The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 874: Liyuanhui Great Drama Evening Stage【中】

[Looks like I couldn't make up 10,000 words-PS: There are two more changes in the evening as usual. 】

Contrary to his wife, Wang Shuirong of Beijing smiled when he saw Sun Shaozong greet him, and laughed aloud from a long distance away: "A goodbye a month ago, Erlang made the lonely wait so miserable!"

This is a mockery of Sun Shaozong's refusal to go to a banquet in the palace.

But I don't know what it sounds like, but it seems to be ambiguous.

Sun Shaozong took a sip in his heart, showing a bit of humor at the right time, and shook his head: "I am afraid that I am afraid to go to the palace of the prince. If the prince is interested, I might as well come to the Wangjiang Tower more. There are so many rules, maybe you can be a little more comfortable."

Hearing that the water melted, he couldn't help laughing: "They say that the Sun Jia Erlang is so romantic, and I never thought I was so embarrassed by a mere woman!"

Sun Shaozong also laughed, but his gaze flicked over the large sleeves of the water-soluble robes and landed on the sedan chair behind. Although there was still a lot of distance away, he faintly noticed that the long-legged princess was peeping out from inside. .

Therefore, those remarks just now were not only to respond to the dissolution of water, but also to broaden the heart of the long-legged princess, saying that he would not violate the oath, and then go to the Beijing Palace to ‘be a guest’.

If he was willing to make such a statement before today, how much would make Wei Ying's annoyance a little less, but now Wei Ying still cares about this?

A pair of apricot kernels stared round and round, framed the burly figure in the middle, wishing that they could not be swallowed alive and cut through a thousand swords!

At this moment, another person greeted Zukan, but he was a handsome figure with red lips and white teeth.

I heard Sun Shaozong introduced with a smile: "Master, this is the famous Jiang class master."

Jiang Yuhan took the opportunity to give a deep salute, and was waiting for his name to be reported. He was held up by the water without thinking about it. He looked up and down for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said: "I heard the name of Qi official early, and I saw the result today. Extraordinary!"

Jiang Yuhan was also accustomed to seeing princes and princes, so he smiled generously, but said: "Jiang Yuhan is no more than an actor, how dare you be a prince so ridiculous."

"Due, naturally deserve it!"

I don’t know if it’s "love at first sight" or it’s been a relationship for a long time. Shui Rong really loves Jiang Yuhan, and even his eyes can’t stick to Jiang Yuhan’s face, and see him thoroughly from the inside out.

The two people talked about Liyuan jargon. Sun Shaozong didn't understand it very well. But seeing the two people talked very well, they knew that they were talking about Jiang Yuhan for a long time before the water melted. It was not necessarily a polite talk.

I wanted to wait until the two of them were fresh, and then led the Shuirong couple upstairs. How could they have thought of the rise of what they said, the Shuirong suddenly pinched the orchid, and said a few words: "Miss, look! The moonlight is just right tonight, but the moon is dizzy, there must be a storm tomorrow."

While talking, the big sleeves fluttering is a graceful spin.

This is what the matchmaker said to Cui Yingying in "The Story of the West Chamber".

That Jiang Yuhan was also a habitual host. He immediately made a round of fun while turning around, then stretched out his hand to support the water-soluble arm, and looked up to the horizon, that Gu Panjian was already haggard.

Followed by a crisp and sweet, but full of panic, he vented from the lips and teeth of'his': "Raise your tears-look up to the sky and look at the moon, the heaven and the earth are always normal. Who would think that Chang'e is lonely and lonely? Luo Mu Surrounded Guanghan heavily."

Immediately after the two people made a listening gesture, chanting and singing one by one, they were actually enjoying themselves, completely leaving others behind.

Although Jiang Yuhan's singing voice was popular in Beijing, even laymen could hear some charm, but both of them are now dressed in regular clothes. The two men flicked their hands and eyebrows, which really did not admire Sun Shaozong.

In his eyes, it was clear that the two rabbits were flirting with each other-one of the heads was still green!

Not only was Sun Shaozong uncomfortable, Wei Ying was also unhappy in the sedan chair.

If you play with these actors in private, it would be fine, in the presence of a large crowd, especially in front of Sun Shaozong, such a gaffe, it is really...

In particular, seeing her husband sing and make a peace, it seemed to be lowly in front of Jiang Yuhan, making it even more difficult for her to accept.

How can the dignified King of Beijing, the head of the Dazhou generals, be so humble in front of a mere actress?

