“Buzz buzz!!!”

As the jet-black light wings behind him were activated, Ophis' voice sounded, and the fireball that struck in front of Bai Ye shrank countless circles in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in less than a second.

A series of fireballs all disappeared without exception.

On the other hand, Bai Ye's aura had increased by an insignificant amount.

The limit of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings was broken by the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor]. It was actually able to 'halve' the attacks and power of opponents at the level of the True Red Dragon God Emperor and the Beast Emperor.

Bai Ye clenched his fists.

"Sure enough, I can use all the powers of the seven artifacts fused into the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor]!"

[Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] gives Bai Ye only one ability, and that is 'infinity', and there is nothing else.

That is the body of the Infinite Dragon God, with almost unlimited possibilities. If it is just used as a magical furnace heart, it would be too wasteful, and even Bai Ye would look down on himself.

So, Bai Ye thought hard and finally came up with a solution.

He selected some of the artifacts he had manifested and integrated them into the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] as much as possible, expanding the capabilities of this most powerful divine weapon to eight in one go!

In addition to 'Infinity', there are six other divine weapons from other gods, and one from a divine weapon that is not a god destroyer but is better than a god destroyer.

——The number of integrated artifacts is seven, a number that has an indissoluble bond with Hakuno.

PS: Sorry, I have to go out tomorrow, so I will update twice today.

Chapter 1167 The Ability and Effectiveness of the Strongest God-Destroying Tool

The "infinite" nature of Orpheus is actually the "ouroboros" connected end to end.

After the Ouroboros is connected head to tail, it forms an '∞' symbol, causing the spiritual power in the body to form a cycle, ignoring the conservation of energy, and the total amount will not be reduced no matter how much is consumed, thus achieving 'infinity' and allowing one's own power to Become inexhaustible.

The basic ability of [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] is to turn Hakuno's curse power into an Ouroboros connected end to end, achieving the same 'infinity' as Ophis.

The other seven artifacts were respectively integrated into the limbs and five bones of the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor].

For example, the light wing that appeared behind him was actually the 'White Dragon Emperor's light wing' integrated into it. It was originally supposed to be beautiful pure white, but it was infinitely infected and turned into jet black, leaving only the light wing. The gem on it still retains a trace of its original pure white features.

Of course, one of the abilities of [Infinite Dragon Armor] is 'halving and absorbing'.

For another example, the reason why the gems on his arms are dark red is of course due to the infection of the red artifact that was originally fused into it - the Red Dragon 137 Emperor's Cage Hand.


The gems on Bai Ye's arms bloomed with dark red light like roses at night, and at the same time, another voice of Ophis sounded from them.

"Boost!" "Boost!"

"Boost!" "Boost!" "BoBoBo...InfinityBoost (infinite multiplication)!"

The power of the Cage Hands of the Sekiryuutei lies in both arms.

Accompanied by the sound of a mechanical sound that seemed to multiply indefinitely, Bai Ye immediately felt a steady stream of power pouring out of his body, as if a punch could explode a star.

Bai Ye clenched his right hand tightly, and the armor wrapped on his arm was knotted together with the muscles, which were visible to the naked eye.

Using the Divine Foot Power, Bai Ye directly crossed the distance between him and the Beast King in one step, came to its abdomen, and punched out with an aura that shook the wind and thunder!


The air was exploded in an instant, causing the space to form a suffocating vacuum in an instant, and then huge airflow and shock waves rumbled like mountains, tsunamis, avalanches and earthquakes.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom——————————!!!!!!”

This movement was so huge that even the coalition soldiers who had fled more than ten miles away were blown away by the shock wave and disappeared without a trace.

The sea surface surged as if being stirred by a giant, causing the waves to form a tsunami tens of meters high, surging in all directions.

Bai Ye's punch was completely as powerful as a natural disaster.

Fortunately, it was on the sea, otherwise if it were on the continent, if it took a few more strikes, the entire continent would not be far away from collapsing.

And under this blow, the Beast King and Bai Ye, who were as big as a battleship and as short as an ant, flew backwards.

The only difference is that the Beast King went towards the sky and was hit above the clouds, while Bai Ye fell into the sea.

Three thousand meters below sea level.

There was no light here anymore, and it was plunged into darkness.

Bai Ye reached out and clenched his fist in the deep sea, feeling his current state.

"Although the impact was huge, fortunately the armor resisted 99% of the impact, and the bit that fell on the body was insignificant." Bai Ye thought to himself.

This was taken into consideration during the production. The [Infinite Dragon God Armor] possesses powerful earthquake resistance, pressure resistance and defensive capabilities. After all, in order to make this armor, who knows how many rare materials Hakuno actually put into it.

Not only that, but it would be a big mistake to think that this armor is all there is to it.

"If you fight with this kind of body shape, you will inevitably suffer some disadvantages."

The effects of force are mutual. When the kinetic energy is equal, the mass of the body is inversely proportional to the distance flew upside down. In other words, if Bai Ye flies upside down for a thousand meters while still in the air, maybe the Beast King will also fly upside down. Just three shocks, not one step back.

At this moment, the Beast King was punched into the clouds. Logically speaking, Bai Ye could have flown upside down into the center of the earth. It was only three thousand meters underwater. The pressure of the deep sea was strong, and the buoyancy offset a large amount of the reaction force.

Fighting with an elephant with the body of an ant would naturally be disadvantageous, right?

"Well, when it was designed, we considered fighting against huge enemies, so this armor is not just a machine..."

In the deep sea, Bai Ye took a deep breath, and the magic power in his body began to mobilize crazily.

Huge black magic power poured out continuously from the body, wrapping Bai Ye's entire body inside, forming a black mass with a length and width of more than a kilometer within two or three seconds.


The dark mass of magic power pushed away the sea water and moved rapidly towards the sea surface like an arrow from a string.

above the sea.

Azazel and others have already run to the islands on the edge of the island country, watching the distant sea through observation techniques, far-sightedness, etc.

"what is that!?"

Suddenly, someone noticed through far vision that something huge was approaching rapidly under the sea, and let out a cry of surprise.

Within two seconds, the huge figure broke through the water, and after causing a large amount of water splash, the entire figure was exposed.

It was an extremely huge dragon man, easily exceeding a thousand meters in height. His whole body was pitch black, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying aura that far surpassed any transcender. The dark cursed flames were churning endlessly.

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