The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 859: Sister You 2 rushes to the Grand View Garden

But she said that this afternoon, Lin Daiyu was studying in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and suddenly she heard Zijuan come in to report that it was Aunt You from the house of Sun Erye who was visiting.

Lin Daiyu felt a little inexplicable.

To say that because of sister Ruan Rong, she is no stranger to Second Sister You.

But Second Sister You came to visit alone, but it was the first time.

Lin Daiyu pondered for a while, and then guessed that the other party probably did nothing but ascend to the Three Treasures Palace.

But in her heart, she was not worried but happy. If it was just the matter of the second sister You, it would be fine. If the Sun family was involved, it would happen to be able to repay a little favor.

Therefore, Lin Daiyu ordered the purple cuckoo to invite people in, and at the same time she dressed slightly in front of the dressing table.

When she picked up the curtain and went outside, the second sister You was holding tea, carefully examining the furnishings in the room.

Seeing Lin Daiyu coming out of the back room, the second sister You hurriedly turned away the tea bowl, smiled and stood up to greet her: "I knew that Miss Lin was so elegant, but I never thought that even this room was cleaned up so elegantly."

"But I'll just do it in my spare time."

Lin Daiyu also smiled, and re-seats with her as the guest and host, but she asks straightforwardly: "Sister, is there something wrong with me?"

This is straightforward, but Sister You forgot what to say for a while.

However, she reacted immediately and got up again and said, "I said that I shouldn't have troubled Girl Lin, but I couldn't think of any other reasons. I had no choice but to go inside the garden under the name of Sister Tuorong and talk about it."

Under the name of Ruan Rong?

Lin Daiyu was a little baffling when she heard this. Although this Grand View Garden said it was inconvenient for men to get in and out, the second sister You had never been hindered by such a family of relatives and deceased women.

Listening to her words has something to say, and it doesn't seem to be a casual verbal illness.

So I couldn't help wondering: "What does my sister's words mean? Is there anyone who stops you?"

"It's not against me."

Sister You shook her head and smiled: "It's Miss Xing from your house."

Then, Xing Zhong was single-minded about asking her daughter to be a concubine. After being rejected several times, she begged in front of Mrs. Xing, but she was used as a bargaining chip by Mrs. Xing, who wanted to blackmail the Sun family.

"Now that Uncle Xing's family is stopped at the gate of the mansion, and there is no one who is willing to help spread the message. I have no choice but to beg to the Ningguo Mansion next door, and my sister pushed me again."

Second Sister You sighed and said helplessly: "Because this matter involves my second master, I have to bite the bullet and mix in, so that there is a message between his father and daughter. "

When Lin Daiyu was a child, her impression of this elder aunt was actually better than that of her second aunt, but as time got longer, her impression of her became worse and worse.

But she really didn't expect that Mrs. Xing could do so in order to make money!

At the moment, there was a rage of Xia in my heart, and he said with a serious face: "Sister, don't be irritable, I will let people invite Miss Xing."

After a pause, he added another sentence: "But if Miss Ruoxing is not willing to be a concubine, my sister is looking at my face today, but she must not force it!"

Second Sister You answered her mouth full of words.

So Lin Daiyu called Zijuan and ordered her to go to the Ouchangxie to ask Xing Xiuyan to come over and speak.

Unexpectedly, Zijuan came back only half an hour after he left, and he was alone when he went, and when he came, he was alone.

"what happened?"

Lin Daiyu frowned and said, "Could anyone really dare to stop it?"

Zijuan hurriedly explained: "The girl misunderstood. I went to Ouchongxie to find out that Miss Xing was not there. I heard that she lived in Zhicui'an yesterday."

Having said that, she couldn't help but hesitate to look at Sister You.

When Lin Daiyu saw this, he said: "If you have something to say, it's just because of my sister's face, Sister You will not spread it out!"

Zijuan then added: "I heard that it was because I persuaded the four girls to go to the spirit front to do their filial piety, but the two quarreled at each other, so I went to Zhicui'an overnight."

Lin Daiyu was bored again when she heard this. Although she had already guessed that there must be some cause and effect in this, but Jia Xichun's actions were really unacceptable.

My house is full of smoke, no wonder Baoyu always complains about the filth of the world!

At this time, Zijuan continued: "Later I went to Zhicui'an, but I heard Master Miaoyu say that Miss Xing had just used the meal at noon, so she was invited over by Hengwuyuan."

Went to Hengwu Garden?

Now Lin Daiyu finally understood why Zijuan didn't invite people back.

She was at odds with Xue Baochai, and even the maid underneath was secretly competing.

If Xing Xiuyan was somewhere else, Zijuan would just look for it without telling him, but instead it would be in Hengwu Garden, which would be more taboo for no reason.

Don't say it's her, even Lin Daiyu can't help but frown. For a while, I don't know if I should send Zijuan to invite someone, or wait until Xing Xiuyan comes out of Hengwu Garden.

Sister You also knew about the competitive relationship between the two. Seeing that Lin Daiyu seemed to be in a dilemma, she hurriedly got up and said, "Or I can just go and find her. Anyway, the reason is already available, so Xiangling asked me to give some. Things pass."

Seeing that she had even figured out the reasons, Daiyu didn't stop him, but asked her to wait a while, then pulled out a booklet from the bedroom and handed it to Sister You.

"These are a few new poems by Xiangling recently. You take them and ask Sister Bao to help me correct them."

But it turned out that Xiangling came from the Xue family after all, and his identity was a little embarrassing, so he wrote a poem, and it was not good to ask Xue Baochai to help with the evaluation, so he asked the equally talented Lin Daiyu.

Lin Daiyu was a teacher and friend of her.

