Shen He: Wake up from the dream?

Ningguang: I think this answer is clever enough.

Keqing: That's right! The reason why life sleeps is that it will wake up one day. Shajin

: No longer obsessed with the dream itself, but for the world after waking up?

Black Swan: This answer is indeed the opposite of the answer given by Miss Liuying.

Liuying: The answer I gave at that time was that I was afraid of waking up from the dream.

Liuying: In the dream, there are things we miss. And in reality, there are things we are afraid of.

March Seven: But whether you are afraid of the arrival of reality or not, you will always wake up. Kamisato

Ayaka: This answer may be what everyone expects, right?

Finina: Miss Huangquan seemed to have said before that it was on the horizon of existence.

Finina: She also said that there is no answer to the question of why you sleep, or maybe waking up is the answer. Nashida

: It feels more like having the courage to face the future.

Poteo: Yes! This is a good solution.

Portio: It is to work hard for the things in reality, not to be trapped in dreams.

Robin: No matter how beautiful the dream is, reality is the destination of people.

Robin: I hope everyone can find their own answers and their own destination in reality.

March 7: Miss Robin’s words are so philosophical!

Star: It’s finally over! I think this should be the best answer to Sunday.


On the exposed screen.

Sunday, who was in the fetal form of a philosopher, also showed a look of horror upon hearing this sentence.

This sentence was like a sudden blow to the head when lost.

This sentence also went straight into the soul.

It was after knowing this sentence that Sunday began to doubt himself.

Or perhaps, his doubts had been around for a long time.

But now, everything was just ruthlessly denied.

No matter how he argued.

If we talk about order.

There will be the birth of the first day, and the day and night of the second day.

The day and night are divided, and there are day and night.

People work during the day, and people rest at night. Day and night were created, and that's it.

People's rest at night is itself part of the order.

The eyes that were closed at night began to gradually wake up after the sun shone on the earth.

Isn't this also part of the order.

The sky has the sun and the moon, and the earth has the universe.

It no longer matters why you sleep.

Because you will wake up from your dream sooner or later.

The purpose of working during the day is not to welcome the arrival of dreams at night.

Rest is to face tomorrow with a better attitude.

That's all.

On the high platform of the Pinocchio Theater.

This high platform was forcibly pulled up to the sky and flew to the sky by Sunday's great power.

At this moment.

It seemed that it could not bear the huge weight of the fetus of philosophy, and there was a sound of shattering.

Or perhaps, this was what Sunday did himself.

He already knew that he had failed in the competition of strength.

And facing the other party's answer, he also felt unwilling at this moment.

Compared with being afraid of waking up from a dream.

We will wake up from a dream, and this thing itself is somewhat compulsory.

It doesn't matter whether you are afraid or not, and it doesn't matter whether the dream is beautiful or illusory.

After all, people live for reality.

Therefore, the huge palm of the fetus of philosophy also smashed the high platform.

There was a loud shattering sound.

His extremely huge body began to slowly fall downwards.

At this moment.

Sunday did not hesitate at all.

He stopped taking action, stopped trying to stop.

At this moment, Sunday just slowly fell downwards.

He had already lost, so he stopped being stubborn.

The huge body of the Qi Xiang Choir also fell at this moment.

On the back was the face of the fetus of philosophy.

Two sides of the same body, and there was order in harmony.

A platform with a broken corner hung high in the sky.

Among the endless sea of stars, it was like a moon with waxing and waning.

Sunday was going to be the sun that illuminated everything.

But at night, there was only the moon.

This waxing and waning of the platform was also very much like a shattered sun.

A sun fell from the sky.

At this moment, Sunday finally came to an end.

He admitted his failure.

But he was still unwilling to accept it.

When he fell.

The huge arm of the fetus of philosophy had been raised.

His fingers were pointing to the sky.

As if to grab the sky, grab the night sky that seemed to be within reach, but could not be grabbed at all.

At this moment.

Sunday still made that deep voice.

"The night is still... too short……"

There is not much time left for him.

The night left for people is still too short.

