At the moment when the fetus of philosophy was announced on Sunday, his hands were raised at this moment.

Behind him, waves of golden light flashed.

In the flashing golden light, one could feel the great power.

Seeing this scene,

March 7 already felt the hidden danger.

"This movement! Something terrible is coming!"

She said so.

At this moment, the fetus of philosophy, Sunday, also showed his power directly.

"Day 6: Giving Meaning……"

These seven days are about to end.

In the meantime, the song of the robin continues to spread.

Raise your head! Follow the firm rhythm!

The end is near.

Move towards our ideal place and let everything see the dawn again. The battle between the two sides has completely entered a white-hot stage.

The power displayed by the fetus of philosophy on Sunday is indeed shocking.


The power under the harmony is still very clear.

The power of harmony.

At this moment, it perfectly protects everyone in the Starry Sky Train.

The voice of the fetus of philosophy on Sunday is also deafening at this moment.

"It's not you who created everything."

"It is people who recreated you!!"

From that picture.

The fetus of philosophy finally ushered in the perfect accumulation and release of its own power on Sunday.

"Day 7!!"

"Give dignity……"

Star: The seventh day has arrived! This time, something really big is coming!!

March 7: What will it be? Is it the Order Star God that was exposed before?

Furniture: It should be like this! I can feel the pressure emanating from it.

Nashida: Will it be the real Order Star God?

With such confusion and expectation.

They all looked at the picture together.

All the preludes are ready.

The perfect power is also completely connected in the accumulation.

The fetus of philosophy, Sunday, has raised his arm.

His right hand has already chased towards the sky.

At this moment of power chasing, something seems to have changed.

In the distant sky, you can see the layers of golden magic circles.

The golden light circle is dotted.

You can already feel a great power from it.

This power is solemn and majestic, and is also filled with vast power.

It is at the moment of the confrontation.

Fingers have already stretched out from the sky.

It is a pair of white hands.

There is a faint golden luster on it.

Looking closely, the position on the thumb is still filled with endless stars.

On the arm, the golden wristband also fell on it, firmly protecting everything.

This arm seems to be from a star god.

Black Tower: It is really Taiyi of Order? Did Sunday really summon Taiyi?

Screw Gumu: If it is according to the record, it is indeed so, it can be said to be exactly the same.

Ruan Mei: Although he stole the authority of harmony, Taiyi has long been integrated into it. This can also be regarded as a rebirth in a sense.

Sand Gold: It looks more like a pulling force, which can only attract a little bit of great power.

Portio: My dear! Is this enough? This is a real star god! Not an ordinary one!

Fireworks: Hahaha! Someone is in danger.

Black Swan: As long as he can withstand such an attack, the fetus of philosophy Sunday will no longer have the power to resist.

Star: Leave it to us! This time it can be done!

March Seven: Yes! I will definitely be able to get through it!

Xing: So, Tongxie, are you still watching the show now?

Sanyueqi: Maybe... still watching?


On the exposed screen,

Taiyi, who came to meet the call, only had an arm.

No one knew whether this arm was part of the body or just a fiction.

However, the Star God's knuckles that came to meet the call had already stretched out.

When the two fingers landed on one place, everything changed.

""With your divine body!! Lay the foundation for our paradise!!" declared the fetus of philosophy, Sunday.

Taiyi's finger had already landed on the same place as the fetus of philosophy, Sunday.

This scene gave people a real feeling of God creating Adam.

The world-famous picture was also perfectly displayed at this moment.

A golden energy halo was ruthlessly released from the fingertips.

Waves of energy whistled.

The shining golden light, with a unique purple rhythm, enveloped everything.

The power released continuously from it was madly washing the people in the Starry Sky Train in front of them.

The protection given by harmony seemed to be shaken at this moment. Falling.

However, it's not over yet.

Even with such power, the protection of the harmony has not been completely torn apart.

Xing: Great! You managed to hold on! Now it's time to fight back!

Sanyueqi: That's right! Now it's up to me to see how powerful I am!!

Hanabi: Hmm... I remember someone else didn't express their opinion, right?

Hanabi: In other words, the train will still crash.

Himeko: It's not over yet! But the victory should belong to us!

Liuying: Fight for the beautiful tomorrow in our minds!!

Black Swan: It's not hard to imagine what will happen.

Mockingbird: Brother! Wake up!!!


On the exposure screen.

Jizi also shouted

"Let me show you!"

""The faith of the weak!"

She said so.

In the Taiyi dream constructed by Sunday, he has regarded everyone as weak.

This is very crucial.

He defined everyone, and then brought everyone into the Taiyi dream.

And now.

The star train that left a trace in the sky has already rushed past with a roar.

The fetus of philosophy, Sunday, was hit again.

Suffering from a series of severe blows, the fetus of philosophy, Sunday, could not hold on.

His arms continued to protect his body. He still chanted the desire for order.

"Swear by the desire for order……"

He declared.

At this moment, the robin finally stopped trying to persuade her.

Now, her voice was full of determination.

"That's it.……"

"The paradise we promised is not just an option of order!!"

She said so.

To reach the future, there are many choices.

Order is one of them.

Dreams are also one of them.

But this only one may not be the best choice for everyone.

Everyone has a beautiful dream in their heart.

This dream paradise should be created by everyone.

Even if that future may be full of pain.

Even if that future is always terrifying!


No matter what, everything will change!!

"Even if the future is full of pain……"

"We will never escape!!"

March 7 also shouted firmly.

This is her will and belief.

Those who want to move towards the future cannot be stopped.

The song of the robin is still echoing.

