Furninna: Whether Sunday joins the Star Core Hunter or not, it is a painful thing for Robin.

Gold Dust: Yes! The Star Core Hunter is wanted, which means that he is on the run all his life.

Silver Wolf: Not as bad as you say, right? On the run? This is just a name that the company gives itself to make it sound better. Fireworks

: Hahaha! Star Core Hunter! Speaking of which, there are many people wanted by the company.

Poteo: Hehehe! It's just a piece of waste paper, and they want to get rid of people with money.

Poteo: This is indeed in line with the company's style, they do have money.

Black Swan: Anyway, the separation of Robin and Sunday seems to have been destined.

Huangquan: Do you remember the last line that someone read out after defeating the God Lord?

Black Swan: A pair of brothers and sisters are about to say goodbye...

Ningguang: It seems that someone has made a summary in advance. Keqing

: Elio? Or someone else?

Kamisato Ayaka: It seems that no matter who it is, it's not easy to mess with, right?

Fernina: In short, it is true.

Robin: Brother... it doesn't matter if he joins the Star Core Hunters, I just hope he can still be alive.

Star: You must stay strong.

Bronya: I think you can only get through this kind of thing by yourself.

Bronya: After Lady Cocolia left, Beloberg also has many things. I hope there is a world in your heart.

Bronya: It is tolerant enough to support you to move towards the future world!


On the exposed screen.

At this moment, a line of words appeared.

These lines seem to imply something unusual.

The lost items of Liumeng Reef!

A little poem...

Or, this invitation.

Whether Sunday and the Star Core Hunter are related will soon be revealed...

After these words appeared"one by one".

It was already surprising.

Xing: What is this? Easter egg?

March 7: It looks like an Easter egg.

Silver Wolf: Easter egg? Are you going to reveal some information?

Gold Dust: This seems to be about the matter between the Star Core Hunter and Sunday. Do you really know nothing?

Portio: My dear! It feels like their Star Core Hunter is also a mess! Ignore it!

Ningguang: Maybe we can get some truth from here. Shenhe: Maybe it's more of a guess, unless we can really give more answers.

Yae Shenzi: Humph, I'm starting to look forward to it.

Fu Nina: So, what secrets will there be?


On the exposure screen.

At this time, a person began to appear.

Everyone followed this person's perspective and walked straight forward.

Then, they had already taken the things in Liumeng Reef.

It was clearly written on it.

《The short words"Death of Crows" have already explained everything silently.

From these words, one can also feel some changes that have taken place.

In a trance, it seems that there are really countless crows, who are hoarse and ferocious at this moment.

Hanabi: Oh? Death of Crows? It sounds interesting and familiar.

Kamisato Ayaka: Crows... who are you talking about?

Zhongli: The one who can make an association in an instant is the purple raven of the dream master.

Zhongli: So this is talking about the final death of the dream master?

March Seven: Wasn't the dream master killed by Sunday when Sunday was about to go on stage?

Xing: I remember that it was the dream master who asked Sunday to do it.

Jizi: At that time, Sunday also asked him who was the mastermind behind the manipulation of the star core.

Walter: Unfortunately, Sunday did not give an answer in the end.

Kamisato Ayaka: This... feels really unexpected!

Shajin: If the dream is not disturbed, then the dream master and the people of the Oak family are already dead.

Funina: Maybe there is some connection between them?


With such thoughts, everyone was looking at the picture.

Following the picture, subtitles began to appear. On that gloomy midnight, you were alone in thought, lazy and tired, indulging in those strange and bizarre old dreams that had long been forgotten.

When you were tired and sleepy, there was a knocking sound.

It seemed that someone was knocking on the door, knocking on your door.

You whispered softly in the middle of the night, who is the sudden visitor?

That's all, nothing else.


This short paragraph also talks about a visit.

Obviously, although it is a short poem, the content is not like that.

Ningguang: It seems that this is considered a visitor? Or is it from the perspective of the person involved.

Zhongli: Perhaps it can be regarded as Sunday's perspective.

Keqing: If so, it is very meaningful. Shajin:

Someone visited Sunday late at night, which is an intentional expression.

Xing: To put it simply, someone looked for Sunday, but it is not clear who this person is.

March 7: I thought the answer would be given directly, but I didn't expect to guess.