Night is originally a time for people to rest.

What Sunday lamented is that this rest time is too short.

People need a moment to rest and a place to rest.

The beauty he wants to build is to give more people rest.

However, not everyone is willing to live in a false dream forever.

Just as you always wake up.

People will not always sleep in dreams.

At this moment, Sunday has completely admitted his failure.

Nilu: Is the night still too short?

Ningguang: Is the time left for people to rest too short? Is this what he wants to express?

Zhongli: Day and night, reality and dreams seem to correspond one to one.

Zhongli: In fact, whether it is reality or dreams, people always have to pay a price.

Zhongli: The ideal paradise in reality requires people to work hard to create. In the ideal paradise in dreams, they have to fall into sleep.

That Villette: Unfortunately, the night has its limits, and dreams also have their limits.

Funina: Is Sunday giving up?

Kamisato Ayaka: I think he can finally let go after trying so hard.

Kamisato Ayaka: He kept talking about the other party's faith before. Now that he has been defeated, he has shown enough faith.

Nashida: The night is too short. We can only say that Sunday still has a desire for beauty. Kamisato

Ayaka: But now we can only say that he took the wrong step after all.

Xing: I think if there is no order, I believe Sunday will become a good friend of us.

March Seven: Ah! Isn't this what Mr. Gallagher said?

Liuying: Yes, it is exactly what Mr. Gallagher said before. The influence and shackles of fate on people limit the future of Sunday.

Xing: I hope that people are okay in the end! As for what will happen to Pinoconi, it seems that it will be later.

Himeko: Do you remember what happened when Shajin was cut off by Huangquan's two swords?

Xing: What happened...

Portio: My God! I remember! What happened was that Jade used its own cornerstone?

Portio: His precious little cutie! Topaz, Aventurine, and Emerald!

Portio: For one Pinocchio, this requires the gathering of three company envoys! Himeko

: Later on, we might end up in this predicament.

Xing: This is really hard to deal with. It feels like I just dealt with some things and now I'm stuck in more things.

Aventurine: Hahaha! We only have one goal, which is to recapture Pinocchio. As long as we can accomplish this goal, everyone will be fine.

March Seven: Hey! Some things! Are not necessarily that simple.

Xing: Are you... prophesying again?

March Seven: Eh? ? Eh!! No no! I definitely don't!!


On the exposure screen.

It is still playing at this moment.

Sunday has completely lost the appearance of the incarnation of harmony at this moment.

Whether it is the God Sunday of the chorus or the fetus Sunday of philosophy, they are no longer there.

Sunday just fell from the sky.

He was like a king who led people forward, falling from the throne.

Of course.

There may be another explanation.

It is that people have abandoned order again.

No matter which explanation it is, it has put a perfect end to this battle.

And on that screen.

At this moment.

When Sunday fell.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky.

The speed of this figure falling was amazing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it had come to Sunday's side.

And the owner also spread his wings directly at this time.

She has the same hair color as Sunday.

The dresses they wear are specially made, and you can tell at a glance that they are brother and sister. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The person who fell from the sky is the robin.

She has completed the task of spreading harmony.

At this time, she could come to her brother's side as a sister.

The robin flew over and hugged her brother tightly.

In this falling sky, Sunday was not alone.

At this moment, the robin finally said what he wanted to say.

"elder brother……"

"Dream... It's time to wake up."

All this will come to an end.

The beautiful dream will also come to an end.

After hearing this, Sunday also closed his eyes at this moment.

He knew that the beautiful dream was about to end.

He also knew... what was waiting for him.

The two fell from the sky.[]

Above the head is an endless and brilliant starry sky.

Countless seas of stars are shining and glittering, and what is in them is the desire of countless nights.

In the sky.

Harmonious pigeons fly against the wind.

They wander in the sky and also bloom their own brilliance in the sky.

And on the farther horizon.

At this moment, rays of light begin to light up.

It is the rising sun of the first day, and it is also the moment when light cuts through darkness and dawn.

The two embraced each other in the light.

From darkness to light.

From dreams to reality.