Comparing with Sun Shaozong, who was next to Yuanzhu Yuezhi, suddenly a thought came to him - if he could be a father and son, it would not necessarily be a bad thing for the Beijing Prince's Mansion.

However, this idea was soon suppressed by Weiying, and replaced by endless shame and self-blame.


About two quarters of an hour after the ink was in the backyard, the water melted on Sun Shaozong's reminder and reluctantly said goodbye to Jiang Yuhan, preparing to **** Weiying to the upstairs room to wait.

"Baojuan climbs up the building, idlers and others avoid it!"

"Baojuan waits for the building, idlers wait for avoidance!"

However, he said that Sun Shaozong led the water to melt. Just as soon as he went up to the second floor, he saw the maids who opened the way in front of him. Regardless of whether there was anyone in the house, he first informed them one by one in the private room, and then each guarded the door to ensure that no one could Crash into the princess.

After they were in their respective positions, Sun Shaozong opened one of the private rooms and introduced to Shuirong: "This is for the two empresses. The prince may wish to rest here with the princess, and wait for the prince to arrive. It's not too late to enter the main room."

Speaking of this, Sun Shaozong originally wanted to go downstairs to evade, but he was helplessly dragged by the water solution. If he wanted to show that he was good at home, he could only accompany the water solution to enter it.

After sitting for a while, I saw the long-legged princess walk in. Although the eyebrows were still full of vigor, it was slightly reduced when I took a closer look. It was probably caused by the recent loss of appetite.

Thinking about it this way, when Sun Shaozong got up to salute, the light from the corner of his eyes inevitably fluttered between her lips. When she saw her squeezing her lips tightly, she looked like she was restrained, and she couldn't help but feel a little swelling somewhere.

"Ai Concubine."

Shui Rong also got up from the banquet to greet him, and when he came to Weiying, he cast a wink with his back to Sun Shaozong, but he was beckoning his wife to apologize for Xia Jingui's ‘outrageous offense’ that day.

Wei Ying had only been delayed downstairs just now. At this time, her mood was slightly calmed down. Seeing Sun Shaozong in the room, she could barely control her emotions.

But seeing her husband, who didn't know the inside story, repeatedly signaled to himself to apologize to Sun Shaozong, but he felt ashamed and angered no matter how hard it was to suppress.

Fortunately, she concentrated on her wits, walked around her husband quickly, returned a salute to Sun Shaozong, and said word by word: "That day there was nothing wrong with my sister, please forgive me.

The tone was extremely stiff, not to mention, her face was even more resentful, embarrassed, and stubborn, except that there was no half apologetic.

Of course, she had nothing to apologize.

However, Sun Shaozong originally made up his mind to provoke the long-legged princess as little as possible so as not to reveal any flaws.

Seeing that she was forced to bow and salute at this time, but her face was full of reluctance and reluctance, she couldn't help but want to tease, so she returned the courtesy and said with puns: "That day was innocent. She is an official, and Shang Xing Niangniang has the capacity to tolerate others, and she is indifferent and includes the rudeness of being an official."

What's'capacity','heiner', and'contained', at first sounds are complimenting Weiying's heart, but falling in Weiying's ears clearly describes the scene of her humiliation that day~www.wuxiaspot. com~ At the moment, he glared at Sun Shaozong with shame and anger, thinking about how to vent his anger, and suddenly felt his stomach churning, and he couldn't help but retching.

"Ai Concubine? What did you do?"

Seeing that the water melted, he hurriedly stepped forward to support his wife, and asked warmly, "Could it be that something is uncomfortable?"

Wei Ying shook his head as much as possible, but before he could even say that he was OK, he heard Sun Shaozong's surprise and said, "Is this my mother, isn't it bad news? When my little concubines were pregnant, they retched like this!"

As soon as he said this, Shuirong's eyes widened in surprise.

Wei Ying also rounded Xinghe's eyes, but it was not joy, but fear and shame.

But Shuirong heard that he might be a father, but could he still distinguish these details?

At the moment, he embraced Weiying's waist and said with joy, "Is Concubine Ai really bad for you? This...this is really the eye of God, my Shui family finally has a queen!"

As he said, he kept thanking the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

In the end, he grabbed Sun Shaozong’s wrist and said excitedly: “Thanks to Erlang’s reminder, the lonely person knows this happy event—if Erlang doesn’t dislike it, how about giving Erlang a son after this child is born?!”

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