Qi Xiang Choir God Lord Sunday couldn't understand at this moment.

They were originally brother and sister.

But the two had different beliefs.

It was with such beliefs that the two people completely went to the opposite side.

"The last peace talks will end here."

The Lord of the Choir said at this time.

He has made his decision now.

This peace talks will soon come to an end.

Everything will end.

In the end.

Only the winner will stand there and tell everything about himself.

Xing: Why do I feel like something is wrong?

March 7: The last peace talks are over? Did you plan to negotiate before?

Shen He: This is not good news for you, because it means that he still has strength. Nashida

: Ah? Is it true? Hasn't the Lord of the Choir used his full strength yet?

Kamisato Ayaka: Even the train crashed twice, and it's not over yet?

Funina: Maybe, the real battle starts from now on.

Ara Taki Ito: Hehe! It's been a long time since I saw this...���My blood is boiling, and I can't wait to know what will happen next.

Lei Yingdian: This is a respectable opponent, although I cannot accept his beliefs.

Yae Shenzi: If we can have the same beliefs, I will naturally feel happy.

Yae Shenzi: But unfortunately, this is understandable, but unacceptable.

Himeko: In this case, it all depends on our own beliefs. Himeko:

Unfortunately, Sunday has now gone to the opposite side of all the people in Pinocchio.

Walter: Without the support of people, he will soon come to an end.

Portio: Darling! The real decisive battle is coming, right?

Shajin: I am very curious about what kind of power he still has.

Portio: No matter what, he will definitely be defeated.

Liuying: No matter what kind of person we face, we will not escape!!

March Seven: That's right! Pinocchio will not belong to the order! The people here will not fall into a false dream!!

Xing: Then let us see what power he still has.


On the exposed screen.

After the Lord of the Choir said this

, he called upon his own power.

The notes that were originally in their respective positions began to shine under his command.

These notes shone with light and rushed into the sky together.

They were like living lives and lively souls.

And the final destination of all these notes was only one place.

The Lord of the Choir also spoke at this moment.

"All the work of creation has been completed!!"

He said so.

Xing: Here it comes! What are those notes used for?

March 7: And the work of creation has been completed. Could it be that all the previous work was preparation?

Gold Dust: It seems that his preparations have been completed.

Potio: His baby! That's interesting! I want to know what will happen in the end.

Firefly: This itself is stealing the authority of harmony. I think it should not be able to escape from this circle.

Firefly: Yes! It can't escape. But hasn't order been swallowed up by harmony a long time ago? Hahaha!

Kamisato Ayaka: This... I can feel the pressure coming from it.

Robin: Brother... do you really have to go to this extent?


In the exposure screen, the hands of the Choir God Sunday have already landed on the external structure of the theater.

This was the edge of the stage built by the Choir Dominic for the notes.

He landed his hands on the edge and forced himself to stand up.

On his entire body, endless light has been shining.

The light on it is so dazzling.

Every structure and every detail of the body also has such a wonderful presentation.

"The day has undoubtedly arrived……"

The choir was singing the Lord's Day at this moment.

But the raised palm was already full of the charm of melody.

The traces of music and notes flowed in the palm.

In it, the golden ball of light that condensed together became more and more dazzling at this moment.

The golden ball of light, emitting colorful light, finally rushed into the sky.

The melody and music intertwined.

The lively notes that flew out earlier also gathered together.

They lingered.

They waited.

They witnessed!!

And the dazzling golden ball of light finally became the most obvious unity in the lingering reunion.

"The fetus of philosophy…`…"

The voice of the Choir God Sunday sounded at this moment.

Xing: The fetus of philosophy? This... why is this name used?

Funina: I am beginning to have an ominous premonition, what is Sunday planning to do?

Kamisato Ayaka: Could it be...

Black Tower: Achieve Star God? I think the possibility should be very low.

Black Tower: Based on the stolen authority of harmony, it feels impossible to achieve perfection.

Black Tower: If you want to achieve Star God in this way, you can't even surpass the order that has been swallowed.

Screw Gumm: Indeed, it is difficult to achieve Star God.

Screw Gumm: But if he can defeat everyone here and further stabilize the dream, will it be different?

Ruan Mei: In that case, this place is also suitable for a kind of research.

Xing: Let's put the research aside for now! Isn't this name a bit too intimidating?

March 7: It's okay, it has just been formed, we can defeat it.

Firefly: In such a battle, I think there should still be a chance


On the exposure screen, the notes and the light balls finally condensed into a ball.

The notes embraced each other, holding hands.

Finally, they formed the brightest golden crown.

When the crown was completely condensed into shape, a dazzling golden beam of light shot up into the sky.

This golden beam of light completely enveloped the body of the Lord's Day of the Qixiang Choir.

Finally, in that golden light, everything changed.

"Reshape the world for us!!"

In the dazzling golden light.

The body of the Choir God Sunday finally underwent new changes.

The previous body is no longer there, replaced by a huge head.

Now, he has also changed his name.

Philosophical fetus Sunday!

Xing: What's going on, it turned into a big head?

March 7: Uh... your complaints really feel a bit...

Fireworks: Hahaha! Don't say it, it really turned into a big head hahaha!

Fireworks: Isn't this too interesting? Hahaha! Fun! It's really fun.

Sambo: I really couldn't help saying big head.

Gold Sand: So, what will the strength be like after the change?

Doctor Zhenli: It has begun to give a layer of philosophical meaning, It is naturally difficult to know.

Portio: Haha! Darling! Isn't it over if we kill him with one shot?

Gold Dust: Then let's see how much power he can exert.

