And continue to read down along the words.

It is not difficult to find what is below.

1:22 He gave language to all people in the world, and all living beings called out to Taiyi, the star god with great power, how magnificent.

1:23 We are blessed by God and know how to use our tongues to express our thoughts. We know that language has shape and meaning, but we do not know how to distinguish between gains and losses. 1:24

Therefore, the star dust is dispersed and merged into a river, indicating that the good and righteous are in the upper reaches, and the evil and unrighteous are in the lower reaches.

1:25 He also built a dam in the middle to prevent filth and mud from flowing back.

1:26 From then on, people in the world can know good and evil and benefits and harms, and this is how it was.

1:27 This is the fourth day


Xing: I feel that this description of the Star God of Order is a bit too outrageous?

March 7: If we look at it from the perspective of faith, this situation can still be understood, right?

Ningguang: Human beings’ belief in gods is always full of mystery and worship. Zhongli

: Not to mention the Star God of your world, such an evaluation is no exception.

Robin: This is indeed not the content of the Harmony Ode, but brother... why did you turn to Order?

Huang Quan: There are more than 100,000 people in the Oak family, but only two of them are truly conscious.

Huang Quan: Maybe Sunday itself is also controlled by that Gopherwood.

Xing: I feel that our current speculations are getting more and more scary.

Gold Dust: Hmm! First, I thought that the person who controlled the star core was from the company’s marketing department.

Gold Dust: And then Sunday joined the Star Core Hunter, which is indeed a bit scary.


Continue to read down.

The words above are also extremely clear.

1:28 He has given value to all people in the world, and all living beings call out to Taiyi, the star god with great power, how magnificent.

1:29 We have been blessed by God and know how to use our eyes to distinguish right from wrong, and know that things are right and wrong, clear and turbid, but we don’t know how to deal with it. 1:30

Therefore, He picked up the star ring and stated the law, and established rules of conduct with them in front of the crowd.

1:31 The life and freedom of all people are the most precious of all values, and anyone who violates them shall suffer losses according to the law; the dignity and property of all people are most commensurate with them, and anyone who upholds them shall be rewarded according to the law.

1:32 This law will never be allowed to be debated by the world, and all flesh and blood should never forget it.

1:33 So it was done. This was the fifth day


1:34 He gave rules to all people in the world, and all living beings called upon Taiyi, the star god with great power, how magnificent.

1:35 We have been blessed by God to know how to measure justice with our hearts, to know that righteous deeds should be rewarded and damages should be compensated, but we do not know the meaning of this life.

1:36 Therefore, He used the star clusters to compose music, using the large harp with wide white keys and narrow black keys as an instrument; using the signs for pronunciation and counting as notes; using the river that flows downward but not upward as the melody; and using the rules that state the laws to determine the form of the music.

1:37 The harmony of all things is expressed in time and space, and everyone finds their unique position between heaven and earth.

1:38 And so it was. This was the sixth day


Lei Movie: Seeing this, it is indeed exactly the same as what was said on Sunday.

Yae God: He is somewhat reserved, is there something he didn't say?

Fu Nina: I still remember that the God of Order was abandoned in the back.


2:1 He gave meaning to all people in the world, and created all the heavens and the earth. He stopped all the work of creation.

2:2 However, all people cried out to Taiyi,"The star god with great power, how sad it is."

2:3 You define the heavens and the earth and all the people with order, but you let us know that we are just your puppets.

2:4 On that day, all people gathered together and threw God into the pit of destruction.

2:5 It was so. This was the seventh day.

2:6 Everyone shouted loudly, and the sound shook the earth. At that time, the morning stars sang together


Lei Movie: Actually, we felt something was a little strange from this point.

Lei Movie: If Sunday really respected the order, how could he say such a thing?

Yae God: Since he was abandoned, why was he called back? Is that what you mean?

Jizi: Indeed, especially the things that happened later, there were conflicts.

Jizi: If Sunday was really determined, he should have resurrected the order.

Jizi: It seems that the most reliable guess is that Sunday does not really believe in the order, he is just under superficial pressure.

Robin: Brother... why is this?

Walter: There are probably many reasons. Before knowing where Sunday is going, these are all speculations.

