The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1092: Ning Ping hit someone

Ahmad took everyone all the way to Ruixian.

Gu Ningping and Gu Xiaoyi knew that they were going to Ruixian to play for several days, but they couldn't sleep with excitement since last night.

When I went back to Ruixian, I took it with Brother Chengze years ago!

The memory in this mind has long been blurred!

They rushed around in the house, asking about the unevenness of this item from time to time, and from time to time curiously asking what is so interesting about Ruixian!

Among them, the only ones who have been to Ruixian are Shishi and Ahmad, but every time they go back, they just go to work, and there is really no time to hang out!

Everyone didn’t know what was fun in Ruixian, so I let it go, but I still couldn’t sleep excitedly. Later, when I saw that it was not early, I felt a trace of sleepiness. This was helpless. After the room, I slept for a long time.

At this moment, in the bumps of the carriage, the two of them couldn't handle it, and when they closed their eyes, they took a rest.

When she woke up, she was awakened by Gu Xiaowan's laughter.

"Two little slackers, don't get up soon." Gu Ningping and Gu Xiaoyi heard Gu Xiaowan's voice. Then he opened his eyes and saw his sister's smiling face. Then they knew that they had arrived in Ruixian. The two of them didn't even think about it. She got up and threw directly into Gu Xiaowan’s arms, calling "Sister Sister" affectionately

Gu Fangxi was standing next to the carriage at the moment. He also saw the agile energy when they walked out just now. He pretended to be jealous and said: "Just now on the carriage, I couldn't wake up no matter what I called. Hearing that my sister is coming, you two woke up, two little bastards, you really don't give face to my aunt."

Gu Fangxi's words made everyone laugh again.

"Why didn't Xiao Yi give my aunt's face? My aunt's face is the most valuable. I listen to my sister, and my sister has to listen to my aunt! It's been a long time since I saw my sister. I was excited when I heard my sister's voice. That's it!" Gu Xiaoyi's voice was crisp and soft, and the hearts of the listeners were melted!

Seeing Gu Xiaoyi's exquisite appearance made Gu Xiaowan happy again.

This little guy really doesn't know who he is like, his mouth is like honey, who listens to who likes it!

Gu Ningan was admitted as a talent, and his thoughts fell halfway. Now all the big guys have come to Ruixian to play for a few days. This is in a previous life, but it's tourism!

This is a good thing that I didn't even dare to think about before. How could Gu Xiaowan be unhappy? Gu Ningping jumped out of the carriage and hugged Gu Xiaoyi in one hand.

Qin Yizhi naturally took Gu Xiaowan's hand and went inside Jinfu Tower.

Gu Ningna stood behind and saw her sister's hand and Qin Yizhi's hand being held together affectionately. He didn't know why, he suddenly thought of Xu Chengze.

Reluctantly, I can only shake my head, shake the thoughts in my mind, and follow everyone into it.

The top position of Jinfu Building has been cleared, and there are just a few rooms left.

After settled down, it was almost dark.

After everyone had dinner, Gu Xiaowan took everyone to the market and walked away.

Uncle Zhang didn't go out because of inconvenience, and Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi didn't go out either. They said that they just took a rest in the room. Today, after sitting in the carriage for a day, I felt a little tired.

Finally, the people who went out to play were the four children of the Gu family, Qin Yizhi, Ahmad and Shishi.

Although it is night now, there are still many people on this street, which is very lively.

Gu Ningping slept all the way when he came, and he was also a little excited at the moment.

At this moment, I have been trotting in front, and from time to time I looked back and waved to Gu Xiaowan and the others. Gu Xiaowan was frightened to see him, for fear that Gu Ningping would accidentally run into a pedestrian.

But really, Gu Ningping really accidentally bumped into someone!

I only heard Gu Ningping beckoning back and exclaiming excitedly: "Sister, come soon!"

Then she turned her head and bumped into a girl, who knocked directly and sat on the ground.

A person next to him who looked like a maid immediately grabbed Gu Ningping's clothes and said, "What are you doing? Why don't you look at the road when you walk?"

Gu Ningping knew that it was his fault that he had hit someone. When he saw the little girl sitting on the ground with her hands on her face, she was crying, knowing that she had caused a serious disaster this time.

I ran into a little girl, but my nose hurts when I want to come here!

Gu Ningping knew that he was wrong. He was embarrassed, so he didn't care about the reprimand of the maid next to him. He squatted down quickly and apologized to the little girl: "Girl, I'm really sorry. ,It is my fault."

Gu Ningping apologized in a hurry, and looked at the girl carefully, but it was a pity that the girl kept covering her face, thinking about it, she accidentally knocked on her body just now, and it hurt her face.

Gu Ningping was very embarrassed, and he kept saying sorry, "Girl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The little girl was crying, covering her face. She was really stunned, and she never answered Gu Ningping's words.

Gu Ningping knew it was his fault and kept apologizing and apologizing. Fortunately, the maid had nothing to do with Gu Ningping except for the reprimand just now!

Just carefully asked the girl where it hurts!

Seeing that Gu Ningping really hit someone, Gu Xiaowan ran up quickly.

From the outside, the costumes of these two men do not look like ordinary people. Moreover, this maid is also a well-educated person. The words just reprimanding Gu Ningping are also polite!

"Girl, where did you hurt, do you want to go to the hospital?" Gu Xiaowan saw that Gu Ningping was busy apologizing, not saying anything, she couldn't help but asked nervously.

The person in the maid costume next to him saw a group of people, and judging from their outfits, they didn't look like ordinary people, and they couldn't help but frowned.

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