Suchang: I have a headache, I feel like I am going to grow a brain, what should I do?

Gui Naifen: This... I feel that things are not simple.

Qingque: Keep watching, I am getting curious.


Continue to look at it.

On the exposure screen.

At this time, words began to flow.

It still started with the familiar poem.

Do you remember the glass window soaked with morning dew?

A group of dying pigeons, lying on the ground like a shadow?

You really hoped that the story would be happy in the end.

You really hoped that the birds had not fallen to their deaths.

Some were born to belong to the sky, shining like stars.

Some were buried in the dust, forever.


Seeing these words. It was as if a picture had already appeared at that moment.

In this picture, Sunday looked at the bird that fell to its death by the window.

For a moment, his eyes became complicated.

Gold Dust: Isn't this the little Harmony Pigeon?

Robin: It seems... it's about the little Harmony Pigeon falling to its death...

Robin: The bird flew into the sky... buried in the dust...

Robin: But this matter should be known by very few people.

Black Swan: That's right, this is a story between you two brothers and sisters.

Huangquan: Or maybe we can add a dream master, but that's all.

Hanabi: If the news doesn't have a fourth person who knows it, who would it be?

Hanabi: Or is it someone in this dream?

Xing: Could it be the mastermind behind it? Or Elio?

March Seven: Elio has a script, so he should know more, right?

Kamisato Ayaka: It seems to be like this, right? Firefly

: Maybe, there is such a possibility.

Silver Wolf: Do we need to prove anything? I don't think there is an answer to this.

Kafka: Even we don't know everything.

Himeko: That's understandable, after all, he's the slave of fate. Hoshi: It

's already confirmed that Elio and Sunday are related, so I'm curious about what will happen next.

March 7: I'm beginning to suspect that this one was given before the final battle.


Along with the words on the screen.

At this time, some people have already made guesses.

To be honest, such guesses.

It is indeed a bit surprising.

Continue reading with such guesses.

The poem is still not over.

Staring at the dark night, you stand by the door in fear for a long time.

In doubt, it seems that you see a dream that no one dares to dream of.

Insects have stained the brocade, and white doves have broken feathers and burned in flames. The crows bathing in the fire are hoarse in their noise, greeting you.

The beautiful dream is not my paradise. You whisper softly, looking around - only the night, nothing else


Seeing this, we can already imagine the changes in Sunday's heart at that time.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Does this mean that Sunday no longer believes in beautiful dreams? What a pity! Someone is already disappointed.

Robin: Brother... So it's at this time?

Xing: I can feel that Sunday's mood seems to have changed a little.

March 7: Is it because of the fallen Harmony Dove that Sunday no longer believes in this beautiful dream?

Funina: But if that's the case, isn't it a little weird?

Funina: Since Sunday no longer believes in dreams, why did he construct Taichi's dream later?

Kamisato Ayaka: Could it be that the dream master forced him?

Gold Sand: It's very simple. As long as the dream master makes a little move on Robin, Sunday will obey obediently.

Gold Sand: Do you remember what happened before? Robin was taken to Liumeng Reef, and Sunday investigated the truth of his death. To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Gold Sand: But the dream master only wanted Sunday to prepare for the Harmony Ceremony.

Gold Sand: Just that one thing at the beginning, doesn't it explain the problem?

Robin: In other words, the dream master had long planned to let his brother sacrifice himself.

Star: This... seems to be connected.

March 7: No way? Was Sunday really forced?���Then endure humiliation?


With such thoughts, people can't help but be more curious about what will happen next.

Because what happens after that is more attractive.

More and more people want to know more of the truth.

Sunday and the dreamer.

Sunday and Elio.

What is the relationship between these people?

To be honest, these are the most curious.

Continue reading, it's still a short poem.

The blackbird coaxes your sad illusion into a smile.

The ghost's bewitching echo is not salvation.

People sincerely repent only because it is profitable.

Drink it, this is the forgetfulness medicine bestowed by the Lord.

You hear the harmonious music change into a dirge, and you see the ashes flying.

The crow hums: never come back


Xing: Drink the forgetfulness potion? What is this?

Sanyueqi: Is it a kind of tuning? The method used in the dream?

Shajin: Is there a possibility that these people are controlled by the dream?....

