The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3089: Back to the satellite domain

     looked at the place where Wang Feng was just now, the saint was startled, and then a drop of crystal tears fell from the corner of her eyes. She did not expect Wang Feng to refuse so thoroughly that she was not given a chance.

     The budding of love has just germinated, and it was impossible for her and Wang Feng to let a heavy rain completely pour to death.

     Even if she likes Wang Feng, it can only be her unrequited love, Wang Feng will not be with her.

     "Why reject the other party? I think that woman is also a beauty embryo, so you reject him like this, you bear it?" Looking at Wang Feng, the middle-aged emperor in the void asked.

     "What's intolerable about this, I have seen beautiful women, I can't always meet one and just like one? Then I am a beauty harvester?"

     "This guy's family has a lot of beautiful women and women, naturally they don't need these crooked melons and dates." At this time, the tortoise shell spoke, directly degrading the saint.

     "It’s better not to talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Although the saint’s actions are a bit extreme, she still has a good heart. It’s not a gentleman's behavior to talk about others behind your back."

     "When did I say I was a gentleman?"

"go away."

     Hearing this, Wang Feng immediately cursed.

     "We can't go to the imperial city anymore, now I will take you to a place, how about it?" At this moment the middle-aged emperor suddenly said.

     "Where?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell all showed their doubts.

     "A place where we can hide temporarily." The middle-aged emperor said, and then he took Wang Feng and quickly left this virgin forest, and left this planet at the fastest speed to another planet.

     "Unexpectedly, we were still above the main star." Looking back at the stars behind them, Wang Feng said.

     "The teleportation array I set up can only allow us to pass on this main star at most, and can't leave. We are not in a crowded place, so please be happy." At this time, the turtle shell said.

     "This time we can survive safely, your teleportation array is indeed indispensable." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "Stop talking about these things, or I will make you pay for my evil spirit."

     "Well, when I didn't say anything."

The evil spirit of      tortoise shells took countless years to slowly cultivate. Wang Feng couldn't understand how much emotion he had infused in it.

     Evil ghosts are evil ghosts. They cannot be copied. Let Wang Feng pay for it. How can Wang Feng pay for it?

     and the demise of the evil spirits Wang Feng is also a pity, because he understands what role these evil spirits have. At critical moments, they can even be used as a weapon to kill the enemy, or as a trump card.

     When Wang Feng was able to defeat Su Han when he was in the heavens, wasn't it the effect of the evil spirit of the tortoise shell?

     So the role of evil spirits is still very large, but unfortunately only one evil spirit is left dead now, and Wang Feng has no way to rescue the other evil spirits.

     Because these evil spirits have been completely annihilated under the power of the dog emperor, how can Wang Feng save them?

     "The dog emperor who killed a thousand swords, the evil spirit who dared to kill me, I will kill all his descendants and grandchildren from the royal family in the future."

The words of the tortoise shell are very fierce, and it also represents a certain determination of his. This time his loss is too heavy. The evil spirit has only one seed. If the only evil spirit is still dead, the tortoise shell can There really isn't any evil spirit.

     "Don't worry, if the emperor is killed by me in the future, you can kill the people under his clan as you want, and I can satisfy you." At this time, the middle-aged emperor spoke, and he hated this Su Hong.

     The last time he was in the imperial city, he was seriously injured and even almost died. This is a shame for him. If he doesn't find his place, then what face does he have in this world?

     Now what they need to do is not revenge, but recuperate.

     Because each of them has different degrees of injury, if the injury does not recover, they can't do anything.

     So at this time, it is better to find a place to hide and recover from the injury, and then slowly deal with the dynasty when the injury recovers.

     Anyway, as long as they are still alive, this revenge can begin at any time.

     "Where are you taking the two of us?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Didn't I just say, take you to a place where you can hide."

     "Didn't you take us to hide? Why did you return to this satellite domain?"

     When the middle-aged emperor took Wang Feng and the tortoise shell into a subsidiary star field, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell looked at each other, and both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

     Because this subsidiary star field is really a coincidence, it is exactly where Wang Feng arranged the people in the heavens.

     Could it be that the middle-aged emperor discovered something and then deliberately brought Wang Feng and the tortoise shell to this place?

"Because the power we are looking for is above this star field." The middle-aged emperor said, and then he took Wang Feng and the tortoise shell into a city. This is the largest city in this affiliated star field. There are billions of people, it can be regarded as a super large city.

     "If you don't hide in a place with few people, but you just want to come to this place with a lot of people, are you not afraid that we will be discovered?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

     "Look at the people on this street, can anyone see us?" At this time, the middle-aged emperor spoke, and Wang Feng and Turtle Shell were shocked.

