The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 288: The kidnapping incident of spring outing【中】


Since the end of March and the beginning of April, it is common practice to go out for spring outings, so before Sun Shaozong raised questions, everyone did not feel that there was anything wrong.

But hearing what he said, it was really doubtful.

If you change to someone busy with official duties, you will only have time to go out on that day, but that's fine, but Ma Yingjue is thinking about getting into a scholar, and there is nothing serious about it at all.

That being the case, why does he have to choose to go out for a youth tour on a gloomy and cold day?

Everyone was suspicious, and gradually cast their sights on Ma Fushi. After all, among the people present, she was the only one who had gone outing with Ma Yingjue and was the closest couple. Naturally, she should explain this doubt clearly.

"This this…"

Ma Fu's mouth pursed timidly, but he really showed a bit of amorous feelings.

It's just that no one cares about what is amorous, especially Ma Chunfeng, anxiously said: "Jue's daughter-in-law, when you went outing that day, did you find something wrong with Jue'er?"

"This this…"

Ma Fu made another ‘this’, but he still looked ashamed of words.

Ma Chunfeng was even more annoyed, and Dang Evenwait yelled at him.

"Chou check the school, Zhao catches his head."

Sun Shaozong suddenly ordered: "You two go out first."

Although Qiu Yunfei was reluctant, he still obediently left the study with Zhao Wuwei.

After the two went out, Sun Shaozong said kindly: "Madam, Master Ma and Fu Tongjuan are your close relatives, and as the person in charge of this case, I really can’t avoid it—but I can swear, no matter what. What you said today, without your consent, I will never pass it on to others."

After speaking, he made a serious oath, and then urged: "Madam, don't you want to rescue Ma Gongzi as soon as possible?"

Ma Chunfeng and Fu Shi were also helping each other. Seeing that they couldn’t get past it, Ma Fu had to confess the truth: "If something is wrong, it was about two days ago-I was talking about the 23rd day. Uncle suddenly became...become a little excited."

"On weekdays, after more than ten days, he would favor the slave family once, but that day he actually wanted the slave family twice in a row,"

When Ma Chunfeng heard her talk about the privacy of her boudoir, and the disappearance of her son was not touched at all, he frowned and wanted to urge her to say something useful.

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stopped with his eyes, and asked gently, "What then? But what's wrong?"

After being encouraged by Ma Fu, he bit his lower lip and said, "The second day, the uncle ate three medicated meals in a row, all of which were to...supple the body. The Nu family thought he would have to..."

"Who knows he slept in the study at night."

"The slave family was afraid that it would be cheaper, so they sent someone to go around. Unexpectedly, the uncle fell asleep by himself early!"

"On the twenty-fifth day, the uncle had to go out for a walk, and the slave house couldn't stop him, and as a result, something happened inexplicably."

Having said this, she shook her head and said: "The rest, I didn't find anything wrong."

After listening to her narration, Ma Chunfeng and Fu Shi didn't know how to comment.

Say it has nothing to do with the case, and it sounds a bit strange; if it has something to do with the case, they really don't see any connection.

The last two had to turn their eyes to Sun Shaozong.

But after seeing Sun Shaozong muttering for a while, he suddenly continued to ask: "On the 23rd, Ma Gongzi was more excited than usual, but he also had other unusual behaviors. For example, he prefers certain special changes, which he usually doesn’t know. The pattern used, or some parts of you, Madam, suddenly became particularly interested..."

"Master Sun!"

Before Sun Shaozong could say the word ‘fun’, Fu Shi was annoyed by him, and said angrily: “We asked you to solve the case. What is the reason for you to blindly humiliate the sister-in-law?”

Although Ma Chunfeng didn't speak, he still showed some dissatisfaction.


Sun Shaozong said: "In the case of investigation, we have to search for clues from the details-and I asked these things, and it is not completely unreasonable."

