The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 289: The kidnapping incident of spring outing【below】


Take your son to Shuntian Mansion to discuss the case?

Although Ma Chunfeng had some ominous premonitions in his heart, he couldn't help being furious when he heard Sun Shaozong say this.

He asked Sun Shaozong to investigate the case in order to save his son, but not to send his son to Shuntian Mansion to have a decapitated meal!

So the old man flicked his sleeves and shouted, "Master Sun, you can't understand these old words! How can you dare to conclude that the dog is related to the case three years ago?!"

The first few sentences are still somewhat imposing.

But the last sentence "related to the case three years ago" revealed his true thoughts-Sun Shaozong only said that Ma Yingjue was involved in the case, but did not specify that it was a case that occurred three years ago.

Just listen to Sun Shaozong snorted and chuckled: "I have heard the experience of Madam Madam, what is not clear after hearing what Mrs. Cai Shao said? That night, Master Ling clearly imagined Mrs. Young as a constant rebellion. Girl, and the last act of choking her throat..."

"Zhao Wuwei!"

He suddenly raised his breath and greeted him, Zhao Wuwei rushed in, bowed and said, "Master, what do you want?"

Sun Shaozong still stared at Ma Chunfeng and asked indifferently: "Let me ask you, at the end of March three years ago, was there a woman walking out of the city missing?"


Zhao Wuwei recalled for a moment, and immediately nodded and said: "The 15th-year-old daughter of Beicheng Zhang Locksmith, when traveling with her boudoir sisters, fell behind because of her greed for the scenery, and her whereabouts have been unknown since then."

"It wasn't until more than ten days later that several wild dogs dug out her body from the ground, and it was confirmed that she had been killed."

Sun Shaozong asked again: "She was strangled by someone's throat and strangled alive?"


"The murderer is left-handed?!"

"Yes, yes, that's what Old Xu said at the time. It's just that too many people went out of the city during that time. It has been more than ten days when the body was found, and it is really impossible to find out."

As the two asked and answered each question, Ma Chunfeng's face became more and more ugly, but as a father, how could he accept the fact that his son had killed the girl?

Therefore, at the end of the hearing, he still sneered at his neck and said, "What about this? Is it possible that the ambiguity can prove that the dog is a murderer?"

"For the time being, there is nothing to prove."

Sun Shaozong said, "But the word'suspicion' can't be denied, right? That's why I said that I would take him back to Shuntian Mansion and talk about it, instead of arresting him directly."


"OK OK!"

Fu Shi was aside, seeing the two of them talk more and more twisted, and hurriedly stood up and said, "What Yingjue did three years ago is not important at the moment. What is important is how can he be rescued from the kidnappers!"

Immediately, he couldn't help but questioned: "Master Sun, you just cross-examined the sister-in-law for so long, isn't it just to involve the old case three years ago?"

Sun Shaozong spread his hands together: "Did you forget Fu Tong's sentence? Did I say that this might be a serial case? Before the incident, Ma Gongzi got excited two days in advance. Regardless of the cold weather, there were few pedestrians, so he had to choose two. Fifteenth, the sunrise city is outing."

"If everything is left to him, wouldn't it be a better choice to change the day?"

After all, Fu Shi still had some brains. Hearing Sun Shaozong reminded him here, he finally realized it and blurted out: "Master Sun meant that someone had agreed with Yingjue in advance?!"

Sun Shaozong said again: "Moreover, the people who came out to make the invitation are the same two little servants at the beginning! If these things are changed to other people, Ma Gongzi is afraid that he will be cautious-only the original accomplices and complicity invited , He will go to the appointment without any doubt."

When everyone heard this, they were all cheered up. After all, as long as the suspect is locked, it won't be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even Ma Chunfeng hesitated for a moment, and he also animate two portraits for Shuntian Mansion as a reference for arresting the suspect-after all, whether he will be sentenced to murder and pay for his life is something that needs to be faced later. The most important thing at the moment is as soon as possible Rescue the son from the tiger's mouth.

Not to mention, Ma Chunfeng's painting level is really not bad, not to mention that it is vivid, at least six or seven points.

