

Throwing the brush dipped in pig blood back into the basin, Sun Shaozong pointed at Liu Xianglian and said: "You follow Master Liu, and memorize those words several times. There will be no mistakes!"

The man obediently responded, regardless of the pig blood dripping down his face, and left the back hall with Liu Xianglian.

After the two of them left, Sun Shaozong took out a rag from the corner and threw it to the ground to wipe off the dripping blood stains.


At this time, Yu Qian, who had been watching for a long time, finally couldn't help but say: "This method has also taken some risks. If you can find out the real culprit, you can just pay it back, otherwise I am afraid that you will be summoned to criticize."

"Do not worry."

Sun Shaozong hooked his toes, picked the rag into the corner, and said in a deep voice: "This is just in case. If I don't see a ugly face later, I will never take a risk."

Yu Qian was only slightly relieved, and was about to discuss it carefully with Sun Shaozong, when he heard someone calling from the lobby in front of him.

"Master Shaoqing, Master Shaoqing?!"

When Sun Shaozong heard Tang Weishan’s voice, he thought he could not resist the noise of those people, and ran over to ask for help. Now that he lost a good face, he picked up the curtain and probed and yelled: "What? No matter what those people say, You just push things to me!"

But seeing Tang Weishan pointing sideways and pointing outwards, he reported: "The Minister Zhou of the Ministry of Household has already been outside, and he wants to ask you to go out and answer."

Shi Lang?

Zhou Chang, the right servant of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development?

Sun Shaozong frowned. According to his previous inferences with Yu Qian, the Ministry of Households was also on the cusp of the storm recently. Even if the three senior officials were dissatisfied with what happened tonight, they would wait until the dust settled before making a decision based on the results.

How could I have thought that Zhou Chang came directly to the door this week!


It seems a bit unreasonable.

Sun Shaozong groaned for a moment, then turned his head and lowered his voice and asked: "Ting Yi, how is the minister going on weekdays this week?"

But seeing Yu Qian's face changed a long time ago, he was obviously doubting the reason and purpose of Zhou Chang's coming here.

When Sun Shaozong asked about Zhou Chang's personality, he shook his head slightly, not willing to make a judgment directly, but suggested: "Uncle, let's see what he has to say first."

However, from his expression, Sun Shaozong has already got a part of the answer.

So without hesitation, he raised his chin at Tang Weishan: "Let's go, go out with the official to take a look."

The two walked out one after the other, but saw the dozens of household officials who surrounded Zhou Chang as if the stars were holding the moon, until someone found out that Sun Shaozong had come, and then the wings were lined up and left and right. , It seems to be the posture of'two armies facing each other'.

Sun Shaozong walked down the steps and said, "I don't know that the minister of Zhou is coming to the starry night, and Sun has lost a long way to welcome him, redeeming and redeeming his sins."

Zhou Chang didn't answer, his left hand was behind him, his right hand stroked his beard, and he looked up and down Sun Shaozong a few times before sneering: "It really is Sun Shaoqing presiding here! This is surprising. You should not be suspended now. Huh?"

This servant hit Sun Shaozong's weakness all at once.

If it had not been for this consideration, Sun Shaozong would not have been hiding in the back hall, and Tang Weishan would come forward to deal with it.

But those officials who were no more than five-ranked officials were suitable for Tang Weishan to deal with. Sun Shaozong had no reason to avoid seeing this hall of household servants.

Of course, although Zhou Chang's arrival was a little unexpected.

But Sun Shaozong did not panic at all, and calmly replied: "The Lu Gejian case has been full of ups and downs so far, and the households are even more troubled, so that the national finances are affected-it is about Sheji, Sun. Although it is a guilt-wearing body, it really doesn't care much anymore."

To put it bluntly, it means ‘the reason why I do this is to wipe your buttocks for the Ministry of Household’.

Zhou Chang ate a soft nail and snorted immediately, but he refused to entangle Sun Shaozong any more, and directly raised his voice: "Where is your Lord Wei? I'm going to be a good student to ask him. This is the middle of the night and suddenly ask my household. There are more than ten officials in the Ministry. Could it be that they have uncovered any convincing cases?"

"Shi Lang, actually..."

"You don't have to say much!"

Sun Shaozong wanted to tell one or two points, but Zhou Chang put on the face of the deputy Shangguan, and sternly rebuked: "How can a person who wears a crime preside over the investigation? Or immediately invite Lord Wei out and give the official a clear statement; Either..."

Having said this, he turned around and slapped a circle: "My colleagues, how can I be held hostage by a guilty minister?"

Not to mention the officials of the household department, at this time they are full of suffocation, and his identity as the minister of the household department must be a response.

Therefore, before the voice fell, there was a loud noise in two clicks:

"This is the reason! How can the criminals interrogate me and other innocent people?"

"Yes! If Master Wei doesn't show up, I don't need to stay here anymore!"

"My mother is old and weak, and she was frightened again. The officer was eager to go back and ask for the doctor. How can there be spare time to accompany a criminal officer to reason?

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, only Zhou Chang raised his arms and everyone was about to break out.

Sun Shaozong's face sank like water, and he was about to say a few hard words, suppressing the momentum on the other side, but a person suddenly appeared behind him.

"Masters, stay calm, and listen to Yu Qian!"

The first half of the speech had no effect at all, but as soon as the word ‘Yu Qian’ came out in the back, there was no sound in the audience.

Guyin Yuqian gave all of this. Although it is only a mere seven grades, it is equivalent to a semi-independent disciplinary inspection secretary. He can also be a counselor in front of the emperor on weekdays. Therefore, even the Hubu Shangshu gave him three points, not to mention the following. A little official of the seventh or eighth product?

