The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 835: The dead are more expensive than the living

Jingren Palace Imperial Study Room.

Approximately a distance from Yu'an Zhang Xu, the two embroidered piers are arranged on the left and right in a horn.

The person sitting on the embroidered pier on the left has a rickety figure, and he is the first assistant He Tiren; in contrast, Xu Furen on the embroidered pier on the right, although silver-haired, shows a high spirit. Gas.

At this time, both of them were holding a few transcripts of memorials in their hands, carefully considering them attentively.

The only thing in the imperial study room was the bowl lid in Emperor Guangde's hand, tapping the teacup lightly again and again, making a crisp sound.


I don't know how long it took, the lid of the bowl fell down suddenly, first hitting the edge of the teacup heavily, and then slipping smoothly, closely covering the rising water mist.

At the same time, Emperor Guangde opened his slightly closed eyes and looked at the two veterans in front of the imperial case and said, "Okay, let's discuss it."

Hearing this command, He Tiren hurriedly took his eyes off and looked up at Xu Furen who was diagonally opposite. He was waiting to signal the other party to speak first, but there was a rush of footsteps outside, followed by the sharp voice of the **** in charge. :

"Enlighten Your Majesty, Beizhen Fusi Hu Xianzhong claims to have urgent official duties, and he must report to your Majesty immediately-now he is waiting outside Jingren Palace."


Emperor Guangde's voice couldn't hear any ups and downs, but only this was the precursor of Thunder's masterpiece.

Obviously, if Hu Xianzhong is just making a fuss, or what he reported is not within the emperor's focus, Long Yan must be furious to greet him.

However, he said that the **** in charge took the order and led Hu Xianzhong in a short time.

As the nephew of the former chief **** Dai Quan, Hu Xianzhong also gave birth to a talented person, but he was only capable and shrewd, but he was more than Sun Shaozong's old superior Lu Hui.

After he entered the door, he was taken aback when he saw the two old patrons. After kneeling on the ground and paying respects, he looked around and stopped talking.

This look forward and backward is not very pleasing at first.

If it really matters, he, as the spy chief, can ask the emperor to stay away.

If you feel that what you are playing is not a secret, you shouldn't care about the two old men.

Those who hesitate like this are less decisive and stable.

Emperor Guangde waited for a while, and saw where he was still looking forward and backward, and finally impatiently ordered: "What are you going to play? You don't have to come quickly!"

Although Hu Xianzhong is a nonchalant temperament, he has no shortage of ability to observe words and expressions. Hearing a bit of displeasure in the emperor's tone, he didn't care about entanglement at the moment, so he quickly kowtows:

"Your Majesty Qizou, the minister just got the news that many officials in the DPRK are gathering at Ningguo Mansion, named for Jia Jing's funeral. In fact, it means to slander the saint!

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the Imperial Study Room suddenly became serious.

The impatience on Emperor Guangde's face also disappeared, but instead, it was Gu Jing Bubo's stereotype:

"How do they slander me?"


Subconsciously, Hu Xianzhong wanted to turn his head to look at the two elders. Fortunately, he finally became smarter this time. As soon as his neck moved, he was able to set things right.

He took a deep breath and said cautiously: "They talked about the newly dead Jia Jing, believing that the alchemists were all deceivers, and said that most of the alchemists who favored the alchemists in the past dynasties were...mostly unsympathetic to Li Shun. Faint Lord."


Emperor Guangde raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer and disdainful sneer, and then asked, "What else did they say?"

Although Hu Xianzhong could not see that sneer, he still shivered unconsciously, and his lips became more and more unfavorable: "Also...and...someone mentioned the Tengu Eating Day two years ago, and Blame... Blame the court for not cultivating morality, which led to the rebellion in southern Xinjiang.

Before the voice was over, I felt that there was one more person beside me.

Hu Xianzhong glanced at him and saw He Tiren kneeling down not far away, poking his head full of white hair to the ground, and tremblingly said: "Your Majesty has entrusted the government to the ministers, but the ministers are incompetent, and there is chaos in southern Xinjiang. , Please enlighten your majesty to the veteran..."

"He Ge doesn't need to be like this!"

Emperor Guangde interrupted his resignation in time. While signalling Qiu Shian to help him, he said: "Since I received the warning from the heavens, I have never slackened in the affairs of the government and the people's livelihood! God knows this matter. , Dizhi, Zhuge Lao, and the six books are all known!"

"Nowadays, a group of rotten scholars who dare not even dared to admonish, the old ravens who are learning from the black-hearted field, guarding other people's corpses and making noise for a few times, want me to bow their heads? I want my cabinet chief to invite himself to be an official?!"

"It's a horror of the world!"

First, it was just a confession, but in the end, it was already a roar of thunder.

It's no wonder that recently southern Xinjiang and Liaodong are not at peace, and undercurrents are also raging in the central government. Emperor Guangde has been so busy recently that even female **** has been quit, and he has long been holding back evil fire.

But when Hu Xianzhong listened with trepidation, only when it was time for him to perform meritorious service, he slammed his head again and said: "Your majesty calms down, and the minister will send people to bring those treacherous servants who deliberately discuss the government to see if they have been instructed by others!"

Unexpectedly, his loyalty was exchanged for the emperor's long silence.

Kneeling in this way and waiting for a quarter of an hour, I heard Emperor Guangde sighed after the imperial case, and said in a loud voice: "Qiu Shian, you go to Ningguo Mansion to preach my will: Jia Jing has nothing in white clothes. Yu Guo, reciting the merits of his grandfather, and rewarding him with the five ranks, he gave the sacrifices to the Guanglu Temple according to the above example, and the princes and lower princes in the dynasty allowed him to sacrifice."

After a pause, he added: "The Ministry of Rites will be ordered to place his life book on Lubu and hang it outside the gate of Ningguo Mansion, so that the people in the capital will look at it and see who they are worshipping!"

This trick is really a draw from the bottom of the First, it affirmed the rationality of the sacrifice, and then spread the life of Jia Jing in broad daylight, making the people think that the officials went to hang the funeral, precisely because Jia Jing has been a Taoist priest for more than ten years.

After all, apart from that, Jia Jing has no other deeds, and he can make a move.

When Qiu Shian took the order, Emperor Guangde turned his attention to Xu Furen again and asked meaningfully: "Xu Aiqing, what do you think I am doing?"

Xu Furen hurriedly got up and replied: "Your Majesty is kind and wise, and he has handled it perfectly!"

Emperor Guangde nodded without a smile, remembering something suddenly, and muttered: "I remember a few years ago, there was a funeral in the Ning State Mansion, which caused many princes and nobles in the court to express their condolences. How can the dead in his family be more expensive than the living?"

The following three courtiers didn’t know what to do. Emperor Guangde waved his sleeves again and repelled Hu Xianzhong who was kneeling among them. Matter." A famous detective in the Red Chamber

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