The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 872: People have different minds

"Mother, mother!"

Hearing the shouts from far and near, the princess hurriedly put down the embroidery in her hand and looked up.

I saw a little man wrapped in a bright yellow robe, staggering into the bedroom, and there was Zhang Xuyuan away, and he opened his arms and shouted: "Mother hug, mother hug!"

This is naturally the grandson of Li's ‘birth’-since he was born, he was raised by the prince's concubine.

The prince was gentle and honest, but also knew that she would never have another heir in her life, so she treated her like a parent and child.

Seeing the little guy staggering forward at this time, the princess hurriedly got up to meet him, picked him up from the ground, rubbed his flushing little face, and said spoilingly: "Why is Qi'er running all over again? Khan? When I go out at night, my body will smell bad, and my father will be upset."

Hearing the word'Father King', the little guy was obviously a little frightened, but soon he giggled again, grabbed the princess's neck, and shouted vaguely: "High, high, high! "

The princess thought at first that he was going to lift himself up, but she lifted the little guy several times, only to find that it didn't seem to be the case, so she had to turn to the nanny who was standing by the side.

The nanny hurriedly said, "What the son said is the little dog that I just ran into."

The princess smiled unconsciously, and put the little guy in her arms with one hand, and scratched his face with her fingers and said: "That's a dog, it's not a tall one. Say with her mother: Dogs, Dogs."

"High, high!"





Happy hours always go by in a flash. The mother and the son have fun for about half an hour, and the elder son sees that he is not in good spirits, and the crown princess hugs and coaxes a few words before falling into a dreamland in a daze.

Seeing this, the nanny waited to take over.

The princess shook her head slightly, brought him to her bed, carefully stripped off his coat, shoes and socks, and covered the bedding.

"Niang Niang."

At this time, the nursing mother couldn't help but reminded him: "My son has become accustomed to being lively these days, and it's not enough to get up a few times-if I get dirty on my mother's bed, what should I do."

The crown prince smiled: "Is there still a lack of changeable mattresses in this palace? You go down and rest, and wait for Qi'er to come in and wait."

The nurse bowed and retired.

For a while, only the princess and the drowsy son remained in the dormitory.

Originally, the princess wanted to take this opportunity to continue finishing the embroidery she had just done, but she could not calm down anyway when she held the needle and thread in her hand.

I had no choice but to sigh and put it back in the bamboo dustpan of the silver hoop.

Considering that Shizi was still in the house, she got up again and put the dustpan on a high place, and then sat down in front of the dressing table.

After combing the sideburns in front of the mercury mirror, the princess had a few green onion-like fingers. First, she hung the makeup box for a long time, but finally did not open it, but slid to a few books not far away.

Moving the top "Jiaxuan Ci Collection" and "Li Taibai Collection" all elsewhere, a chapter-style script with a different style of painting comes into view.

Looking at the script, the princess became a little guilty for no reason, and subconsciously turned her head to look at the son on the bed, and saw that he was still sleeping sweetly. Then she stretched out her finger with confidence and gently rubbed the few on the cover. Big print:

"Blood Eye Judge Riding Alone in Huguang"

Obviously, this is a textbook describing Sun Shaozong's suppression of Wuxi's chaos.

Although the contents are roughly in line with the facts, the specific details are absurd. Sun Shaozong portrays Sun Shaozong as a **** who descends to the earth.

As soon as that **** eyes opened, it was even more slaughtered.

With the experience and intelligence of the prince, it is natural to see the nonsense and far-fetched affiliation in it-not to mention, the number of barbarians who died under Sun Shaozong in the book is more than hundreds of thousands.

But for some reason, after she inadvertently obtained this script from her younger brother Sun Zhaolin, she seemed to be possessed, and she didn't know how many times she read it over and over again.

As a result, the book gradually became fluffy and thick, and finally had to be suppressed with a few collections of poems, so as not to be seen strangely.

At this time, although the prince hadn't opened the page, the words and sentences appeared in her heart, especially the several illustrations in the interior, which seemed to be stamped into the heart with a brand iron. The heart of the scorching person was hot, but some loneliness were born again. Come coldly.

For a long time, the princess woke up from the ice and fire, but found that she had already put the script on her chest without knowing it.

Looking at the spread of the words, it was Sun Shaozong's one-handed horseman standing up, looking forward to his own strength, and the embroidered image of a group of barbarians bowing their heads to the court.

At the moment, the prince concubine seemed to be really scalded, and hurriedly put the script back in its original position, and then randomly grabbed six or seven collections of poems, lyrics and music, and put her brain on it.

But how can she suppress this script, but how can she restrain her demons?

The hand is still on the stack of books, but my heart has already flown into the Wangjiang Tower...


at the same time.

In the piano room of the Beijing Palace, Princess Weiying's bowels of remorse were all blue.