"I am a little bit skeptical now. When the son is named outing for a walk, he actually went to a private meeting with a certain girl, and it was the woman he couldn't ask for in his daily life."

"On the twenty-fourth day, he ate a lot of medicated food to replenish his body, and he slept alone in the study at night in order to naturally recharge his energy."

"On the 23rd day, it was because I couldn't wait to wait, so I regarded the wife as a substitute for the other party. If this is the case, the means of **** will naturally be different from usual."


There was nothing wrong with Fu Shi, but Ma Fu suddenly exclaimed. After his countenance changed, he said a little embarrassed: "No wonder, I felt strange that night, it turns out that he...he actually regarded me as someone else! "

Upon hearing this, Sun Shaozong immediately lifted his spirits and hurriedly asked: "But I don't know what's weird?"


Although he also mentioned the privacy of the boudoir, when it comes to the specific details, Ma Fu still tweaked a bit. It was not until Ma Chunfeng also urged that he hesitated: "He was so hard that night, he had to let others Don't cry out for pain."

As I spoke, seeing the different colors on the faces of my father-in-law and my brother, he quickly explained: "It's not the pain, it's... it's him who pinched my ankle and lifted it up! And..."

Anyway, it was the broken jar, that Ma Fu gritted his teeth and said some details. Fu Shi and Ma Chunfeng looked more embarrassed as they listened, but Sun Shaozong looked gloomy as they listened.

"Young lady!"

He suddenly interrupted Ma Fu's narration, and asked in a deep voice, "Does Ma Gongzi go outing outside the city every year?"

Ma Fu shook his head for a moment, and said: "This has never happened. In the memory of the slave family, the master has only been there once or twice."

Sun Shaozong immediately asked again: "Then when was the last time he went outing outside the city?!"

"Yes... three years ago!"

Ma Fu recalled a little, and then firmly said: "Three years ago, the uncle seemed to be frustrated by the trial, so he went out for a walk outside the city."

"I went there on March 25?"

"No, it seems to be a few days in the morning."

"Then what was wrong with him at that time?!"

Sun Shaozong asked more and more quickly, but Ma Fu remembered it for a long time before shook his head and said: "There seems to be nothing wrong, but after coming back from the outing, I feel much better."

"Then did he leave halfway?!"

"This one…"

While Ma Fu’s thoughts, Ma Chunfeng, who was on the side of UU reading, stopped doing it again. He frowned and said, "Master Sun, you just ask what happened to the old things three years ago? You know, the dog was only caught two days ago. Kidnapped by a strongman!"

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said solemnly: "Although Lord Ling was kidnapped just now, Sun suspects that this case is really a serial case!"

Serial case?

Ma Chunfeng was a little confused again. How could this kidnapping lead to a serial case? Could it be that his son was actually kidnapped twice? There was another time three years ago...

How is this possible!


At this time, Ma Fu had already recalled the original details, and hurriedly said: "The uncle did leave for an hour or so, but he took two young men to go hunting."

Go hunting with two young men?

Sun Shaozong hurriedly asked again: "Which two little servants are where are they now? Can you call them and let me ask a few questions?!"

Ma Fu immediately shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that it won't be done. Soon after returning from the outing, the two little servants redeemed their deeds at the same time, and then left the Mafu together. They have long since disappeared."

Hearing this, even if Sun Shaozong didn't explain anything, Fu Shi and Ma Chunfeng had already noticed something wrong.

The close servant is one of the master's closest servants. If one wants to go out to ask for a living, it's fair to say, but two choose to ‘resign’ at the same time. If there is no trick, I’m afraid no one will believe it!

"Master Ma."

Ma Chunfeng is thinking hard about how the information revealed by his daughter-in-law is related to the kidnapping case. Sun Shaozong sneered and said: "I am afraid that after rescuing Master Ling, he will not be able to return home for the time being-because we are paying back from Shuntian Mansion. There are other cases, we must carefully discuss with him!"

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