Please pay attention! The wheel of fate is singing. They keep painful secrets and whispers. To read the violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And we will eventually usher in hope. From the initial dream.

To move towards the place where the dream is.

There may be various difficulties along the way.

But in the end, hope will finally come.

The song of the robin is still full of people's desire for the future and a better tomorrow.

Such a voice is enough to bring all this to a perfect end.

Under the continuous impact.

The philosophical fetus Sunday finally revealed his flaws.

He finally began to be unable to support it at this moment.

The huge body fell down and slammed heavily on the stage of the Pinocchio Theater.

The red carpet could not withstand such power and was shattered on the spot by that force.

The smoke and cracked earth from the explosion all spread out at this moment.

Everyone on the Starry Sky Train looked at the philosophical fetus Sunday.[]

For a moment, they were all extremely alert.

Shen He: Won! It seems that Sunday has failed after all!

Ningguang: You can say that. After all, Pinocchio's dream is no longer orderly.

Lei Yingying: He is the only dissonant sound, and now he will disappear completely.

Furninna: Huh! What an exciting battle!

Nashida: It seems that Sunday can also be regarded as a perfect curtain call, right?

Kamisato Ayaka: From the perspective of Sunday, he has done what he can. Kamisato

Ayaka: In the end, his belief was not realized, and the beliefs of the people in front of him have already impacted him.

Shajin: In short, it is to wake him up.

Botio: My dear! Wake him up? The best ending for a villain is to exit the stage in time with self-awareness!

Botio: I have always believed that a dead opponent is a good opponent.

Xing: I hope Sunday can take responsibility for his actions in the end, and I also hope that Pinocchio can move towards a truly beautiful future.

March Seven: Huh! Finally won! I was really worried! But Miss Mockingbird's singing is so beautiful!!

Himeko: Finally, what will Sunday do?



The core area of the Oak family.

Sunday in the mansion.

Seeing this scene of defeat, it was as if the body was drained of strength.

All this is over.

"Is this the future?"

He sighed.

Before, he had given Xing and the others his most sincere blessings, but now he was also sighing.

At this time, the dream master came again.

"What are you going to do this time?"

He was asking about reality.

"I really like a question asked by the Void Envoy"

"If you knew the future outcome of this journey, would you still embark on the journey?"

Sunday said so.

The dreamer already knew what he meant.

"I will still make the same choice!!"

Sunday said firmly. His attitude seemed to have changed slightly when the Dream Master was around and when he was not. However, what he wanted to do seemed to have never changed.


In the universe.

Watching the train gradually turn into light and disappear.

The Amber King's raised hammer seemed to return to calm at this moment.

The heavy hammer that fell in an Amber Age returned to normal again.

However, there were many more on the wall than at the beginning.


Inside the Interstellar Peace Company, the director Diamond, who had heard the news, also heaved a sigh of relief.

"It looks like the story of Pinocchio has come to an end."

"However, when the Oak family lineage ends!"

"Next, it’s time for us to take the stage!!"


On the exposed screen.

After falling down, Sunday, the fetus of philosophy, wanted to stand up again.

March Seven, who was already crouching on the ground, immediately drew out the bow and arrow in his hand when he saw this scene.

She was about to attack immediately, but was stopped by Xing.


Xing also knew that Sunday had no possibility of resistance at this moment.

Sunday, who still looked like a fetus of philosophy, finally asked at this moment.

He has already lost.

Whether it was the previous debate or the current battle.

He has used the uncertain reality created by the star core to steal the authority of harmony.

He even brought down a miracle for Taiyi of order.

But even so, he still lost.

This failure was not accidental.

But it also indicates.

His past and future have ended from now on.

The loser will eventually leave.

But before leaving, Sunday still asked.

""Why does life sleep?"

Faced with this question, the watchmaker once asked.

Countless people who arrived at Pinocchio gave different answers.

Firefly once said that it was because of fear of waking up from a dream.

And Sunday also said that there should be a paradise in the dream.

Sleeping is to escape and to sink into it.

Funina: Why does life sleep? This question has been asked for a long time! Nashida

: However, I think this question finally has an answer.

Kamisato Ayaka: At least, the sleep of life is not to sleep forever in a dream.

Shen He: Just like this beautiful dream, no matter how beautiful it is, it finally came to an end.

March 7: How will Xing answer him?

Ji Zi: Regarding this question, the answer has already been given along the way.

Gallagher: Yes! Mikhail once said it.

Gallagher: Even Huang Quan has said it.

Xing: So! I have been waiting for the answer this time for a long time.


On the exposure screen, facing Sunday's question, this time,

Xing Ye finally gave her own answer.

Of course, this is not just her answer.

This is the answer that the companions who accompanied her along the way came to together, although their destinies were different.


"One day……"

Xing said at this time.

On the screen, figures were already flashing.

Hua Huo, who was leaning against the wall, slowly opened her sleepy eyes.

She looked up slightly and saw countless meteors streaking across the sky.

This starry sky was once looked up by countless people.

Everyone who arrived in this dream would look up at the sky at the same time.

It means distance, and it also means the future.

Under the same starry sky.

Doctor Zhenli, holding a book in one hand, was also waiting for the final answer.

This dream gradually began to have sounds from the dead silence of sleep.

Black Swan witnessed those who woke up from their dreams one by one.

They may be still in shock, or they may have survived a disaster.

They may not be perfect, and they also have human weaknesses.

However, they should have their own future.

It will not be defined by others, but only by themselves chasing the future.

Black Swan left silently.

Xing also gave the final answer on this high platform.

"We will wake up from the dream!!!"

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