The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 873: Liyuanhui Great Drama Evening Stage 【Top】

[Secondly, my cold bird can't hold back the pigeon. Let's make up the rest tomorrow morning. 】

As half of the host, Sun Shaozong rushed to Wangjiang Tower early.

However, for safety reasons, he did not notify Jiang Yuhan and others in advance. The prince was going to Wangjiang Tower to listen to the show at night. Instead, he first found Xing Zhong and asked him to vacate the best private rooms. .

When Xing Zhong first heard this, he was embarrassed.

This Wangjiang Tower is so popular that the dignitaries who book private rooms have already been scheduled for the first month of next year. This temporary transfer of one or two private rooms may be able to barely make it, but it is not an offense to vacate many of them all at once. No one is allowed.

And how many of the distinguished guests who can rank in the forefront are he Xing Zhong dared to offend?

However, Sun Shaozong's request was also not allowed to be refused, otherwise, without his support behind him, why did Xing Zhong gain a foothold in Wangjiang Tower?

But when I was in a dilemma, I listened to Sun Shaozong absent-mindedly: "Uncle doesn't need to explain, just tell those private rooms are occupied. When the guests come, they naturally dare not say anything."

Although Xing Zhong was still a little nervous, it can be seen that Sun Shaozong was confident and hard to say anything. He promised and hurriedly proceeded to arrange.

It would be nice if we could inform them in advance. If we let those patrons come to the door, and then bite the bullet and turn them away, the beam will be bigger.

But it was said that soon after Xing Zhong left, Jiang Yuhan and Jia Lian were looking for it. After all, Liu Xianglian vowed to take an exam, and Xue Pan had to go to the political secretary to answer the situation.

Jiang Yuhan is okay, just dressing up normally, but Jia Lian is wearing a heavy make-up and brightly dressed in Tsing Yi. When entering the door, he swayed his waist in a swaying posture.

Although this man is disguised as a woman, it is also common in Liyuan, not to mention others, Jiang Yuhan is famous for his Qingyi in the capital.

But when Jia Lian came in such a costume, Sun Shaozong felt a little uncomfortable.

With my heart moved, I couldn't hide the news anymore, and suddenly got up and said anxiously: "Oops, I forgot that Brother Lian was here too!"

Having said that, he told the news that the prince is going to visit Wangjiang Tower in person today.

Finally persuaded: "Looking at my face, the prince should not embarrass Mr. Jiang, but if he bumps into the second brother, I may not be able to stop him!"

Although there is no lack of intimidation, the prince's hatred of Jia's family is indeed not under the original Niu's family. If you really see Jia Lian, even if you don't dare to do too much, your words will be insulting.

Therefore, Jia Lian was shocked when he heard that the prince was coming. He didn't care about "showing what he learned" from Sun Shaozong. He hurriedly mentioned the pleated skirt, and then went back to the backstage to remove his makeup before escaping to his own home.

He just walked to the door. After all,'he' was unwilling, so he turned his head back and Jiao Didi asked, "Sure enough, Erlang knows to think for me. When I'm at home that day, I will ask Erlang to go over to drink and thank you. "

Having said that, for fear that Sun Shaozong would not agree, he added: "It's time to discuss Ping'er."

Just looking at these few words, I don't know how it is, mainly because of his delicate voice, which is really awkward!

But Sun Shaozong just hesitated for a while, still undecided, Jia Lian shyly covered his face again with his sleeve.

As soon as he left here, Jiang Yuhan couldn't sit still anymore. He got up and said that he was going to the backstage to make arrangements for his life, and he must not be ugly in front of the Prince.

Sun Shaozong didn't have much to say with him, so he naturally responded, and specifically told him not to disclose the whereabouts of the prince.

When the two walked back and forth, Sun Shaozong himself was the only one left in the hospitality room in the backyard.

He was also very happy. While drinking the specially-provided tea, he wondered what the prince came to Wangjiang Tower this time.

There is definitely something to show Taisun.

Yomo also has a certain interest in Jiang Yuhan's performance.

But other than that?

Why did he take the Bei Jing Wang and his wife specially?