Walter: Or, he must erase the dream master and the Oak family from the history of Pinocchio.

Doctor Zhenli: So, using himself as bait, did he completely put an end to the Oak family?

Firefly: Before, Sunday only said that he represented the Oak family.

Xing: And he sacrificed himself. If it was really a plan, it would be too...

Keqing: In other words, all the previous views on Sunday may be overturned?

Ningguang: Not in terms of treating the robin.

Ningguang: But no matter where Sunday is, he will be monitored by the purple bird. This is the key point.

Gold Dust: I see! Is this what he said, that he would prepare everything before going out?

Doctor Zhenli: So the real trick is to put the topaz and emerald stone in the family. Gold Dust:...It seems that I am really lucky. Gold Dust: I was given a gift money, and the cornerstone was also put in place. In the end, I was let out to make a living. Gold Dust: Even the Clark Movie Park was cleared in advance. Huangquan:

All of this has traces of being deliberate. It is hard not to suspect that Sunday knows something. Xing: This time I am really worried. It feels like it is getting more and more solid. Black Tower: It seems that the coincidence is impeccable, but in fact, there is still some key evidence missing. Black Tower: That is the evidence that Sunday contacted the Star Core Hunter.


On the exposure screen.

When Xing turned over the slightly sluggish dry pages, a bunch of bubbles of light and brilliance rose up.

They stayed in the air for a short time before turning into bubbles.

Suddenly, a hazy voice sounded from Xing's ears...

Sunday's voice seemed to become clear from the haziness.

"The winner has the winner's obligations"

""Finish me... and fly to the sky."

Such a voice followed.

Then, the robin also responded

"We... were supposed to fly into the sky together."

Sunday also responded at this time.

"I want to be with you too..."

Keqing: The winner has the obligations of the winner. Is this what happened after Taiyi Dream defeated Sunday?

Ningguang: That should be the case! Although we haven't seen it before, it obviously exists. Robin

: Is there such a thing...

Xing: It feels like Sunday is ready to die, right?

March 7: Does the previous speculation still count?

Gold Dust: Why not? The two are not contradictory, especially since Sunday only wants to die.

Gallagher: I didn't expect it! Things would turn out like this! It's a pity that the price paid this time is too high.

Xing: It feels like it's hard to be sure for a while, where Sunday went.

March 7: Oh! It feels like Miss Robin is going to be sad again.

March 7: No one else told Miss Robin, and the news we got is not good either.


On the exposure screen, Xing was very surprised by such a sound. When she focused her attention and tried to trace the source of the sound, she found that it had dissipated like morning mist in the light falling from the curtain, leaving no trace. There were traces of words that looked like robin on the inner page of the notebook - perhaps it was related to the elegant singer. Xing looked at this scene and thought to herself

"Put it away first.……"

After that, Xing took her findings and went to look for the robin.

Soon, she was stopped by a machine.

"Hey, Xing, this way!"

Xing walked over and asked half-doubtfully.

"Robin? Is that you?"

"It's me, Robin"

"It's not convenient to talk with this face. Wait a moment.……"

The robin then removed her disguise.

After the disguise was exposed, she returned to her previous appearance.

"No one should notice this place, let's chat"

"How is it, did you find anything?"

The robin shouted excitedly.

Xing: Is it like this? It is indeed a robin!

Black Swan: After all, it is a trait of harmony, so it is normal for it to have this ability.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Fun! So fun! How interesting it would be if the two of us could turn into each other?

Xing:... This idea... why not give it up?

……(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the exposure screen,

Xing gave the investigation object to Robin.

Although it was not easy to notice,

Xing did notice that she seemed to be stunned for a moment.

But she quickly regained her composure and smiled at Xing.

Although the voice was still a little trembling

"Thank you, let me take a look."

The robin said so.

Xing looked at the robin in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"You don't look well."

"I am sorry"

"I'm fine, thank you, Pioneer."

Then, Robin checked the contents of the notebook.

"This... is indeed my brother's handwriting. It should be his thing."

"But this scripture... There is no similar record in the"Ode to Harmony""[]

Robin couldn't figure it out.