After meeting by chance at the Prince's Mansion that day, she vaguely realized that Sun Shaozong's promise that day might not be fulfilled at all.

But she did not expect that only half a month later, she would have to meet the villain again!

If I had known this, I would never kneel down in front of Sun Shaozong that day, and do that extremely humble business with Xia Jingui...

Do not!

If I had known this, I would never have seen him that day!

However, no matter how sorry it is at this time, it is already too late.

In particular, the prince had just notified of this not long ago, and now it is only a few hours away from rushing to Wangjiang Tower.

If you suddenly pretend to be sick at this time, wouldn't it be too abrupt?

Besides, this time, the prince took the initiative to call his name and asked himself to go to the theater with the prince. If he couldn’t get sick, who knows what the prince would think?

Wei Ying is not like the ordinary people outside, who will be deceived by the prince's deliberately pretending to be honest. She has been with the prince for many years and knew that the prince was a moody lord.

If it is true that the prince offends the prince because of himself, wouldn't it be more sinful?

In fact, before a month ago, Weiying might not have been so entangled.

But since the husband and wife returned home, Shui Rong has doubly favored her. Even if Wei Ying didn't like the flashy things he sent, he still felt the same.

And because of losing herself to Sun Shaozong, she was already guilty, and Wei Ruolan told her sister not to pursue her previous affairs several times in secret.

As a result, Weiying's previous grievances with her husband were gradually healed.

At a time, the two couples were like honey mixing oil, and they were more affectionate than they were when they were newly married.

Under such circumstances, how could she bear the heart to destroy her husband's plan to have a source of resources for her own sake?


At the thought of facing Sun Shaozong, Wei Ying couldn't feel at ease-even if there would be a princess by then, her heart would still be overwhelming.

After all, when I was humiliated last time, I was in my own palace. Since even my own palace is not safe anymore, elsewhere...

I was flustered, and suddenly my shoulder sank, but someone put his hand on his shoulder.

Did the evil thief touch the palace again? !

This thought flashed through Wei Ying's heart, and she subconsciously moved her elbow back.

However, after this elbow passed, Wei Ying regretted it again-Sun Shaozong was invited to come, and now there is no reason, how can he easily get into the palace? Especially in the backyard of this deep house?

However, it was already too late to stop at this time, and could only try to remove six or seven points of strength.


But even so, a familiar cry came from behind him.

Wei Ying hurriedly turned around, but saw Wang Shuirong of Beijing holding his chest, staggering back with his teeth grinning.


She hurriedly stepped forward to hold on to the water solution, and asked nervously, "Are you okay, Lord?"

"Love... Don't worry about Concubine."

Shuirong first barely squeezed out a smile, and then couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath and said, "I've become accustomed to the kung fu of Ai Concubine."

After that, he looked back and saw that the maids were all outside the piano room, and then said with a hippie smile: "But can Ai concubine try to condense as much as possible. Last time on the bed, Gu just wanted to change her posture, so she was almost caught by her legs. Twist the neck..."


Wei Ying was blushing and groaning, and besides being ashamed, there was also some unspeakable shame in his heart.

In fact, she suddenly overreacted at that time, it was precisely because of the posture that the water soluble intended to pose, which was very similar to the way Sun Shaozong arbitrarily acted on the lake that day, and she was a little unable to restrain herself for a while.

I didn't know where the water melted, thinking that she couldn't save her face, and refused to greet herself with the side gestures, but she didn't know how many gestures Sun Shaozong had unlocked when she was on the lake.

But after a few jokes, Shui Rong brought up the business.

But it turned out that he rushed over because he wanted Wei Ying to prepare earlier so that he could arrive at Wangjiang Tower half an hour earlier.

Wei Ying was nervous at first, and he heard that he had to rush over in advance, and couldn't help but blurt out and asked, "Why is this? Isn't it already with His Royal Highness, it's about time for unity? Let's mention that a quarter of an hour is enough, so why bother to go? So early?"

Shui Rong smiled disapprovingly: "I heard about Jiang Yuhan's but unfortunately I have never met, and now it's time to go and see his style first."

After a pause, he said with a serious face: "Furthermore, the cousin made a misunderstanding last time, and Sun Shaozong refused to go to the door. This time the lone rushed over early, so he could personally compensate him.

Go to sue Sun Shaozong?

Wei Ying's tastes were mixed for a while, and he didn't know how to deal with it, so something strange appeared on his face inevitably.

Upon seeing this, the king of Beijing Shui Rong hurriedly said with concern: "What's wrong? Is it possible that Concubine Ai is uncomfortable?"

Seeing Weiying shook his head subconsciously, he suddenly remembered for a moment, and suddenly said, "Could it be that the sky sunflower is here? It's a few days later than before..."

There are a lot of things behind him, but where does Weiying still listen?

Only the word "Tiankui" echoed like thunder in my head...

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