Therefore, after Sun Shaozong handed the portrait to Zhao Wuwei, Pantou Zhao patted his chest and promised that even if the capital was turned over, he would definitely find the two young men!

Both Ma Chunfeng and Fu Shi were very pleased. Only Sun Shaozong heard that this fellow was a guarantee, and it meant secretly, it actually meant: If you can't find it, the two little fellows are definitely not in the city.

At this point, everything that should be inquired is almost the same.

Seeing that he was in Mafu and he had changed from a ‘glorious guest’ to a ‘bad guy who hates dogs’. Naturally, Sun Shaozong would not stay here to be an eye-catcher.

Resolutely leaving Qiu Yunfei on standby in the Ma's house, Sun Shaozong took Zhao Wuwei and two portraits, ready to return to the criminal name division to summon people to conduct a secret search.

But just as the two walked out of the study, they saw an old servant approaching in panic.

Before the person entered the study, he threw his body to the ground with a thud, letting go and crying: "Master, master, something is bad, sir! The people of Shuntian Mansion found...found the body of the young master in Gulou Hutong!

Oh, let me go~

Sun Shaozong was speechless at the time, he just found out a little eyebrows, who thought that the hostages would be like this...


As soon as the voice fell, I heard a sound of rotten wood falling to the ground from the study, followed by Ma Fu's eager shout: "Father? Father! You wake up! Don't scare me, daddy!"

Sun Shaozong originally thought that Ma Chunfeng had fainted in a hurry, but he saw Qiu Yunfei coming out of it and spreading his hands: "My lord, you'd better come in and take a look, Ma Chunfeng seems to be out of breath."

Another dead one? !

Sun Shaozong hurriedly entered the door to check, but saw Ma Chunfeng lying on his back next to the desk, with a small patch of blood on the back of his head, he was already dead!

According to preliminary estimates based on the situation at the scene, when the old man fainted in a hurry, the back of his head happened to hit the bottom of the copper candlestick. As a result...

This evil spirit!

I remember that in the morning, he said that if his son was gone, he wouldn't live anymore-whoever came up with a dream came true!


Sun Shaozong sighed, raised his hand and patted the dumbfounded Fu Shi on the shoulder, and said helplessly: "Fu Tong sentenced, this officer has to go to the murder scene to investigate - this is a matter of I'm afraid it's only Can you bear it more."

Seeing Fu Shi nodded silently, Sun Shaozong thought secretly, and when he turned around, he immediately sent someone to keep an eye on the Ma family's property to see if Fu Shi would take the opportunity to fill his pockets.

If Fu Shi didn't do this, it would be fine. If he really swallows this fat bait, the factional structure of Shuntian Palace in the future will have to be adjusted again.

The book does not go into details.

However, he said that Sun Shaozong brought Qiu and Zhao to the front hall, and saw Wei Ruolan's Master Qi, who was in charge of the death case, was waiting in there with a few arrests.

Seeing Sun Shaozong coming out of it, Master Qi was obviously dumbfounded, but then he obediently stepped forward and gave a deep salute. Now even Wei Ruolan has to hibernate temporarily, and the master next to him does not dare to be arrogant in front of Sun Shaozong. Up.

"Master Qi doesn't have to be polite."

Sun Shaozong nodded slightly, and then he said: "I heard that Ma Yingjue, the son of Ma Yingjue in this mansion, died in Gulou Hutong, I don't know if it is true?"

"It's true."

Master Qi replied honestly: "I received a report in the morning saying that three male corpses were found in Gulou Hutong, and he immediately took people there..."

"and many more!"

Sun Shaozong hurriedly interrupted him: "You mean, besides Ma Yingjue, there are two other male corpses at the scene?!"

After getting an affirmative answer from Master Qi, Sun Shaozong immediately asked for the portraits of the two young servants from Zhao Wuwei and showed them to Master Qi.

"Are you careful, besides Ma Yingjue, the other two deceased are the people in this portrait?!"

Master Qi squinted his eyes for a while to identify, and then said in amazement: "How come there are portraits of the two dead in your hands?!"


The person involved in this case is dead and clean!

This book comes from

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