Her eyes quickly noticed the bloodstain on the top of the notebook.

"And... these red stains"

"He really……"

Robin choked.

She didn't say it directly, but the blood stains usually didn't mean good things.

"Maybe there is still hope.

The robin just lowered her head, staring blankly at the notebook in her arms, and said nothing.

After a long while, she finally spoke.

"Yeah, I will."

"Ever since we met again at Liumeng Reef, I had a vague feeling"

"Maybe our paths will never cross again.……"

"It's just... I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

Robin looked sad, and she seemed unable to accept what was happening now.

Xing: Oh! Although I know there will be some accidents... but this...

March 7: Miss Robin... I still hope she can continue to be strong. Kamisato

Ayaka: I hope so! I hope she can stay strong


Exposure picture


What are your plans for the future?

"I have no idea"

"There are so many things to think about, and it's hard to know what to do."

The robin was a little confused for a moment.

"Obviously each of us - you, me, my brother, all of us"

"We all have good intentions, want to do our best in everything, and try our best to do it.…"

"But all these good intentions ultimately led to tragedy."

"This really not beautiful at all."

The robin looked even sadder.

"But we can make it better."

Xing immediately comforted.

Hearing this, the robin also nodded seriously.

"You are right - there is still a lot we can do."

She said seriously, as if she had made a decision.

"The beautiful dream is now shaky, and many people with bad intentions have also heard the news and moved."

"Right now, I have to protect this place no matter what."

"Then overcome all difficulties and build it better……"

"My brother must want me to do the same."

Now the robin wants to go on with Sunday's will.

Ningguang: What a strong person! She is ready to protect Pinocchio so quickly. Keqing

: Miss robin! I didn't expect it to be like this.

Furninna: I feel that Miss robin is a strong and gentle person.

March 7: Yes! I believe Miss robin will succeed.

Greenbird: So, where did Sunday go?


The exposure picture is on.

Robin is also continuing to guess

"Speaking of my brother——Although we only found this notebook, I don’t think it means anything."

"My intuition tells me that my brother must be fine now, somewhere in my dream……"

"We are looking for a new way out for our common ideals."

"After all... the sky is the home of birds."

She seemed to still be thinking about that ideal.

She decided to continue to move forward bravely.

Seeing Miss Robin like this, Xing also nodded seriously.

"May your ideals come true soon."

"Well, I appreciate your words."

"I will never back down! As always."

She encouraged herself, looking so strong that it made people feel distressed.

"Let's stop here for now. Thank you for chatting with me for so long.……"

"I guess those hounds have figured out that I sneaked out again."

"Sorry, Xing, I have to go back."

"May the light of harmony always be with you……"

The robin was about to leave.

Before he finished speaking, a slightly faded card fell out of the notebook.

"Huh? This is……"

Following the line of sight, it was a card with a robin.

The relevant introduction also appeared.

The Star of the Gala series of collectible cards was designed and issued by Dream Star Entertainment?, a subsidiary of the Everfa Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Any reproduction is strictly prohibited. The craftsmanship of this collectible card is obviously better than the products circulating on the market. It seems to be a limited edition.

The back of the card is attached with the gorgeous and elegant handwriting of the portrait owner.

To my dear brother:

May our sky always be full of stars.

Seeing this card, Xing was immediately confused.

"What's this?"

"This is... the Star of the Gala series of collectible cards, but it's a limited edition."

The robin hesitated for a moment.

Then she recognized what it was.

"The publisher Dream Star Entertainment gave it to me as a souvenir, but I thought it might be more meaningful to my brother, so I wrote a blessing on it and gave it to him.……"

This card obviously carries a piece of history.

"Haha, I didn't expect...he still kept this……"

The robin sighed sadly

"It's been so many years……"

"He must be very lonely.……"

She looked embarrassed, apologized to you with a not-so-perfect smile, then lowered her head and covered her face and hurried away.

Looking at the back of the robin leaving, it was just a pity.

March 7: No matter what, Sunday's departure was a huge blow to her.

Star: It's so pitiful! Even so, she still has to be strong to build Pinocchio.

Firefly: I hope everyone can reach the ending they want! The story of Pinocchio is not over yet. Loss.

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