You must know that he has always had a grudge against the Beijing King Shuirong and the Beijing Princess Weiying. This is evident from the fact that the King of Beijing has long been employed and has a high status, but has never been able to squeeze into the inner circle.

Then think about how many times the prince once said that he would help himself to clean up Princess Beijing...

Probably not?

Isn't he afraid of water dissolution and therefore reversal?

However, the prince's temperament, which was tempted to hide and waver, might not be impossible to do this kind of thing.

Forget it, no matter how much you look at right now, it won't help. Let's wait for everyone to see you bye.

In short, no matter what, at least it can't reveal the fact that he and Princess Beijing have a leg.

However, he said that he had just suppressed his mind here, and Xing Zhong turned back again, bitter melon said that he had sent everyone out, but the reaction of those companies was unpredictable for a while.

Even if the business is left to him, there should always be some tests. If this little battle can't be sustained, how can it last for a long time in the future?

Therefore, Sun Shaozong did not comfort him, but seriously asked about the trading flow in the past few days.

I have to say that Xing Zhong lost his capital in trading, and it is no wonder that he is lucky—he only knows that Wangjiang Tower is a hot business, but he can't even guess the profit.

Fortunately, he is not without his strengths, at least he is good at eating and drinking.

And Sun Shaozong asked him to take charge of the private room, just to give him a place to live, and by the way to show his presence in Wangjiang Tower, he didn't point out that he could hold Jiang Yuhan's money bag.

So after a few gossips, seeing that he had barely adapted to his new identity, he was not asking for anything, but solemnly informed him that the family had begun preparing for the marriage, and Jia Yingchun would invite a matchmaker to come soon.

At that time, Ruoxing's family has any requirements, just ask them.

If he got this promise a few days ago, Xing Zhong would definitely be overjoyed.

However, his daughter didn't say anything before, and now he is in the Wangjiang Tower like a fish in water, and he didn't dare to think too much about what he could hope for.

Therefore, he quickly shook his head like a rattle, saying that there is no shortage of everything, only to ask Sun Shaozong to treat his daughter sincerely and kindly.

Sun Shaozong responded by himself.

As a result, the gap between the two of Weng and Son's conversation became more and more disappearing, just as they were talking, suddenly someone reported loudly outside, or the water of the king of Beijing had dissolved, making people inquire about Sun Shaozong's whereabouts.

The water dissolved so early, it was beyond Sun Shaozong's expectation.

So he hurriedly confessed a few words to Xing Zhong, and then hurriedly greeted him in the courtyard.


There are two flowers, one on each table.

However, it was said that Weiying, Princess Beijing, was in the piano room and suddenly heard the word'Tiankui'. It was like five thunderstorms for a while!

Her body has always been healthy, and Kwai also came to the extreme on this day, almost at the end of each month, with a difference of at most two or three days before and after.

But now it is the sixth day of the junior high school!

Is it true that I am pregnant? !

This cruel speculation caused Wei Ying to be carried out of the palace by the eight-carriage sedan chair until half an hour later.

Ordinarily, since that day, she and the water melted to repair the old, UU reading www.uukánshu. During the com period, I did not practice the way of husband and wife less. In terms of the number of times, even if I became pregnant, the chance of the latter should be greater.


Regardless of the quality, just because the two have been married for six years, but they still have no children, Wei Ying dare not expect this to be a water-soluble child.

What should I do?

Think of a way to get a fetus quietly?

When the husband and wife are in a strange relationship, there may be ways to do it without leaving a trace.

But now...

Once things are inconsistent, the water will inevitably detect the difference, and then it will be overwhelming!

But if you make the mistake and give birth to this child, how can you be worthy of the water melt, and even the ancestors of the Shui family? !

It was regret and shame, and I was really hating that I couldn't just die. Suddenly someone outside the sedan chair whispered: "Mother, shall we go upstairs first, or wait for the prince?"


What upstairs?

Wei Ying was stunned for a while, before finally realizing that the maid was talking about Wangjiang Tower, so she subconsciously opened the car curtain, and never thought that a majestic figure would immediately slam into his eyes, but who else could it be if it wasn't Sun Shaozong? !

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