The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3090: Li Family

     "It's easy to let me put him down. Take me to your ancestor's shrine. Today I will ask him to recognize his ancestor."

At the beginning, this Li Qingwen was a general by the middle-aged emperor. Even though the general may have died with the passage of time, his breath himself is very familiar. It does not matter if he is dead, but his descendants The offspring will carry the same breath as him.

     is taking advantage of this, the middle-aged emperor found this place.

     But what he didn’t expect was that Li Qingwen’s descendants said they didn’t know him. If this guy heard this, he would crawl out of the grave, right?

     To put it bluntly, this is a typical deception and annihilation of ancestors, and even no one knows who the ancestors are. What is the difference between living and walking dead?

     "Here, come with me." At this time, a person spoke, and then he began to lead the way.

     Patriarchs are in the hands of others, and none of them dare to mess around, so at this moment they can only take the middle-aged emperor to their ancestral temple.

     "Go, keep up."

The middle-aged emperor had already grabbed people and went to the ancestral shrine of someone else’s family. Wang Feng and the tortoise shell did not hesitate behind him. They quickly followed. They wanted to see how the middle-aged emperor could stay here. Place a foothold.

     "Here is it."

     did not go far in this house, they came to the front of a loft. This is the ancestral hall of their Li family's ancestors, and their Li family's ancestors' spiritual cards are placed in it.

     If it's normal, no one would come here, because this is the important place of the family, it is not a special day, and even their patriarch will not come, because once they come here, it means that someone will be punished.

     This is the place where everyone bows down and worships their ancestors. At the same time, this is also the place where they execute the family law. The Li family can have the current status, which is inseparable from their strict family law.

On weekdays, a place where people are rarely visited is now a group of people. The middle-aged emperor took the old man and threw him directly in front of the ancestor's ancestral hall, saying: "I will let you admit your mistakes in front of your ancestors in a while, you This kind of person who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors is simply an insult to your ancestors."


     Hearing this, the old man was very angry, but he couldn't help it with this middle-aged emperor. The opponent's cultivation base was too strong. He was as weak as an ant in front of others, and he couldn't resist even if he wanted to resist.

     "Let's go, follow me in and take a look." The middle-aged emperor said, and then he once again took the Li family's head into the ancestral hall.

     behind them, Wang Feng and the turtle shell looked at each other, and then the two of them followed in without hesitation.

     "Kneel down." The middle-aged emperor shouted when he let go of the Patriarch of the Li family.

     "Why should I kneel?" Hearing this, the Li family head still tried to save his face in front of many ancestors, but unfortunately he didn't kneel, naturally someone would help him.

     The middle-aged emperor kicked the old man's knees, and was hit by violent force. The old man couldn't kneel because he couldn't stand firmly at all.

     "You don't even recognize your ancestors, do you have the face to stand and talk?"

While      was speaking, the middle-aged emperor’s gaze swept away from everyone, and then he said, “What are you guys doing standing still, don’t kneel down!”

When      said the two words kneeling down, the middle-aged emperor's tone suddenly increased, which shocked these people.

     just let their Patriarch kneel down. Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man asked them to kneel down too. They didn’t make any mistakes. Why did they kneel down?

     "Kneel down!"

Seeing that everyone was unmoved, the middle-aged emperor suddenly yelled, his roar can reach people's hearts, making people's mind trembling, and at the same time a heart-shaking breath radiates from his body. After coming out, the people present almost knelt down involuntarily, because they couldn't stop the terrible breath pressure.

     "You people, you don't even know who your ancestors are and what their names are. If I were your ancestors, I would have to be alive by you."

     "If you can really get angry, that's okay." At this time, the Li Family Patriarch said.

     He knows that his ancestors are very old and have a high cultivation base. If his ancestors can really be resurrected, wouldn't it be a happy event for their entire Li family?


     Hearing this, the middle-aged emperor couldn’t help but utter a swear word. He was just saying in a disguised form that these people didn’t respect their ancestors, but this old guy dared to talk back to him. Did he not want to live?

     "If you say one more thing, do you believe that I will give you discounts on both legs?" the middle-aged emperor threatened.

     "What the **** do you want to do?" Looking at the middle-aged emperor, this old man really wanted to cry without tears.

     He can guarantee that he will never know each other, but why does he aim at himself like this? Could it be that he really has something to do with his ancestors?

     "I don't want to do anything, I just want you to know your ancestors." While speaking, the middle-aged emperor's gaze swept across these spiritual cards, and then his complexion became gloomy.

