It's almost noon.

More than a dozen maids, in groups of two, entered Xiyun Pavilion one after another, rubbing their shoulders and sighing and complaining:

"There are so many people in the garden who don't need it, so why let us suffer this hardship?!"

"From my point of view, some people think that our grandma has lost power and is rushing to kill chickens..."

"Shhh! This is what the big lady meant, you are tight, don't hurt us!"

Because one of the maids mentioned the'big lady', the courtyard suddenly became quiet. Although everyone was angry, no one dared to say anything more.

Seeing that the maids were feeling dispirited, they had to do a bird and beast dispersal. Suddenly someone pointed to the room and said, "Huh? How can you hang up the curtains again at noon?"

Everyone followed the prestige, but saw that it was unexpected. The glass windows that were newly replaced last year were already covered by a lotus-colored gauze.

A maid blurted out: "It won't be the mistress's disease. What's the repetition?"

Immediately there were countless blank eyes staring at him-as long as the IQ reached the average of the Han people, it was not difficult to guess that Wang Xifeng was pretending to be sick.

Since it is pretending to be sick, what else is there to repeat?

However, the reckless little maid, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, was forgiven for not knowing the twists and turns inside.


At this time, the headed dear sister said: "The big guys are all gone, take advantage of grandma's other assignments at this moment, let's take a rest first."

With that said, she walked to the hall on her own--since she had returned from the garden, someone should have reported to Wang Xifeng.


At this time, a maid who was close to her suddenly chased up from behind and reminded in a low voice: "You must be careful. When Xiao Hong died last time, the curtain was drawn in broad daylight."

Sister Shan'er stiffened, and then yelled: "Bah, baah, Tong Yan Wuji's wind blows away!"

After screaming, the maid gave a white look and whispered: "Sister, I am innocent, how can I be comparable to that hooves?"

After finishing speaking, he walked toward the hall again, but the pace was unconsciously slowed by a half.

Seeing the door, Sister Shan took a deep breath, raised her hand and was about to knock, and the door suddenly moved to the left and right, revealing Ping'er's neat and neat figure.

"came back?"

Ping'er looked at it with a probe, and the maids in the yard who had not yet dispersed, then asked the shan'er: "Have you ever sent someone to inform the eldest wife, after all, she sent this errand."

"Sister, don't worry, I have already sent someone."

Sister Shan'er was bluffed at first. After seeing Ping'er clearly, she relieved her heart and said with a smile: "This morning, there is no one to help with it. It's really hard work for sister-if there is any delay. For the next errand, my sister will do whatever she orders."

"There is nothing to tell."

Ping'er shook his head, then remembered something again, and said hurriedly: "By the way, grandma has a bad appetite today, and it may not be a bit greasy. You will let the stove prepare some clean, ready to be delivered at any time."

"Hey~ I'll go tell them now!"

The good sister hurriedly responded, and was about to turn around and go to the inner kitchen to let her know. She saw the maid she had sent to inform the eldest wife. Fei rushed into the courtyard like Fei, and yelled from a long distance away: "It's amazing. It’s amazing! Our mansion has a monster!"

With this voice, the maids who had just disappeared immediately gathered up from all directions, asking inquiries.

Ping'er had already backed away and retracted into the room. Seeing this, she walked out again hurriedly, closed the door with her backhand, and yelled, "What are you doing? Wake up the grandmother, who will take care of you? From?!"

When she was overwhelmed by the crowd, she beckoned to call the maid who was speaking to her, and said coldly: "What is going on, you can tell me clearly!"

Seeing that Ping'er's face was cold, the maid became apprehensive at the moment, and hurriedly replied: "I went to the front yard to spread the word, and saw that there was a mess of porridge over there, saying that it was some kind of cat demon. The ear is bitten down!"

This heavy news immediately caused an uproar.

"Shut up!"

Ping'er roared again and looked around at the people: "Everyone listens to the wind but rain. Where does this monster come from during the day? I can warn you, I don’t care if this word comes from others, if it’s from you. It's spread out from the mouth, see I don't tear her mouth!"

With that, he turned around and entered the hall, closing the door with a bang.

The maids look at me and I look at you, after all, they still didn't dare to get together anymore.


Hearing the sound of footsteps fading away, Ping'er sighed and quietly locked the door, and then quickly walked to the inside.

After bypassing the Four Seasons Screen, the first thing that catches the eye is the broken tiles of a place with a feather duster lying in the middle.

Looking inside, the light apricot-colored Luan tent was also torn off half of it, lying loosely on the edge of the bed, in sharp contrast with the black and red blood on the mattress.

At this time, Wang Xifeng was sitting paralyzed between the blood stains and Luan's tent, half of his bare tender feet, even stepping on the blood stains.

Ping'er carefully walked around the broken tiles on the ground, and whispered in front of the bed: "There is no leakage of breath there, except that it was bitten by a cat."


Wang Xifeng slowly turned his head, the Danfeng triangle eyes slowly condensed the focus, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha..."

And along with her laughter, there were blood stains between her lips and teeth.

Seeing her smile, Ping'er was even more embarrassed. She couldn't help her nose and hair sore. She pulled away the scattered veil at the head of the bed, leaned back and sat beside Wang Xifeng, and said softly and relievedly: "Everything is over. Presumably with this lesson, he will not dare to hit you again..."


Before he finished speaking the clinker, Wang Xifeng suddenly turned his head and stared at her, and asked fiercely: "Why?!"

Ping'er drew back subconsciously, but still persuaded: "I know grandma is upset, but these things really have to be clear, how will you deal with yourself in this house from now on?"


Wang Xifeng snorted coldly and was too lazy to wear shoes. He stretched his hand over the mandarin duck pillow and squeezed it to the ground, then stepped on the blood-stained barefoot on it, leaned down and fumbled under the bed.

"What is grandma looking for, shall I find it for you?"

Ping'er got out of bed too, wanting to help Wang Xifeng, who knows that Wang Xifeng grabbed a **** thing from the bottom of the bed after just a cat waist!

"This...this is?!"

Ping'er was taken aback and almost slumped on the broken tiles.

But Wang Xifeng was full of resentment and excitement. He looked at the thing in his hand over and over several times before suddenly commanding: "Go and find a salt jar!"

After a pause added another sentence: "Remember to inquire with the stove to see how they usually marinate bacon."


Bacon? !

Is it possible that my grandmother hates her to eat her flesh and sleep her skin? !

Ping'er was even more apprehensive, stepped back on the broken pieces of porcelain, and looked at Wang Xifeng in horror.

"Where did you think of it!"

Looking at her appearance, Wang Xifeng knew that she had made the wrong answer, and hurled angrily: "I want to keep this thing, as a handle against the old beast!"

As she said, she raised the half of her ear fiercely: "With this thing, let him go east, he dare not go west; let him beat the dog, he dare not chase the chicken."

"I want him to live in auntie's hands with fear and trembling for the rest of his life!"

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