The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 891: Banquet【上】

Seeing the oil black gate on the east side of Rongguo Mansion, Zhang Cheng's reins slowed down.

Just as he was about to post on the stone, Zhou Rui came up with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to give way to the west: "I'm going to hold a banquet in Rongxi Hall today, so please go ahead."

Zhang Cheng didn't notice anything wrong, and according to Zhou Rui's instructions, he drove the carriage to the main courtyard of Rongguo Mansion.

But Sun Shaozong frowned in the carriage.

Because this Rongxi Hall is a plaque bestowed by the imperial court, it is also the place where the old man used to entertain guests. It has a faint symbolic meaning of straightforwardness.

At the beginning, Jia's mother preferred her youngest son Jia Zheng, and she insisted on letting him live in Rongxi Hall, which caused a lot of criticism-just because Jia She was also unable to be on the stage, it did not cause a greater backlash.

Now that Jia Zheng is not in the capital, Jia Lian wants to hold a banquet in Rongxi Hall instead...

Is it because you want to grab the class to seize power?

If this is the case, I must not be able to mix things up, I must quickly find a reason to avoid this banquet.

Just another thought, now that Jia Yuanchun is gaining power in the palace, Jia Lian really intends to fight for a child, and he shouldn't have trouble at this time.

"Housekeeper Zhou."

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong picked up the curtain to walk around and asked with all his heart: "Is the second master of the mansion already back to Beijing?"

"I can't hide anything from you!"

Zhou Rui hurried a few steps to get to the window, slantingly smiled and said: "Our second master only returned to Beijing this afternoon. No, as soon as I heard that you are coming over at night, I immediately ordered to set up in Rongxi Hall. Banquet, I said I want to hear about you going south to quell the rebellion."

The matter is naturally not as simple as Zhou Rui said. In fact, after Jia Zheng met Mrs. Wang, the Cold War broke out.

Except in front of Jia's mother, Mrs. Wang didn't take the initiative to say a word to Jia Zheng, but when talking to others, the cold words with guns and sticks made Jia Zhengru sitting on pins and needles.

Because of this, when he heard that Jia Lian was going to host Sun Shaozong in the evening, Jia Zheng immediately came over with a hostess-to put it bluntly, but just wanted to find a way to hide.

Talk less gossip.

Hearing that Jia Zheng had returned, Sun Shaozong was relieved and let Zhang Cheng drive the car to the front of the main courtyard.

As soon as he picked up the driving curtain here, the two brothers Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu greeted them all together.

Somehow, Sun Shaozong suddenly remembered the first time he saw Jia Baoyu.

At that time, the second master Bao was crying bitterly for the death of his base friend, and the powder on his face was washed away, as if he was bleeding and tearing. His appearance was not a woman better than a woman.

At that time, Jia Lian, even though he was also a well-known dandy, could be called Yushu Linfeng in terms of appearance alone.

However, the situation is completely reversed now. Jia Lian has studied with Jiang Yuhan for more than a month, and his smiles and actions have become more and more charming.

On the contrary, Jia Baoyu's face has been cleaned a lot, which is very different from the appearance of the former powdery boy.

Although this was mostly because Jia Zheng had just returned to Beijing, Sun Shaozong couldn't help sighing that his life was wrong.

"Second Brother Lian."


"Second Brother Sun!"

After greeted each other in the two, Jia Lian sideways said'please', while leading Sun Shaozong to go inside, while smiling bitterly: "I wanted to have a good time with Erlang. I never thought my uncle heard that you were coming. So he took the host over."

Sun Shaozong laughed and was about to make a few jokes with him, then suddenly remembered something, he hesitated: "Second brother, in front of the uncle, it might be... I'm afraid it's not easy to talk about it?"

Jia Lian naturally understood that he was referring to the transfer of Ping'er, and he covered his mouth with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said: "Erlang, put your heart back in your stomach, now that you are here, brother will definitely not let you go back empty-handed. "

Seeing the mysterious posture of the two of them, Jia Baoyu couldn't help being curious next to him, asking what was it, it was not easy to speak in front of his father?

Sun Shaozong hurriedly said haha ​​and turned the topic away.

The gift of a concubine among friends is not uncommon nowadays, but it is not easy to put it on the table after all.

The three of them joked and laughed all the way, and soon they reached the Rongxi Hall. They saw Jia Zhenghou outside the door from a distance. Sun Shaozong hurriedly hurried a few steps, pretending to be anxious: "How dare Uncle Lao Shi wait here? Sin, sin. !"

Jia Zheng greeted him and lifted him up, and subconsciously swept his eyebrows—Yomo also listened to the legend of the Judge of the Blood Eye—then he said: “Nephew does not have to be polite, come here, let’s talk inside.”

Having said that, he personally rescued Sun Shaozong and entered the Rongxi Hall side by side.

On the large round table, there was already a dazzling array of birds and beasts.

Jia Zheng took Sun Shaozong to occupy the two positions in the middle, while Jia Lian sat silently to the left. Only Jia Baoyu was there with a smiling face and did not dare to enter the table by himself.

Jia Zheng scorned him for a moment, then snorted from his nose, and said calmly: "Sit down, too."

"Master Xie for giving a seat."

In fact, Jia Baoyu might not be willing to sit with him, but naturally he didn't dare to say anything else in front of him. He sat down and took the initiative to pick up the teapot to help everyone pour tea and water.

Sun Shaozong took advantage of the trend and praised: "The uncle has not been at home in the past two years, but Brother Bao has grown a lot."


Jia Zhengchong's son snorted coldly, then turned his head and said to Sun Shaozong with a smile: "I always have to rely on Erlang to help out--I heard that Erlang's student almost got the head of Qiuwei's case?"

"Ashamed to say."

Sun Shaozong hurriedly distinguished: "With this little ink in my stomach, where did I teach someone? It is just a name, and there is actually someone else who teaches him."

Jia Baoyu on the side couldn't help but interject: "It's the gentleman that Brother Sun invited Lan Ge'er back then!"

Hearing that it was Jia Lan’s teacher, Jia Zheng asked a few more questions, and learned that Yu Qian is now in the family department. When he was in the palace examination, he bluntly reprimanded, “There are two days in the sky, and there are many people.” And other ills.

Jia Zheng was very satisfied, and solemnly thanked his grandson. He just put the wine cup back on the table, and suddenly became serious again. He was silent for a while while stroking his long beard, and he asked: "I heard that Erlang is still Supporting the prince?"

This is really straightforward!

Don't say it was Sun Shaozong, the two brothers, Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu, didn't expect Jia Zheng to ask this outright.

Now everyone opened their eyes wide, trying to dissuade them, but didn't know how to do it.

Sun Shaozong's expression also suddenly became serious.

According to his understanding of Jia Zheng, this uncle, at least on the surface, is showing people with the attitude of a gentleman It stands to reason that he would never be so aggressive.

Is it because the daughter is expected to give birth to the "prince", so her mentality is fluttering?

Or did he change his temperament when he was studying politics in Jiangxi?

He slandered, but since Jia Zheng asked questions straightforwardly, Sun Shaozong naturally couldn't avoid answering.

After a little consideration, he said slowly: "The prince is a king, and he has not lost his virtue recently. As a minister, I dare not and cannot be negligent."


Jia Zheng slammed the table and said excitedly: "That's the truth! As a courtier, I will respect the emperor! When I entered Beijing this time, I heard some nonsense on the road, which was really unheard of! "

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Jia Lian solemnly: "Lian'er, you will go and tell the Feng girl carefully. If anyone in our house dares to lie about the emperor's family affairs, give me chaotic sticks out!"

.. m.

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