However, she said that Sister You got these poems and felt more at ease. She thanked Lin Daiyu and rushed to Heng Wuyuan under the guidance of the little maid.


Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

However, it is said that Xue Baochai, because of his appreciation of Xing Xiuyan, was one step ahead of others and learned of the contradiction between her and Jia Xichun.

This time I invited Xing Xiuyan to Hengwuyuan. I also felt that a girl’s house would inevitably cause people to gossip in the nun's house. I wanted to keep her in Hengwuyuan for a few days. When the storm passed, I would try Let the two go back to good old.

In the afternoon, when Li Wan came to visit again, the three of them gathered around and said something, but they all seemed a little absent-minded.

Needless to say Xing Xiuyan, he offended Jia Xichun and his aunt Mrs. Xing successively. Although he did not regret it, he was a little bit worried.

But Li Wan came here, actually for Aunt Xue. At this time, because he ran into Xing Xiuyan and couldn't get out for a while, his thoughts had already flown inside.

As for Xue Baochai...

She had originally speculated that her mother's recent abnormal behavior was related to Sun Shaozong - but after trying it out yesterday, she failed to confirm this speculation.

Seeing Li Wan now and then from time to time, looking into the bedroom, he suddenly became suspicious again, think about the rumored sister-in-law, who is used to doing some fake Fengxuhuang deeds, can it be said that...

Thinking of all of them, she couldn't help her face getting hot.

But if the mother really has something to do with Li Wan, it might not be a bad thing.

After all, my brother and sister-in-law are not worried, and they are getting older, and one day they will be separated from their mother.

If you can marry Baoyu, it's fine. If you marry someone else, the mother is alone, which is really reassuring.

If Li Wan can be there by then, loneliness can be relieved even if it is impossible.

Although this thought came from filial piety, the red cloud on Xue Baochai's face was involuntarily heavier.

Seeing this small talk, it was about to develop in the direction that the donkey's lips were not right for the horse's mouth. Suddenly Yinger came in to report that it was the visit of Aunt You from the Sun family.

All three in the hall were taken aback, and then Xue Baochai wondered: "What is she here for? How did our family have any contact with her?"

Ying'er said hurriedly: "I heard that I was entrusted by Xiangling and sent a few poems over. I would like to ask the girl to help comment and comment."

"That's it."

Xue Baochai nodded, but he was even more puzzled, because she had long heard about Xiangling asking Lin Daiyu to help her poems.

In the past two years, except for some gifts during the New Year, she has never seen Xiangling send a word.

Although he was still suspicious and puzzled, everyone had already arrived, and it was not easy to be turned away, so he accused Li Wan and Xing Xiuyan of the crime, and took the initiative to get up and greet him.

Lin Daiyu and Sister You are fairly familiar with each other, so they are more casual with each other.

However, Xue Baochai and You Second Sister have only seen them twice in the crowd, and they have not even said anything. Naturally, they lack courtesy.

But after a short while, Xue Baochai and Sister You came in from outside, and only Xing Xiuyan was left in the hall, and Li Wan was not seen.

Xue Baochai knew that Li Wan must have gone to his mother, but he didn't know what it was like for a while.

I subconsciously wanted to introduce Xing Xiuyan and You Erjie, but You Erjie laughed first and said, "Ms. Xing is really here!"

Seeing that Xing Xiuyan was also generous in courtesy and said "Aunty You", Xue Baochai suddenly remembered that Xing Xiuyan had lived in Sun's house for more than ten days, and he and Sister You were naturally recognized.

Now he smiled and said: "Since I am an acquaintance, I won't have to spend much time here."

As he said, he raised the pamphlet in his hand and said with a smile: "It's rare that Xiangling sent the poems here this time, so my sister might as well help with the evaluation."

Xing Xiuyan was waiting for her dodge, and Sister You suddenly reduced her smile and said, "In fact, besides Xiangling, there are people who asked me to send a message to Miss Xing."

Xing Xiuyan was stunned, and then seemed to have misunderstood something, a layer of flushing on his face suddenly surpassed all Xue Baochai's previous accumulation.

I wanted to ask clearly, but the crimson lips were slightly opened and closed several, but I couldn't utter a word.

Upon seeing this, Xue Baochai couldn't help but had a misunderstanding. He sighed for Xue Tao, but he laughed and said: "Let me see where the sister-in-law is, you are talking about you."

As he said, he walked inside.

At this time, Sister You finally reacted, knowing that they mistakenly thought that they were sending a message for Sun Shaozong, so she hurriedly said: "The girl is misunderstanding. It is not someone who asked me to send a message, but the father!"

With that said, Xing Zhong was turned away, and he had to turn to Ningguo Mansion for help, briefly recounted.

Xing Xiuyan suddenly changed her color when she heard the words, bit her cherry lips hesitated for a while, but resolutely shook her head: "Excuse me, sister will go and tell my father that I can't go to Sun's house with him right now."

"Why is this?"

The second sister You was taken aback at the moment. Xing Zhong had previously said in person that her daughter had already agreed to the marriage. How could this be inconsistent again?

Is it because they are afraid of the failure of Jia She and his wife?

But Jia She thought he was right, but what could affect Sun Shaozong's personal affairs?

Among other things, even Jia Yingchun is between the two, afraid that he would choose Sun Shaozong instead of his father.

Second Sister You felt inexplicable, but Xue Baochai, who was about to leave and failed to walk, had roughly guessed Xing Xiuyan's thoughts.

At the moment, I hurriedly pulled the second sister You aside and woke up quietly: How can a serious woman live in a man's house when she gets married?

Second Sister You suddenly realized, and quickly said: "It's no wonder the girl, it's also that we were not thoughtful enough at the moment. You can wait a few days in this house, and wait for your grandson to pick you up again."

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