[Fourth, 12 thousand reached]

Not to mention the outside.

However, he said that Li Wan was already impatient to wait. Taking advantage of Baochai's time when he went outside to welcome the guests, he accused Xing Xiuyan of the crime, and went straight into the dormitory.

Going around the screen of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum in front of the door, I saw that in the empty room with no decorations, Aunt Xue was sitting by the window, stunned at the mercury mirror.

Li Wan didn't bother her in a hurry, first quietly walked around to get a panoramic view of her lazy appearance.

After watching for a while, seeing that there was no sadness between her eyebrows, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Then she asked softly: "What is my aunt thinking?"

Aunt Xue had never thought that someone had deceived her, and she immediately bluffed with a spirit. After seeing that it was Li Wan, her complexion suddenly became more complicated.

Li Wan's method of "asking yourself" reminded her of the suffering of loneliness in the past ten years, and thus alleviated the guilt in her heart.

Although Aunt Xue wouldn't be so grateful for Li Wan because of this-after all, all of this was caused by Li Wan.

But when facing Li Wan, the hatred in his heart has weakened a lot.

So after looking at Li Wan for a while, she sighed, answered the question, pointed to the embroidered pier in front of the dressing table and said: "Sit down and talk."

Li Wan felt more secure in his heart when he heard these words.

At the moment, he moved the embroidered dun to the front and sat opposite Aunt Xue.

Just as she met her eyes, Aunt Xue moved her gaze out of the window again, as if she didn't want to speak again.

Li Wan had no choice but to take the question to his lips, and pressed his stomach back first, staying silent with her, waiting for her to take the initiative to break the barrier and embarrassment.

Before Li Wan waited long, Aunt Xue suddenly frowned and said, "Apart from Miss Xing, is there anyone else out there?"

Li Wan hurriedly said: "It was a concubine in Erlang's house. I heard that she was the daughter brought by Dongfuzhen's stepmother when she married into You's house. Later, she also changed her surname and her common name. Sister You."

Sister You?

When Aunt Xue heard these three words, she blushed all of a sudden. It turned out that Sun Shaozong had compared and joked with the second sister You that night.

At this moment, she suddenly smelled the name of Second Sister You, and the embarrassing scene immediately resurfaced from the bottom of her heart.

In the past, Aunt Xue didn't think about the scene of that day, but every time that memory just appeared, she was quickly suppressed by her, and then she was doubly ashamed.

This time it was different. About Mo used self-deception to suppress the guilt in his heart. This time the memory was coming up, instead of being suppressed by force, it became clearer with the passage of time.

That babble, that teasing, that unscrupulous...

All kinds of pictures appeared in every detail, causing Aunt Xue's heart and liver to jump suddenly, her chest was undulating, her breathing turned into panting, and layers of burning clouds appeared on her face.

She was in a trance like a soul wandering into the sky, but suddenly a hand was placed on Aunt Xue's knee, causing her to look up blankly, facing Li Wan's concern, with a somewhat strange look.

"Auntie, all mistakes are my fault."

Li Wan's five lush and white fingers circled Aunt Xue's thigh, but he said earnestly: "If you have any unclear explanation, just push it on me."

Aunt Xue shrank back uncomfortably, and subconsciously asked: "What is unclear?"

"Naturally is what my aunt looks like now!"

As Li Wan said, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Aunt Xue’s face, and when Aunt Xue wanted to lift her hand away, she quickly retracted, and sighed: "Sweet fragrance, shame and shame. Zhu, is the little girl who is incomprehensible, and I am afraid that she will be able to peek a bit of lingering from it."

Aunt Xue stroked her cheek subconsciously, and the hot touch made her hurriedly get to the front of the mercury mirror, so she could have a panoramic view of the face of a spring woman.

This look is even more explicit than when I first married myself!

I'm really going to be seen by my daughter, I'm afraid that no matter how sophisticated it is, it will be difficult to completely hide the past.

Aunt Xue was in a panic, subconsciously cupped her cheeks with her hands, and said ashamed: "This...how is this good?!"

Li Wan took advantage of the situation and deceived it a little more, and said softly: "Didn't I say it, if I really can't explain it, then my aunt will push it on me."

As he said, he put his other hand on Aunt Xue's shoulder.

At this time, Aunt Xue also faintly noticed something, and then thought about the sentence ‘Push it on me’, and immediately got up and took a half step back, and said in embarrassment: "What are you...what are you doing?!"

Subconsciously, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her chest.

Seeing her look like an anti-wolf, Li Wan laughed and shook his head: "It's all a woman, why can't I do anything wrong with you?"

Aunt Xue also smirked twice, but did not dare to relax her guard.

Originally, because she had discovered the adultery between Li Wan and Sun Shaozong, she thought the so-called false phoenix and phoenix talk was nothing more than rumors.

But looking at Li Wan's behavior now, those words are obviously not groundless.

Moreover, Li Wan seems to have hit his own mind!

This was for Aunt Xue to guess.

Li Wan didn't have this thought at first, but just saw her red face, but she was inexplicably stirred by the heartstrings.

She has always been with Suyun for a long time, but how can Suyun's beauty compare with Aunt Xue?

What's more, both of them are widows who have been alone for more than ten years. They originally had some feelings of sympathy. Now if they can use Sun Shaozong as a matchmaker to achieve a good deed, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Seeing Aunt Xue's vigilant look now, Li Wan's heart became more and more fiery, and he let go of his behavior and talk.

Staring straight at Aunt Xue, she slowly got up, and said softly: "In fact, we really have to start from Sun Jia Erlang. We are worthy of the sister. If there is any problem with the sister, I will naturally help."

Hearing the words "Sisters are suitable", the tablecloth suddenly red on Aunt Xue's face seemed to think of Sun Shaozong's jokes again.

Seeing this, Li Wan moved forward again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reached out and grabbed Aunt Xue’s wrist, and whispered: "We sisters are closer, so what are you afraid of? On the contrary, no one will doubt, you and me. With Sun Jiajiro..."

At this moment, the door of the room was heard suddenly, followed by faint footsteps.

Aunt Xue hurriedly got rid of Li Wan, and took two steps back, but the red tide on her face was too late to fade.

Naturally it was Xue Baochai who came in from outside.

She went around the screen and saw her mother standing in the corner, while Li Wan was standing by the window, behind her mother's usual mercury mirror.

Coupled with the abnormal expressions of the two, Xue Baochai became more and more convinced that their relationship was extraordinary.

At the moment Xue Baochai's heart was throbbing wildly, but he tried his best to stabilize his emotions and pretended to say nonchalantly: "Why did my sister-in-law sneak in without a word? Sister Xiuyan thought that it was there that offended you."

"Is there such a thing?"

Under her scrutiny gaze, Li Wan felt a little guilty, so he hurriedly laughed and said, "Then I have to explain to Ms. Xing Haosheng."

With that, he left the dormitory along the way.

After Xue Baoqin watched her leave, she turned around and saw that her mother was already looking uncomfortable, and immediately said: "I will also go out and take a look."

Having said that, he chased him up.

Just before the screen, he suddenly turned his head and said with a serious face: "Mother don't worry, in fact, these things are... nothing, and I won't have any opinion of you because of this."

After speaking, her face was also hot, so she rushed out without waiting for Aunt Xue to react.


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