The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 890: Debunk and pick up the ship

[There is a liquor bureau in the evening. If you drink less, there will be one more drink. If you drink too much. . . 】

A few green and white jade fingers gently pushed, and the cold air suddenly broke through the window.

Although Wang Xifeng shuddered involuntarily, the pair of Qingluan Danfeng did not blink, staring at the inner study to the southeast.

Two years ago, it was used as Jia Lian's dormitory. This time he came back from the Wangjiang Tower and he was resting in it.

If you say this is separated from the door panel, what can you see?

However, the chill in Wang Xifeng's eyes continued to grow stronger.

Although the father-in-law Jia She was shameless and indecent, he gave birth to wolf ambitions towards her, and even intended to take advantage of the emptiness to enter, which almost broke her innocence.

But if you really want to talk about it, Wang Xifeng hates Jia Lian the most!

As a man, but wanting to lay down!

I didn’t go home all day and night. I finally returned home. I never communicated with myself. What I wanted to do was to recruit ‘wild men’ at home!

How many lifetimes was it for me to be evil to cultivate such an enemy? !

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he was. Wang Xifeng closed the window with a slam, and walked to the bed a few steps. With his backhand, he pulled back the layers of the tent, and rubbed the muddy curls wrapped in the plain red cicada wings half by half. On the edge of the bed.

At the same time, the hem of the knee-length skirt was divided left and right, and the two jade blocks also seemed to be long-legged, stably supporting the gourd-like body.

Nen Ling also looked like two soles, and somehow broke free from the embroidered shoes. Ten silkworms, like their toes, lightly pecked one after another on the upper.

Amorous feelings and coquettishness blended perfectly on her body for a while.

Even Ping'er, who came in with the copper basin, couldn't help being slightly absent-minded when facing Wang Xifeng.

But seeing the deep resentment on her face, the surprise suddenly turned into a silent sigh.

What a fateful confidante since ancient times!

Putting the copper basin full of warm water on the wooden shelf gently, Ping'er turned her head and was waiting to ask Wang Xifeng if she wanted to start washing.

Wang Xifeng suddenly raised his head and asked with burning eyes: "You said that if I were in the table and directly exposed the mind of the second master, how would Sun Jiaerlang react?"

With that said, she seemed to think of the embarrassing situation at that time, and there was a burst of happiness on her face.


Ping'er frowned slightly, and then softly persuaded: "Grandma is so easy to let go, but how can she provoke the second master again?"

"Let it go? Ha ha ha!"

Wang Xifeng laughed several times as if he had heard a big joke before gnawing his teeth again: "If it weren't for him, how could that ear dare to be so presumptuous? Besides paying the debts of the father and the son, wouldn't it be justified?! "

"Could it be that if he and his son are only allowed to abuse me, I won't be able to spoil their good deeds?!"

Seeing her talking, the ten toes coated with cardamom all plunged deeply into the embroidered shoes, tremblingly struggling, obviously using all the strength of the whole body, Ping'er knew that nothing more was useless.

Coupled with breaking Jia Yan's nasty thoughts, it may not be a good thing for Sun Shaozong. Therefore, after she was silent for a while, she took the initiative to change the subject: "Is it serving grandma to wash now, or?"

Wang Xifeng didn't answer, and just stood up with open arms.

Ping'er had been with her master and servant for many years, and she knew what she was saying, and hurriedly took new bellybands and other things from the cupboard, and then stepped forward to untie the nightdress of the plain red cicada-wing yarn, and it seemed as if an Aries were peeled out. of……


About half an hour later, the master and servant finally gathered up and walked out of the hall.

At this time, Wang Xifeng also didn't see half of the bitter resentment, only the intriguing aura that came to his face, and the seemingly friendly but alienated smile.

Originally, the two masters and servants were going to go to the small hall of the West Wing to have some potluck, and then go to the front yard to deal with the housework of the Rongguo Mansion.

Just before the breakfast was over, the second wife, Mrs. Wang, sent the maid Yuk Chuan to pass the message: Jia Zheng, I will go to Beijing in the afternoon!

Although the decree to call Jia Zheng back to Beijing had been sent out a month ago, the news still seemed a bit abrupt.

It stands to reason, shouldn't you send someone to notify the mansion two or three days in advance?

Although there are some complaints in my heart, Jia Zheng's position in the Rongguo Mansion is now very different from the past, and Wang Xifeng naturally does not dare to neglect it.

So while they agreed with Mrs. Wang to meet in front of Jia's mother, they let people know the two brothers Jia Lian and Jia Cong.

After another half an hour, several horse-drawn carriages rushed out of Rongguo Mansion, with Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu at the beginning, followed by Jia Huan, Jia Cong, and Jia Lan's uncle and nephew.

The team swept out of the inner city and rushed to the Dongbianmen Pier without stopping.

When it was almost noon outside the Dongbianmen, Haonu had already taken care of a nearby restaurant for a few sons and brothers to rest and eat.

The five uncles and nephews were sitting by the window upstairs, looking down at the crowded dock with thousands of sails, all a little absent-minded for a while.

Jia Cong in Neizhong has the most dry personality. Seeing that his brothers were silent, he twisted his chair a few times, and finally couldn't help but ask: "You said, how can your second uncle not say hello in advance and go out." At that time I still listened to my ancestors complaining."

Jia Lian squinted at him and motioned him to shut up, but his eyes waved unconsciously to bring out some charm. Instead of letting Jia Cong obediently submit, it aroused his pimple.


Jia Baoyu pondered over it seriously, but it was really useless. In the end, he could only shake his head and said, "Master has such an arrangement, naturally there is his reason, let's..."


Before he could finish his words, Jia Huan clamored next to him: "Official Zhou, why can't we not serve food? Is it really going to starve us to death?!"

Zhou Rui laughed beside him and said: "The second master said that he will be there in the afternoon, and Jomo may not be able to eat on the boat. If you are hungry, why don't you have a few snacks?"

After speaking, he ordered people to put the snacks brought from the house on the table.

Jia Huan was still a little unhappy, but Jia Lian humiliated him-this time he finally held back and did not show his motherhood.

Just sitting on it for about half an Seeing that it was almost before the end, I saw an official ship sailing from the southeast water surface with "Jiangxi Xuezheng-Jia".

"Come, come, the second master is here!"

Everyone shouted in unison, one by one, they went downstairs and flocked to the dock.

Emotionally dictated, Jia Baoyu had forgotten his fear of his father. He stood on tiptoe and looked at the dock excitedly, wishing to reunite with his father immediately.

But seeing the official ship approaching, his heart sank to the bottom suddenly.

In the bow of the official ship of Gein, besides Jia Zheng, who stood holding his hand, there was also a pretty woman holding a child.

Aunt Zhao gave birth to another son in Jiangxi? !

This matter has been concealed to death, and I don't know how the mother who is waiting in the house will react after learning this news.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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