The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1057: Ready to close

Qin Yuzhi dropped the broken brush in two casually, and said coldly, "Then see if the Jiang family can see the sun in the future!"

"Master, what do you mean" Ahmad looked at Qin Mozhi with some puzzlement.

When he thought of something, Ahmad's eyes lit up: "Master, do you mean that you have found evidence that Liu Congran colluded with Jianghuainan, sold illegal salt, and forged false evidence?"

Qin Yizhi did not answer Ahmad's words, but got up and looked at the bright moon outside the window, which seemed to be like a large moon disk, shining on the vast earth.

Qin Yizhi has always been cold and indifferent, but since meeting Gu Xiaowan, his whole life seems to be full of vitality.

There is no longer the coldness of the past, and the real person looks more flesh and blood, spirit and soul.

Ah Mo knew that Gu Xiaowan was Qin Mo's life!

Qin Yizhi asked for Gu Xiaowan's status as the head of the fifth-tier county!

When Liu Xian went to the capital to face the sage, Liu Xian did not conceal the emperor's questions at the time, and even talked with great fanfare about Gu Xiaowan's tremendous role in this incident.

At the beginning, the emperor didn't say anything. He just said that this girl had such a patriotic feeling at a young age, which deserved everyone's praise and praise, but he didn't mention a word about how to praise it.

When I want to come, I feel that Gu Xiaowan's identity is too humble!

Liu Xian only expressed the power of Gu Xiaowan to the emperor, and seemed to have a little bit of plea for Gu Xiaowan!

It's just that the emperor didn't speak, how dare he speak!

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan's identity is right there, no matter how praised she is, she feels a little ill-formed.

The matter just turned around like this, but who ever thought that the next day, there were several memorials on the emperor's counter, all of which were meant to ask the emperor to praise Gu Xiaowan.

When the emperor first started, he didn't want to praise Gu Xiaowan according to the wishes of the ministers. He felt that such a praise was too generous.

So I discussed with Qin Yizhi, where did he think that Qin Yizhi would directly change the seven-rank on the memorial to the fifth-rank!

Then he handed it to the stunned little emperor, and said with a smile: "Weichen thinks that this is more appropriate. A little girl can have such a feeling of family and country and share the suffering for the emperor with her immature shoulders. This year, the Qing Dynasty has a severe drought. Only Ruixian did not starve to death or displace a single citizen. On the contrary, it also settled a lot of other migrants. For such kindness and righteousness, the Weichen felt that the five-pin Anping county lord’s praise could only be It's just a survey!"

After speaking, after showing a majestic smile, he said goodbye, turned and left.

The little emperor looked at the memorial in his hand and couldn't laugh or cry.

Obviously, it's about how to lower some praises, how can it get higher and higher!

Awei has been following behind Qin Mozhi all the time, holding back a smile.

Then I told Ahmad about this incident, and I was so happy!

It can be said that Qin Yizhi had fought back for Gu Xiaowan's status as the county lord of the fifth grade Anping!

Qin Yizhi has been standing next to the window sill, looking up at the bright and bright moon outside, and categorically said: "Flying pigeon passes the book, prepare to close the net!"

Ahmad got the order, said yes, and went out immediately.

Qin Yizhi didn't expect that Gu Xiaowan would be so wronged in Jiang's family. He felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

Gu Xiaowan doesn't know how to martial arts, and now she is as good as Jing, and there are so many inconveniences that she always follows a foreigner by her side!

So, he immediately stopped Ahmad who had gone out: "Wait, ask Ah Zuo to come to Liujia Town as soon as possible!"

When Ahmad heard Ah Zuo's name, he laughed immediately and took his order!

There are four bodyguards around Qin Yizhi, two men and two women.

Ahmad Ahwei, Ah Zuo Ah You.

The four of them are Qin Mozhi's right-hand men, and they have always sworn allegiance to Qin Mozhi.

This time Qin Yizhi asked Ah Zuo to come over, thinking that he should be placed next to Gu Xiaowan to take care of Gu Xiaowan!

Qin Yizhi looked at the bright moonlight outside the window, thinking about Gu Xiaowan, where the coldness on her face was just now, as if she had changed a person, with a strong pampering face on her face.

The second day.

Even if Gu Xiaowan stayed in Gu Yuan, she had heard about the Jiang family.

After I heard that Madam Jiang’s medicinal properties had passed, I thought of the things I had done in front of everyone, and only felt that I was ashamed, and all my good reputation in this life was ruined.

At the beginning, Mrs. Jiang was struggling to die.

Fortunately, Mother Leng and the others persuaded her, Madam Jiang didn't want to die, but wanted someone else to die.

This first fire burned Mother Leng’s body. If Mother Leng had been suspicious at that time, she had entered the house to sell the new year and rescued Madam Jiang, it would not have happened. thing.

There were also a few maids who were serving in the yard at that time. They hit fifty big boards and all kicked out the Jiang family.

Mother Leng was considered good. Madam Jiang thought that she was an old man by her side, that is, she ordered thirty banquets. After the fight, she almost saw that Mother Leng’s body was not beaten in half. But in order to express her grievances, after this mother Leng was beaten, she heard that she was still dragging her **** body and crawling in front of Madam Jiang to show her loyalty to Madam Jiang.

Moreover, all these faults were counted on Gu Xintao and Gu Xiaowan.

After all, Mother Leng is the old man next to Madam Jiang. She has been diligent for so many years, without any credit and hard work, and she is also the most trusted person by Madam Jiang!

If it hadn't been for this time, it would have embarrassed her, and she would not have the operation of Mother Leng!

It can be regarded as a warning to the people in the house, if she talks about it again, she will not be polite.

The enthusiasm around her has hit the top 20, who would dare to challenge Mother Leng, who would stay with Madam Jiang longer, and who would be more favored by Madam Jiang!

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