The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1059: Zhao Jia Zicong

This Zhao Zicong himself was running a horse in the downtown area and almost killed or injured. If it weren't for this girl to act bravely, he would not know what would happen!

Not only did Zhao Zicong himself not thank this girl, on the contrary, he blamed all the faults on that girl.

Seeing that the girl was stopped by Zhao Zicong, Gu Xiaowan looked eager and didn't know why, so she suddenly thought about saving this girl!

The girl was stopped by someone and refused to go, her face flushed red: "Hurry up and get out of the way!"

But people are quiet, no one listens to her!

That girl is a courageous person. Seeing so many people around her is not the slightest timidity. She is indeed a rare courageous girl!

Gu Xiaowan fell in love with the girl at a glance. Seeing that the girl was in trouble, Gu Xiaowan stepped forward to say a few words for the girl without even thinking about it!

"Young Master Zhao" Gu Xiaowan came to the center, and the people around saw that Gu Xiaowan was here, and they all respectfully stepped aside and let Gu Xiaowan in.

Zhao Zicong was cursing vigorously. Gu Xiaowan was not prepared to come. He was a little surprised. When he saw Gu Xiaowan's long and beautiful face, he was a little excited. He hurried over and said to Gu Xiaowan: "Anping County Lord!"

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, then looked around, and said with a smile: "It's so lively here, I don't know what interesting things have happened!"

Someone immediately told Gu Xiaowan what had happened just now.

Gu Xiaowan always had a faint smile on her face, and she did not seem to agree with whose responsibility it was.

After the man finished speaking, Zhao Zicong yelled: "The county lord, she shocked my horse and scared me to fall off the horse. The bones all over my body would fall apart. You said, I want Don't let her compensate for my loss!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, "That should be true."

Zhao Zicong didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to speak for him, and the smile on her face rose: "Don't you give it to this son?"

"But" Gu Xiaowan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, she raised her voice and said: "Your horse almost hit someone. If this girl stopped in time, I'm afraid you hurt someone, you will be imprisoned in the palace. It’s a prison! It’s not a minor crime that caused death or injury by running a horse in a busy city!"

Then Zhao Zicong did not expect that Gu Xiaowan would come to say good things to the girl, and he was a little shocked, but he immediately recovered, and said a little displeased: "The county lord, what are you talking about? Isn't this person all right?"

Gu Xiaowan laughed at this moment and kept looking at Zhao Zicong. Zhao Zicong felt a little hairy when she saw her.

"Mr. Zhao, aren't you all right now? You can stand in front of me and talk to me well now!"

Gu Xiaowan said with a smile. Everyone suddenly understood what Gu Xiaowan meant, and burst into laughter.

Then Zhao Zicong knew that Gu Xiaowan was using her own words to block her mouth, and her face immediately became uncontrollable.

Gu Xiaowan ignored Zhao Zicong, but came to the girl and asked with concern: "Girl, are you okay!"

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, the girl had a round face and a sturdy figure, not like an ordinary girl.

Although this girl looks ordinary, she seems to have a shocking aura that people dare not underestimate!

Zuo smiled. At this moment, her small eyes were narrowed into a slit, and her eyeballs were no longer visible. He looked up and down without a trace of Gu Xiaowan. Seeing Gu Xiaowan’s natural aura, it was quite different. The aura of his master is somewhat similar.

The corners of his mouth grinned: "Thank you girl for caring, I'm fine!"

Gu Xiaowan admired this kind of woman, and she drew her sword to help.

This Zhao Zicong is also annoying tight!

Gu Xiaowan heard that Zuo had nothing to do, so she turned to look at Zhao Zicong.

"Young Master Zhao, this girl is also doing a good job. If she hadn't just reached out for help, I am afraid that there will be another dead soul under your horse's hoof! You are not afraid, those dead souls will find you in the middle of the night. A statement!"

Zhao Zicong was originally a timid and fearful. Hearing Gu Xiaowan said that the dead would go to trouble him in the middle of the night, he was surprised at first, and the whole person paused, showing a frightened look: "Lord, you don't scare me! "

Seeing his timid, rat-like appearance, Gu Xiaowan said without joking: "How could I lie to you? If someone has a good life in your hands, do you think you are still safe?"

Zhao Zicong is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he is a little in awe of strange power and chaos. Hearing Gu Xiaowan say this, his face suddenly turned pale, but because of the prestige of the Zhao family in Liujiazhen, and his own history How could Gu Xiaowan be frightened by what he did.

Suddenly yelled displeasedly: "Anping county lord, I, Zhao Zicong, have always been a fearless lord, what a dead soul, I never believe this!"

Gu Xiaowan saw his mouth stiff, but seeing his dodging eyes, she was afraid that she was already beating a drum in her heart.

Simply scare him again: "Young Master Zhao, you said that you are not afraid of heaven and earth. There are gods in your head and three feet above your head. If you walk a lot this night, you will always meet ghosts! You are not afraid now, it does not mean that you will not be afraid in the future. If there are too many dead souls on this body, you will walk night after this, but Hyakki Yexing will follow you! As long as you look back, the people you have hurt will follow you! "

Zhao Zicong is a dude, eating, drinking and having fun, spending time and drinking, and he will do whatever is bad.

But because the Zhao family didn't have the ability to reach the sky with hands and eyes, Zhao Zicong was also a timid, and would often do some harmless little things, but if he really wanted him to hurt people, he really didn't have the guts.

It's just that when Gu Xiaowan was scolded by a girl, she couldn't help herself.

I still remember Gu Xiaowan's current identity, but when people around him started to point to him, Zhao Zicong felt like a monkey and was fooled.

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