The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1073: Do what you should do

It was precisely because of this incident that she suddenly understood that she was a dispensable concubine to the Liu family, and no matter how she was raised in the name of the eldest lady, she was still a concubine!

Suddenly, she missed the birth mother of the actor who had a future for herself.

If nothing like that happened back then, she would still be the concubine, the concubine who had ambitions but suffered nowhere!

However, even if you were a concubine, you would marry a poor scholar, it would be better than being treated like a chess piece if you are half-dead.

Liu Tianci was recovering from his injuries in the room every day. Liu Congran had never seen him, until Liu Tianci was able to walk on the ground, and the injuries on his body were all healed, only to see that Liu Congran had come.

Liu Tianci hurriedly stepped forward to greet Liu Congran, respectfully, even his voice trembled: "Father, you are here!"

"Yeah!" Liu Congran glared displeasedly. This daughter, who now looks at herself trembling, said displeasedly: "Are you in good health?"

There seems to be some concern!

Liu Tianci did not expect that Liu Congran would often ask about his physical condition, a little surprised, a little surprised!

"If you go back to Dad, you are almost done! Thank you Dad for your concern!" Liu Tianci quickly thanked!

"Don't thank me. If it weren't for your elder brother, you must have died by my sword now." Liu Congran said as if he was not facing his only daughter at this moment, but like facing himself. The enemy in general.

"Yes, I also want to thank Big Brother, if it weren't for Big Brother, I would have turned into a loess!" Liu Tian hurriedly went to thank Big Brother Liu Tianming.

Liu Congran glared at him, and said, "If you could really think so. Tianci." After speaking, the conversation changed, where there was the indifference and sharpness just now, and he became gentle and kind: "Tianci, Liu family It's your home, you can't do things that I'm sorry for the Liu family! Your brother has encountered a lot of trouble in his official career now, and now is the time for you to repay your brother!"

When he heard that he could still do something for the Liu family, Liu Tianci was a little excited: "Father, you, do you still believe me?"

"I don't believe who else to believe!" Liu Congran said in an angry voice: "I beat you and scolded you last time, just to make you remember. The Liu family is your family. If you don't think about the Liu family, who will be the Liu family? Consider? Do you really hope that the Liu family will one day die, and you can still sit here in front of your eldest lady?"

Liu Congran's words were like a sap hitting Liu Tianci's body!

During the period when Liu Tianci was recovering from his injuries, he could think clearly.

The richness, clothing, and food that I have now is all given by the Liu family. If the Liu family is gone, her name, Miss Liu's name, must be gone, let alone this name, maybe even her life will be lost.

Liu Tianci nodded hurriedly, and said firmly: "Thank you, father! What my father taught is that my daughter will definitely change her mind in the future and will never do anything to insult the Liu family! He will definitely follow the eldest brother to revitalize and prosper the Liu family! "

This is what Liu Congran has always loved to hear!

It's like raising a child. Who doesn't want to hear everyone say that their children are good? Who doesn't want their children to grow up to be promising, to be high-ranking officials, to make a lot of money, to be famous and to have status!

The Liu family is like a child managed by Liu Congran. That is his life and his blood! Liu family, he hopes to get better and better and more prosperous, even if he pays the price of blood, as long as the Liu family is good, he will not hesitate!

Liu Tianci is just a stepping stone to the Liu family.

"In a few days, when your health is better, you will follow your eldest brother and go to Jiang's house again!" Liu Congran saw Liu Tianci cooperate with him so much, and his face also showed a faint smile of kindness.

Liu Tianci's expression immediately changed when she heard that she was going to Jiang's house. She just wanted to refuse. When she met Liu Congran's ferocious gaze, she swallowed all of her own words. Dad, I will go to Jiang's house with my eldest brother, what do you do!"

"The Jiang family has always hoped to marry you who used to be the Jiang family's daughter-in-law, which can also be considered to consolidate the relationship between the Jiang family and the Liu family. You made such a big mistake a few days ago. The Jiang family has always treated you well. You should also express , Can’t be self-willed, Jiang family, it’s not our Liu family that can offend!" Liu Congran looked at this Liu Tianci, who has not understood until now, and it was a headache!

He didn't want Liu Tianci to know too much about the Jiang family and the Liu family, but even if he didn't, he should know the importance of the Jiang family to the Liu family!

So ignorant of the general situation, where is she like a lady from a big family!

It's really like her actor mother, a soft character who can't be supported by mud!

Liu Congran didn't say the latter sentence!

He still coaxes Liu Tianci now!

The Jiang family is still waiting for the Liu family to express their views!

He can't help but give the Jiang family a reassurance!

And this reassurance pill is Liu Tianci!

When Liu Tianci heard that he would return to Jiang's house, her heart felt cold. She knew what Liu Congran meant!

When I went to Jiang's house twice, Liu Congran told her very clearly!

To coax the Jiang family, to coax Jiang Yuan, maybe Jiang Yuan is her future husband-in-law!

Why did it say that it was impossible before?

Because there is still an emperor there, if the emperor takes a fancy to him, should he be a concubine?

However, the emperor hasn't heard from him until now. Now, she has no thoughts and can only marry Jiang Yuan, who she looks disgusting!

In the capital, I have seen the aristocratic prince who is handsome and handsome, gentle and moist as jade, and where can I see Shang Jiangyuan's short and fat five-short figure!

But now, Liu Tianci understands that if she doesn't want to die, the only way she can face her is to marry Jiang Yuan!

Maybe, marrying Jiang Yuan, there will be a different way!

This time, Liu Tianci really agreed without even thinking about it. He knelt down deeply and said in earnest: "Father, don't worry, this time my daughter will stand by herself and never let you down!"

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