From the sky to the earth.

From that special existence, become one of the people.

Order must be high above.

Harmony, just become one of them.

This moment is the real end.

And such a picture leaves people with far more shock than that.

Firefly: The scene here looks so familiar.

Silver Wolf: Of course, remember your secret base in Pinoconi? Silver Wolf: Isn’t this the sunrise in the secret base when you two were dating? Firefly: Eh?!!

Xing: Now that you mention it, it does seem like it, it is exactly the same.

Xing: It is indeed the place chosen by Liuying!!

It is so beautiful!

Sanyueqi: Uh...

stop, stop, calm down and restrain yourself.

Jizi: I think that the robin has explained one thing to Sunday with practical actions.

Xing: What is it? Jizi: Sunday once said, if you and I were never alone, why would we go on the road of drifting further and further apart.

Jizi: But in the heart of the robin, there has always been such a brother.

Jizi: In the false dream, the fictional brother is not what she wants.

Sanyueqi: It is really touching to say that!

Paimon: Yes, yes!

It is really touching!

Ying: Can you not imitate others' words? Paimon: Then can you not shine with your eyes and randomly ship CP? They are brother and sister, brother and sister!!

Nashida: They encountered the star core when they were young, so they depend on each other.

Kamisato Ayaka: Anyway, it is a perfect ending.

Funina: Sunday will have to pay the price.

Robin will continue to be the spokesperson for Pinocchio, and maybe that's the end.

Violet: The sinner must be punished.

Hanabi: Oh!

That's such a pity!

He didn't wake up until the last moment.

Hanabi: It's such a pity that we couldn't blow Pinocchio up to the sky.

Portio: Haha!

Problem solved!

Then next, it's the group of cuties in the company!

Gold Dust: Oh!

Does it have to be like this? Portio: That's right!

You damn cutie!

I want to see if a gambler dares to bet on the bullets in my gun.

Gold Dust: You know, I've always had good luck.

Xing: Okay, okay, let's talk about your business later.


On the exposure screen.

It seemed like there was an ending at this time.

The screen turned dark again.

And on that dark screen, lines of words began to appear.

Amber Calendar 2158, the first year of the era.

A burning conspiracy.

The dawn of the century for the universe in the land of dreams.

And in the chaos and confusion, it quickly turned into ashes.

Seeing such words, people can't help but feel a little emotional.

Xing: Are you starting to record history now? Will there be one for us?

March 7: Are you thinking too much? Such a record should be concise.

Gold Dust: Well... the conspiracy was destroyed, and it was on Sunday.

Portio: Baby! Record? I don't think it's a record, but more like a sigh.


It was exposed immediately afterwards, and the screen continued.

People said that many things happened in those forty-eight system hours.

A sun was about to fall.

A paradise was about to collapse.

A world was about to change hands.

A body was about to decay.

A group of vultures were about to gather.

A pair of brothers and sisters were about to part forever.

And a god fell asleep again.


Seeing this, one can't help but feel confused.

Kamisato Ayaka: What does all this mean? Why do I have a bad feeling?

Funina: Let me start with a brief summary. The sun falls, so it refers to Sunday, right?

Nashida: He failed! Paradise is also Taichi's dream. The world has changed hands, the gods are asleep, and the order is gone.

March 7: What is the body decaying, and what are the vultures gathering?

Firefly: Are you referring to the family?

Galaha: Hehehe! The family is deeply corrupt, and the vultures are the company! They specialize in eating rotten meat.

Xing: But what's happening later, the brother and sister are about to be separated forever...

Xing: Something bad is going to happen.


Some people cheered, some regretted.

Some people witnessed everything.

They were insignificant to the sum of the universe, saying that He died with dignity this time.

The Milky Way ushered in a pure dawn, and a fierce storm began to take shape.

The call for everything dedicated to the Amber King became louder and louder.

But no matter how people look at it.

Time will push Klipper's hammer down, over and over again, without end.

The story of the Star Train has come to an end and has begun again.

Time rolls forward, and the journey of exploration is about to open a new chapter. Two.

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