The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1074: Chen Junsheng was arrested again

Hearing Liu Tianci saying that he would stay safe and keep himself safe, Liu Congran also understood what it meant, and couldn't help but embarrassed his daughter: "This little emperor really doesn't know what medicine he sells in the gourd! When you were in Liujiazhen, you said anxiously. I want to see you. After seeing you, I let you stay in the capital for a few months without saying anything. If you don’t see you, you will disappear! I don’t know what madness!"

Having said that, Liu Congran stared at Liu Tianci fiercely again, until Liu Tianci lowered his head, as if he hadn't heard anything, then he put away the warning in his heart!

"Tianci, Dad has always hoped that you will be well, our Liu family, now only you and Tianming are adults. You two are the future hope of our Liu family. Don't let your father down again!"

Liu Congran's words from the bottom of his heart moved Liu Tianci!

She thought that Liu Congran almost killed her at that time, indicating that she no longer trusted her.

She had done the big mistake of almost beheading the Liu family before, but Liu Congran even trusted her so much and placed the prosperity of the Liu family on her.

Liu Tianci felt it for the first time, Liu Congran's trust in her!

Liu Congran put her together with Liu Tianming and said, doesn't that also prove, did he admit his daughter?

I have never heard anyone say that the hope of the family should be pinned on a concubine!

Now, Liu Congran looks at herself as a prostitute!

Liu Tianci was flattered, squatted on his knees, and said: "Father, don't worry, I will give up this life, and I will definitely prosper the Liu family and the Liu family. Don't let you down!"

Seeing that Liu Tianci was so obedient, Liu Congran smiled triumphantly, stroked his beard, and said with satisfaction: "Okay! If you know your mistakes, you can correct me. I'm still Liu Congran's good daughter! You have this heart, so dad can rest assured Now! Your brother is a calm temper and an opinionated person. When he arrives in Liujia Town, he always consults with your brother, and he must listen to what he says!"

Liu Congran and Liu Tian had already negotiated in the morning, and this time they would go to Liujiazhen, one is to give the Jiang family a slap, and the other is to give the Jiang family a sweet date.

The Jiang family has been selling salt and private salt for so many years, and the whole family has prospered.

But no matter how prosperous it is, it cannot be better than the Liu family.

But now that through the incident of Liu Tianci, no matter how dissatisfied the Jiang family is, they can't drive Liu Tianci back to the capital. It would be too much to ignore the Liu family!

The purpose of Liu Tianming's visit this time was to re-establish the prestige of the Liu family.

I also want to tell the Jiang family that no matter how prosperous your Jiang family is, it can't compare to me as a Beijing official.

This time, the Liu family wanted to show the Jiang family a little bit of color, and let the Jiang family take a good look. The Liu family was not something you could offend.

After Liu Congran explained the words to Liu Tianci, Liu Tianmin took Liu Tianci and rode to Jiang's house in a carriage the next day.

Liu Congranxiu's letter was sent directly to Jiang's house in advance.

Jianghuainan is very busy during this time!

Jianghuainan built a warehouse for storing private salt in Ruixian's jurisdiction. I don't know why. Recently, some people have been inexplicably added. They wandered around the warehouse all day long without any problems. I don't know what they are doing!

He was frightened!

In the past, the Jiang family was in serious business. Although some of them stepped on the court’s sidelines to do things, they wouldn’t do it too exaggeratedly, but the grandson would spend some money on it, and they could be confused anyway!

But this time, the salt business cannot be deceived anyway!

The imperial court caught it so tightly. Needless to say, a fifth-rank Liu Congran, even if ten more fifth-rank Liu Congran came, if the emperor discovered this illegal salt sale, ten Liu Congran would not be able to save him. !

The Jiang family also panic!

Especially when Liu Tianci said that he didn't like Jiang Yuan and wanted to be the empress of the palace, the fear was even worse!

If Liu Tianci really chooses to be next to the emperor, he will be in love for a long time, if one day he accidentally misses his mouth and stabbed the Jiang family.

There was a girl in the Liu family who worked as a maiden in the palace. Maybe she asked for mercy, and this matter would have passed, but when the time comes, the Jiang family will not be so happy!

Jiang Huainan has been very busy recently, and wants to stop the business of selling illegal salt for a period of time. After this dangerous period has passed, he will come back secretly.

However, things backfired. While inspecting the warehouse, he saw a familiar person again!

Chen Junsheng!

Chen Junsheng was on the edge of the warehouse, sneakingly wondering what he was looking at!

Jianghuainan was shocked!

People who are afraid will jump up!

This Chen Junsheng had already been arrested last time, but because he didn't ask anything, he let him go.

However, this time this person reappeared not far from the warehouse again, what exactly was he going to do!

Jianghuainan is now about to become a frightened bird.

For anyone who may be disadvantageous to him, Jianghuainan must eradicate it!

This Chen Junsheng had read a lot of books. He was a poor scholar, and he was afraid that he would not be able to subdue him all at once.

Moreover, through the last time, it is not difficult to see that this person is a guy who doesn't eat hard and soft!

Jianghuainan had no other way, and directly let people tie up Chen Junsheng.

Chen Junsheng has been looking for evidence of Jiang's crimes, and it is not the second time that he has come to the warehouse that he discovered.

Jiang Huainan directly ordered Chen Junsheng to be arrested.

Chen Junsheng did not resist, on the contrary, he was very cooperative.

"Chen Junsheng, what are you doing here again!" Jiang Huainan asked angrily.

"Jianghuainan, you are selling private salt behind your back. I'm here to collect your evidence and send you to court!" Unexpectedly, this time Chen Junsheng would say anything.

Sure enough, after Jiang Huainan heard this, the whole person's face changed: "Chen Junsheng, don't be silly! I caught it, do you think you can go out alive?"

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