     Because he didn't even see Li Qingwen in these tablets, the blood of these people is definitely mixed with Li Qingwen.

     He and Li Qingwen have been in the company for so many years. He can still tell this point. These people must be the descendants of Li Qingwen, but in their ancestor shrine they can't see the other party's token, which really makes him unhappy.

     "Do you have a genealogy?" At this time the middle-aged emperor asked.

     "Genealogy is a natural thing, but what do you want us to do?"

     "What do you do? Of course, I watched it. Let me see if you unscrupulous descendants recognize your ancestors."

     "The thick book ahead is our genealogy. If you want to read it, go and read it yourself."

     is just a genealogy book, and it's not a great treasure, so since he wants to read it, let him look at it.

Hearing the words of the old man, the middle-aged emperor did not move forward at all, but waved to this book. Suddenly, the book seemed to possess some kind of spirituality and flew to the middle-aged emperor automatically In front of.

     glanced over from the genealogy book, and soon the middle-aged emperor's brows opened.

     During his reign, the Li family was already a big clan, although with the passage of time, his dynasty fell, the power of the Li family also ushered in a stronger blow.

     But because they are not royals, and they are not early birds. Although they have been targeted afterwards, their Li family has many big businesses. Even if part of them were destroyed, another part of them survived.

     is just gone, and the Li family can no longer return to its original heyday.

     But they are considered to be relatively good, after all, some people have survived, unlike the royal family. Once the dynasty changes, they will die the fastest and the worst, even the most thorough.

     Because the new rights will never allow them to survive.

     The Li family went from its peak to decline, but it also survived because of this. It is a blessing in misfortune.

     "Unexpectedly, there are so many people on it."

     put down the genealogy, the middle-aged emperor said.

     "Senior, what on earth do you want to do?" At this time, the Li Patriarch asked.

     "I don't want to do anything, just want to come and see the descendants of the old man."

     "Could it be that you know someone from our ancestors?" the old man said.

     "Do you know who is the most distinguished person and status of your ancestors?"


     Hearing the words of the middle-aged emperor, everyone present couldn't help being speechless, because they really didn't know.

     Because there are too many people from their ancestors, plus time has passed too long, and the family is falling apart, only one of them has survived, so they don’t know much about what happened in the past.

     "Since you can't tell, let me tell you."

     "Your ancestors have existed since the last dynasty period, and the peak period was in the Yongzhen period. Do you know this?"

     "I don't know." Hearing this, everyone shook their heads. How long has the last dynasty been destroyed? It is strange that these younger generations can know about these things.

     After all, the **** people of that period are almost dead, even if they have a tyrannical cultivation base, they are ultimately no match for these ruthless years, so how can they know so long ago.

     They only knew that their family had been prosperous, otherwise their Li family would not have the size it is now.

     Looking at the entire city, their Li family is considered to be a famous family and owns many industries, but they can have their current social status. Isn't it because their ancestors helped them down?

     So now listening to this middle-aged man talk about their ancestors, they naturally listened very carefully, afraid of missing something.

     "Could it be the Li Qingwen you said before?" At this time the Li family's Patriarch asked.

     "He was the general of the town country back then."

     While talking, the middle-aged emperor threw the genealogy in front of everyone, and said, "Let’s take a good look if there is such a person on it."

     "Okay, let me see."

     Before, the Li Family Patriarch had doubts about what the middle-aged emperor said, but now that the other party is saying the truth, he can't help but believe it.

     This time has passed for too long. In fact, they don't know who is there on this ancestor, but this genealogy has been handed down from a very early time, maybe it will be recorded on it.

     "There really is such a person."

     looked through the genealogy for a long The Li family’s head finally saw the three words Li Qingwen on it, but when he saw the name, his expression was shocked.

     Because it is no longer known how many generations of their ancestors are in the Li family, they can hardly be called.

     Since the names are on this genealogy, it means that the other party must be the ancestor of their Li family, but there are many names behind this ancestor, and they are all living people one after another.

     It can be seen that this should be an ancestor from a long time ago, otherwise it would be impossible for them to keep his ancestor in the ancestral hall.

     Since this ancestor was from a very early time, how could this person know so clearly?

     "You said that our ancestors used to be the generals of the town country, what evidence do you have to prove?"

     "Because I canonized him as the town general."


     Hearing this, there was an uproar in the room. Since he is a town general, he must be the country's important minister. If you want to canonize such a person, I am afraid that there is no other person who has such qualifications except the emperor?

     It’s just that the person in front of you doesn’t look like an emperor, and if he really is that emperor, how long should he live?


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