Gold Dust: Sunday has already noticed something is wrong, but the sign was nipped in the bud as soon as it appeared.

Mockingbird: Is Mr. Gopherwood forcing his brother? Firefly

: It is profitable for everyone. Are you talking about the time when you confessed?

Firefly: The so-called paradise of dreams requires confession and atonement. Funina

: But it seems that Sunday also thinks that confession is profitable? Nashida

: Why did Xianqishu feel something was wrong? Shouldn't this kind of confession exist?

Kamisato Ayaka: It feels... so confusing all of a sudden.

Black Swan: This is more like a lot of evidence that proves that Sunday does not simply believe in order.

Black Swan: And he is the bird in the cage.

Black Tower: The truth seems to be getting closer and closer.

Screw Gumm: That's true, maybe we can see more understanding


Following this speculation.

Sunday's current image has changed again.

The previous speculation has even begun to be confirmed at this time.

If this content is true.

Then there has been a long-standing disagreement between Sunday and the dreamer.

But the dreamer still controls Sunday.

In a short moment, everyone had such a picture.

Continue to watch.

The unbroken silence is silent, and the mockery echoes silently.

The crows still deceive you with false happiness

, but you have already glimpsed the source of the world's suffering.

Your heart has also become strong, no longer hesitant, no longer wandering.

Liar, you said that the Lord God has never known the suffering of the world. That's all, nothing else.


Xing: All right! It seems that Sunday doesn't believe in this so-called beautiful dream.

Xing: He doesn't believe in the so-called God either.

March 7: This... That is to say, the guess in this direction is correct.

Himeko: That's why. He said that order is dead, right?

Walter: His belief in order itself is not pure, which is enough to explain the problem.

Walter: It seems that he is just acting according to the script.

March 7: I didn't expect it! Sunday would be like this in the end.

Himeko: Everything is in Elio's script, and I didn't expect that even Sunday is the same.

Xing: This story seems acceptable.…


Keep reading.

You step onto the stage, you steal power, you covet the gods

You pull open the dark curtain, direct and perform a ridiculous play

Your heart is filled with holiness, the puppet's shadow is dark and terrifying

You have compassion in your heart, trying to create a balance that will never tilt

Look, you say, this is an ideal place of absolute happiness The beautiful dream is shattered: never to return


Xing: This is the Harmony Ceremony and Taiyi's dream.

Sanyueqi: Yes, the constructed Taiyi's dream!

Fu Nina: It seems like it was already destined.


The words on the exposed screen are still going on.

The velvet nest has fallen, the hotbed of gold paper has dried up.

The bird has not flown away, it still perches, you still perch. You have been abandoned by the gods who pitied you.

Your paradise has also become a castle in the air.

And your soul will be freed from the shadow of the corpses of young pigeons.

That's it, nothing else.


Robin: The soul is liberated... what kind of bondage has been broken free?

Ningguang: Now that the dream master is dead, the entire Oak family has become the target of public criticism, and Sunday has naturally gotten rid of this identity.

Zhongli: In a sense, he is finally no longer bound by the cage of the Oak family.


After learning so much. It still appears on the screen.

This is the last subtitle.

Your old dream is like bad soil, which can hardly support the seeds of hope.

How can a noble soul wither and die like this?

I will be waiting for your arrival.

Here are the most real dreams and infinite possibilities.

You will realize all your ambitions here.

The past will never return. I extend my sincere greetings to you - Cecil Sims.

Star: Is this an invitation?

March 7: It is an invitation! The most real dream! Is it a dream?

Robin: So, my brother should have gone to the Star Core Hunter?

Black Tower: Cecil Sims, in some languages, is called the black cat.

Screw Gum: There are some rumors that Elio seems to have an indissoluble bond with the black cat.

Screw Gum: Conclusion: There is a connection between the two.

Screw Gum: Inference: Sunday and Elio have had contact before, and the two seem to have exchanged opinions.

Ruan Mei: If Sunday is really bound by the dream master, then he has successfully broken free from Elio.

March 7: I feel like I should be happy for Sunday! It's a pity that I can't go back to Pinocchio.

Shajin: Hehehe! Not only that, but I'm still wanted by the company.

Kamisato Ayaka: This... I feel like the company's wanted list is pretty random.

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