"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!!"

The dragon man came to the sea, raised his head and looked at the sky, and saw the equally huge Beast King through the clouds, and let out a violent roar.

Immediately, the opponent flapped his wings, and while causing a huge storm, he rose directly into the sky and flew straight towards the space above the clouds.

Chapter 1168 The third and fourth of the seven artifacts

This dragon man with a height of more than one thousand meters is naturally Bai Ye.

[Infinite Dragon God Armor] Although it looks like a set of metal armor, it actually has a very strong biological texture. It is more suitable to be called biological armor than armor.

That was not an illusion, but Bai Ye deliberately made it look like this.

The form of this kind of biological armor is formed by Hakuno retaining some characteristics of Ophis' body. In other words, Hakuno is indeed wearing the 'body of Ophis' and using the 'body of Ophis'. 'Protect yourself instead of completely transforming it into armor.

The reason why this characteristic is retained is of course because Hakuno found that this form is more superior.

Retaining the characteristics of Ophis's body is of great benefit to increasing the armor's defense and resistance to blows. The second advantage is what it is now.

——Hakuno can use the special characteristics of this biological armor to become super giant.

From a body that was only two meters tall, he transformed into a giant with a height of more than a thousand meters in one breath!

Theoretically speaking, this armor retains the characteristics of Ophis' body, and with the support of infinite magic power, it can make Hakuno infinitely huge, even if it expands to the point of being comparable to a planet. possible.

However, growing to that level is simply a burden. It is not conducive to combat at all, and it is extremely time-consuming. Under normal circumstances, no one would do that.

Even if you do that, it will only satisfy your curiosity. Seeing whether you can become bigger than the earth has no practical significance.

And this is only theoretical. In fact, Bai Ye himself doesn't know whether it can be achieved. After all, he has never tried to grow so huge that it rivals the size of the earth.

The huge jet-black dragon-man fluttered its wings and soared into the sky like a jet. In the blink of an eye, it was above the clouds and in front of the Beast King.

The distance between the Dragon Man and the Beast King is only a few thousand meters, which is naturally very far away for ordinary people, but for Bai Ye at this moment, it is only a few bodies away.

There was no sign of any injuries on the Beast King's huge body, and it still looked like a ferocious alien beast.

This is natural. Even if it is broken into pieces of flesh the size of a fingernail, it can be recovered within a second or two. No matter how many injuries are on his body, it will not be retained for a second.


Facing Bai Ye, who was rising into the sky again, the Beast King opened his mouth and let out an angry roar without any hesitation.

Immediately, its body shook, and it rushed towards Bai Ye with an extremely huge body!

Although the Beast King's body is very large, it is also flexible and agile. As the body sways, the entire alien body rushes towards Bai Ye with the momentum of a meteorite falling from the sky.

"——InfinityBoost (infinite multiplication)!"

The girl's silent mechanical voice sounded again from the gems on the dragon man's arms.

Facing the huge body of the Beast King, Bai Ye had no intention of avoiding it. Instead, he directly raised his arms and caught it firmly under the gust of wind.


The roaring sound was heard endlessly, and the clouds in the sky had long been blown away to unknown places.

Being blocked by Bai Ye, the charging Beast Emperor was not discouraged at all. It didn't know what discouragement was. It just opened its seven bloody mouths with seven heads, without any stagnation, and charged at Bai Ye with a beast-like attitude. The limbs, head, and mouth opened to bite.

The Beast King fights without any skills at all, relying entirely on beast-like instincts and crazy, life-threatening momentum.

Compared with it, Ophis, whose moves are very simple, can be regarded as a wise man.

Two fists are no match for four hands, let alone seven heads.

Bai Ye couldn't resist and was quickly bitten by the Beast King on both arms and chest. Under the opponent's frantic biting, the armor was directly bitten through. With a "tearing" sound, he even bit off the armor. Bai Ye has a lot of meat on his body.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ···

However, what is surprising is that although the dragon man was bitten off a lot of meat, not a drop of blood flowed out.

"It hurts, you wild dog!"

Bai Ye let out a low shout and pushed up with his knees, easily pushing the Beast King away under the 'infinite multiplication'.


The next moment, the golden jade on the huge dragon man's chest bloomed with holy light. Under the wonderful fluctuations of spiritual power, the several bite wounds on his body returned to their original state in the blink of an eye.

……………… 0

The third of the seven artifacts that was fused by Bai Ye into the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor] - the 'Holy Grail of the Netherworld'.

It has the ability to subvert the principles of life and can easily resurrect and heal any race. It can even break the restrictions of race and turn humans into dragons without any restrictions.

This is a divine annihilation device specially chosen by Hakuno in order to make up for the gap in vitality between himself and the level of Beast King and Ophis.

As long as the 'Holy Grail of the Netherworld' is in Hakuno's body, with its ability to be infinitely resurrected, and the infinite magic power given to Hakuno by the [Infinite Dragon God Armor], then Hakuno will be truly immortal!

In terms of vitality and immortality, Hakuno is now comparable to the infinite Ophis, and even surpasses the Beast King!

"You have seven heads, do you think I only have two hands?"

Bai Ye opened his right hand, causing the palm of his hand to bloom with a holy light that was no weaker than the 'Holy Grail of the Netherworld' on his chest.

The next moment, a silver spear that was also super huge and more than a thousand meters long appeared in the dragon man's hand. He held it, pressed his body slightly, and assumed a gun-drawing posture.

The fourth of the seven great artifacts - the 'Twilight Holy Spear'.

As the most powerful god-killing tool before the [Infinite Dragon God Armor], this Twilight Holy Spear is fully qualified to be one of the weapons equipped with this set of armor.

Chapter 1169 - The Holy Spear of Zhen Ming Bai Ye!

In the sky above the clouds.

The huge dragon man is holding an equally huge silver spear. He looks as majestic as the Titan gods in Greek mythology, and as majestic and domineering as the ancestral shaman in Chinese mythology.

After the Holy Twilight Spear was developed into the forbidden hand in Cao Cao's hands, it possessed seven abilities called "Seven Treasures", including space movement, absorbing attacks, destroying weapons, sealing strength, etc., which made Cao Cao's His strength has been greatly improved, and he is worthy of his reputation as the most powerful god-killing tool.

However, the sub-species forbidden hand is originally the forbidden hand unique to the holder. It is a mutated forbidden hand and is not universal. The Twilight Holy Spear embodied by Bai Ye certainly does not have the ability of the 'Seven Treasures'.

In fact, the Holy Twilight Spear held by Bai Ye has been modified by Bai Ye until it only has one ability -

"——The Holy Spear of True Darkness and White Night!"

Bai Ye picked up the holy spear in his hand, and under the operation of magic power, the real power contained in it was released, causing it to immediately shine brightly, shining like the sun in the sky.


Bai Ye stepped on his feet, and the air was separated like flowing water. He went upstream, holding a spear emitting holy light, and stabbed straight at the Beast King.

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