Of course, the crowd suddenly stopped, and they were also surprised that he suddenly appeared here.

At this time, Yu Qian quickly stepped down the steps, stood shoulder to shoulder with Sun Shaozong, and said: "Yu Qian also knows that the reason why you adults complain is not out of selfishness, but for fear that things will spread, which will damage the reputation of the Ministry of Households."

Who wants to admit that he is selfish?

Therefore, someone nodded and replied immediately: "Yes, I was suspected of being unreasonably small, but if the tired households are discredited because of this, it is absolutely impossible!"

But there are also those who are astute, and after a little thought, they realize that these words sound high-sounding at first, but they seem to have set a trap inside.

However, when he came back to his senses, it was too late to stop his colleagues from echoing.

Therefore, I could only sigh secretly, and label the colleague who spoke indiscriminately as mentally handicapped in my heart.

as predicted.

Hearing someone agree, Yu Qian immediately replied: "But all the adults are here. If you leave at this time, the news will spread outside tomorrow, but you don't know how the government and the people should discuss it?"

Having said this, he shook his head and sighed: "During the half-month of Lu Jijian's death on the street, has there ever been a day of peace in my household? Yu thought privately that only by investigating Lu Jijian's case as soon as possible can he Truly restore the reputation of my household!"

"But I don't know what you adults think?"

Facing Qian's gaze, all the officials were speechless-or that sentence, who would be ashamed to take the lead and say that he was selfish to resist the censorship?

Even Zhou Chang couldn't help being silent.

In fact, his taboo against Qian is not as serious as the others.

But Yu Qian was originally responsible for the inspection, and now his deputy was dying. He asked for a thorough investigation. It was both reasonable and reasonable. It was really difficult to refute.


Zhou Chang used the corner of his eye to scan a certain household official on the left side of his eye.

Seeing this winter, the official's forehead oozes some oily sweat. Zhou Chang gritted his teeth and defended himself: "Although Mr. Yu's words are polite, but it seems like a tossing of the house in the middle of the night. I am the court. The commander is fine, but how can the wives and children in the family endure it?"

He was also inspired by an official just now. Although this kind of filial piety is a little weaker, it is also politically correct.

As for Zhou Chang's head, a few "children in bed" and "father is weak and undisturbed" suddenly appeared behind him.

The rest of the people also waved their flags and shouted, and for a while, there was a loud noise in front of the Neiya Hall.

However, just as Zhou Chang was proud, Yu Qian suddenly turned his head and whispered: "Zhou Chang suddenly changed his temperament, and there must be something strange in it."

Sun Shaozong is waiting for him to say this!

He shouted at the moment: "You all have family members. Could it be that the poisoned Lu Jijian and Wang Erhu who killed his mouth just popped out of the cracks in the stone?!"

"It's true that the reason why this official rushed to raise the court to ask the case today is to rescue Wang Erhu's six-year-old child!"

Having said that, he looked around with his eyebrows, and said boldly: "The official is indeed a sinner, but as long as this innocent child can be saved, the official is willing to bear all the consequences, let alone who will offend him! "

"Come here, close the door!"

Following Sun Shaozong's order, several government officials immediately stepped forward in Liangxia and blocked the courtyard gate with water and fire sticks in their hands.

The household officials were all in an uproar, but facing Sun Shaozong's murderous and arrogant appearance, no one dared to provoke him directly.

After all, everyone knows that there are more than a dozen in this courtyard. Even if all the officials from the household department are gathered together, it will not be enough for Sun Shaozong to stuff his teeth.

The only exception is Zhou Chang, whose official position is higher than that of Sun Shaozong.

I saw him reaching out and pointing at Sun Shaozong, and shouted angrily: "Sun Shaozong! What are you going to do? Is there any King Fa?! You are not afraid..."

"Of course I am afraid!"

Sun Shaozong was also stubborn: "But Sun is afraid of letting down the expectations of the people, and he is afraid of being pointed out by thousands of husbands! But he is not the generation of power who regards the lives of young children like weeds!"


Zhou Chang’s hands were Sun Shaozong was too lazy to argue with him anymore, and without looking back, he left a sentence: "I’ll wait for you, sirs, for a while, I’ll go up to the court to ask the case when I’m ready. !"

Having said that, he must return to the lobby.

But at this moment, a book official with a joyful appearance, suddenly rushed over like flying, and opened his mouth and shouted: "My lord, I have identified it, already..."


Sun Shaozong hurriedly made a silent gesture, involuntarily pulling the man into the lobby.

Yu Qian arched his hands at the crowd, and immediately followed in.

And the officials of the Ministry of Households had big eyes and small eyes, and there was a look of inquiry and suspicion in their eyes-the appearance of the book official just now clearly found out the true evidence.

Could it be said that the murderer is really among the others?

That's not even counted, the whispers of the servants of the Dali Temple nearby provided more support for everyone's speculation.

"Hey, hey! Did you say that this time the confession is the master or the offender?"

"I think it's a treat. Master's relationship is much closer, so I shouldn't get the boss out so soon."



Some of the officials in the household department were stunned and some were at a loss, but one of them was completely panicked, approached Zhou Chang, and said in a panic: "My lord, this..."

Zhou Chang hurriedly motioned him to shut up with his eyes, then looked around and no one noticed, and then cautiously said: "Your mother is in good health, isn't it?"

Then he turned out something from his sleeve and slipped it quietly into the palm of the official's hand.

The official tremblingly clenched the thing tightly, his eyes staring at Zhou Chang, almost protruding from the eye sockets.

However, Zhou Chang had already been turned around and chatted with a certain member of the foreign language as if nothing was wrong.


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