The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1084: Jiang Yuan's wedding

As long as you stomped your feet in Liujia Town, which lady in Liujia Town did not get on the pole and went to court to please?

Gu Xintao used to dream about it before, but now she is pushed by another person!

It's the person she hates and hates most in her life!

"Come on, drag this woman down for me!"

Gu Xintao saw Jiang Yuan's figure, her eyebrows finally looked bright, without even thinking about it, she stepped forward to meet her, and suddenly, a cold voice came from behind: "Dare to make trouble on the day of the son's big joy, you I don't want to live anymore!"

That voice was so familiar, it was the mother Leng next to Madam Jiang.

Sure enough, before Gu Xintao took a step, she was stopped by the maid and the young servant who came from behind.

"Jiang Wuwu" Gu Xintao was caught and wanted to struggle and shout.

He was dragged down and covered his mouth!

The people around watched. No one came forward to relieve the gang. Sun watched Gu Xintao disappear into the crowd in a blink of an eye and was dragged behind.

Sun clan cared about his manners, and yelled: "Don't move my daughter!" He hurriedly followed the group of people all the way to chase after him!

Jiang Yuan's journey to marry Liu Tianci went smoothly, and when he entered Jiang Mansion, he was directly in worship.

With the last sing of "Husband and Wife Worship, Send into the Bridal Chamber", I heard the rush of horseshoes coming from outside, very loud!

And the sound of uniform footsteps!

There are so many people here!

There was still joy and peace inside, and I saw the exclamation of the crowd outside: "Why are so many officers and soldiers here!"

Jiang Huainan was completely excited, and he did not hear the disharmonious sound that suddenly came from outside.

They were still chatting with those who congratulated them, and at this moment, the little boy guarding the door ran in with fear, and yelled in panic: "The old lady is fine."

Jiang Huainan was originally excited. Seeing that the little boy was not in good shape, he couldn't tell the day of the rejoicing, and his face immediately turned black: "What is it like to panic!"

"Master, a lot of officers and soldiers came outside, and they surrounded the entire Jiang family!" The young man said in a panic.

After Jiang Huainan heard this, he was shocked and turned to look at Liu Tianming.

I saw Liu Tianming, who heard the noise here, also turned his head, looking out the door with an unbelievable expression, panicking, not like a fake.

Before Jianghuainan sent someone out to see what happened, they saw people outside shouting: "Jianghuainan, go out to take orders!"


What purpose?

Jiang Huainan's heart jumped, dare not to delay for a moment, and immediately ran out with Madam Jiang.

When I got outside, I saw a man on the tall horse, who was surrounded by heavily armed officers and soldiers, dressed in military uniform, riding a war horse, majestic and majestic, looking at Jianghuainan with a fierce face.

Jiang Huainan was startled, and he felt his whole body tremble. Under the tremendous pressure, he knelt down directly: "Caomin Jiang Huainan took the order!"

The man glared at Jiang Huainan, then opened the imperial edict and read it out.

Jianghuainan didn't hear anything, only understood that the Jiang family was going to be ransacked, all people would be put in prison, and all money would be confiscated!

He also said he sold illegal salt!

"My lord, I'm wronged, I'm wronged, I didn't sell illegal salt, I didn't sell illegal salt, this was fabricated by others, all fabricated!" Jiang Huainan suddenly thought of Qin Yizhi, without even thinking about it. Roared: "Others are hurting me, others are hurting me!"

The officer and soldier sitting on the high-headed horse heard Jiang Huainan say that someone framed him, his face showed a meaningful smile, and said ironically: "Jiang Huainan, you say that others have harmed you, and who are you talking about? Well? Why don’t you go back to your house and ask your newly married daughter-in-law, is this someone someone else or your own?"

After hearing what the official said, Jianghuainan was immediately stunned: "What did you say?"

The fierce official sitting on the tall horse had a cold face without the slightest expression, not as if he was joking.

Suddenly, he was stunned, and when Liu Tianming heard this, his whole body was paralyzed on the ground with a look of horror.

Hasn't the letter been taken back?

how is this possible?

How could he know that it was Liu Tianci's secret?

Not impossible, impossible!

The official looked at Jianghuainan with an unbelievable look, and pointed at Liu Tianming behind Jianghuainan with a smile and said: "Jianghuainan, if you don't understand, I will let you die clearly! I kindly remind you. Now, ask the new eldest brother-in-law behind you, ask him who told the government where your Jiang family’s private salt is stored, and then ask him, who are you about the Jiang family’s selling of private salt. Shaking it out? When you ask, the officers and soldiers behind me also let you die, clearly and plainly!"

As soon as Jiang Huainan heard this, he turned and looked back, and saw Liu Tianming slumped on the ground with a look of error and panic, "What the **** is going on here?"

Jiang Huainan pointed to Liu Tianming and asked, "Tianming, what is going on? What is going on!"

Liu Tianming squeaked, unable to speak: "I, I, I don't know either!"

"Don't you know? How can the government know where my private salt is? It's not what you said, but who said it?" Jianghuainan immediately saw Liu Tianming's squeaky look. He yelled, "What is going on? How could the government find here?"

Liu Tianming looked at that Jianghuainan was about to lose his mind, knowing that this time, the Jiang family could no longer hide.

The court has made an order to ransack the house!

The people around were far away at this moment, and knelt on the ground without saying a word, only seeing the black heads.

Jiang family, it's over!

Liu Tianming suddenly felt a panic, and the Jiang family could no longer survive.

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