The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1075: Yuaner will have the best

"Hehe, Jianghuainan, I came in and didn't want to go out. Do you think that you are collaborating with the Liu family to sell private salt without anyone knowing it? Don't worry, you will be retributed one day!"

Chen Junsheng stared at the cannibalism, looked at Jianghuainan fiercely, and yelled: "You Jiang family, bullying others, my childhood sweethearts and Yuemei have no guesses, but you just want to separate us! And my mother, by you. He vomited blood and is still lying at home. If I don't come to you to settle the account, I am a man!"

Jiang Huainan did not understand what Chen Junsheng said after listening for a long time, but he knew that Chen Junsheng was a sharp blade that would slash him at any time. If he did not kill him, there would be endless troubles.

I don't know how much this Chen Junsheng has seen and how much he knows!

Anyway, it's really hard to keep him.

Jiang Huainan intended to let someone kill him, but who knew that he saw Madam Jiang come to him.

"Master, did you arrest Chen Junsheng?" Madam Jiang asked eagerly when they met.

Jiang Huainan is a little strange: "Madam knows this person so?"

"Hey, it's not my distant cousin's family who gave money to a family and bought a girl to fill the house. It was originally a matter of your love and my wish for you to give money to me. Who knows that the girl who sells the girl The stepmother, didn't tell the girl at all, she just robbed the girl when she gave the money, and the girl happened to be Chen Junsheng's childhood sweetheart."

"Wait, is there someone named Gao Gaoyuemei?"

Jiang Huainan immediately understood that the irrelevant words Chen Junsheng had just said to him had come.

"Isn't it!" Mrs. Jiang continued: "This Chen Junsheng is going to get the girl back, but my relative refused, so he beat him up and injured his old mother."

The more Jianghuai listened, the darker his face became.

There was nothing to do, but I didn't expect someone else's incident, but I provoke my own.

Jiang Huainan's expression was a bit ugly: "This person said he was here to collect evidence of our Jiang family selling illegal salt, and he wants to take us to court!"

"We did it so concealedly. He is a poor scholar, and even if he stepped on his shoes, he would not find our fault!" Madam Jiang said nonchalantly, "This person can't be killed, it's still useful!"

When Jiang Huainan heard this, the whole person became a little unhappy, blowing his beard and staring at his eyes: "A poor scholar is not good for the Jiang family, and keeping it is a curse!"

"Master, I heard that Chen Junsheng has an extraordinary relationship with the county lord of Anping!" Madam Jiang naturally has her own plan.

The county owner of Anping made the Jiang family suffer several times in a row. This time he finally caught an opportunity, how could he easily let it go!

"What do you mean, madam?"

"Negotiating terms with Chen Junsheng, we let Gao Yuemei go, he wants to do us a favor!"

"What's busy?"

"Get Gu Xiaowan's trust and help us get Gu Xiaowan!" Madam Jiang couldn't swallow that breath now. Who in Liujiazhen doesn't care about the Jiang family's face is this Gu Xiaowan, who doesn't buy in oil and salt, which is really disgusting!

"Madam, what else do you want to do!" Jiang Huainan said with some emotion when Madam Jiang wanted to make Gu Xiaowan's idea: "The county lord of Anping and our Jiang family have no grudges or grudges in the past. She doesn't want to talk to our Jiang Home, then just ignore it! We don’t need it either!"

"Why don't you need it!" Mrs. Jiang immediately became irritated: "A Liu Tianci said not to marry Yuan'er of my family, and an Anping county lord would not marry Yuaner of my family. My Yuaner is also a child of the rich family. Why? One or two good people look down on my Yuan'er. If this is arranged by someone, I don’t know how others arranged our Jiang family! People who didn’t even said that Jiang’s family has no skills and can’t find a good wife. Look for the kind that doesn't work on the table!"

Seeing Mrs. Jiang's words became more and more outrageous, but all these words came into his heart, Jiang Huainan's expression was also a little dull.

Yes, Jiang's family is a wealthy family, and it is also one of the best in the town, stomping and stomping, Liu Jiazhen is also shaking, why can't you find a good wife?

Gu Xintao, who was guarding at the gate of Jiang's house all day long, did not share the temperament and identity of Gu Xiaowan and Liu Tianci. People who did not really would say that Jiang's family was not good enough, and good girls would not choose Jiang's family!

How can this make the Jiang family get along!

"It's unreasonable, my Jiang family has a big business, what kind of daughter-in-law do I want!" Jiang Huai Nan's beard curled up in anger.

"But" Jiang Huainan agreed to Mrs. Jiang's words, but when he came, he hesitated: "What if Chen Junsheng doesn't cooperate with us at all? Or, after he cooperates with us, what should he do to betray us?"

"Master, the forces of the Jiang family, deal with a Chen Junsheng, he is not even an ant!" Madam Jiang said with cold eyes.

If Chen Junsheng can really help the Liu family get Gu Xiaowan, then Gao Yuemei will not only let go, but she will also give Chen Junsheng a large sum of money, which will be spent in two lifetimes, so that Chen Junsheng will take Gao Yuemei and his old mother. , Fly away, live the life of the rich, spend a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing, endless enjoyment, and endless use.

But if Chen Junsheng betrayed the Jiang family, he would see whether it was the old lady and that childhood sweetheart or Gu Xiaowan that were important in his mind!

When Gu Xiaowan was taking a nap at home, Chen Junsheng was led in by the stone.

Chen Jun would also go to Gu Yuan with Gao Yuemei in his life, and he had known Gu Yuan's family a lot.

Gu Xiaowan heard that he was coming, and got up quickly, and after getting dressed, she went outside. Seeing Chen Junsheng, I was surprised.

It's only been a few days since he hasn't seen each other, why is he so haggard and desolate like this!

The clothes on his body were dusty, as if he had fallen, and the stubble on his chin, I haven't shaved it for many days.

"Brother Chen, what are you?" When Gu Xiaowan was asking curiously, she saw Chen Junsheng plop and knelt down, frightening Gu Xiaowan.

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