Firefly: I still remember that there were actually some traces as early as the beginning.

Walter: Do you want to say that it was Taichi of Order who reached out?

Jiko: Indeed! That is also shocking.

Black Tower: In short, perhaps it can be felt that Sunday can already borrow some power.

Screw Gumm: If it is stained with philosophical words, it will naturally be different.

Xing: However, I feel that we should win.

March Seven: Yes! We can definitely move towards a better ending.


On the exposure screen, the fetus of philosophy Sunday has spoken again.

Although his head has been firmly protected by his arms, at this moment, something has changed.

"If your paradise can save more people, then cut off my path with your own hands."

Sunday, the fetus of philosophy, said so.

At this moment, his will was extremely firm.

In it, the voice of Sunday also sounded.

"Day 1! Grant the truth!!"

Funina: As expected, the final victory is decided by strength!

Nashida: It feels really sad! All the things I said before seem useless now.

Xing: I can understand, but I can't accept it. After all, not everyone wants to live in a dream.

March Seven: Yes! I think so too!

Liuying: Since you want us to cut off his future, let's do it!!

Kamisato Ayaka: I think it should all be over.

Potio: Hehehe! What you ask for is what you wish for! Then help him cut off his future!!


On the exposure screen.

After the philosophical fetus Sunday said this.

He started from the first day. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) A new battle begins.

The song of the robin sounded directly at this moment.

Please pay attention! The wheel of fate is turning across the plains, through the valleys

, towards the dawn, the wheel is rolling and singing an endless dream!

At this moment, the philosophical fetus Sunday also shouted.

"Dead Star God, I salute you!!"

"Day 2! Give the calendar……"

He said this[]

The robin immediately retorted at this time

"Brother... the weaknesses of human nature cannot be redeemed by others."

She shouted.

Funina: The robin still hopes that Sunday can turn back!

Kamisato Ayaka: But can he really turn back? Nashida

: I think, for someone like Sunday, there is no turning back.

March 7: Miss Robin really sang! This song is called"Hope to Have Feathers and Wings"

Xing: It feels really inspiring to have a singing voice!

Himeko: There is also the power of harmony in it. Walter

: Indeed! I can feel this power from it! This song is inspiring.

Gold Sand: Hehehe! I really didn't expect it! So this is harmony?

Fireworks: Hehehe! Miss Robin is indeed a big star!

Potio: Baby! For���One shot, I will solve the root of this problem right now.

Ying: This feeling is really amazing.

Paimon: Eh hey hey? Ying, what are you doing? Why did you stand up all of a sudden?

Ying: Nothing, I just started to feel something suddenly.


Liu Ying: We should believe that people's future should be redeemed by themselves!..……

On the exposed screen.

The battle between them is still going on.

The song of the robin is also resounding.

Please pay attention!

The track is already running.

We run through the plain hidden in the haze , we move forward~ Under the influence of this song, another rolling wheel rushed straight past.

The star train passed by quickly, and Sunday once again collided with fierce light and fire.

In the golden wall in the universe.

The Amber King holding a heavy hammer also knocked down again.


The collision of the train, accompanied by the sound of music, has led people to a farther front.

New walls have been built one after another, faintly containing supreme power.


As for the Interstellar Peace Company, even the ten Stone Hearts were completely confused about the situation.

The Amber King, who had always been quietly building the city and striking the hammer once an Amber Age, seemed to be a little less silent recently.


And in that exposure picture.

The fetus of philosophy on Sunday continues to cry

".Day 3! Give words…"

"The fourth day! Give value…"

He shouted.

It was at this moment that he got more and more from the universe.

"This is the seven-day oath!!"

"I command you to obey my orders——"

The fetus of philosophy, Sunday, finished his words.

In the corner of his eyes, a line of bright golden traces has already flowed.

This trace does not come from Sunday himself.

It comes from the great existence whose power has been usurped.

Keqing: Crying? Sunday cried?

Ganyu: Those two lines of golden tears... should be crying for Sunday, right?

Funina: I think even the usurped chorus Dominicus (Li's) would not want to see Sunday continue to fall into it.

Nashida: This is a road without light, wake up quickly.

Kamisato Ayaka: Wake up quickly! It's not too late for everything!!

March 7: It's never too late to turn back, no matter when everything is.

Robin: Brother...

Gold Sand: Turn back! I think at this moment, there is no possibility of turning back.

Firefly: I think... Sunday has already known that he has failed.

Firefly: The false dream has been exposed! This dream has been broken! But he still needs to put a period.

Kafka: Remember what Sunday said? He will transform into the sun in the sky! And there is only one sun in the sky!

March 7: What is this?

Xing: It should be regarded as using his own failure to pave the way for us!

Xing: He wants to fail in the battle! Instead of choosing to surrender.

Firefly: At this last moment, he insisted like this.

Firefly: I think! Defeating him head-on is also a respect for him!

Xing: We respect his ideas! But we will never agree with and accept them!!

Gallagher: Oh! He has the same stubborn temper as Mikhail! If he wasn't so stubborn, maybe we could really become friends.



In the Chaolu Mansion.

In the Oak Family's territory, there was only one person at this moment.

Sunday was here.

The Dream Master had long disappeared.

Sunday was looking at the situation in front of him.

He turned his back and looked at his persistence on the exposed screen.

He looked at the comments about himself in the chat room.

He looked at the many, many speech forums.

Finally, he slowly spoke.

"I hope that the future you are pursuing will be a real ideal paradise."


On the exposure screen.

The golden tears in the corners of the eyes of the philosophical fetus Sunday have become more and more obvious

"Day 5!"

"Give us rules!!!"

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