     Because at this moment they did see others as if they couldn't see them, and there were even people walking towards them face to face without seeing them at all.


     At this time, Wang Feng spoke and couldn't help but pay tribute to the middle-aged emperor. He must have used the concealment technique directly when he entered the city, and then hid the two of them.

     so they can see others, but others cannot see them.

     The brilliance of this technique is evident.

Since no one else can see them, there is naturally no risk of exposure. The main star is dangerous because the royal family is on it, and most of the top masters under the sky are on it, but the subsidiary star field is different. The monks here Ordinary cultivation bases are lower than that, so the three of them are now very safe to hide in this magic technique, and no one can find it.

     just brought Wang Feng and two people to a mansion. The middle-aged emperor didn't need to push the door, and the door opened automatically.

     "Fuck, there are ghosts?"

     saw the door open automatically, and the two guards guarding the door couldn't help but change their expressions. They didn't know what was going on.

     This nice door opened by itself, which is really weird.

     "The so-called blindness is nothing more than this, right?"

     Seeing the performance of the two guards, the turtle shell laughed.

     "As soon as I show up and talk to the master here, you can continue to hide in this spell." At this time, the middle-aged emperor said.

"it is good."

     Although Wang Feng didn't know what the middle-aged emperor was going to talk to, it was conceivable that it had something to do with their next residence.

     Wang Feng didn't expect that the middle-aged emperor would bring them back to this satellite region. Doesn't this mean that Wang Feng can return to the heavens at any time?

It seems that      has been away from the Celestial Realm for a while, and he was almost injured to death, so when the place settles down a little bit, Wang Feng is ready to return to the small world where the Celestial Realm is.

     "Who is hiding in the dark, don't you dare to show up?"

     At this time, a sneer sounded, and then Wang Feng and the others saw an old man walking towards them.

     Although the old man did not see the three of them, he seemed to have a very keen perception and had already sensed something. Otherwise, he would not go to the three of Wang Feng.

     The old man's cultivation base is not weak, he has the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm. In this subsidiary star field, his cultivation base is already extremely high, but he is one of the few people in this city who dare not provoke.

     "Remember my words, stay here well." A glance at Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, and then the middle-aged emperor stepped out of the spell and appeared.

     Next to him, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell continued to hide. They wanted to see how the middle-aged emperor wanted to stay in this place.

     The world today is the world under the control of the dog emperor Su Hong. Although this middle-aged emperor was also an emperor in the past, he certainly cannot be compared with Su Hong. After all, his dynasty has long been destroyed. Who will listen to him?

He was the emperor when      was on the throne, but now his dynasty is gone, he is just like many Yunyun cultivators, just a monk.

     "Who are you?" Looking at the middle-aged emperor who suddenly appeared, the old man's face instantly showed a solemn color, because he hadn't found anyone hiding in this place at all.

     He just felt that someone was spying in the dark, so he called out for a while.

     With the ability of the middle-aged emperor, how could this old man with his spells find out that he was just a little bit suspicious.

     But what he didn't expect, a person actually appeared in this place, how did he come in quietly?

     Why didn't the guards at this door come to report?

     "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that your ancestor should be Li Qingwen, right?" The middle-aged emperor spoke, as if he knew the family's ancestor.

    , you must know that the middle-aged emperor died a long time ago, so people who were at the same time as him have already died.

    The middle-aged emperor can save himself by going against the sky, but other people may not have this ability, so the middle-aged emperor may also be the ancestor of many people.

     "I don't know Li Qingwen, don't talk nonsense the old man yelled.

     A stranger broke into his home, but other people didn't even notice it. If this person wants to attack him, then he is not an opponent, because he feels a pressure from the opponent.

     "You don't even remember your ancestors, what are you doing in this world?" The middle-aged emperor directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent.

     This old man originally wanted to resist, but his cultivation was far from that of the middle-aged emperor. He couldn't resist it at all. He could only let the middle-aged emperor grab his clothes without any resistance.

     "You...what do you want to do?" Looking at the middle-aged emperor, the old man said without confidence.

     "Where is your ancestor's ancestral hall, take me there now."

     "I won't take you there." The old man said forcefully.

     "Who are you, put people down quickly!"

     Just then other people noticed the movement here, and soon a large group of people came and surrounded the middle-aged emperor.

It's a pity that their Patriarch is in the hands of the other party, and neither of them dared to rush forward, and they know what cultivation level the Patriarch has. Even the Patriarch is not the opponent of the other party, then they are what, I am afraid One must die if one goes up.


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